Mark my words (Neymar Jr Fanf...

By delefinna

513K 12K 4.9K

Imagine getting the chance to be friends with the whole FC Barcelona team.. Well for Mira it's not that big o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Life Update

Chapter 21

9.5K 246 101
By delefinna

"Damn it Dani!" I whispered and slapped his arm. "You scared me." I finished.

"Well sorry for interrupting your spying-part." He chuckled.

"I'm not spying." I quickly said.

Oh god.

"Of course you're not." He laughed. "Then tell me why you're hiding behind a coke vending machine." He smirked.

"Because I- um you know counting the cokes in this machine." I smiled.

Counting cokes? Seriously?

"Counting cokes??" He repeated and started to laugh.

"Shut up." I said and covered his mouth.

"Who does that?" He smirked.

"Lots of people." I smiled.

Can't he just go.

"Like?" He smirked.

"Me!" I quickly answered. "You're not helping at all." I finished.

"All right and why do you do that?" He asked.

"Well because the manager of this hotel told me he'd give me a present if I'd guess the right number of cokes in this machine." I said and raised my eyebrow at him.

I can't think of any other reasons damn it.

"Shhht!" I said when I noticed Neymar walking back to Marc. Marc had a serious face I bet they were talking about me and him the whole time.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked Dani.

"Do you want me to count with you?" He laughed.

"Yeh. kind of." I smiled "Go take a seat next to Neymar and Marc and just listen to their conversation and tell me what they said later." I continued.

"And why do I have to do that?" He asked and started to laugh.

"Just because." I laughed

"Tell me why and I'll go." He smirked.

"Fine I just need to know what they are talking about, I can't understand everything they're talking about." I said.

"And why?" He asked.

"Too many questions just go on." I said and pushed him to them.

"Fine Mira." He laughed.

Neymar suddenly looked at my direction when I quickly turned around so he wouldn't see me. Oh damn it why did Dani mention my name.

I turned around and watched Dani walking over to Marc and Neymar.

"Hey guys, just continue with your conversation I'll just stay here and do nothing." Dani said and took a seat next to Neymar so he could take a look at me.

I slapped my head because of Dani's stupidy. "just continue with your conversation I'll just stay here and do nothing" Oh damn it how stupid was this.

Marc and Neymar just looked at him with the "What the fuck is wrong with you" face.

"O-Okay." Marc stuttered.

I watched them talk but couldn't understand anything.

"Hey lady get out of the way." A little boy who wanted to buy a coke said. Damn it.

"Just continue." I smiled and turned around.

"Oh my god aren't you Mira Lima?" He shouted and hugged me. I took him and ran behind the vending machine.

"Yeeeeh, now shhhhhhht!" I said and covered his mouth with my hands.

"Can I take a selfie with you." He asked.

"No but I'll buy you a coke wait here." I smiled at him.

Oh god can't this kid go away. I quickly turned my head to face Dani. I made a gesture with my hands telling him to distract Neymar so I could buy a coke before he'd notice me.

"O.K" He yelled and made a thumbs up.

"What, who are you talking to.?" Marc asked and turned around.

I quickly turned back.

How stupid can someone be. Is Dani out of his mind.

"What's with my coke?" The kid asked.

"You know what, the machine isn't working, how about you just go away." I smiled.

"Can I meet you later?" He asked.

"Yeah you can." I replied and hugged him. He finally left and I turned back to watch the guys.

"Where is Mira?" Neymar asked.

Dani looked at me with the "What am I suppose to say." face

I pointed to the exit with my hands. "Tell him I'm not here." I mouthed.

"She's in her room." He said

I slapped my head again.
Good fucking job Dani.

They suddenly got up and walked to the elevator. Dani walked over to me with a smile.

"Thank god you're not an actor." I said to him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you suck." I replied.

He just bursted out into laughing.

"Well at least I wasn't Neymar watching." He laughed.

"I wasn't!" I quickly answered.

"I actually believed it until I saw Neymar." He added

"What did they talk about?" I asked.

"Not much about football and stuff." He said.

"And where are they going?" I asked.

"They said they're going to Mira." He replied.

"Are you kidding me, what if they go to my room and notice that I haven't been there, they're going to find out that I've been downstairs spying them the whole time because Neymar kept looking at my direction." I panicked.

"Ahaaa! So you were spying on them and not counting the cokes." Dani chuckled and pointed at me.

"Dani just shut up." I said.

"let's go to my room and pretend that you've been with Gerard the whole time." He said and led me to the stairs.

"Run," He ordered.

We ran upstairs when the elevator suddenly opened.

"Alert, Alert!" Dani shouted and pushed me back.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"They're here." He yelled.

"Oh god what now?" I panicked.

"I'm going to distract them and you're going to run." He suggested.

"Wait what room is yours?" I asked.

"It's the second one on the left side." He answered.

I waited until I didn't hear any footsteps anymore. I walked upstairs and got into the room Dani told me.

"Where is Gerard." I said to myself. I scanned the room and noticed that it wasn't Dani's and Gerard's room.

"Yeah I know..." I heard Marc say as he was opening the door.

"But wait." Dani shouted.

This isn't Danis room this is Neymar and Marc's oh my god.

I quickly ran and hid under Neymar's bed.

"I don't care about that." Marc said and got in followed by Neymar and Dani.

"All right fine." Dani said. I pulled my hair to the side and crawled to the back. I couldn't move anymore because the bed wasn't placed next to the wall.

"Okay, guys let's go and do something." Dani suggested.

"Nah man let's rest." Marc replied.

I suddenly had to snort and held my nose with both of my hands.

"What was that?" Marc asked.

Dani suddenly recognized me under the bed.

"Aah um, it was me, why don't you bless me?" Dani said sarcastically.

"It was more like a women snort." Marc laughed.

"I can't believe it, why won't you bless me." Dani fake whined.

"I didn't know you snort like a women." Marc smiled.

"Well probably because he is more like a women." Neymar teased.

"We've been friends for so long and you won't even bless me." Dani continued.

"Fine man bless you." Marc laughed.

"Why does it smell like Mira in here?" Neymar smiled.

Well probably because Mira is in here.

"How did you recognize her fragrance this quick." Marc smirked.

"Ohoo." Dani laughed and whistled. I heard Neymar walking around but I lost control on where he was.

"I recognize everything of her." He proudly said.

No you don't.

"Ohh really?" Marc laughed.

"Yeah just like the way I recognized her right now." Neymar chuckled.

Wait what does that mean.

He suddenly rested his arms on my feet and pulled me out of the bed.

Well fuck.

"Ummm, hey guys." I smiled and waved at them.

Neymar just smirked at me. I got up and styled my hair.

"M-Mira?" Dani asked. "I need to go." Dani said and ran away.

"How did I even get in here?" I said sarcastically.

"Well then bye see you tomorrow," I said and quickly ran to the door.

Too bad Neymar followed me and shut the door and stood in front of it.


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