Lonely Man

By alliekwriter

95 6 0

alone and sad. he will be nothing more. copywritten to @alliekwriter More

deafening quiet
train tracks

bambi lee

9 1 0
By alliekwriter

she had
amazing eyes.
full of interest.
framed with
long lashes
and a color
that I've
never seen before.

electric blue.

they changed often
depending on
her mood.

grey: when she was sad.
greenish: when she was mad.
light blue: when she was tired.
and bright blue: when she was happy.

in the last few months
her irises held
soft, mellow blue/grey

her hair
was a mess.
naturally wavy
blonde locks
that met just
below her shoulders.

she hated her hair.
"hard to tame".
but I liked it, a lot.

she was tall.
long legs.
stood easily at the height of 5'10".

she hated her height.
"taller than most boys"
but I liked it,
because I was still taller
by six inches.

she had a horrid laugh.
she could make
babies cry
with her high pitched
cackle and snort.

she hated her laugh
"just ugly".
but I liked it,
it made me laugh myself.

she had many flaws.
all of which I

all the flaws from her messy hair
to her chipped nail polish
on her toes.

I found it all adorable.

they defined her.

they all make her bambi.

oh yes, that was another thing.

she hated her name.
her real name.

bernadette lee mason.

she had many aliases
she went by.

but her favorite by far

bambi lee
I called her.

and she called me jamie.

"oh jamie don't you just love me?"
she'd snort and ruffle my hair.
"doesn't your heart just ache for me jamie boy? you don't have to answer that now. I know you do by the way you look at me jamie. but don't you be all blushy and embarrassed james."
she'd then pinch my reddened cheeks
twirl a curly, blonde lock
between her fingers.

oh but yes.

I loved that girl more
than anyone
ever could.

I loved her more
than I loved my own

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