again and again ((yandere x r...

By LTMayx

98.7K 5.5K 3.5K

(m.yandere x f. reader) (complete) Groundhog Day from hell was the only way she could describe it. Surely the... More

0- introduction
I- day one
II- repeat
III- fuck this shit
IV- actress
V- the middle
VI- inevitable
VII- different approach
VIII- oh shit
IX- tag along
XI- your world
XII- not working
XIII- the return
XIV- friendly
XV- back again
XVI- take two
XVII- bad idea
XVIII- high school
XIX- the roof
XX- finale
thank you!!

X- interdimensional

4.1K 250 80
By LTMayx

"Oh my god..." Shock was painted over Harlow's features as they materialised outside the door.

(Y/n) calmly shut the door and pointed to the large one at the end of the dark hallway.

"That's the middle." She stated. "I need you to come back to my dimension and help me not get kidnapped.

"Why do I have to do that?" He whined.

"If you don't I'll just stay in your dimension and you'll never see your little angel again." (Y/n) said scornfully.

Harlow seemed to clench his jaw. "So where is she? Is she with Seth??"

"I don't think so... if I had to guess then I'd say her existence is probably in a place divorced from space and time." (Y/n) said vaguely, in all honesty she had no idea. "Help me out and then you can live with her forever."

(Y/n) felt a little bad about throwing this other version of herself under the bus. He'd said something about 'escape attempts' and that made (Y/n) think that she was in a similar situation in both dimensions.

"You said that you'd gone back in time to try and stop Seth from getting to you, right?" Harlow asked, still in awe, he started to wander down the hallway.

"Uh, yeah, but he found me anyway."

"What makes you think that I could stop that from happening again?" He opened and looked into some of the doors around them.

(Y/n) shrugged. "I'm just trying to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks."

Harlow snickered a bit. "Fair enough." He peeked into yet another door and leaned closer.

"Hey, be careful you might fall in like I did." She warned.

(Y/n) was beginning to get pretty irritated with Harlow looking in all the doors, he was going to fuck this up.

"Hey, let's go to the middle, stop looking around." She said sternly.

Harlow was completely enamoured with looking at his angel's memories.

"Are you even listening to me?" (Y/n) grumbled.

It was hard for Harlow to disregard her like this, she sounded and looked just like his angel but he had to remind himself that this was a different (Y/n) (L/n). This one wasn't as gentle or caring as his darling angel.

"What are you doing, ya' crazy?" She yelled and ran up to him as he stared into one of the doors.

"If I go back then I can get to her quicker, I-I can stop Victor and Yvonne... I won't have to face all the torture he put me through." It was clear that Harlow was talking to himself and had forgotten about (Y/n) standing right next to him.

'What the fuck is he on about??'

"Look, I don't really know what you're talking about but-"

"I can't help you! Just let me go back in time and fuck off to your own universe!" He shouted at her.

"Harley!!" (Y/n) grabbed onto his wrist to try and drag him away.

"Harlow!" He corrected. "How have you already forgotten??"

"Ugh! Are you made of bricks?" (Y/n) tried to pull him away but only strained herself.

"You should worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself." He shoved her away, lightly enough that she wouldn't get hurt but harshly enough to send (Y/n) a good distance away from him.

"If you go in there, I will follow you and drag your ass back here myself!" (Y/n) screeched as Haelow stepped closer to the door.

He smirked at her. "Bet."

Harlow stepped inside.

'God fucking damnit!!!'

(Y/n) scrambled over to look at the scene and scowled.

'I'm gonna wring this fucker's neck.'

(Y/n) blinked and there she was. She was in a fancy house again but it was different from Harlow's.

She then realised that she seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with a young woman ahead of her.

"You okay, (Y/n)? You kinda blanked on me there." She asked in concern.

"I just had a total reset, remind me of your name and where we are right now." (Y/n) looked around herself frantically, trying to see if Harlow was around.

"Um... I'm Penelope and we're at my house...?"

"Is Harlow here?" (Y/n) ventured.

Penelope looked severely puzzled. "Why would Harlow be here?"

(Y/n) huffed, they must have not been married yet. She felt a phone in her pocket, the clothes she was wearing were much nicer than what she wore in her own universe.

(Y/n) took the phone out and looked in the front camera. She looked a little younger than she had been with Harlow so he must have taken them back several years.

She used her thumbprint to unlock the phone and went to her text messages to try and see if she'd even met Harlow at this point.

Luckily, she saw a conversation between her and a contact labelled 'Harlow Pickens'.

She read over it and saw that they normally met at a place called the Hummingbird Café.

(Y/n) sent him an inconspicuous message asking him to meet her there.

"I need to go get some coffee." (Y/n) said awkwardly.

A smirk went to Penelope's face. "Oh, is this about your waitress friend?" She bounced her eyebrows.

"Um.... sure." (Y/n) didn't want to react too heavily one way or the other so as not to mess everything up.

"Don't flirt too much, okay?" Penelope said playfully. "You'll upset Victor."

(Y/n) nodded and turned away. She needed to get to this dumb cafe and deal with Harlow.

'I'm gonna kill that asshole.' She thought so loudly that her distaste translated into her facial expression.

"(Y/n), I didn't know you were here?" A masculine voice sounded from the doorway of another room.

(Y/n) turned to the source and narrowed her eyes. She brushed aside the confusion that Penelope had said Harlow wasn't here when he was clearly standing right in front of her.

Harlow hadn't seemed to have got his piercings yet and his hair was far less unruly at this point in time.

"You fucking dick." She growled at him.

The smile on Harlow's face fell away. "...what are you talking about?"

"We're going back to the middle and you're coming with me, Harlow!" (Y/n) demanded.

"(Y/n), it's me, it's Victor." He said nervously, never having seen (Y/n) like this. "Why would you think I was Harlow?"

(Y/n) widened her eyes, Harlow had mentioned something about a Victor. They must have been twins. "He's....I need to meet him."

"I think you spend all too much time with that guy, I've said it more than once and I'll say it again- I don't trust him."

She scoffed.

"Yeah, me neither."

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