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By mama_kurogiri

1.6K 56 61

((Oh wow, I'm really challenging myself with this one.)) โš ๏ธMay contain some triggering material, please read... More

Before we start


104 4 2
By mama_kurogiri

     "So, are you staying home with me today, Ramona?" Spinel asked her out of sheer curiosity.

     "Well, I can't exactly leave you here by yourself, judging by how you react whenever I do attempt to leave you alone," Ramona responded as she made her bed, "Besides, I have the day off work, so I'm perfectly fine with being cooped up here with you."

     "Still, you should at least go out and enjoy your day off! I want you to not feel like you're trapped....really..." Spinel fiddled with her bandaged up fingers, "I'm used to being left alone, so please just go out and enjoy your day off....for the two of us."

     "Spinel," Ramona said in a calm, reassuring voice as she rests her hands on her shoulders, "You've been abandoned left and right by so many people for almost your entire existence, especially by those you thought cared about you. I just don't think it's right to leave you alone only for you to have a mental breakdown and start harming yourself again."

    "But don't you have other friends you could hang out with?" Spinel asked the chestnut-haired female, "Aren't you friends with the Crystal Gems? Steven? Connie?"

     "Spinel, I don't consider Steven and his gang of ignorant gems/humans as "friends," they and everyone else, with the exception of you, are all annoying pricks who don't respect anyone's privacy or personal thoughts. Honestly, they're more like acquaintances than they are friends, "Ramona responded as she put her hair up in a low ponytail, "Though now that you mentioned it, I would indeed like to go outside and get some fresh air, that is if you wouldn't mind joining me?"

     "I-I would like to accept your request, b-but I don't think it would be a good idea for me to go outside, especially considering that the Crystal Gems are probably looking for me," Spinel clinged onto a pillow, "They'll probably force me to go back to Homeworld, or maybe they'll banish me from the town....or worse..."

     "Don't worry, Spinel, they won't take you away from me, besides I already came up with a brilliant plan," Ramona-Elizabeth said as she comforted the fuchsia-haired gem, "I just so happen to have a lot of clothes, plus I'm an excellent manipulator: which now that I thought about that really isn't a good personality trait, so I'm sure we can get away with this, and if Steven and the gems just so happens to find out your identity, then I already have a backup plan; one involving bloodshed, the other I plan on keeping to myself."

     Spinel flinched as soon as Ramona mentioned "bloodshed." She did not know that Ramona was the aggressive type, especially in these types of situations. Spinel wondered if this person who she calls her "Best Friend" is even an actual human. Guess only time would tell, though Spinel wouldn't judge if Ramona turned out to not be a human, just hurt that she didn't tell her in the first place.

     "O-Okay, I guess we'll try this plan out, but no bloodshed," Spinel got up and put the pillow down. "I don't want anyone getting hurt, or worse off.....dead."

     Ramona-Elizabeth sighed, "Fine, have it your way, but if things go south then it's all over."

     Spinel hugged the chestnut-haired female. She was indeed grateful that Ramona took her idea into consideration. It's the first time that anyone's ever done that before in her life, well asides from back when she recommended a solution to Stevens problem with getting everyones memories back, though that was just out of sheer desperation to fit in and not get left behind. Spinel finally feels like she's accepted, for now at least.

     "Are you sure this is going to work out?" Spinel asked as she walks around in her brand new disguise, which mostly consists of a pair of blue jeans, tennis shoes, a long sleeved black shirt, and her hair down.

     Ramona shrugged as she tried to cover up Spinels tear marks with pink foundation she just so happened to have kept from last years anime convention she and Steven went to, "I'm sure you'll be just fine, well if nobody notices you."

     Spinel looked at herself in the mirror, noticing that her tear marks and eye bags were successfully hidden, "I'm pretty sure they won't find out that easily, besides I look almost unrecognizable."

     "You sure do, Spinny, you sure do," Ramona said as she put up her makeup bag. Why does she have one? Nobody will ever know.

     "Really?" Spinel asked out of sheer curiosity.

     "Mhm, besides I have a couple of errands to run, after that we're free to do whatever you like," Ramona responded to the pink gem as she grabbed her purse.

     "Okie dokie!" Spinel responded back as she bounced around like a little kid.

     "Okay then, lets get going now," Ramona said as she opened the door, letting Spinel go out before her.
     Ramona and Spinel would walk around Beach City, getting the errands done beforehand. The two would admire the nature and life that surrounded them. There was no gem invasions, no hatred, no discrimination, it was oddly enough peaceful. The feeling felt quite foreign for Ramona-Elizabeth. Sure she enjoyed this moment and all, but it just felt off to her. Ramona quickly shrugged that feeling off, despite her guts telling her to take Spinel and go back to the apartment. Ramona made a promise to at least let Spinel see some of Earth, and a promise Ramona would never break.

      The two would eventually arrive at Funland, Spinels excitement growing more visibly by the second. The d-human and gem duo would go around and play a variety of games, often winning prizes such as the occasional stuffed animal and grabbing some cotton candy, which Spinel quickly grew to enjoy. They would later stop at the Fry Shack, grabbing some fries and sitting on a bench on the boardwalk, enjoying the life that surrounded them.

     Eventually the two would decide to head home after a while, ready to end the day by going to bed. On the way home, the two managed to catch the eye of Steven Universe himself. Steven didn't expect to see Ramona-Elizabeth out in public outside of work and grocery shopping, more so or less with another person beside her. Steven knew Ramona was a lesbian, she made it very obvious throughout the years he has known her, but he didn't expect for her to find a girlfriend, more so or less a girl that looked somewhat familiar to him.

     Steven would walk towards them, wanting to have a quick conversation with the two. Steven would quickly recognize that the person beside Ramona was not even a human, but a certain fuchsia colored gem that he has met previously before Ramona came back.

      Steven was shocked  that Ramona even knew Spinel. So many thoughts were going through his head, but this one question still remained: Why didn't she tell him that she knew were Spinel was at, more so or less why she was with her? Steven only had one option to find out the answer to his main question.

      "Hey, Ramona, Spinel."
Another chapter bites the dust! Another chapter bites another chapter bites! Another chapter bites the du-I probably should stop making jokes in the A/N section and get started binge watching Micarah Tewers' videos. Yeah, considering that Wattpad is FUCKING DEAD, well more so or less my notifications are, I decided to come out of my hiatus just for today ((still ongoing until 14th of April)) just to post this chapter I already had pre-written beforehand. I made a few changes from my original drafts, which I tend to do a lot, now it is finally complete.

Either way, I think over 1,000 words on this chapter, yes I did my best to fill up some damn plot holes, was pretty good, well better than the Goblet of Fire. My god over 4,000 fucking pages of uninteresting crap and I didn't even give two shits about the plot holes in the book. That one kids book that's over 10,000 pages, which I can't exactly remember the name, was more entertaining than that. Yeah, my mini rant is done. I will never be as good as JK Rowling, but I do know one thing: I at least try making filler chapters more interesting.

This chapter isn't a filler, more so or less just going through more character development, plus introducing Steven into the story. He started out being mentioned in the beginning as a person Ramona-Elizabeth despised, now he's about to go on a journey down character development lane. Yes, he's gonna end up with Connie in this story, but their relationship is going to be 10x better than it was in the show. Connies going to realize that what she did in the past was wrong and is going to try her best to change, which will inspire Steven to change for the better, so uh no corrupted Steven, you little shits.

As you can see, I'm slowly but steadily unraveling Ramona-Elizabeths past and true nature. If you couldn't tell by now, she's a very manipulative person who doesn't seem to care about a lot of people. Basically, she's going to go through some major character development, eventually gain some romantic feelings towards Spinel, and proceed to win her feelings.

I am still debating on writing a future lemon part in this book. Yeah, the asexual bean Sarah is actually going to attempt to write some smut for the third time in a row (( @gentle_criminal is my alt. Used to have a very weird book there that had a lemon in it. Never again.)), yay.. Can't wait to see what a hot mess that's going to be.

Either way, I hope everyone has a good day/night!

- Sarah ♥️

Edited on 26, Jan. 2021: I go by Ashlee-Lynn now.

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