LOTR - The Fellow Ship (fan f...

By Demon-Riot

5.8K 107 14

5 years ago Ariel was kidnapper by orc's on her way to Rivendell. Saruman had her beaten and torchered, tryin... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter One

706 17 2
By Demon-Riot

Ariel's POV

Ariel moans as she starts to wake up, feeling the pain through out her entire body.

"Where am I?" She mumble and she struggled to a sitting position.

She looked around only to see she was lying in the middle of a dirt road in a forest. She had no clue where she was or how she got there. But one thing was certain, she was finally out of that hell hole and she needed to find one of the only people she new she could trust... Gandalf.

She slowly got to her feet and looked down at herself. She was still naked and could see all the scares bruises and dress lacerations covering her body. Ariel started shaking, remembering some of the horrific torture she had endured at the hands of Saruman. She couldn't believe her had betrayed them. Ariel heard the sounds of hooves and the crunching of sounds of wheels on a wagon. She panicked and quickly stumbled towards a bush close to the side of the dirt road.

The wagon came into view and Ariel could see the only one person. A little old lady. Ariel continued to shake and the pain was getting worse, becoming unbearable. She had one choice, if she didn't act know she was sure she would pass out and possible die from her wounds. Ariel tried to take a deep breath only to start coughing uncontrollably. She stumbled out of the bush collapsing just a few steps in front of the house. Ariel couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She could feel herself starting to faint. She heard the wagon stop and the sounds of footsteps near right before everything completely faded away.


Ariel startled awake, her wounds throbbing at the sudden movement. She hissed from the pain when a voice called out to her, "careful sweetheart or you'll reopen your wounds" said the old lady softly. Ariel looked at her in shock. The little old lady gently helped her to lay back down. "My names Maggie, you stumbled out in front of my horse and passed out. You gave me a fright with all these wounds. I've done my best to treat them all but I was a bit limited in what I could do. I know it's none of my business but what happened to you love?" Maggie said seeing the startled look on Ariel's face. "I'm sorry Maggie, there's not a lot I can tell you without putting you in danger. You've shown me great kindness helping a stranger like this. I will never be able to express just how great full I truely am but I need to be going. There's someone I have to find and it can't wait" said Ariel as she tried to push herself back up but struggled before being pushed back down by Maggie. "Your not going anywhere right now. It's night and you need rest. Those wound will be the death of you if you going running off in the night right now. For now rest and the morning you can continue on your way much to my displeasure" said Maggie as she pulled a blanket over Ariel before turning back to a small fire that was keeping the pair warm.


The sun came up shining bright on the pair. Ariel was the first to wake. Looking to the side she saw the elderly women was still fast asleep. Ariel noticed some folded cloths beside her that Maggie must of placed there last night. She dressed with great difficulty because of her wounds then looked around to see they were on the side of the dirt road she first woke up on. Ariel looked at Maggie one last time before setting off down the road. She knew there was no time to waste, she must worn Gandalf before it's to late.


Ariel stumble down the road trying to ignore the pain she was in or the hungry she felt. She heard the sound or branches breaking and something rolling down the hill beside the dirt road. Just as she looked up bodies came tumbling down onto her. She cried out in pain. The bodies on top of her quickly got off apologising all at the same time. She looked up to see 4 small boys starring at her. One of the boys held out a hand to help her up. She struggle to stand even with his help. When she was finally steady on her feet she looked at the boys again only to noticed they weren't boys at all, but 4 young hobbits stood before her. "Are you ok my lady?" Said one of the hobbits with dark curly hair. Ariel smiled softly to the hobbit "yes I think so, just kinda surprised me to have 4 hobbits all of a sudden fall on top of me". The dark haired hobbit watch the 3 other hobbits run off to some mushrooms by the side of the road, when he looked back at Ariel he saw she was bleeding "oh no miss your bleeding". Ariel looked to were the hobbit was looking to see one of her wounds bleeding through her cloths. Before she could answer a strong cold breeze past by the 2 causing them to shudder.

The dark haired hobbit seemed alarmed then looked down the road. "I think we should get off the road" he said looking over at the other 3 hobbits who didn't seem to hear him. He looked up at Ariel right as a shriek came from the fog beginning to build at the end of the road. They all quickly ran to the side of the road were a large tree was hollowed out at the side. They curled up together being as quiet as possible as they heard the sound of hooves coming to a stop right above there hiding place.

Ariel could feel the terror rising, she could sense the evil hovering above them. Flashes of memory pass through her mind. She forced her eyes open before the memories could overwhelm her. She looked to the side to see the dark haired hobbit holding a ring...not just any ring. The ring, the evil was calling out echoing in her head. She grabbed the hobbits hand before he could slip the ring on. He looked at her shocked. She was terrified, she didn't know what to do when one of the other hobbits threw a back away from there hiding place. The presence about them followed the sound giving them a chance to make a run for it.

They ran deeper into the forest. The pain in Ariel's body was returning, she could hardly breath and struggled to keep up. The dark haired hobbit noticed she was falling behind so he grabbed her hand pulling her along.

They finally stop, all trying to catch there breath. Ariel double over, they pain almost unbearable. The dark hair hobbit went to ask her is she was ok when he was interrupted by the largest of the hobbits tackling them both to the ground. They held there breath as the watch a dark cloaked rider on top of the hill turn away and ride out of sight. The taller of the light haired hobbits spoke up "what was that?", but before anyone could answer they heard the shriek again and they all took off running again.

They kept running even as it grew dark, they all stopped and stumbled into the tree's. The taller light haired hobbit asked the group "anything?", they dark haired hobbit replied "no". The smallest of hall the hobbits walked towards her and the dark haired hobbit asking "what is going on?". The taller light haired hobbit interrupted "that black rider was looking for something... or someone .. Frodo?" Before the dark haired hobbit she now know is named Frodo can answer she sees the dark rider atop a hill. She grabs the. And pulls them to the ground shushing the group.

The black rider rode off out of sight when Frodo says he has to leave the shire and get to brew. Ariel looks toward the hobbits as one of them says "right... buckle berry ferry, follow me" the hobbits all jumped up but Ariel struggled to get back into her feet when she felt a hand grab her's. She looked up and saw Frodo giving him a small smile.

They all began sprint towards the ferry when the black rider appeared out of no where with a screech. They all scurried in different directions to get around the rider continuing to run for the ferry. The rider caught up and got between Frodo and the rest of the group. The other 3 hobbits got on the ferry pushing it off. Ariel saw a rock by her feet and pegged it at the riders head momentarily distracting the rider giving Frodo enough time to slip by. She quickly stepped onto the raft as they pushed off. She watched as Frodo ran as fast as he could and jumped onto the raft knocking her down.

Frodo sat up getting off her as she hiss in pain. "He looked at her worried "you're hurt aren't you?" She nodded but then said "I am but not from you guys. I was already injured so don't worry to much. Right now we need to focus. How far till we get to the stop we need?" She turned to the other hobbits. They all sat down when one said "not far, about 2o miles. By they way who are you?" Ariel laughed "you know it's rude to ask someone there name without first introducing yourself. I'm Ariel. Can anyone explain what's going on?" She looked to Frodo mostly since she knew exactly what he was carrying which worried her the most. "The smallest one answered "my names pippin, this here is merry and that's Sam and Frodo" Ariel gives them all a small smile still struggling with the pain she is in. She notices Frodo give Sam an odd look. "I can't say much but I need to get to the prancing pony in brew to meet a friend of ours who is going to help us" Frodo says while scooting closer to her to try and give her something to lean on noticing she's shaking and breathing much heavier then the rest. "Your friend doesn't happen to be an old grey wizard by the name of Gandalf by any chance?" She asks as she leans against him. The pain is getting worse and she's starting to wonder if she has opened more of her wounds. "Your a friend of Gandalf? Just hold on a little longer, he'll be able to help you once we get there" he said being even more positive she's in worse condition then she's letting on from the blood sealing through her cloths and her sweaty face become whiter by the sec. "yeah I am, he practically raised me when I was young, I desperately need to find him" she said as she could feel her self getting worse. She just hopped she could hold on long enough to warn Gandalf before it's to late.


The hobbits and Ariel stand in the bush across from the large wooden door. The coast looks clear so they decide it's time to rush to the door to get inside. Sam and merry have to help keep Ariel up right as she's struggles more then before to stay on her feet. Frodo stands in front and knocks on the door. And elderly man answers and questions us. Frodo is beginning to panic and answers him rather sternly "our business is our own!" The poor elderly man opens the gate apologising, not meaning to be nosey.

They finally walk through the door of the prancing pony, Ariel tries to make it look like she's not leaning to much on the boys not wanting to alarm the in keep. Frodo gets The in keeps attention who offers them some rooms with hobbit sized beds then tries asking for Frodo's name. He remembers Gandalf words so instead calls himself Underhill. Ariel is struggling to pay attention when she hears Frodo ask about Gandalf. The in keep reply's to Frodo "Gandalf?..Gandalf... ohh yes I remember.. elderly chap.. I haven't seen him around in probably 6 months" Frodo and Sam look at each other worried he isn't hear.

They decide to wait for him and take a seat knowing Ariel was struggling to stay up right. She leans heavily onto the table while the boys get food and drink. Sam noticed a man with his hood up covering his face and smoking a pip stearin right at Frodo. Merry sits down with a large beer shocking pippin who decides he wants one as well and leaves to the bar. Sam whispers to Frodo "that fellow has done nothing but stair at you since we arrived" Frodo looks over at the creepy man. He asks someone walking by and finds out they call him strider and that he's a rangers. Frodo looks back over trying not to look worried. He looks beside him at Ariel. "Ariel are you ok? You're getting worse. We need to find someone to treat your injuries" Frodo asks as she hangs her head struggling to stay awake.

Before she can answer him they hear a commotion over at the bar and hear pippin say Frodo's name. Ariel watch's Frodo rush over to try and stop him only to be push and fall to the ground. The ring slipped from his pocket flying through the air. Frodo tries to catch it only for it to slip on his finger and he disappeared.

Ariel stands up with Sam and shacking legs stumbles over to grab merry and pippin. Sam says he saw strider dragging Frodo up the stairs so the follow after. Merry and pippin arm them selfs while Sam kicks the door open and rushes in only to be pulled back by Ariel before he runs into a sword.

Strider lowers his sword telling Sam he's got heart but won't do much good against the things that are hunting them. Frodo rush's to Ariel as she sways helping her stay straight. Strider looks at them concerned but rush's them from the room to a safer location.


Strider sits at the window watching there old room. Ariel is in a seat near Frodo keeping watch even though she's hardly holding herself together. Strider looks over at her and is about to speak when a screech is hear coming from the old room. The boys all sit up frightened. Ariel puts her hand on Frodo's should trying to calm him down as they listen to the creatures rip apart the room. Frodo hold's Ariel's shaking hand and ask's strider" what are they?" Strider replies "they were once men, great kings of men. Then Sauron the decider gave them rings of power. But ruled by there green they took them without question and one by one they fell into darkness becoming the nazgul. Ring wraith's, neither living nor dead. They are drawn to the ring and they will not stop hunting you until the get it to return it to there master". Ariel shudders at the name bringing her great fear.

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