Royally Yours

By maceyywrites

434K 12.5K 2.4K

Alena Thompson is fresh out of college ready to pursue her new career in London England. Everyone tells you h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35

Chapter 34

8.7K 272 59
By maceyywrites

*Archie's POV*

I walked through the halls of Buckingham Palace with one of my sharpest suits on. My Father's assistant opened the door and I saw him sitting at his desk.

"Archibald!" he looked up from his paperwork, "How were Australia and the other countries?"

I sat down in a chair, "Splendid. We got to do a lot of really cool things. Plus the meetings this morning went well too."

"That's good to hear. Where's Alena?" my Father asked me

"She's out with Matilda and twenty security guards shopping for the baby. Which is what I came here to talk about you about." I began, "I know since you're the King you're supposed to know everything before everyone else so I thought you might want to know what your grandchild will be ahead of everyone else."

He took off his glasses and gave me all of his attention, "I'd like to know. It's been on my mind."

I gave him a smile, "The pronouns are changing in the National Anthem and the title of it."

"It's a girl?" my Dad perked up, "God Save the Queen?"

I nodded and he jumped up to give me a hug.

"Congratulations, Archie, she's going to be beautiful." my Dad congratulated me as he gave me a hug

"Thank you." I beamed as we both sat back down

My Dad just kept smiling, "I'm very excited for you. Do you have a name picked out? Is it your mother's name?"

"Not her first name, we want her to have her own identity. There's one that we're pretty much set on but we're not too fond of the spelling of it. We're working on it." I let him know, "I'm excited and nervous."

"Nervous about what?" my Dad asked me

"A lot of things. I don't want Alena to have any complications, but most of all I don't want my daughter to go through intense discrimination or anything." I cleared my throat, "Alena doesn't know that I have this plan in my head or anything, but I wanted you to know this."

My Dad frowned, "What is it, son?"

"I'm leaving this all behind if my daughter gets scrutinized or anything bad happens to her." I told him in a serious tone, "Alena has already had to put up with enough and I don't want our baby girl to have to."

"What do you mean Archibald?" he leaned back in the chair

I took a deep breath.

"I'm well aware that my daughter will be perceived as black. She's half black and half white. You see and hear how they treat Alena. There are already people calling my babygirl an n-word or 'colored'. I don't want her to grow up with that. Her happiness is worth more than a title and a throne to me." I told him my perspective of it

"Archie, you know there's no one I want more than you to have the throne." my dad brought up

I shrugged, "My girls come first."

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there." my Dad put a strong emphasis on the 'if'

He better pray that this world was changing as fast as he thought it was. Just because you're sovereign doesn't mean everyone thinks the same as you.

During the month of March, Alena and I still did a lot of appearances and events in Ireland and the UK. As she got further along, the more I insisted the less she worked.

I just loved to look at Alena.

There was something about seeing the love of your life pregnant with your child. I loved the late nights of feeling her kick or going to the doctors' appointments and hearing her heartbeat. We had her sonogram pictures all around our house plus Alena holding her sonogram was my background.

My girls would forever and always be my world.

And they would always and I mean always come first.

Alena's parents also decided to start staying in the house we lived in before moving to Kensington when they were in London. They made it clear after the birth of their granddaughter, they'd be here more often.

They invited us for dinner and it was always nice to talk to them.

"How have you been feeling, Amie?" Athena asked her daughter as we sat down at the dining room table

"Almost seven months pregnant." she answered with a smile, "Other than the swollen feet and backaches, I've been feeling good. We can't wait to meet our girl."

Athena nodded, "What about you, Archie?"

"Just feeling really excited." I answered her question

"So, do we have a name picked out?" Simon wondered

I looked over at Alena and she looked at me.

We both nodded.

"Go get the binder, please." Alena asked me

I walked into the foyer and grabbed the pink binder. It was where we were putting everything about our daughter from her name and nursery ideas to changing our wills.

We opened to the name section and turned to the second to last page.

"Our top three names were Isla, Cecilia, and Aurora." Alena read to her parents, "And we chose, actually you should guess."

"Cecilia since it's your grandmother's name." my Dad guessed and my Mom agreed with him

I looked at Alena and she turned the page.

"We chose Isla, but spelled A-i-y-l-a because everyone kept saying is-luh instead of eye-la." she announced excitedly,"Isn't it gorgeous?"

Her Mom nodded, "I love it! Keeping with the A's huh? What about middle names?"

"Her Dad can take that question." Alena looked over at me

"Aiyla Beatrice Frances Clifford." I spoke proudly, "We chose Beatrice because it means she who brings happiness along with it being Athen's middle name and Frances because it was my mother's name."

Both of her parents had this blissful look on their faces.

"We're so happy for you. It's like right when I become an empty nester, I have something to fill the void." Athena grinned, "I can't wait to spoil our little Aiyla."

"Yeah, we just gotta get to work on the nursery." I nodded

"It'll come together." Alena assured me

The rest of the dinner with Alena's parents went really well. They talk about how when the baby came they would come to live in London for a month or a little more.

I'm sure we would appreciate the help so much.

In the month of April, we also celebrated my sister's wedding.

Even though it wasn't in Westminster Abbey, it brought back all of the feels from our own wedding day from a year ago.

I looked over at Alena as the choir sang some songs.

I lightly took her hand and she slowly turned her head to me.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to her

She was seven months pregnant in a church full of people wearing heels.

"Yeah." she responded. She moved my hand to her stomach and I could feel Aiyla kicking or doing whatever she was in there.

I smiled as I felt her.

I just couldn't wait until I really felt her in my arms. I was ready to make all of those memories with her. From her first steps, first day of school, every day. I hope she always knew that her Dad would never let her go lonely.

*Alena's POV*

It was on the plane ride flying into Los Angeles that I realized it would be my last time coming here with Aiyla inside of my uterus.

Peyton and Parker were throwing us a coed baby shower. Some of our friends were flying in from London and then they would probably all party after.

Of course, a baby shower for the royal baby didn't come without the rules. Winston and everyone on the board made our guests sign NDAs saying that they couldn't tell anyone that I was having a girl and that her name was Aiyla.

We were staying in the guest house that was at my parents' place. It was nice to be on the same property but also have our own space.

"Peyton wants us to go to the Fitzgerald for dinner." I told Archie as we laid in the bed after a nap

The time change was always a bitch.

"We can do that. Are you feeling good?" Archie questioned me

I nodded, "Just a little tired that's all. Apparently the third trimester is the most uncomfortable and I'm definitely feeling that way."

I got up and stretched, "She's going to be worth it though."

Archie grinned, "She definitely will be especially if she's just like her Mom."

For dinner, I wore a knit black bodycon dress with a nice jacket and espadrille sandals. It felt so nice not to have to do a royal family dress-up day with tights, non-form fitting clothes, and heels.

Peyton and Parker led us to the restaurant that was in the hotel of the Fitzgerald.

She wrapped her arms around me with a huge smile on her face. It'd been so long since we'd seen each other.

"Awe, Alena, you're glowing!" she exclaimed as she looked at me, "And look at that bump!"

I smiled, "She weighs two pounds and five ounces!"

I greeted Parker and Archie greeted them both.

"I'll have to show you the reception room when dinner is over." Peyton spoke, "It's beautiful. Oh! You have to see the invitations."

Peyton opened up her purse and passed me an envelope. On the back of it in the left-hand corner, it read 'It was a joint effort so it's a joint shower'.

Archie let out a laugh, "That was clever."

"I came up with it." Parker spoke up

But the actual invitation was gorgeous with the gold glitter, the pink flower, it saying 'Princess Aiyla', it was perfect.

"Pey, you did amazing." I got out as Archie and I stared at the invitation, "Can I keep one?"

"I printed like five extra copies for you." she assured me

I smiled at my best friend, "I can't wait for her to meet her Auntie Peyton. And Uncle Parker."

It was nice to catch up with Parker and Peyton and listen to all of their parenting tips. Plus Peyton's pregnancy tips. It sucked just living so far from them but they promised to visit when Aiyla was born.

The baby shower the threw us was so much fun.

The decorations were beautifully done. I loved the greenery, flowers, her name sign, the photo booth, everything was perfect.

Plus the games were just as fun.

There was pacifier beer pong, design a onesie station, baby word scramble, bottle chugging, all around it was just a great day.

From Los Angeles, Archie and I flew to Seaside, Florida for our babymoon.

It was our last destination before going back to London to have our little Aiyla.

We spent four days under the sun just enjoying each other. We went to the beach of course, got couples massages, and caught up on a lot of sleep.

Then we had to fly back to London for an engagement at a local upper school.

Before I got there I was tired, extremely tired - I was growing a human - but seeing all of the kids smiling faces lifted my mode. I hoped Aiyla had a good experience at school.

After a week, we finally finished Aiyla's nursery.

All of her clothes were washed and hung in her closet, the wallpaper looked great, it really all did come together which was a good thing considering we were in the home stretch.

Her nursery was sweet and girly.

There was a statement floral wall with the rest of the walls being cream-colored. We also got the most gorgeous chandelier put up in the room. It was absolutely perfect.

I was sitting in the rocking chair organizing her blankets and headbands/bows by color while Archie sat on the ground organizing diapers and wipes.

"How do you think she'll talk?" Archie asked me, "I think she'll have a cute little half British and half American accent."

I let out a laugh, "Me too."

"I keep wondering what she'll look like." I said to Archie, "She'll be gorgeous."

Archie looked up at me, "She will without a doubt. I can't wait to take her to our favorite beach spot."

I couldn't stop smiling at the thought of our family vacation under the sun, playing on the beach. I just couldn't wait to make memories with both of them.

"It's been almost nine months and we haven't really talked about it but what do you think life will be like for Aiyla?" I finally asked Archie the question that'd been eating me alive

I think both of us didn't want to face reality.

"Truthfully? I don't really know because I've tried not to think about it but that alone is saying a lot." Archie spoke honestly

I put the bows to the side and rested my hands on my belly.

"I know she's your child just as much as she is mine but I'm not afraid to pack everything up and run away with her if it's too harsh." I told him in a serious tone

My child was nothing to play with.

I was not going to have her questioning her worth for some title.

"And I'd come with you." Archie spoke, "I've told you this from day one. I'm not afraid to abdicate or leave. Aiyla is the reason I'm working so hard to finish the law degree, I need a backup if we move to the states."

I nodded my head, "I'd die for her, Arch. She's my everything and I don't want her to experience a life seeing so much hate."

Archie stood up and gave me a kiss, "I completely agree with you."

"I'm happy we're on the same page." I said to him as he sat back down

Archie nodded, "Well just being in the spotlight gave me a lot of pain as a child. I wasn't black or a woman so I could only imagine. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, you know?"

I gave him a smile, "I hope she knows that we will always want the best for her."

"We'll make sure of it." Archie assured me

Aiyla wasn't due until July 26th but here we were in a hospital twenty days early because my water broke and baby girl was ready to come out.

I didn't have anything to compare it to, but Aiyla's birth was relatively easy. My labor only lasted about five hours which was relatively 'short' for labor. The contractions were a bitch but once I breathed through it and just talked to Archie, it moved from there.

We welcome Aiyla Beatrice Frances at 7:07 in the morning on July sixth - one day before her Daddy's.

I wish I could replay hearing her cries for the first time over and over again.

Feeling her on my chest was such an amazing feeling.

"Hi, Aiyla." I touched her gently, "Happy birthday."

Seeing her big eyes look at me made very moment worth it.

From meeting Archie in the club to the criticism to the extreme back pain.

It was all worth it because I had the biggest gift I could ever want, my daughter.

I looked at Archie as cut her umbilical cord.

He then stroked my cheek as he cried tears of joy, "We did it, baby."

I ordered Archie to go with her as they cleaned her up and got her all checked up.

"Five pounds and eight ounces!" Archie announced proudly from across the room

I smiled to myself.

I just wanted her in my arms again so badly.

Aiyla was healthy and showed us that she was with her strong lungs. She yelled until they put her in my arms.

"Hi, my baby girl." I smiled at her as I gently stroked her cheek

I scooted over so Archie could sit in the bed with us.

"Oh my goodness she's gorgeous." Archie spoke softly

Aiyla was about the color of powder but she had big blue eyes.

"I wonder if she'll keep her eyes or if she'll eventually get our brown eyes." I said to Archie

"Tori and Alex have blue eyes so we'll have to wait and see." he kissed my cheek, "You did amazing Lainey. Thank you for bringing our little girl into the world."

I smiled and looked at him, "I love you."

"I love you the most." he said before turning his attention back to his daughter

I let him get skin to skin contact since the doctor said it would be a good way for them to bond.

"Our little bean." Archie smiled from ear to ear, "That's a good nickname, bean. Because she's so tiny but she'll be sure to sprout soon enough."

I rested my head on his shoulder, "Yeah and it sounds like it came from Beatrice."

"Hi, Aiyla." Archie spoke as she looked up at him, "Mummy and Daddy are always going to protect you and be there for you."

"Forever and always." I added

Those few hours we got to bond and rest with Aiyla were the best.

But as soon as she hit forty-eight hours old, we had to go present our baby to the world.

I was only forty-eight hours postpartum and I had to get all dressed up and wear heels. I was so uncomfortable but I had to but on my best smiley face.

"Are you alright?" Archie asked me as we stood by the doors

I nodded, "Yeah, just tired and still bleeding into my adult underwear."

"We'll be out there no longer than five minutes, I promise." he assured me

"I know." I looked up at me and then back down at Aiyla, "Still a little nervous."

Archie put his hand on my lower back, "I'm always going to protect you both. Everything will be just fine."

As soon as the doors opened, the crowd went crazy.

Archie kept his arm around me as we carefully walked down the steps.

For the first minute or so, we just waved and smiled but I kept looking down to make sure that Aiyla was doing well. And she was, I guess being breast milk drunk was a thing.

"Do you want me to hold her while we talk to reporters?" Archie spoke through his smile

I nodded my head and we exchanged which also caused the crowd the go wild.

We walked over to them and they told us congratulations and asked me what is liked to become a new mom.

"It's absolutely amazing. I think that she is absolutely beautiful and has me over the moon." I answered their question

"Prince Archie, what is it like to be a girl Dad?" they wondered

He smiled as he looked at Aiyla, "Marvelous. She's such a good baby and has the best temperament. Plus her mother's good looks."

We all lightly laughed at his joke.

"Do you have a name picked out?" another asked and I looked over at Archie because he knew how to handle the question best

Archie nodded, "We do. We'll announce it soon, just have to get it set in stone first."

After that, we just said thank you and walked away.

We were in the hospital for a little while longer before we were on our way back to Kensington Palace ready to take on parenthood.

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