The Assassin Of The Modern Er...

By otaku_love_anime

514K 18.8K 12.8K

In this story is about a modern world scariest assassin reader who had crossed time to an anime world. World... More

Chapter 1: Crossed time?
Chapter 2: My new life
Chapter 3: Yuan arrival
Chapter 4: Game
Chapter 5: Blood
Chapter 6: Marechi
Chapter 8: The past to future
Chapter 9: Final Selection
Chapter 10: Survival
Chapter 11: Breath Techniques
Chapter 12: Mission
Chapter 13: Creature of the Dark
Chapter 14: Battle
Chapter 15: Battle II
Chapter 16: New encounter
Chapter 17: Part of the past
Chapter 18: The Kamaboko's
Chapter 19: A joined mission
Chapter 20: The Shinazugawa's
Chapter 21: A village for travellers pt.1
Chapter 22: A Village For Travellers pt.2
Chapter 23: The Upper moon 2
Chapter 24: New found Threat
Chapter 25: Demon Slayer Corp.
Chapter 26: New Pillar??
Chapter 27: Meeting the Mist pillar
Chapter 28: Fire & Stone pt.1
Chapter 29: Fire & Stone pt.2

Chapter 7: Reborn Of The Crimson Blood Rose

20.4K 830 459
By otaku_love_anime

Hello dear reader!!! Thank you very much for reading this story!! I was motivated by your comments so here's a long chapter!! Wuv you all!💖

Now back to the track~

Warning: Some parts may be brutal for you, i think.

??? POV

"Tomioka-san, Kyojirou-san. Pardon for the sudden call but, i need you two to head towards the town beneath the sapphire mountain, there's a chance Muzan will show up." Ubuyashiki sensei ordered towards the two pillars who nod in agreement.

"Of course master," they said in unison while kneeling down, "then have a safe trip." The master said before the two pillars bow and take off heading to the said place.

(Y/n) POV

   I stare at the hideous creature in front of me for a good 2 minutes as he kept chanting 'marechi' over and over again every 30 seconds.

"Just shut up with the Marechi crap! And answer my question," i said venomously and successfully shut him off.

"Did you, kill them?" I asked narrowing my eyes towards the creature that stood in front of me, "I did kill them, the taste of their flesh was still present in my mouth," he replied like its nothing to him and i clenched my fist in anger as shadow covering my eyes.

"Is that so? Then, who lead you to our residence, demon?" I asked through gritted teeth, "I don't need to answer your question," was his only reply before stepping out of the pebbles of the wall he had destroyed. "Ho? Of course you don't need to answer my question, why? Because you'll die eventually," I stated sadistically grinning at him and before i can move forward, the demon moved so fast and delivered a punch and by having a good reflexes i managed to block it using my arms but, i flew backwards.

'Ack! What an inhuman strength!' i thought wincing through the pain before my back collided with a solid tree, knocking the air out of my lungs. Landing to the ground i started to cough for air. Slowly, i started to pull a small pocket knife from my sleeve that i kept since i came to this world, i know it won't do much but its worth trying tho.

3rd person's POV

   "You know a mere knife like that won't even scratch me nor kill me. uch more a mere human like you," the demon said appearing two feet behind you.

    An airy bitter laughter was heard coming from you as you slowly turned your body towards the demon smiling sadistically while gripping the small pocket knife in your right hand.

"Confident are we? We won't know if we don't try," you said taking one step back before dashing forward towards the demon who's taken aback by your sudden action.

   'I know i may not have the same speed i had back in my world but adapting to this body for the past days, i can get used to it.' You thought before gripping the knife in your right hand and slashing it at the demon's skin, from his hand cutting two fingers in the process and to his shoulder also resulting a big horizontal wound and blood started to come out of it, surprising the demon itself.

"You spoke to soon. What was that you said earlier? That, 'a mere knife won't even scratch you'?" You mocked while grinning.

   The said creature growled before going into a fighting stance, veins is visible out of his skin and the wound that you inflicted started to heal and the two cut fingers grew back.

'He can regenerate, huh. Well that's new.' You thought in a straight face eyeing the healed wound. "You'll pay for that!" The demon growled as he dashes forward with great speed towards you, slashing his sharp nails at you while you dodge reading the demon's every move and retaliate if chance came.


   The fight continued for a while until
You were cornered, your back came contact into a tree, 'fudge, nows not the right moment!' You thought looking at the tree behind you before the demon slash came you ducked dodging the claws as it came contact into the tree behind you before sending a kick to his stomach causing him to step back a little.

"You don't seems to have a firm footing." You said moving out of the tree and back flipping away kicking the creature's jaw in the process and creating a good distance with between the both of you. "Human like you meant to be devoured by us," the demon said in anger before stepping forward. "By us, you mean there's more of you?" You asked readying for an attack. Not answering your question, the demon lunged, attacking you with his sharp nails. You dodge it gracefully and about to send another kick when the demon blocked it.

Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you  back flip over him and about to slash his neck with the small knife but the demon was alerted and reacted fast, he raised his hand and his sharp nails made contact with the skin at your back, clawing it from your shoulder to your waist.

  Landing back on the ground you winced and kneeled down from the pain feeling the liquid ran down at your skin from the wound, 'this will definitely leave a scar' you thought taking a deep breath trying to delay the bleeding.

   Smelling your blood, the demon mouth watered and saliva started to drip down. 'Marechi, if i devoured her, i will be strong and maybe become part of the Upper moon,' he thought and before he can lunged at you again, you had already stood up catching the demon off guard with your sadistic grin. Slowly pulling the hairpin off, you let your (h/c) hair fall down to your waist and (h/c) locks cover your (e/c) eyes.

(Y/n) POV

   Standing on my kneeling position, i can't help but grin sadistically as i link all my observation together. Pulling the hairpin gifted by sashi, i let my (h/c) hair fall up to my waist and (h/c) locks covered my eyes as i ready myself for the upcoming death battle.

"You have an inhuman strength, inhuman speed, you can regenerate and heal. But, you become tense, uneasy, and alert every time i aim at your neck. Its your weakest spot right." I stated my observations while keeping the grin to my face as i look at the demon who's taken aback from what i had said and remain silent while growling at me while saliva dripping down from his mouth.

Not another word was spoken as i stood still in my spot and he lunged forward with great amount of speed, dashing place to place around attempting to confuse me but, taking advantage of our fight earlier i grew used to it.

   Using my sense of hearing, sense of sight and sense of touch. I can hear the rustles of the tree branches, the heavy footsteps, the sounds of the sharp air. I can see the after image of his figure, his shadow and i can feel the passing air and over all, using my own skill of being the modern assassin, i smirk for i can sense his whole presence and someone's else's.

     The passing air and his movement suddenly stopped for a second until i sense him four feet behind me moving in a high speed. Taking the timing of his movement, i turned around, using the small knife on my right hand i slashed his stomach before ducking as i caught the demon off guard causing him to past over me.

Taking the chance, i swipe his feet off and he fell forward chest to the ground. Locking his arms behind him with my legs, i used the hairpin on my left hand as i stab both of his eyes. "You will pay for this, i will devour you!" He roared before trying to get out of my grasp with his inhuman strength, but i immediately stab the knife to the back of his neck multiple times with such force that i can muster and slashing it numerous time, decapitating his head. My bloodlust seeping in.

   His body went limp as i stop, i was breathing heavily by the continues stabbing and slashing and my hands were covered in blood holding the bloodied knife and the blooded hairpin. My clothes was stained of blood coming from my cuts and demon's as my (h/c) hair sway along with the breeze that pass by as the demon's body began to dissipate away.

'So every demon's body turned to ash before disappearing?' I thought trying to control my bloodlust that i didn't expect to have it into this new body.

Taking a deep breath, i turned around facing a certain tree that was six feet away from me.

"Come out!" I yelled walking towards it and stopping a good two feet distance. Silence engulf the place as i heard soft shaky breath, "are you gonna show yourself or not?" I asked again this time i use my venomous tone as my patience wearing thin.

    I heard a heavy breath behind the tree before a familiar figure came out of it.

"Now i know who's the cause of all this," i said anger boiling inside of me, Yuan look at me in pure horror seeing the blood all over me.

"S-s-stay away from me," he stammer while shaking and taking a step back. "Why would i stay away from you when your the one who caused all of this?" I replied stepping forward as my arms was limp beside me while keeping the tight grip at the knife on my right hand and maintaining a straight face.

  "Don't come closer, stay away!" Yuan yelled stepping backward before turning around and started to ran.

"Your running away from me now? That make me sad" i said with a fake sad tone before grinning sadistically. "Well to tell the truth, i love the chase." i said with a smirk before running after him, using the small knife, i threw it towards Yuan and it aimed to his ankle causing him to fall to the ground and i slowed down.

"Think you can outran me? I just killed a demon, how stupid of you." I said walking forward to Yuan's body while tying my hair into a messy bun using the hairpin.

"Y-your a monster!" Yuan yelled cowering away, "huh? A monster? You wanted to marry me hours ago." I replied chuckling before crouching down to his eye level and pulling the knife out of his ankle.

"Ack!" He yelp in pain and i smirk running the blood stained blade in his cheek to his jaw and into his neck. "W-what are you planning?" Yuan asked, fear lacing his tone as i smiled innocently.

"I wasn't planning anything" i lied eyeing his foot, "even if i did, you can't run, judging from the condition of your ankle." I added chuckling. "You know, we wouldn't be in this situation if your not the one who cause my family's death. And one more thing," i said trailing my sentence off as i pressed the knife more to his neck enough to draw blood.

    "I don't have a single ounce of sympathy towards you nor that demon i just killed" i finished as i look at him with such venom and in i quick swift move i slashed his neck with such force.

"Bye bye Yu-an, have a nice sleep" i said giggling before turning around walking back to the estate.

Stopping on my tracks, i look up to the moon in the clear sky for good 2 minutes.

    Sighing i look at the bloody knife in my hand, 'Nasumi....i think i will keep that last name,' i thought before ripping the clothes on the right side of my waist, pressing the pointed knife at my soft skin, i bit my lip from the pain as i started to carve a certain crest.

   The crest i used back in my world, the symbol that everyone fears to see. Its the crest and symbol of the world's top scariest assassin.

(Credit to the rightful owner, cause im just borrowing it)

   I sigh in relief as i moved the knife away after carving the last petal on my skin, blood dripping out.

'This is the Reborn of the Crimson Blood Rose' i thought before sitting beside the pebbles of the destroyed wall, tiredness came over me like a flash flood as i closed my eyes, leaning my head to the wall. Silently mourning for the death of the people i once called family until darkness consume me.


Must read!!

An: Any wrong grammars?, spellings? Phrases? Is it so much brutal in your liking? Or does it started to be boring?

📌This is important maybe spoiler? I don't know. So!📌

I just want to let you all know, I RESPECT all kinds of gender but i kinda don't like yaoi or yuri in a story cuz i can't grasp the concept of it (no offense ) so i will not include the female character in liking the reader hope you understand.

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