After all these years (Katsuk...

By LevvinaLily

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[COMPLETE] Sequel of Lifeline (Katsukixreader) If you have not read the prequel than this will NOT make any s... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Pretty Great
Chapter 2: I can do this..
Chapter 3: Morons
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Huh?...
Chapter 6: how could I say no
Chapter 7: I Wanna Talk
Chapter 8: Eventful
Chapter 9: 17 Missed Calls
Chapter 10: Fucking Slut
Chapter 11: Forgotten Aquatintance
Chapter 12: Good One
Chapter 13: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter 14: Loved
Chapter 15: Fucking Dumbass
Chapter 17: Yeah, yeah
Chapter 18: It's A Promise
Chapter 19: Never Going To Leave You
Chapter 20: I Know
Chapter 21: Tonight
Chapter 22: Believe It
Chapter 23:Probably..
Chapter 24: Night Dork
Chapter 25: A feeling of satisfaction
Chapter 26: Its Time
Chapter 27: Hello
Chapter 28: I've got a lead
Chapter 29: Hunter
Chapter 30: His name...
Chapter 31: Sure
Chapter 32: Petty Bastard
Chapter 33: The beginning of the rest of our lives.
Authors Note

Chapter 16: You're Weird

1.5K 39 53
By LevvinaLily

Hey readersssss! Sozzles that I've been gone for so long, I've just been super busy. Anyways, enjoy 😘



"Yo dork! Where you going?!"


"Yeah obviously you dumbass! I meant where!"

"To the shop!"

"Get me some chocolate!" He bellowed as he walked into the kitchen with you



"Huh?" You turned round to him to see him holding out a big puffy coat

"I can't wear that" you spat in a seemingly disgusted tone

His face flushed red with anger "THE HELL NOT?! YOU TOO GOOD FOR MY COAT YOU JACKASS?!" He howled crashing his head against yours

"NO YOU DUMB FUCK I JUST DON'T INTEND TO EVAPORATE IN THAT THING!!!" You retaliated reflecting his actions back at him.

After a long moment you decided to push your head off his and walk out the door laughing.


You could hear his shouting through the walls as you walked

'God what a grump...'

You chuckled to yourself lightly as you walked out of his apartment. As you continued to trot to the shop you were rather suddenly smacked with a frigid wind.

"Aaaghhhghh! It's so freaking cold!"

'Maybe I should've listened to the damn porcupine. I mean, I could go back...'

"I think I'd rather let Mineta carry out his sick fantasies on me then go home to see that infuriating smug look on Katsuki's face." You mumbled agitatedly as you shoved your hands deep into the pockets of the hoodie you were wearing.


The door bleeped as you walked into the store.

"Chocolate....chocolate.....chocolate......ah! Here" you picked up a large bar of Cadbury's marvellous creations, the jelly and popping candy one and headed over to the chilled drinks section.

"Okay. Where are you?.." you muttered under your breath as you scanned the shelves for a bottle K.A. Black grape.

To your surprise you'd seen it in stock a few weeks back. It was one of your favourite drinks back in London and you weren't sure wether or not they were sold in Japan.

Unfortunately it appeared that you weren't the only fan of it and there was none left in store.

"I did not just come all this way for them to not sell the one fucking thing I wanted" you growled to yourself

Letting out a deep sigh you moved on and picked up a peach Lipton ice tea.

'Fuck it. This'll do'

You placed your phone on the counter as you took out your purse and payed. When you stepped outside it was fucking POURING.

"I'm going to die..." you face palmed bracing yourself for the foul weather.

Literally seconds after you started your journey home you were soaking wet. Your hair was mop-like and tangled and somehow your shoes were drenched through to your socks.

You neared the apartment and dove your now numb hands into your pocket to get the keys before realising you'd left them inside.


You banged on the door a few times



No answer

'That fucktard must have his headphones in -_-'

You then went to call him but your phone wasn't there.

"What the fuck?!"

You spent the next few minutes patting yourself down in the heavy rain until it struck you.

'I left it in the fucking shop'


You felt your heart drop as the loud prang of thunder echoed through you.

You decided that if you were gonna go back for the phone you might as well run. So there you went, dashing down the street back to the shop.

A few cars passed you and you could see the passengers staring at you with either pity in their eyes or confusion, as if they were looking at a psychopath.

Finally you reached the shop where the owner was standing with your phone in hand.

"Oh hello again miss, you left your phone here. I was just about to put it somewhere safe."

"Oh my god thank you so much" you bowed taking back your phone.

"Goodbye!" You waved as you left again, back into the rain.

You took off in a sprint using your quirk to boost you further but you slipped on a rock and fell flat out on your face.

"AAAAGGHGHH!...ouch..." you groaned rubbing your back as you sat up.

'I'm already wet I might as well just accept my fate and walk home'

You sighed to yourself as you picked yourself up and trudged on.



"Yo dork where are you?"

"Open the fucking door now" you hissed before hanging up on him.

You couldn't hear your own thoughts over the sound of the rain.


Katsuki opened the door with a shocked expression as he saw you.

"Jesus (Y/N) why do you look like you've just escaped a water prison. I told ya to take my coat you stubborn bitch"

"Just shut up and get me a blanket" you whined taking off your wet shoes and socks and putting them near the radiator.

"Here, gimme the hoodie and go take a hot shower"

You did as he said and went to the bathroom. As you were showering katsuki came in and took your dirty clothes, leaving behind some of the spare clothes you kept there.

After getting out you chose to completely ignore them and headed straight for his bedroom picking out boxers, socks , a pair of big grey jogging bottoms that were a bit too long for you and a matching hoodie from his wardrobe.

You left your hair up in a towel as you walked into the living room laying across the sofa with your legs on katsuki's lap.

"I left your clothes out for you so she the heck are you wearing my shit?" He grumbles looking over to you

You simply shrugged and looked at the TV.




"Atchoo!" Your body thrusted forwards

"Bless you" he mumbled

"Tha-ACHOO!!" You lifted your arm to catch the sneeze

"Aaah c'mon! Your gonna infect my track suit with your fucking pathogens!"

"Sorry" you yawned lifting your legs so that you were curled up into a ball

You were pretty sure you heard him say something as you began to slip out of consciousness but you weren't sure what.


"Are you even listening to me?!" I turned my head to see she'd fallen asleep and was snoring softly

"Tsk. Fucking dumbass" I couldn't help the small smile that was playing at my lips

I stood up and went over to the refrigerator to get my chocolate and a glass of water.

I noticed her face was a little red as I sat back down beside her so I leant my hand over and placed the back of it against her forehead.

"Shit. Did that dumbass really go and get a fever?"

Without much of a struggle I lifted her off the sofa and carried her into my bed, laying her on top of the covers.

I picked up the small muslin cloth that she liked to use for hot face masks and took it to the bath room to run some cold water over it.

After wringing it out a bit and folding it I laid it across her forehead.

When the cool fabric made contact with her skin her face contorted in discomfort.

"Shhhhh, its okay...go back to sleep dork"

I stuck a thermometer in her mouth and the red liquid stretched until it reached 40°C (104°F)

"It's bad" I frowned pulling it out of her mouth.

I picked up my phone and dialled for shitty hair.



"Hey bakubro!" He answered one his usual annoying voice

"Hey moron, do me a favour will ya"

"Sure, what is it?"

"(Y/N)'s went out in the rain, got totally drenched and now shes got a fever"

"How bad is it?"

"Last I checked it was around 104° Fahrenheit"

"Holy shit..what have you done so far?"

"She's asleep so I laid her out on the bed and put a wet cloth on her forehead"

"She's above the covers right?"


"Alright, alright. Dude just keep changing the cloth so it stays cool and I dunno, take her clothes off or something? Cool her down"

"Tsk. You're no fucking help" I groaned dragging my hand down my face.



I ran my fingers through my hair, sighing whilst I laid back next to (Y/N). Not touching her because I didn't want to make her warmer.



*an hour or so later*



I tilted my head to the left to see that her face had gotten considerably redder.

'Tsk. That dumbass might be right'

I sat myself up and reached over unzipping the hoodie she was wearing and pulling it off, exposing her black sports bra.

After discarding it to the floor I stood and walked to the foot of the bed. As I was pulling down on my jogging bottoms that she was wearing her entire body shifted.

"Stop being such a perv" you mumbled weakly barely even opening her eyes.

I felt my face flush as I looked up at her


Her face twisted as I shouted.

"Too loud..."

"Tsk. Go back to sleep moron"

"Shhhhhhh" she sat up a bit, propping herself up with one arm and lifting her free hand to her forehead.

"You feeling okay?"

"I'm good"

"Yo, I'm serious"

"I said I'm-ATCHOO!...fine"

"Okay I'm calling fuckface"


"No?" I glanced at her teasingly

"Katsuuuuuu pleaseeeeee!"

"Why not?"

"He'll make me go home" she wailed

"Good. Then you'll get him sick instead of me"

"Ouch.. I'm actually a little bit hurt" she pouted

"Why's that?"

she folded her arms and looked off to the side.

"You'd rather let another guy take care of me"

My hair spiked up as she spoke and my teeth ground together. "Just shut the fuck up and lay back down you prick"

I could hear her laughing as I stomped out of the room to get another wet cloth.

'As if I'd ever let that fuckfaced moron look after my girl'


'Why do I feel so tired?'

You lifted the cloth off your head and waited for katsuki to return.

"Didn't I tell you to go back to sleep?!" He snarled as he re-entered the room

"Actually you said to lay down~" you hummed in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well fucking do it then" he snapped

"Nah, I'm going to the living room"

You pushed yourself up to your feet and began trying to walk away from the bed but your movements were wobbly, it was more of a clumsy stumbling than walking.

"You good?" He cocked his brow as he watched you

"Yeah I'm f-fineee!"

You tumbled down to your knees. The only thing preventing you from completely collapsing into the ground was Katsuki's protective embrace.

"Let go! I can walk!" You huffed attempting to escape his grip, but to no avail as your strength had long since left you.

"Just shut up and let me help you!"


He hooked one arm beneath your legs and carried you to the sofa.

"God you're so hot" he mumbled as he sat down lowering you to lie next to him

"Why thank you babe, you're not too bad yourself." Yoo I winked lazily

"No you idiot! I mean your temperatures rising"

"It can't be that bad" you mumbled

"You can't even talk properly" he snapped "you're not going to work tomorrow"

"What the fuck?! Why not?!" You tried to shout but it was more of an angry sounding whisper

"Incase you already forgot, you just fell over trying to walk. There's no way in fuck that I'm letting you go in."


"No buts. I'll just call shitty hair and take the day off"

"I'm not a kid you know. I don't need a babysitter"

"Yes you do."

"Ewww. Shut the fuck up. No I don't" you screwed your nose up in disagreement

"You can barely keep your eyes open now to argue with me you dumb fuck! Anyways....what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you alone when you're this sick"

A soft smile stretched its way across your face


"What" he growled, cheeks tinting pink

"I love you Katsu" you hummed pulling yourself into him

"I love you too dumbass, but you're seriously getting warmer. Wait here while I get the thermometer"

Much to your discomfort he got up from the sofa and went back into the bedroom.

"Okay now open your mouth"


He gently shoved the thing back in your mouth and you watched as the red liquid raced down.

"Fuck. You're at 106° now. How are you still conscious?!"

"I'm not tired one bit" you yawned

"Tsk. Just try go to sleep. I'll call the hospital"

"Wha-noooooo! It's probably not that serious"

"Huh? You afraid of doctors" he smirked devilishly

"No..I just don't like hospitals" you mumbled

"Hmmmm...okay, how bout I try to make it so you stay here?"

"Yeah. That sounds....better"


'Damn. She's asleep again...I better call them before she gets any worse'

*after conversation with hospital as I am too lazy to write it in*

"Alright" I huffed as I pulled on my jacket "you can't hear me dork but I'm going to get you some pills....I might as well write the dork a note. Knowing her she'll freak out if she wakes up alone" I groaned under my breath

The drive wasn't that long, only about forty five minutes and the traffic wasn't that bad.

The doctor wasn't that annoying either. Just gave me a prescription for the symptoms I described, told me the dosage and shit and told me to keep him posted on (Y/N)'s condition.


(Y/N)! You awake?" I half-shouted as I walked into my apartment.

I walked into the living room to be met with her soft snores as she was still asleep, curled up in a ball on the sofa.

I walked over quietly and crouched down beside her, lifting my hand to her face and pushing a strand of hair out of her red face placing it behind her ear and rested it on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)" I hummed as I began to shake her



"Wakey wakey dork"

"...fuck off...."


"AAAAGHHHHHH! What the hell's wrong with you?!"

"Here. I got you some medicine"

"..thanks" she grabbed the bag out of my hand.

"Could you Uh..get me some water? I can't dry swallow"

"Whatever" I chuckled standing to go to the kitchen.

I started running the water but I twisted the handle too much and the tap spat everywhere


"You okay spike?!"

"Yeah.... here's your water"

I could hear her laughing when she saw the water on me.

"Shut the fuck up dumbass!"

But she just shot me a big goofy smile in response.

"Tsk. What a freak"

"Hey?! Leave me alone" she croaked

"Just take your fucking pills so you can hurry up and get better. You sound like Gollum. Oh my god I'm dating Gollum"

"Fuck off asshole" she whined

*Time skip (~*^*)~ *



I looked down to see her beautiful (E/C) eyes staring up at me




"Are you even listening?!"

"Wha- Huh?"

"Forget it" she huffed looking back at the TV



I lifted her chin with my hand and lowered my face to hers

"K-katsuki! Stop I'm sick!"

"Who cares" I lightly pressed my lips against hers and they stayed there for a few seconds before I pulled away

"You're weird" she mumbled looking up at me

"Yeah, like you can chat" I mumbled kissing his forehead.


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