The Meet (✅ #2 EDITING) (6/12...

By ercawivi

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Description in Chap. 1 More

📜 Copyright & Introduction to The Meet🌷
1. The Meet
2. Secrets
3. Confession part 1
4. Confession part 2
5. Conversation
6. London
7. Dinner
8. explosion
9. Chaos
10. The explanation part 1
11. The explanation part 2
12. The past
13. Talking to Huma
(Author's note)
(Author's note part 2)
14. Author's note- New characters
15. Clarification
Author's note
16. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
17. Memory
18. Author's note: more characters
19. Girls talk
20. News
21. Frustration
Author's note
22. Gay or not gay?
23. I'm not gay!
24. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
25. I won't give up
26. Surprise!
Author's note
27. "I'll make it up to you."
28. "Your going to be the death of me"
Author's note
author's note-2
29. "I can't do this anymore!"
One last❓to my readers (4/5/20)

30. The best is yet to come (The end)

3.9K 249 101
By ercawivi

Author's note:

Hello my fellow readers, first I am so sorry because I plublid it, I meant to safe it, and I pressed the wrong button by accident. 🤦

Ok, now that being said.😊 I want to say thank, thank you for staying with me while I wrote this amazing story.

Thank you everyone! ❤️


"But I want to tell you something, even though I know I lost you, even though I know there is no chance between us, I do want to say something that means the world to me." He saw hope in Sanem's eye and he softly smiled. "I Can Divit, is crazy in love with you." He took a step forward. "I Can Divit, forgave you a long time ago," He took another step. "Is just that I was stubborn and didn't want to accept it, but if we think about it I was never really mad at you," he took another step. "I was mad at the situation, but never at you." He look the last step that separated them, he took her hands into his and kissed them,

"I Can Divit take you Sanem Aydın as my wife," uncontrollably tears started to fall down Sanem's cheeks, "I Can Divit, take you Sanem Aydın as the mother of my child and future children," He cupped her face and wiped her tears.

"I Can Divit, want you, and only you to be the woman I spend the rest of my life with. Will you Sanem Aydın take me?"


Sanem just keep looking at him not being able to say a word, not being able to think. She just started at his big drown beautiful eyes, and tears kept falling down her cheeks. Can softly smiled, and slowly brought his lips to hers, and gave her a soft, gentle kiss. "I love you, Sanem. Please forgive me. Please." He begged with a tone lower than a whisper, then he rested his forehead on hers and they both closed their eyes, hearing how each other would breath, feeling each other's breath and she softly nods.

Can open his eyes and back off from her with his hands still in her cheeks. "Really? Baby really?"

She nods again and with a huge smile. "Oh, baby!" That was the last thing he said before he started to kiss her lips again. She wrapped her hands around his neck, he lift her up and started to walk towards her bedroom.


"Mmm?" He asked while kissing her neck.

"Baby, I think I'm getting a little heavy."

He stopped kissing her, looked down at her belly, a saw the little bump she already had. He looked back at her, smiled "Never," He said before devouring her mouth.

"Allah! I love you." She said in between kisses.

"Me too." He responded, reaching her bed they both let their desire, their love, their world wrapped it's seems around them.

"Are you ok?" He asked worried.

"Y-yeah," she said in between moans, he smiled and kept going giving each other pleasure with soft and fasts strokes.

After a while, he was resting his head carefully on her stomach, "I can't believe it." He smiled.

"What?" She asked softly massaging his hair.

"That we're going to have a child, that I got you back." He let out a tear and it hit Sanem's stomach. "I love you," he said looking at her.

"I love you too." She smiled.

"But I have a dilemma." She frowned, "I don't know who do I love more, you or the baby?" She laughed and he lifted himself up, and kissed her. He separated the kiss and smiled, "I got the answer."

"Yeah? And what would that be?" She said cupping his face.

"I love you both." And he went back to her mouth.


"Hey." He came from behind her and kiss her back while she was looking out the window. "What were you thinking?"

"That, now that you and I are back together we would have to tell everyone. A baby is imposible to hide, and I don't want to..."

"Sanem, that's not a possibility." She frown, turned around to look at him. "What I mean," he softly stroke her hair, "What I'm saying is that, I do not want to hid anything anymore. I hate hidding, and I am done hidding you and specially our baby."

She smile, "I agree."

"So are we coming out?" he asked making sure she was on the same page

"We're coming out." And they kissed.

The following day, Can and Sanem left the building in different cars. Photographers took pictures of them in their cars and they both left.

They park Sanem's car in an underground parking lot and she hoped in his car and they left to his parents house. The Aydın's had already arrived and we're waiting for them.

"We have something to tell you all." Can said.

"You guys are back together." Cansu said happily.

"Yes!" Sanem reaposponded smilling.

"Yayy!" Cansu jumped in eximent and everyone congratulate them.


"Are you ready?" Can asked before putting the car in drive mode.

"I'm ready!" She smiled and he gave her a softly smiled. "I wish they were no reporters out there."

"Yeah, but unfortunately they are."

"But lately there have been more and more reporters. I wonder why? Is it because of me?"

"Part of that yes it's because of you?"


"Part." He said again.



"Can you please stop saying 'part' and just tell me why."

"Sanem, we aren't the only 'celebraties' who live here."

"Ok, so besides, you, Engin, and now me, who else?" she was confused. "I know business men and women, and others that have really good jobs. But 'celebraties, like you and me?"

"No, he is an actual celebrity."

"Like Engin?"

"Yeah, like Engin. Like I said he's an actual celebrity."

"Really? I've been living here for a while now and I have only seen you, and Engin and business men and women.

"That's because we are on this side on the builging and on the same floor, well your a floor above. But three floors above you and on the other side, there's a ver famous celebrity, like way more famous then you and me."

"Really? Who?" She wonder.

"You know him, and his wife too. Though no one knows they are married. At least the public doesn't, only is the ones that know them."

"Allah Can, who is it?" She frown.

"You've heard about him even her." He smiled. "Actually he has been all over the news lately."

"Who?" She question. "Remember I don't work at the magazine any more, so I have no idea who you are talking about. They are a lot of celebraties who are always in the front page."

"True, but this man has been in a lot and unfortunately it wasn't even his fault. It's the media's fault."

"Ok, I have a blank."

"Wow! I'm surprise." He laughed, "The person that has photographic memory, has no idea of who I am talking about."

"Be as schock as you want, now tell me." She was getting annoyed.

He smiled, "You look so cute when you get annoyed." He lifted her hand from her lap and kissed it.

"Can who???"

He smiled again, "I'll give you two clues."


"One, we have the same name."

"Ok." She smiled in wonder.

"Two, we look alike."

"NO!" She yelled putting her hands on her mouth in shock. "Really? And I'm just finding out!" she was still schoked.

"Yeah, he has an apartment here, but doesn't life here."

"Allah! Allah! His my favorite actor!" She said clapping,

"I thought Engin was,"

"Ok, engine and Can Yaman. But Can, Allah Can beats him! That man is just dreamy."

"Hey, I'm going to get jelouse."

"Don't be, because I love you." And they both smiled. "So him and Demet are seriously married?" And Can nodded. "I'm so happy for them. I have to meet them both."

"I know where he lives, one day when he gets out of this insignificant mess. I'll take you."

"He seems like a good person,"

"He is."

"I also think it's not fair what's happening to him."

"No it's not."

"Are they going to stay hidden?"

"I think so, them coming out at the moment will not be good for neither of them."

"Yeah, your probably right."

"Unfortunately the media really knows how to turn things around, and sometimes is worse then others." They both sighted.

"Can, are you sure you want to do this, they are going to say stuff about you and me."

"Sanem, as long as your good with this, I good. It's your choice."

"We can't hide forever."

"No we can't." He softly passed the back of his index and middle finger thought her cheeks and smiled.

"Yeah, let's do it."

"Ok" Can put the car in drive and started to tdive throu the parking lot. They reach the garage door, he pressed the button to open in and grabbed her hand. Like how he told her, they were reporters outside the apartment building. Good thing it was still daylight so they were able to see and not being blind by the camera flash.

The following day, Can and Sanem were all over the magazines, newspapers, and media. "The famous photographer Can Divit and famous writer Sanem Aydın are a couple !"

"Can Divit and Sanem Aydın are together!"

"A photographer and a writer together!"

The media had pictures of Can and Sanem in the car, and them holding hands.

Its has been a few weeks Sanem and Can came out of hiding, Sanem had done a few interviews and she confirmed the news. They even asked her if he was gmthe father of the baby, and she also confirm that news.

Can was slot attack by reporters and photographers, they asked him if she was the girl they saw him with almost a year ago and he confirmed it.

Sanem was 20 weeks pregnant, she had an OB appointment and Can was so nervous he couldn't control how sweaty his hand felt. The OB walked in and did the ultrasound on her.

"Congratulations, you will have a baby boy."

Can kissed Sanem's forehead and let a tear dropped and Sanem wipped her. They went back to the Aydın's household and everyone was waiting for them. They told the news and they were congratulated by everyone.

Can walked up to Berk "You better or hurt her, or I will hurt you."

"He will not be the only one." Emre said.

Berk gulp, "I love Cansu, she's amazing. I would never hurt her."

"You better not." Both Emre and Can dangerously said and Berk nodded.

Can walked back to her and hugged her from behind, "Sanem,there's something I have to ask you." He kissed her cheek.

"Ok." She turned around. He looked at her deeply in her eyes and smiled, then he kissed the palm of her hand,

"Can, what's wrong? You look nervous." He chuckled, "Yeah, I am a little." She frown and he smiled then he put his hand in his pocket and took out a small black box and open it, Sanem looked at it and saw a ring with a moonstone.

"I know you answer this question weeks ago, but now I want to make it 100% official." She smiled,

"Will you Sanem Aydın Take me to be your husband? To be the father of our baby boy and the future kids? To spend the rest of you life with me?"

non stoppable tears were falling down on Sanem's cheeks, not being able to speak, she nodded with a huge smile on her face. He put the ring on her right ring finger and they kissed, everyone clapped.

it has been another three weeks Can and Sanem had bought a house by the beach, and it had a pier for him to park the yatch he had at the dock.

"Are you ready?" He asked her seeing her in a beautiful loose white gown.

"Don't I look fat?"

"I don't see it, I see the woman who stool my soul, and our baby. If you are or if you aren't I don't see it."

She kissed him on his right cheek and they walked out into the garden. Everyone was there waiting for them, they all walked to the pier and the judge married them. "You may now kiss the bride."

And they kissed.

"I love you Sanem Divit,"

I love you too Can Divit." And they kissed again.

It has been two more weeks, Sanem was standing at the pier arms open, breathing in and feeling that amazing breeze. Can came from behind her and snaked his hands on her 25 weeks pregnant belly, and gave her a kiss on her neck, she smiled and rested her head on his chest. "I love you both so much." He gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you both so much too." She smiled.

"Come on let's sit down."

They both sat on the edge of the pier, she rested her head on his right shoulder and he grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth and kissed it. They both stayed there looking at the ocean, looking at the horizon, smelling that amazing sent the ocean had, and waited for their future, because the best is yet to come.


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