Kidnap My Heart [A Juan Karlo...

By tehpixie

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"I fell for you, and you caught me" copyrights @tehpixie 2014 © More

Kidnap My Heart [Juan Karlos Fanfic]
Chapter 1: Neighbors
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Rescue Mission
Chapter 4: Lucky Charm
Chapter 5: Fireflies
Chapter 6: The Arrival
Chapter 7: Matching Bears
Chapter 8: Surprises
Chapter 9: Blind Auditions
Chapter 11: Meeting Them All
Chapter 12: A Hand On It's Period
Chapter 13: Whip Cream
Chapter 14: Love Is Blind
Chapter 15: Best Friends Again
Chapter 16: Love's A Game
Chapter 17: Alros On A Frappe
Chapter 18: Sister
Chapter 19: Battle Rounds
Chapter 20: Skinny Love
Chapter 21: It's [Never] Too Late
Authors Note
Chapter 22: Love Me Like You Do
New Story!
Chapter 23: Heart Break Boy
Chapter 24: Semi Finals
Chapter 25: Grand Finals
Chapter 26: Cookie Dough

Chapter 10: Roomates

1.1K 42 17
By tehpixie

Chapter 10: Roomates


I'm in my bedroom with Duchess and Darren, and Lynelle. But she's sleeping already since it's already somewhere around 10pm.

Yay, so, happy life. The three of us passed the voice kids blind auditions. Still can't beleive that I passed though.

"Darren i'm bored!" I whined.

"Yeah, same." Then I remembered something.

"Ooh wanna do something fun?" I asked and he looked at me curiously.

"I'm tired of winning in COD-"

"Psh, not that. And i'm better than you." I said.

"Yeah right." See? We both know what I said wasn't true.

"Wanna go star seeing?" I asked and he looked at me curiously, again.

I got the binoculars and some pillows which I let Darren hold as I open the window. "Come on." I said gesturing to the window and he stared blankly at me.

"Alexa, kung gust mo ako patayin dahil nananalo ako sa COD, i'm very very sorry." He said.

I laughed at him. "No no, it's not that. I do this with Karlos, totally safe." I said. "But you gave me an idea in how to kill you." I said jokingly.

He glared at me then coughed mockingly. "Ehem Karlos."

"What's with him?" I asked.

"Miss mo na no?" And I blushed at what he asked. Actually, I do.

"Gosh Darren umalis ka nga I don't miss him."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." And I glared at him.

"So, wanna go star seeing or not?"

"Hmm, it may be fun, so yeah let's go!" He said and we went out the window and I closed it. So we won't waste aircon.

"Cool." Darren said.

I lay the blankets down and we sat on it.

"You could actually see the whole neighborhood from here." I said and he borrowed the binoculars.

"Yeah..." He said.

Then I saw a figure in the park. Who in the hell would be at the park at 10 in the evening.

"Can I borrow?" I asked and Darren handed me the binoculars.

Then I looked for the figure in the park. Then when I zoomed in, the figure was so familiar.

"Karlos." I whispered but enought for Darren to hear.


I see Karlos sitting on the grass, crying.

I immediately stood up and opened the window. "Alexa what happened?" He asked, following me. I closed the window and turned to him.

"I don't know but Karlos is crying. Pupuntahan ko siya, okay? Just make sure no one knows. I said and went downstairs. Careful not to bring any attention to me.

Darren followed me to the gate. "Sama ako."

"Wag na. Just make sure my mom doesn't go in my room, pls."

He nodded his head and I ran to the park.

I was so tired when I got there, so I catched my breath first then Karlos turned around and I met his bloodshot eyes.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I asked in between breaths and sat beside him.

"Okay ka lang?" I asked again since he didn't answer me awhile ago. He shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I just miss my mom." He said, wiping up his tears. But that's the thing I like about Karlos though, he's so honest about his feelings.

"I know you do."

"Naniniwala ka ba na everything happens for a reason?" He asks and I nod.

"I used to believe in that, well not anymore. I really don't get how my mom having cancer and dying is everything happens for a reason. Like, that won't do any of us good. I don't understand why God would do this. I seriously don't. I know taking my mom away from me never did any good." He said. Woah. I didn't expect this to come all out.

"Karlos, I think God has a good reason for everything he does."

"Well I don't see the good reason in my mom dying."

"I'm sure it has. Like, how you got into the voice, and i'm sure you'll meet new people." I smiled at him.

"You know what, tama ka." He said. "I met you." And there goes a tornado in my stomach, not anymore butterflies. I got his collar and wiped his eyes with it.

"Stop crying na nga." I said, wiping his tears. I don't like seeing him cry.


"Wanna go home now?" I smiled at him and he nodded his head. Just as we were about to stand up, it was drizzling already.

"Let's run." Karlos said and he held my hand. Damn butterflies and tornadoes. Karlos brought me home first before he went back to his house. "Night Karlos." I said.

He smiled at me and walked away.

Since it was drizzling, we got wet. Well not that wet.

As I was about to open the door, I was greeted by Ate Marlie.

"Saan ka galing?"

I stuttered for words.

"U-uh, I was just walking around, looking for Duchess' colar." I laughed nervously.

"Bakit ngayon mo lang hinahanap? Gabi na ah!" She said. Thank god she believed me though. I shrugged and walked upstairs. When I entered my room, Darren was still there.

"Ano nangyari?" Was the first word he said.

"He just misses his mom." I smiled.

"Ah, I saw you guys though. Bagay kayo." He said and I blushed again. Agh! No more blushing for today.

"Yeah, anyways, i'm gonna go to our room now." He said and carried Lynelle. "Night Alexa!" He screemed since he was out of my room already. I said goodnight back and changed into clothes that aren't wet and slept.


I was sleeping peacefully then someone literally jumped on me.

"Hi ate!" Oh, it's Lynelle. I sat up slowly while rubbing my eyes.

"Hi Lynelle." Then I lay down again but she started junping on the bed again.

"Ate gising!"


"Moving to the cwondo today." Ooh yeah. Cos every the voice kids are going to move in a condo near Resorts World.

"Are we going to leave now na?"

"Ate you haven't taken a bath yet." She giggled and I immediately stood up and went to the bathroom.

After I was done taking a bath, I obviously changed my clothes. I wore a tied blue polo shirt and pink skater skirts and black converse.

And i'm too lazy to blow dry my hair so I left it like that.

Then I went downstairs and everybody was there already. Then I saw Darren's luggage. Wow. I seriously forgot to pack my things!

"I forgot to pack my things!" Then I ran back up but mom shouted, "It's already packed!"

So I went downstairs slowly again. "Really? Thanks mom." I smiled cheerfully at her and she shook her head and sighed.

"Ano, are we ready to go?" Dad asked and mom nods.

"Then let's go!"

Before we went to Resorts World, we stopped by Karlos' house first cos he's riding with us. I wonder if he's okay now.

When Karlos and Tito G entered the car, I greeted Tito G and Karlos sat beside me. "Okay ka na?" I ask him, smiling and he smiled back.

"Yepp." He said popping the 'p'.


I didn't get to sleep during the car ride to Resorts World, finally, we're here.

We went inside the condominium and my mom did those check in thingy's.

When we were done, we went up. "Your roomates will be JK and Grazz Enriquez." Mom said.

"Sino yun?" I asked.

"Si JK si Karlos si Grazz...I don't know." Mon said.

"Mom, kilala ko si JK!" I said and she shrugged. I don't know about my mom sometimes.

Our room number is 369 while Darren's is 373. And Karlos is still making fun of '69'.

"Haha 69."

"Karlos will you pls shut up?" i asked him playfully.

"No." And I just shook my head at him. Darren was in his room and we were in ours. Duh.

As we went in, it was actually nice. There were three double decked beds.

I flopped down on one of the beds and tried to sleep. Then I remembered I brought ice cream with me. I think it melted already so I went to my mom and got it.

I sat on the bed and started pigging out on my ice cream. Then Karlos came.

"Ooh ice cream."

"Who says i'll share?"

"Who says I don't have one?"

"You don't have one."

"True. But share your blessings." He said sticking his bottom lip out. I pretended to think. "Hmm, no."

He flopped down on the bed and grabbed my ice cream.

I snorted. "Good luck eating that without a spoon." Then he got the spoon in my hand and started eating the ice cream. I shook my head in disappointment at him and he's too hungry to even notice.

"Fat ass." I muttered and he got a spoonful of ice cream and placed it in my mouth. Yay.

Then I heard a door open. "Sino yan?" Karlos asked.

"Baka si Grazz, she's our other roommate." I said.

"Grass who? As in, dahon?" And I laughed.

"Grazz with a 'z'." And he started making an "oh" sound and we both laughed.

When we checked, I was right, it was Grazz. She was with her mom and a kid. She looks so serious though, with her earphones and stuff.

"Wanna go up to her?" I asked and Karlos shrugged.

"Ikaw bahala."

"Let's go." I said and he followed.

"Hi." I said and she ignored me. I looked at Karlos and he raised both eyebrows on me.

"Bingi yata to eh." I said.

"Ang sama mo! Naka earphones kasi eh, bingi kaagad?" Then we started laughing until I noticed she was already looking at us.

Karlos and I stopped laughing at the same time and I smiled at her. "Hi."

She removed her earphones and smiled back. "Hi."

"I'm Alexa, and that tall guy over here is Karlos." I said, my hands gesturing to Karlos. "Or JK." I added and Karlos glared at me playfully.

"Ahh kayo yung dalawa-"

"What?" I asked.

"I meant kayo yung mag-best friends?" She asked and I shook my head.

"He's not my best friend." I said.

"So boyfriend?" And I choked on air and Karlos laughed.

"Haha I was joking he is my best friend." I said. What the fuck? Boyfriend?

"Oh haha. I'm sorry." She said.

"It's okay." Then I elbowed Karlos cos he still wouldn't stop laughing.

"Ow!" I put my tongue out at him and he did the same and I could see Grazz's amused look.

"From what I can don't act like friends."

"Cos were best friends!" Karlos said and I hi fived him.

"Haha anyways, wanna go to Resorts World with us?" I asked.

"Sure." She said. "Let me just fix my things okay." She said.

I went over to my mom to ask permission. "Mom can we go to Resorts World?"

"Yeah sure pero magcro-cross pa diba? Tito Giovanni and I are going with you nalang." She said and I nodded.

"Okay and Darren's going with us okay?"

"Sure walang problema."

"Okay juat wait i'll just go get my things." I said and got my wallet. I texted Darren and told him we'd go to Resorts World. He said yes.

"Karlos ready ka na?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "Yepp." He said popping the 'p'.

"I'm ready." Grazz said. She's actually pretty though.

"Then let's go!"n

We went to room number 373, Darren's room. Since I ran, I got there first then rang the doorbell and Darren immediately opened the door.

"Hi DarDar!"

"Hi Al." He said.

"Ew why Al?"

"Why DarDar?"

"Cos I want to. Anyways, you ready? A new friend of ours is going with us though, her name's Grazz." I said.

"Ah okay...but, can I bring someone as well?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure. What's his name?"

"It's a her, and the name's Twittle." He said, blushing at her name.

"Uyy crush mo no?!?" I asked.

"That obvious?" He asked and I nodded, giggling.

"Crush sino?" Karlos asked, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Wala." I said and he pouted.

"Yeah wait i'll just get Twittle." Darren said and went back inside.

"Darren likes that girl." I whispered to Karlos.

"Ooh." He said while nodding. "Who girl?"

"Twittle daw." I shrugged and he nodded.

"Okay guys this is Twittle, Twittle this is Alexa, Karlos, and...." When he pointed to Grazz, I think Darren was waiting for me to introduce her.

"Grazz." Grazz said and we all shook hands. Then we introduced Twittle to my mom and Tito G then we went to Resorts World.

Mom gave me money for us to spend yay. "Okay, just call us if you need us ha? Magiikot-ikot lang kami." Mom said and I nodded my head. Then she and Tito G went to the opposite direction.

"So, what ya guys wanna do?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." Darren said.

"Same." Karlos said and everyone agreed.

"Yeah, says the person who finished my ice cream."

"Whoops?" Karlos said and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyone up for Maccas?"

"Yes!" Karlos said and Darren nodded. So we went to Mcdonalds. [A/N. to those who doesn't know, maccas means mcdo]

Grazz and I ordered and the others looked for tables. Grazz and I are getting along though, she's not mataray and she's actually cool.

"So, do you like Karlos?" She asked. Should I tell her?

I slowly nodded my head. "Ohmygosh I knew it!"

"But don't tell anyone." I said.


"Promise?" I asked and she nodded.

"Am I that obvious?"

"Kaya nga nahalata ko, diba? But don't worry I know he likes you too." Not really sure about that.

"But omg promise you won't tell!" I whined.

She put her hands up in surrender. "Yeah okay okay I won't tell. Seesh."

Then we did the pinky sign. When the food's ready, we went back to the table.

If you think Karlos eats like a pig, Darren's worse. He eats in less than 3 seconds. Haha I'm exaggerating.

"Ang dami pala kumain ni Darren." Twittle said, chuckling.

"Yeah at kala ko si Karlos pinakamatakaw." I said looking at Karlos, who was too busy eating to give a fuck.

"It's because we're growing." Darren reasoned.

"Okay whatever floats your boat." Twittle said.

We all are actually having a good time. Just chatting and stuff.

After we were done eating and complaining how Darren and Karlos eats like pigs, we decided to roam around.

"Wait when will The Voice Kids be aired on TV?" I asked and they all stared at me.

"Maybe next week." Karlos said.

"Ooh." I said. "Darren, ba't hindi ka nagsasalit diyan?" I asked, slightly hitting his arm.

"I'm so full!" Then we laughed at him.


We're already home, finally. By home I meant in the condominium. Karlos and I flopped down on the bed.

Then someone rang the doorbell. Then someone opened it. I don't know who, probably mom.

"Alexa si coach Bamboo!" Mom exclaimed. And Karlos and I looked at each other and went to the kitchen.

"Hi po coach!" Karlos waved at coach Bamboo and he smiled.

"We'll have a party later, so that you'll get to meet all the tvk artists." He said.

"Ooh okay po." Karlos said and I nodded.

"Later at 5pm, ha. And swimming party rin so bring a swimsuit." He said and we asked if he wanted to stay first but he refused. So we said goodbye to him instead.


Dedicating this chapter to purplevogue cos she fab and she keeps voting and commenting and she has this v cool story called Dear Juan Karlos. To do you guys a favor check it out cos it's awesome! Ahaha that's it lol this is by far the fastest update I made. 3 days lol ahaha I want to say more but I think you guys hate my long authors note you're just not commenting and ranting about it so yeah lolz byee. JUAN KARLOS ILYSM! *insert blue heart emoji here*

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