Restrained Addiction

By qveen54

658K 25K 5.2K

Read my first novella "Chained" before you read this story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 part one
Hey guys
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
ANSWERS. Curiosity killed the Cat :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Please and Gracias.
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26 part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31.
To my Bad ass Readers !
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Just a lil side note for you messy asses !
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Just so you knooowwww
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Move, move ! Get out di way !
Untitled Part 55
Get yo coinsss Hun

Chapter 19

9.7K 470 64
By qveen54

Tyler POV 

This is it. We all put the silencers on our gun as we waited outside the abandoned house. We was ending this whole trafficking shit with Ice. I can't see how somebody could be okay with doing this kind of shit to females.

I already called Huey, an old friend, and he's on his way. Huey is going to take up the snipers that Chris and "j leave in the field across the abandoned place.

I pulled up my bandana and Brandon, Lj and Chris did the same. I already scoped out the area earlier and it's just three of the same niggas that stay outside to guard. That was dumb as shit.

We all crouched down across the grassy field. Lj and Chris pulled out their snipers.

"On three." Lj said.

"One." He started.

Chris got more adjusted, "Three."

Lj took out two and Chris took out the other one.  We left the snipers for Huey and jogged across to the abandoned house. I held my gun close to me as I jogged over to the other side with the guys.

I twisted the knob with my black gloves and the door was open. I raised my gun and kicked the door open. Two niggas were running up to us.

"I got this shit." Chris said.

Chris got in front of us gave shots to the two young niggas. Rookies.

I heard girls screaming.

"Send the girls out and any other men !" I yelled, "Get Chey out of this shit and look for Mell. He gotta to be here too. Brandon, lets go."

Brandon and I jogged down to the basement. Gigi said it's where he keeps the important girl to himself. Milyn has to be here.

Brandon kicked the door and we both froze as we saw Fizz. What the fuck ?

"Nigga fuck you doing here ?" I snapped.

Brandon ran down to Milyn and grabbed a blanket from the corner of the room.

"Why the fuck is she chained ?" Brandon asked.

"It's not what you think." Fizz said.

"Then what the fuck is it nigga !?" Brandon yelled.

Brandon moved to stand in front of him and pointed the pistol directly at his heart. His finger was on the trigger ready to pull.

"Speak nigga." Brandon said, his jaw clenching.

"My sister got in some bad shit with Ice and she's been forced to work for him. I been trying to get her out this shit for years but I never can do." Fizz said, "He gave me a deal to bring-

"Fuck allat !" Brandon snapped, "You fucked my sister and my nephew over so it's fuck you and your sister too."

Brandon pointed his pistol at Fizz again, "Get Milyn outta' here." He said.

I nodded and picked Milyn up bridal style. I walked out the room and heard the three shots.

Chris POV 

Lj and I already cleared the first floor and I was praying to god that Cheyenne and Mell were up here. They gotta be.

"Don't kick in the door, you don't know where Mell could be." Lj said.

He twisted the knob and the door was lock.

"Cheyenne ?" He called, "Mell ?"

The knob twisted and the door quickly opened. I was met with Cheyenne looking right at me.

"Mell look, it's Uncle Chris and LJ." She smiled down at him.

Mell hid behind her leg. Lj and I pulled down our bandanas.

 Lj bent down so that he was to Mell eye level.

"Lets go buddy, Mommy is waiting on ya." He smiled.

"Mommy ?" He asked.

"Yea, so lets go." Lj smiled.

He picked Mell up and we walked out the room. Cheyenne and I behind them.

"Thank you." She said.

I nodded my head, "You know I gotchu'." I laughed.

We walked out the house with Tyler standing outside.

"Where's Milyn ?" I asked.

"Brandon rode with Huey to take her to the hospital. I think she's dehydrated too, she probably was being stubborn and didn't eat shit either." Tyler sighed.

"She didn't eat anything ?" Cheyenne asked in shock.

"I guess not." Tyler said.

"Damn." I said.

"I hope she gets better. Allysa and i'll visit her tomorrow." Lj said.

"Well, I guess we can call it a night and all head back home." Tyler said.

"What about Ice? Y'all found him ?" I asked.

They both shook his head no.

"We'll come to him when it's time. Lets worry about that when it comes." Tyler said.

"Well, i'm tired as shit. I'll see you all later." Lj said.

He gave Cheyenne a hug and we did a dap. 

"Be safe." Tyler said, giving Cheyenne a hug and me a dap.

Lj and Tyler walked off to the truck and Cheyenne and I walked down to my car.

The drive was quiet but a good type of quiet, I like it like this.

"Wait, Chris pull over." Cheyenne said.

"You do know we're still in the North-side right ?" I asked.

"Yes, now pull over." 

I shrugged and pulled over on the side. She got out the car and I got out behind her.

"What you doing Chey ?" I asked her.

She walked up to these group of girls and I jogged up beside her.

"Oh look, it's Star !" This blonde girl called out.

They all walked up to Cheyenne and I was confused as fuck.

"Why you came back ?" This red hair girl asked her.

Her hair was red but a dark red. It made me want to die my shit like that.

"I wanted to say goodbye." Cheyenne smiled.

"Aw." They cooed.

I'm still confused.

"So is this your boyfriend ?" The brunette smiled.

"Oh, this is my friend Chris. Chris this is Dani, Stace, London and Aja."

She pointed to each of them.

"So were you undercover or some shit ?" London asked.

"I'm not working for the police. I had to save a friend." Cheyenne said.

"Wait, you didn't say boyfriend. So that means he's single." Dani smirked at me.

Hell no, she looks as if she's fifteen.

They all rolled their eyes.

"You guys don't have to do this anymore, Ice fled." Cheyenne said.

I looked at all their faces and it was blank. They weren't happy but not sad.

"Why isn't their jumping for joy ?" I asked.

"This is all we know Star." Stace said.

"We don't know anything else." London said, "This is all we have."

I looked at them like they were stupid.

"That don't mean shit. You guys can get a job. I know y'all got enough money to stay at an apartment together." I snapped.

"Y'all young and beautiful, go get y'all damn selves together." I said.

I dug in my pocket and pulled out 25k, "Here, make a change in y'all lives."

I handed the money to the blonde, Stace.

"No, you don't-

"I want to." I said.

They smiled and pulled me into a big group hug. I saw Cheyenne laugh.

They unwrapped their arms from me.

"Get out these streets." I said.

"He's a keeper Star. Better keep a tight leash on him." Dani winked at Cheyenne.

Cheyenne laughed, "Bye guys." Cheyenne said.

"No, goodbyes are forever. We're going to meet again." Aja said.

They gave Cheyenne a hug.

"Star ?" I asked.

"Hush it Chris." She laughed.

I was about to pull of from the curb but I heard someone yell.

"Wait !" I heard the yelling again.

It was Stace, I downed Cheyenne's window.

"Have this." She unhooked this diamond bracelet and hooked it onto Cheyenne's wrist.

"Thanks Stace." Cheyenne said.

"Only the special girls get the presents." Stace smiled, "Bye Cheyenne." She waved before walking off.

"How did she found out my name ?" Cheyenne asked.

I shrugged, "They seem like some chill ass girls." I said.

"They are." She said.

I pulled up to Chresanto house. Cheyenne had to get Shai from his place and bring her back to hers.

"I'll be right back." She said.

She got out the car and I turned around to make sure I had a car seat in the back.

I was playing on my phone and Cheyenne came back to the car with Shai asleep in her arms.

I got out the car and walked over to get the door for her.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She strapped Shai in and I closed the door.

"To my place is the destination." She said.

I nodded and pulled down the street.

"We haven't argued that much today." I laughed.

I glanced over at her and she was shaking her head smiling, "You're right." She said.

I got back to Cheyenne place and parked the car in her driveway.

I turned in my seat to unbuckle Shai but Cheyenne stopped me.

"You don't have to." She said.

I looked at her confused, "Why ?"

"She's staying with you tonight silly." She laughed.

I smiled, "Cool shit."

She opened her door, "Well goodnight Christopher."

"Night Star."

She pouted her lips but laughed that cute ass laugh.

Damn I wish I could kiss those lips again. Just have her back in my arms and keeping her.

"I'll be back, I have to get her bag." She said.

A few minutes later she came back with her bag, "Here you go Sir'." She said, handing me the bag.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." I said.

"Okay." She said.

I waited until she got in the house before I pulled off. I was surprised we didn't argue today. I'm excited that I get to spend time with mini G too. My night has been made.

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