The Fate of Kailea

By TheInvisibleGrayson

239K 12.4K 2.6K

ANIMALS SEQUEL (Previously titled The alpha, The Beta, & The Lunos, A prophecy foretold the fate of Mason's p... More

1| Unfair Trade
2| Inseparable
The Alpha, The Beta, & The Lunos
3| Hide & Seek
4| Protection
5| Mates
6| Blue
7| The Fate Of The Kailea
8| A Castle in the Woods
9| I'll Protect You
10| Only A Dream
11| A Heart Full of Love
12| Animals
13| Selfish
14| The Voice, She Calls
15| Mated Bliss
16| The Truth Untold
17| Happy Birthday
18| And Things Were Never The Same
19| Beautiful
20| One Punch Is All It Takes
21| Where's Noah?
22| Baby I'm Right Here!
23| Stand By Me
24| A Fresh Start
25| Alpha Juni
Clementine is home!
26: Name Game
27: Colors of the Wind
29| Solem Vow
30| Puppy Love
31| A Teaspoon of Sugar
32| Forever
33| Alpha Vs Beta
34| Don't Worry Baby
35| Sweet Lover Of Mine
36| Repeat
Reference Piece
37| Dirty Kisses
38| In Your Eyes
39| No So Fast
40| Cold
41| Reversed & Cursed
42| I Love You Baby
43| Nice Guys Finish Last
44| What Doesn't Kill You
Reference Piece: Noah's Family Tree
45| Dear Noah, Tell Me I'm Forever Yours
46| Whore
47| Savage Noah
48| Hideaway
49| Say Something
50| We Keep This Love For Ourselves

28. Isn't She Lovely?

3.4K 205 83
By TheInvisibleGrayson


"What if she comes out like me?"

I ask as Remy attempts to fold the itty bitty onesies on the floor. His massive hands found the delicate task more difficult than it needed to be but it was cute to watch him struggle. 

"What do you mean? She's perfect either way," He says without thinking twice as he folds the arms wrong. Our sweet baby Clementine flutters her legs in my belly and I run my hand across her little foot in my side to soothe her. I'm only a few days away from my due date but I'm growing more impatient with every second that passes. 

"I don't want that for her. It's hard living between the gender lines, crossing between both and becoming none all at once. It's so complicated and confusing," I sigh as I sit down again in the comfortable rocking chair where soon I would be able to hold our baby and rock her back and forth to sleep. 

"Being complicated doesn't make you any less beautiful Rowan. So what if she is? At least she'll have someone who understands her and can help her through it." Remy says before he tucks into the dresser his messily folded onesies that I'll probably refold while he's sleeping. 

"Why are you being so positive for once?" I ask and he can't help but smile as he rests his back against the crib and gives me the look I know all too well. 

"Because I'm so happy," He sighs and I roll my eyes, imagining the beautiful life ahead of us with our family and all the children we'll have. Clem might be the firstborn but she won't be the only that's for sure. 

"We still haven't decided on what color we want our wedding theme to be," I mention and he stays on the floor, placing his head on my lap so I could toy with his beautiful brown curls while he listened to the baby. 

"I told you it could be black for all I care as long as you're happy," Remy sighs and I scratch the back of his head a little bit with my nails. 

He kissed the edge of my stomach before he jolted up, yanking me out of the chair and rolling both of us to the floor as a loud bang rang through the nursery. My head pressed into Remy's chest as I closed my eyes and waited for the ringing in my ears to cease. 

"What was that!" I screamed but Remy pushed back off me, shoving me into Clementine's closet but I saw the hole in our living room floor before he could shield my vision from the atrocity. The heavy screams came next and every medical instinct in me told me I had to go out and help but Remy closed the closet door. 

"REMY!" I screamed out as I slammed my fists into the door, wishing to be released so I could help those in need. But before I could fight a massive pain swept me sideways and I was on the floor catching my breath. The birthing pains overtaking my body as the stress of the bombing was forcing my body to evacuate my sweet baby girl from the womb. 

Which would be exactly what they want if they realized who I am and what she is going to be.

I had seen the ultrasounds and hid the deeper meaning behind the scans the best I could from Remy and Bahra, but there's no where else to hide her if she's born. 

"I guess it's time to meet you huh?" I whisper as the tears stream down my cheeks, holding my stomach as the pain quickly became unbearable and I laid in the darkness. 

Remy where are you? 

It's the Crimson clan, they've blown through the castle and they're trying to take the thrown. 

I'm sorry

Sorry for what? 

I go silent in our link as I start pushing, grabbing a blanket from the dark and holding it in my mouth to muffle my screams as I felt everything. Clementine's wings felt like they were going to rip me in half as she slid out with every push and I finally heard her sweet cry. Gripping her in the dark, I had no idea what she looked like but I felt whatever I could. Her wet skin pressed to mine, her damp head of hair, her tiny nose and lips, and her small infant-sized wings. 

A loud thud scares me to my very core as I hear footsteps outside the closet. Clem's cries are hushed as I rush to wrap her in the blanket, feeling my way to the trunk in the back of the closet. placing her inside, I feel my baby one last time before I say a final goodbye. There was enough oxygen for her to last at least two hours and I'm sure her father will find her in that time. 

"Take care of him for me baby girl," I whispered gently, pacing two fingers to my lips and kissing them before placing them on my baby's forehead and gently shut the lid one final time. 

"We've invaded what appears to be the child's room sir, we will find it," I rip all of the clothing down from the closet and try to cover my tracks. Covering the baby's trunk with copious amounts of blankets and toiletries just as the door was slammed into. 

The door burst open and I'm gripped by my throat and brought into the light. 

Remy, I love you

I'm on my way just hold on

"Where is it?" The soldier before me growled as his grip tightened and I laughed in his face. 

"You'll never have her," I gasp and feel the life slowly leaving me with each breath I take. He slams my body against the wall and points his gun, taking aim. 

"Tell me where that mutant is and I'll spare your life," he bargains but I will take death for what it is to protect my baby. The gun directly aimed at my forehead with the trigger just tapped on before the ferocious growl of my mate reverberated off the nursery walls. The soldier turned on his heel but he was two seconds too late as my mate snapped his neck before he could even realize he was dying. 

"Rowan, oh god are you alright? What happened? Where's the baby?" He asked as I caught my breath, his back turned to the door so he couldn't see the soldier rushing into the room and taking the shot. 

"NO!" I screamed, using everything I had in me to turn Remy's body with my sheer force before hearing the gunshot fire. Remy moved fast, killing the man without a second thought. But while he was occupied he didn't realize that the solder hadn't missed. 

 I looked down, holding the wound that went straight through my heart the best I could but I know no amount of packing could heal this one as I fell to my knees. Breathing was getting harder and took more effort with each push through my lungs. 

"ROWAN!" Remy's heartbreaking screams filled my ears and I couldn't even cry as he picked me up and rocked me in his arms. His touch was soothing as I remembered all of our soft moments together and imagined everything that could have been. 

We were supposed to get married, raise our daughter, and spend the rest of our lives together. 

I rested my hand on my cheek, gazing into his tear-filled eyes as I took my final look at my beautiful mate. 

"Protect her," I muttered as the air got harder to force out and he nodded quickly. 

"We will, we'll protect her together just hold on Rowan, please. I can't lose you, I can't, not now," He wept and I pointed to the closet where our baby hid in the shadows. 

I'll never know what she looks like but I know she's beautiful because she's ours. 

"You deserve love," I choked out in my last breath before the darkness took over and consumed me with it. 

They'll be okay without me there

Because I'll watch after them from here 

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