She Loves Me Not ~Tsuchako BN...

By peachyIOI

4.4K 130 107

[COMPLETED] Yeet yeet B) No quirk AU Aged up (20-22) More

~ Contents ~
"Chapter 1"
"Chapter 2"
"Chapter 3"
"Chapter 4"
Bonus Chapter!
"Chapter 5"
"Chapter 6"
"Chapter 8"
A/N :p

"Chapter 7"

312 9 6
By peachyIOI

Chapter 7 - Once, Twice, But Not A Third Time

(Warning: drunk adults and one sentence about druggies. I know they aren't that bad, but people be sensitive these days. Also, don't do drugs kids)

Shouto's and Izuku's wedding reception was at a large club. They hired a bartender and Yamada as the DJ.  Most of the guests were drunk and/or dancing on the dance floor. Asui had given the newlyweds their wedding gift. Only then, had she noticed their matching ties. Izuku had a red and white, striped tie and Shouto had a green tie. 

"Hey, Tsu." Sero waved and grinned, sitting beside her in a bar stool. "You here to drink your worries away?" Sero asked.

"If by worries, you mean heartbreak, then yes." Asui sighed, banging her head on the bar.

"Join the club." Sero grinned, though there was something hiding behind that smile. Sero ordered them vodka. The bartender was about to give them two shot glasses, but Sero pointed at the large bottles.

"Gimme two of those." The bartender (very hesitantly) gave them two bottles of the strongest vodka. Asui and Sero both gulped down 1/4 of the bottle.

"You a lightweight?" Asked Asui. Sero shook his head, making Asui grin. "Good, me neither." 

They ended up playing multiple drinking games.

"You know what? I think I might be here because of someone other than Mr. Midoriya Shouto over there." Sero slurred and pointed at Shouto. Asui, who was only tipsy at this point, just raised a brow.

'He's drunk.' She concluded.

"I mean, Bakugou's kinda pretty, don't ya think? I'd let him fu-" Asui ended up covering his mouth with her hand, not wanting to hear what Sero was about to tell her.

"Do you think I should tell him?" Sero pondered. Drunk Sero was strangely more bold and confident, unlike Asui, Monoma (their secret best friend all throughout high school) and sober Sero. That friend group was caused by insecurities. 

"Go ahead. It might be your only chance." Asui encouraged. Sero sat in the stool for awhile, his legs trembling, indicating that he wasn't wasted enough to just go to Bakugou and tell him.

"Don't worry, a little birdie told me he feels the same." Asui winked, though Sero still felt doubtful.

"Talking to birds sounds like something a druggie would do." Sero grinned and Asui giggled. He finally managed to get up and leave his vodka on the bar.

"See ya." Sero waved.

"Tell me how it goes." Asui called out, while he ran. Asui felt something weigh her heart down and she set her vodka down too.

She felt lonely again.

Asui looked around the room. Seeing everyone full of joy and love made her feel happy, but lonely at the same time.

"Hey, Tsu-chan." A hesitant voice accompanied the soft hand on her shoulder. Asui recognized the hand from all the times it ran through her hair when she was feeling down.

"Hey, Uraraka." Asui turned around to face Uraraka and put on an annoyed expression, letting Uraraka know the bitterness Asui felt for her.

"I feel as if you're mad at me." Uraraka frowned. She had noticed how when the paparazzi left, Asui had began to avoid her.

 Asui felt as if an arrow had hit her heart. She had every right to be angry at Uraraka, but why did she feel as if her actions weren't justified.

"No shit, Sherlock." Asui rolled her eyes and drank straight from her bottle of vodka again. Uraraka grabbed the bottle and moved it away from her.

"What did I do?" Uraraka's frown deepened and Asui wanted to apologize for the way she was acting, but around Uraraka she just couldn't be her blunt self.

"You didn't show up, you never do." Asui turned her head away, not wanting to see Uraraka's confused face.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka tilted her head in a questioning manner. 

She grabbed Asui by her hands, making Asui turn her head back to Uraraka. Their cheeks flushed red when they noticed how close they were. Their noses were almost touching and they could feel each others hot breaths on their lips. Subconsciously, they both leaned in, sealing the distance between them. The two rested their hands on Asui's lap. Their lips touched, for a second or two, before realization hit Uraraka and she pushed Asui away out of shock. Asui almost fell of her bar stool, but managed to get up before it hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I don't even like you like that-"

Asui grabbed Uraraka by her hair and yanked her down to kiss her. Uraraka, without much thought, rest her hands on Asui's hips. This kiss was longer and more rough. After letting go, Asui wiped the tears pooling at her eyes. She choked out a sorry, before tears started streaming down.


"No, stop. Just, please, stop playing with my feelings like this." Asui rushed to the bathroom, before Uraraka could even process what had happened.

"You got some pink lipstick smudged with your coral one." Someone pointed out to Uraraka, who hid her face in her hands out of shame and embarrassment.

"Hey, Mr. Midoriyas." Asui smiled and waved at the newlyweds. She'd fixed her makeup and made sure no one could tell she had been crying.

"Hey, Asui- Tsu-chan!" Izuku quickly corrected himself. Asui and Shouto giggled at the bush boy.

"Having fun?" Asui asked, making a bit of small talk.

"Yeah, you?" Shouto answered for him and his husband. Asui nodded, her smile growing larger to try and convince others.

"I'm a tired and have work tomorrow though, so I'll be leaving now." Asui informed, getting a pout from Shouto and a frown from Izuku, but they understood.

"You reek of vodka. You can't go driving home while drunk." Izuku worried and started mumbling. Shouto and Asui giggled again.

"Don't worry, Izu. I'll get my brother to drive her home." Shouto assured Izuku.

"Which one?" Asui and Izuku asked at the same time, making them both laugh.

"Toya. He wanted to see his boyfriend soon anyway." Shouto said and kissed Izuku on the cheek to reassure him again.

"Stop worrying, Izu. He's not as bad as the paparazzi say." Shouto smiled and Izuku finally calmed down.

"Bye, Tsu." Shouto smiled wider and hugged Asui tightly.

"Bye, A- TSU-CHan!" Izuku hurriedly corrected himself and hugged Asui as well.

"Bye, Mr. Midoriyas. Enjoy your night." Asui smiled and looked for Dabi.

It was exactly 2am now. Asui was in a car- a stranger's car to be exact, and it was a long ride. The stranger, although Asui knew him, she didn't personally know him, was giving her a ride to her house. Saying she was scared was an overstatement. She was too wrapped up in her heartbreak to even think about being scared.

"So, you heartbroken or something?" Dabi, the stranger, spoke.

"..."  Asui glared, not having enough energy to respond.

'Not sober enough for this.' Asui growled.

"What? I'm just making conversation." Asui could hear the smug grin in Dabi's voice, even though his mouth was covered by a purple mask.

"Sure, I'm heartbroken." Asui sighed, turning her head to look out the window.

"Are you in love with Shouto?" Dabi asked. Asui faked a gagging noice.

"God no." Even without looking, she knew Dabi wasn't pleased with that answer. Maybe she should be more careful with her bluntness.

"What's wrong with my brother?" Asui could hear venom in every word.

"I'm hella gay." Asui admitted, calming Dabi down immediately.

"So that girl you made out with at the party is the one who left you heartbroken?" Asui nearly choked on her own spit.

"Wha- how?" Asui turned her head quickly to look at Dabi.

"I'm observant and a club isn't really a private place." Dabi shrugged and Asui sighed again.

"Don't be so gloomy, p'sure she feels the same for you, Froppy." Dabi smugly grinned again (at least Asui thinks he did), making fun of the way Asui had called him Dabi while asking for him to take her home. Which also lead to a lot of misunderstandings due to the way Asui had worded it.

Silence filled the car again and Asui decided to speak.

"Was your boyfriend also a clueless idiot before you began dating?" Asui asked, wanting to relate  to someone other than Sero and Bakugou. Dabi slapped her on her thigh, though it didn't hurt, only stung a little.

"Don't call my boyfriend an idiot." Dabi glared for a second, before fixating his eyes on the rode again.

"And, no. I was the clueless idiot, while he had been pining for almost a year." Dabi admitted. Asui hummed, indicating that she was listening.

"Do you really think she feels the same?" Asui frowned, not believing it, even after the two kisses. She also mumbled a small "Turn left." to Dabi.

"Yeah. I mean, you two made out, twice." Dabi raised a brow, as if to question her insecurities. "Do I go right?"

"No, left." Asui pointed to the left. "I know we made out, but she said that she didn't feel that way about me." Asui blinked away the tears that were pooling at her eyes again.

"Then she's still in denial." Dabi shrugged. "I was that way for awhile."

"No, go forward." Dabi turned the car around. "Well, probably. She was acting strange when we were trying out the bridesmaids dresses." Asui informed. Dabi nodded, indicating that she should continue.

"When we were leaving, she came up to me to tell me that she's straight and is in love with Izuku." Asui frowned at the memory.

"Shouto's husband?" Dabi asked and Asui confirmed.

"Clearly in denial. You definitely have a chance, though she needs to figure out her sexuality and feelings first." Dabi said and Asui agreed.

"That's mine." Asui said and pointed at her house. Dabi pulled into her driveway. 

"Thank for the ride, Dabs." Asui grinned and exited the car. Before she walked away, Dabi stopped her. He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and then wrote his number on it. 

"You seem fun enough. Call me." Dabi pulled his mask down, revealing a lip and nose piercing. He grinned smugly and handed the paper to her.

"Will do." Asui smiled and grabbed the paper. He pulled his mask back up and waved. Asui closed the door to his car and waved him off.

(A/N: Procrastination is my new best friend. Sorry for how this story is literally heartbreak and friendship, but I haven't seen many friendship fics and now subconsciously write them lol)

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