다시 돌아와줘 (Rewrite) [X1 FANFICT...

By Priki_Chu

190 35 3

I was an underrated webtoon author who wished for more readers to read my stories. I wished for more, I want... More

다시 돌아와줘 (Rewrite) [X1 FANFICTION]
제 02 장. The Characters
제 03 장. Three Powerful Companies
제 04 장. Published
제 05 장. They Are Real
제 06 장. World Of Webtoon
제 07 장. Indirect Confession
제 08 장. Fast Forward
제 09 장. Seung-Min's Discovery

제 01 장. Inspiration

34 6 0
By Priki_Chu

Sunny's POV (Your POV)

I twitch my eyes to see if how many readers that I have right now from my latest story. 211,827 readers.

I slam a palm on my table in which I almost slap the laptop as well. Damn it, the number of readers haven't move since yesterday. As I calculated, the story is expected to increase its readers to 500,000 in just this week. Well, tomorrow will be the end of the week.

I come back to my senses when I heard a knock from my door. I sigh and close the laptop, "Come in." Hence, my secretary came in with a cup of chocomilk that I ordered. "Here is your chocomilk with extra sprinkles, Miss Sunny." She settled the cup on my table right next to my left hand.

I sigh again and grab the cup as I sip a neutral amount of the drink, "Is there anything else you need, Miss?"

I shake my head, "No no. You can go now." She bows before leaving my office. Then again, another knock was heard by the door and without my permission, Kang Seung-Min came in. "Yo." He greeted and grab a chair to sit beside me.

I remain silent with my eyes glued on my laptop that I closed earlier, "What's with that face?" I sigh, this must've been my third time. "I just don't get it. My works still haven't reached 500,000 reads. It's very strange." I saw him rest an arm on my table, "Maybe you're just overreacting too much."

With what he said, he receive a shot of glare from me. "What? It's true! You just published your works two days ago, remember? You should be thankful since you've got 200k+ readers in just a week." He concluded as a matter of fact.

Facing him, I clearly saw how he snaps himself, something like he just stared at me for awhile now. "You don't get me, Seung-Min. My works are expected to have 500,000 readers within this week. If I can't aim that expectation, it will affect the company! For sure there will be loss." He shakes his head and straighten his posture, allowing his hands to rest on my shoulders. "Listen, it will never do something reckless towards the company. You will not get in trouble about this, trust me."

Staring at his eyes full of sincerity and hope, it also strengthens my self-confidence. Without further more to say, I bob my head. Seung-Min suddenly stands up as I only look up at him, "It's lunch time. Why don't we go outside to eat lunch, what do you say?" I smile and stand up for a signal of my approval.


3 Days passed, Sunny's POV (Your POV)

I look down when General Manager Park Yong-Su, slams a paper on the table. I look back at him with an uncertainty expression on my face, "It's about your works." Because of what he said, I instantly grab the paper with trembling hands.

Seung-Min, who's with Sunny (You) all along, furrow his eyebrows as he tried to take a peek on the paper while Sunny (You) is reading it carefully. He trails back his attention to their manager as if he finally realizes the situation, "Supposed to be the target of your works' readers for the month is one million and five hundred thousand. Your other works have been published a few weeks ago but you still have an ongoing works that you've published this week. Well let me remind you that your monthly target is always one million and five hundred thousand,"

After reading the papers, my gaze went back to our General Manager, knowing what he's trying to say next. "Your record for this week did not reach the expected number of readers, it's only halfway. Thus your record for today is total of eight hundred thirty-two thousand and four hundred eleven readers. It's quiet a lack, Miss Jang. The company has high expectations towards you since you have been the leading author of this company. What's happening to you right now?" I bite the inside of my cheeks.

There was a moment of silence filled in the office. This has been my biggest fear, to fail the company, well I guess I failed to meet their expectations for me. I have nothing to say, I feel so useless right now.

Someone clears a throat, "It might be unnecessary to question Miss Jang of her lacks. But please be thoughtful, I'm quiet sure that she can do a way to gain more readers and reach the peak of expected numbers of readers by the following month." I slowly look back when Seung-Min spoke up for me.

"There is nothing we can do about having it by next month, Seung-Min. Remember, the company is suffering now because of lack of shares and now this is happening. We must always bare in mind that we are underrated publishing company and now... I can say that we're going bankrupt."

Another silence filled the area. Bankrupt, the word that I don't want to hear.

Mr. Park washes his face using his palm, "If there is only something we could do to fix this problem."

"Then why don't we use other employees' works to gain back our income?" Seung-Min suggested as Mr. Park shakes his head, "Even if we wanted to, no one will buy and read it. No one is interested. We, the members of the board have already discussed about this problem and even if we wanted to do more sells, we just can't because of insufficient stocks."

For the third time, silence filled the room.

No. I can't let this company go bankrupt just because of my works that went flop. I can't let this company go and turn into waste and nothing because of me! Even if this company is underrated, there is still a way to keep our records go steady.

"You better pack up your things up, kids. Director Choi told me that, plus, this company is in debt with the other entertainment, which doubles and increases the possibility of bankrupt. Poor Director Choi will be unable to give us our salary for this month either. I think there will be no more ways for us to—"

"No." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. I saw Mr. Park crease his forehead, "What do you mean by 'no'?"

"No, because there's still a way. No, because I believe we can gain back our income. No, because I know that this is just a challenge for us. No, because I can't let this company go. No, because... Even if you all lost your hope for this company... Then I'm not! I still believe that there is a way for us to rise this up again."

Seung-Min stares at you from behind as his lips curve into a smile. At this point, he's very proud of you that you finally spoke the words in your heart. He is very proud of you to have courage to speak your opinion and did not stay silent.

Mr. Park raised a brow, "Then, what are you going to do?" I look at him straight in the eyes. I don't know what I'm doing, I don't even have an idea of what to do. What should I do?

"Uh.." I stutter without removing my gaze off of General Manager Park.

"I'll make a story again!" With what I said, Mr. Park rolls his eyes and facepalm. This is a habit of his' whenever he disagrees a thing.

"My goodness, Sunny! We don't have any time for that! The company will be closing by next mo—"

"A month!"

"Huh?" Both Mr. Park and Seung-Min ask in confusion. I raise my index finger, "A month is all I need to find some inspirations, make a story, and gain back the company's loss."

"What? What are you thinking? It's impossible! Next month will also be the due of the company's debt and clo—"

"Let her do her will, Park Yong-Su." We all shifted our attention by the door as Director Choi came in. Out of shock, we all bow in respect.

"B-but.. Director-nim, it will be too risky—" Director Choi motions his palm to Mr. Park which made him stop from saying anything. "You should let a person do what she wishes if she has that sincerity and determination. I believe in Miss Jang, and I believe that she'll do great for the company." My mouth opens for a gab in awestruck.

"Very well then, we will grant your request Miss Jang. As you wished, you will be given a month to find your inspirations, make a story, and save the company. Travel all you want and wherever you want, the company will sponsor your expenses, for only a month."

"B-but.. Director-nim, adding expenses for her travels will be nothing left for the company! We should save some money for at least lessening the cost of the company's debt."

Director Choi looks at me directly in the eyes, "That's alright. I'm sure I'm giving expenses to the right person. It's the least I can do to help Miss Jang and the company. Can I trust you with this, Miss Jang?"

I smile, "You can count on me, Director-nim."


The next day, Sunny's POV (Your POV)

"Where do you want to go first?" Seung-Min ask, he's also with me since he wants to accompany me. "I also don't know." I shake my head as I tighten my grip on my camera, to capture my selected inspirations, I'm referring of either things or places.

"Let's just walk for now." He suggested so I agreed and we walk by the streets while my eyes keep on roaming around.

Not long when I immediately notice something and stop from walking, "Wait."

Seung-Min stops and made a wondering face. I look behind him to find a butterfly themed café, "Why don't you stand here?" I suggested and grab him by the arm, positioned him on the entrance door and finally, I step back to place my camera on my eye. "Wait, wait, wait!" Seung-Min motions his palm for a palm as I pull over from the camera for awhile, "Why?"

"What's this all about? Why are you taking pictures of me?"

"Quit asking and just do cool, pose whatever you want and I'll just get a picture of you and the café." Seung-Min let out a heavy sigh and did a pose awkwardly. He's not used of me taking pictures of him.

After I took a good shot of him, I reviewed all of the photos and all I can say is, "Perfect." Seung-Min shots a glare at the photo and back at you in disbelief. "What perfect are you talking about? I must be the most ugliest display that you'll ever have."

You turn to look at him when you're done checking the photos, "Don't worry, you're the most wonderful model not a display, that I ever have." Hence you tap his cheek twice with your palm and walk ahead of him, leaving him speechless with ears starting to get red in fluster.

Seung-Min recovers and follows you from behind, "I know where I want to go next!" I excitedly squeal, "W-where's the n-next s-stop?"

"I want to go to Gang—Seung Min-ah, are you alright? Why are you so red? Are you sick?" I stop to check his temperature, supposed to be. But he immediately distance himself away from me. "I-I'm fine! D-don't worry." I shrug my shoulders. "Well anyways, I want to go to Gangnam Station!"

"L-let's go." I strangely look at him again. Although I'm quiet curious of his actions right now, but we don't have time to lose.

As we arrive at Gangnam Station, as what I have expected, there are only few people so I took time to take a photo, after having few shots, I switch to the other direction as I spotted Seung-Min with his attention elsewhere.

I took the chance to take a picture of him. Adjusting the zoom in my camera, the more it focuses and clears Seung-Min's visual as the background becomes slightly blur, I stop midway of clicking the capture button to see him with my naked eyes.

Sunny did not realize that she's staring at Seung-Min now, forgetting the fact that she has to take a photo. She snaps back to reality and took a stolen picture of Seung-Min before he'll realize. Fortunately, he didn't caught her.

"I'm done taking pictures~" I happily cheered. "Where should we go next?"

"Let's just keep walking until we reach the streets." I suggested as he bob his head obediently.

While walking side by side, you just can't stop reviewing all of your pictures to make sure that you've got a perfect shot and not the blurred one. Silence envelopes both you and Seung-Min aside from the noisy street that surrounds you.


You give your attention to Seung-Min when he called your name, "Why do you want to save the company?" Although hesitating, Seung-Min took the courage to ask this question even if he knows that there is a possibility that you'll ditch the question.

You also thought to yourself, why would you want to save the company? You are the type of person that does actions without any proper decisions and that interest a lot of people about you because you have never doubted yourself in such risky situations.

You slowly put down the camera in between your hands, "Because... I want to make it an 'it' than 'nothing'." Very deep indeed as Seung-Min tilts his head in bewilderment.

"It? Nothing? I don't understand."

"You see, for the past few years, the company has left a good spot in my heart, not because they give our salaries on schedule, but something more meaningful than that. The staffs especially Director Choi have been treating us more than an employee, something like a family. My heart has been attached ever since I lay a foot in the company. That's why I can't just give it up, I just can't stand seeing the company going down without doing nothing. I believe that through this project, it can be risen. It is underrated for now, but the wheels of fate will never be unfair to us humans, this company that they're stepping like a trash will soon rise and will become one of the best webtoon publishing company the world has ever known."

Seung-Min chuckles for a bit, "What's funny?" I glare at him. "I just asked for a simple question but your answer is like a speech of a president. Well done." I roll my eyes, "But seriously, I also think it that way."

I smile while looking up at the cloudy skies, "I'm not just doing this for the company itself but also for all of us. This is like our home. I need to save the company,"

"I must save Swing."


A/N: Hello there Prikis! This is my very first X1 fanfic so I hope you'll support this story^^ Hello Co-One Its! I still made this story even if X1—nevermind, but for us One Its, they exist in our hearts, am I right? Let us support the members with their decisionsㅜㅜ

If you guys want to know me more personally, you can visit and follow my personal IG account @yoojeongiii you can send me private messages there since I'm always active through IG^^

Please do leave some of your opinions of what do you think of this story^^ Save your questions for later because we're just getting started haha! Keep reading Prikis and I hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to:


This has been

- Priki_Chu 🦋

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