Disaster Ever After [COMPLETE...

By Fan_girl_07

207 44 1

As the crown princess, Gabrielle's life was never meant to be easy, yet the death of her father and an assass... More

CHAPTER 2 - Hope
CHAPTER 3 - Pity
CHAPTER 4 - Stranger
CHAPTER 5 - Freedom
Chapter 7 - WOLF
Chapter 8 - PRICE
Chapter 9 - BURN

CHAPTER 1 - Fallen

29 5 0
By Fan_girl_07

"And they lived happily ever after..." Gabrielle finished with a smile and set the book down. She loved happy endings, it made her feel so hopeful of her own life and how it would turn for the better.

Her friend, on the other hand, didn't seem to share her opinions.

"Do all these books have to finish the same way?" Cedric complained, leaning his head on the backrest of his armchair in exasperation. "It's starting to get old."

"Well, what would you like? The princess to remain asleep? The beast to kill the old man? The thieves to escape?" she asked him curiously. She had never found happy endings to be boring, only, well... happy.

"I mean, it would be nice for the dragon to win for once," he smirked mischievously, revealing one of his elongated fangs. His golden eyes flashed with magic for a second and a tiny tendril of smoke made its way from between his lips.

Gabrielle laughed a little at her friend's comment, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere around them.

"Do you want me to read another one?"

"Yes please!" Cedric perked up, bringing a smile to the princess's lips.

She got up from her armchair and wandered through the huge bookshelves that adorned the royal library's walls. She had always liked it here, sometimes even more than the gardens. It was just so quiet and comfortable here... No one came almost at all, so she and Cedric had the place all to themselves whenever they managed to make time between their duties.

Just as Gabrielle picked out a new book, the huge double doors burst open, causing her to flinch in surprise and let the book slip from her fingers. She looked at who it was and her eyes widened as she recognized the royal general. He almost never spoke to her, always too busy with work.

This time, though, the calm demeanor that seemed to always surround him was gone. He looked exhausted and defeated, and the sight worried Gabrielle greatly. Cedric also seemed alarmed at the sudden intrusion as well as the appearance of the general.

"General Marcus," the princess greeted, confusion clear in her tone. "I mean no disrespect, but may I ask what brings you here?"

"I have news, princess," he said, looking as if the words brought him pain. "Bad news. The worst ones."

"Well, go on then," she said, concerned yet impatient. She had moved towards Cedric instinctively as she always seemed to do when worried.

"It's... It's the King, Your Grace... he," the general took in a deep breath. "He has fallen in battle."

Gabrielle froze, her body completely motionless as she stared at the man. Cedric's eyes widened and he immediately glanced at her, yet her expression remained that of shock and horror. Her hands were shaking slightly and her lower lip began to tremble. Moisture flooded her eyes, yet she forced it down as she managed to let only one word out.


"Bravely." the general answered, grief and pain evident in his eyes and tone. "Protecting his people and kingdom."

"I... I don't know what t-to say, I..." a sob tore through her lips and her legs gave out. She would've crumbled to the ground had Cedric not been there, enveloping her in his arms soothingly.

"I shall give you time to yourself, princess." the man bowed, trying to hide his own tears. "If you need anything, please tell me." And with that, he was off, closing the doors on his way.

Cedric gently guided Gabrielle to her armchair, slowly helping her sit down. Her head was spinning and the tears kept coming. Her mind tried to wrap around the thought of having lost her father, yet it seemed too far-fetched to be true. He had always been so strong and reliant, so powerful and constant. He couldn't have died. It just wasn't possible.

Yet a tiny part of her consciousness knew that it was. It knew that she was never going to see him again, hear his laugh and feel his warm hugs. Because, suddenly, he was just... gone.

Cedric didn't know what to do either. The king hadn't been close to him - they had barely ever spoken - yet he knew he was a great king, a great ruler. A great father.

He didn't know what to do to help his friend other than be there for her, so that was what he did. He embraced her warmly, trying to soothe the heartache he knew she was feeling. He knew what the pain of losing both parents was like, yet at the same time he didn't.

Dragons were known to not be overly caring with their young, so never meeting his parents was normal for his kind. Yet it didn't erase the constant need for something he knew nothing of. He had always had to look after himself from the moment he had hatched, but he still wondered what having a family would be like. For him, Gabrielle was his only family, the only person who had tried to approach him, the only one who befriended him and the only one who truly cared for him.

And now she was suffering.

It brought him pain too to see her like this, trembling and crying uncontrollably in his arms, but he knew not what he could do to help.

So he just sat there, rubbing her back and gently caressing her hair as she let out all her sadness and hurt.

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