Open Heart Book 1 - Someone L...

By choices_mrs_ramsey

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Primrose Di Georgio had a hard life and was not destined to be a doctor until she experienced her own bouts o... More

Chaper 1 (a) - A Fresh Start (Primrose Di Georgio)
Chapter 1 (b) - Lust at First Sight (Ethan Ramsey)
Chapter 2 (a) - Life Line (Primrose)
Chapter 2 (b) - Lifeline (Ethan)
Chapter 2 (C) - Lifeline (Aurora Emery)
Chapter 3 (b) - No Holding Back (Ethan)
Chapter 3 (c) - No Holding Back (Landry)

Chapter 3 (a) - No Holding Back (Primrose)

84 2 0
By choices_mrs_ramsey

11:00 am

"Can you believe we have been doctors for almost a week now?" Primrose clapped her hands, as she looked at her friends. The 30 medical interns were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their two new Senior Residents. Before their shift had started it was announced unexpectedly that Ethan had switched everyone's partners at the last minute for unknown reasons. Primrose was now paired up with Laundry.

"Time flies by when you're having fun" Jackie blew a kiss towards Primrose, which prompted Sienna to raise her eyebrows at the both of them.

"You must be so happy Primrose that you are no longer having to work with Aurora?" Sienna asked

"I'm not happy" Elijah sighed "I'm paired up with her and she's extremely overbearing."

"I'm sorry Elijah that you're now working with her, but to be honest you'll be okay with her. She's not that bad"

"I'm happy to be paired up with Primrose, we make a good team" Laundry chimed in and forced a smile. Really? I don't believe you. Even though Primrose hadn't known Laundry for long there was something about him that she didn't trust. She felt uneasy around him and would have preferred to have remained Aurora's partner. At least she knew where she stood with Aurora, unlike with Laundry. Trust you gut Primrose and don't get too close to him.

Primrose could see the shadows of two people making their way towards them. She smiled as she recognised Ines from orientation straight away. YES! I'm so happy that Ines is going to be one of my mentors. I am so lucky. She felt her eyes needed to adjust as Ines smiled and waved towards her. Ines had the whitest teeth she had ever seen in her life; they were as bright as the moon and could light up the darkest of rooms.

Primrose was completely focused on Ines that she hadn't noticed the other doctor until he approached her from behind. "Hello" he said. Primrose turned the face him, but as soon as she did, she felt as though she had been slapped in the face when she realised who he was. "Hi" she said drily, as she could feel the air get trapped inside her throat. "Excuse me, doctor" Primrose nodded politely, as she walked away from him, holding her throat and chest.

"Jackie, Jackie..." Primrose grabbed Jackie's hands furiously. "Whaaaaaaaaaat? I'm not in the mood for you Prim at the moment" Jackie said; laughing in Primrose's face. "Jackie, this isn't funny. Look at the male doctor. This is bad" Primrose followed Jackie's eyes, as they settled on him. Primrose bit her lower lip, as she tried to read Jackie's face, but Jackie remained the same; cold and unbothered.

"What about him?"

"Jackie, I haven't got time for your games...He's the doctor that caught me half-naked and us making out in a supply closet" Primrose hissed. Primrose thought she had been discreet, but she was suddenly aware of her friends and a few interns staring at them with their mouths half open.

"Seriously, Primrose take a chill pill. Your nerves are going to be the death of you. Now, I doubt he remembers us and even if he does, I don't care. Watch and learn" Primrose watched as Jackie approached him unfazed. I need to be Jackie; scared of nobody and anything. She is just unapologetic herself.


11:30 am

"Primrose, Doctor Mirani definitely didn't remember us when we caught us hooking up in the supply closet. I guess we're going to have to up take it up a notch, because your titties did nothing." Primrose laughed loudly, but froze in horror and choked on her laugh when she made eye contact with Ethan. She hadn't seen him reclining at the end of the desk at the nurse's station watching her. Oh no...If Doctor Ramsey heard Jackie, I am so dead. I don't want everyone, especially him knowing my business. Primrose looked down at the floor, as Ethan walked passed her; brushing her slightly.

Everyone was gathered on Ward 8D to begin ward rounds. "Hi everybody. I hope you're all ready for rounds. We know they can take a couple of hours, but they're going to take longer today, as we have Doctor Ramsey joining us." Just great, I wonder how he's going to torture me. 

"Primrose, I can't present our patient in-front of Doctor Ramsey. I'm going to faint" Laundry said quietly.

"You'll be okay. I'm here" Primrose tried her best to sound confident and reassure Laundry, but deep down she was just as nervous to present in-front of Ethan. Probably more nervous than Laundry.

"Lets start already. I'm a busy man and I am very interested in seeing which intern kills their first patient." Primrose could feel her cold sweats turn hot, as Ethan kept his gaze on her the entire time he spoke. I bet he directed that towards me and nobody else. He wasn't looking at anyone He was only looking at me when he said that. 

"Why is he such a jerk?  I bet he had a rude female attending when he was an intern and now he's trying to prove he's all manly" Primrose whispered to Sienna and laughed. She waited for Sienna to answer, hoping she would, instead Sienna completely ignored her and acted like she hadn't heard anything. Don't ignore me Sienna, show me something. Show me that you agree. At least nod your head.

Primrose was unaware that Ethan had never taken his eyes off her when she whispered to Sienna. "Something to say Doctor Primrose Di Georgio? Or are you always going to remain silent like Tinkerbelle?" Primrose swallowed hard and blinked rapidly, as she processed what was going on. Tinkerbelle? Ouch. She locked eyes with Ethan but his face remained hollow. She looked around and saw everyone staring at her, waiting to see what her next move would be. She could hear some interns muttering to themselves in awe that Ethan knew her full name, whilst others gave her foul looks, including Laundry.

"How does Doctor Ramsey know your name Primrose? Out of all people? He doesn't even know my surname" Laundry shot a glare of fury towards her, as he moved away from her, pretending he didn't know her. I am so busted. I either say nothing and look like a pussy in-front of Doctor Ramsey again or I stand up for myself. He is going to expect me to  act like a wallflower, I need to catch him by surprise. I want to be like Jackie, so I might as well do it now. Doctor Ramsey can't do anything with witnesses.

"Actually, yes, Doctor Ramsey I do have something to say. It's almost the end of our first week and I think we all have done pretty well so far, but what we don't need is you making petty jokes to try and shake our confidence. As the saying goes 'if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all'... It would..." Primrose stops talking when she feels Sienna pinching her arm. She looks around and see everyone staring at her in disbelief. Only Jackie is smiling, whilst Ethan remains blank. At least Jackie is proud of me.

"Doctor Di Georgio, your confidence clearly hasn't been shaken, if you out of all people believe you have done well this past week. So, seeing as you are being so cocky, why don't we start with your patient first."

Primrose turns on her heels, as she chases after Laundry. He is ahead of the pack of interns, Ethan and Ines who are following them to their patient's room. "Are you mad at me Laundry?" she whispers; the last thing she wants is another showdown. "Of-course I am"


"Because you're an idiot"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You are a complete idiot. You had no right to talk to Doctor Ramsey like that"

"I did the right thing"

"Who are you to think and say you did the right thing. This is Doctor Ramsey we're talking about. You're a nobody and now because of your stupidity we have to present first". Primrose was taken aback by Laundry's insults. I'm a nobody. How can he say that about me? Primrose knew the right thing to do would be to ignore Laundry, but she couldn't.

"Well, we're all going to have to present at some point, so we might as well go first. Nobody will remember us then. Going last is worse"

"It's easy for you to say when Doctor Ramsey knows who you are. He doesn't know any of us apart from you, which is unfair and surprising that out of all people you have caught his eyes. You didn't answer me when I asked you how he knows who are. You might be happy to live your life as a nobody, but don't humiliate me again, especially not in-front of Doctor Ramsey. You might be a loser, but I'm not..."

"ENOUGH" Laundry and Primrose spin around and look up to Ethan glaring down at them. "This is a hospital not a playground. You two girls finished?" All the other interns stifle giggles, as Primrose realises that everyone heard her conversation with Laundry, including her patient and his son who are looking at them confused. "Hurry up and present"

"Apologise everyone. This is Mike Knoblauch and his son Matthew. Doctor Olsen and I are Mike's doctor. Hi, Matt" She waves down to Matt who is playing on the floor with his cars.

"I am not Matt. I am Commander"

"Matt, stop making noise and be quiet for Primrose. Sorry, Prim" Mike says

"No problem, we all love Commanders. I'll continue..."

"Excuse me, Doctor Di Georgio but why are you standing and presenting up there on your own? Where is your partner in this case? I hope your partner hasn't abandoned you again like Doctor Emery" Primrose avoids Aurora's eyes, but she can feel her presence burning into her.  I wonder how Doctor Ramsey knows about Aurora. I certainly didn't tell him unless she did, but I doubt it.

"Oh yes, please Doctor Olsen, join me" She motions to Laundry to join her. He walks up to stand by her under Ethan's gaze who continues to glare at him.

"You took your time Doctor Olsen. Doctor Di Georgio you have said enough. Allow Olsen to prove he's not a loser. As he said he doesn't want to remain a nobody." Laundry shoots Primrose another evil glare, as Ethan mocks him.

"Yes, Doctor Ramsey. This is Mike Knoblauch, I'm his doctor with Doctor Di Georgio...I'm sorry Primrose already said that"

"Want to make it a third time for us seeing as you think we're so stupid?" Laundry turns bright red as Ethan humiliates him again. Poor Laundry, even though he was really rude to me, I feel sorry for him. I know what it feels like to be humiliated by Doctor Ramsey in-front of others and it's not nice. I can either bail him out or give him time, but either option is going to irritate Doctor Ramsey. Primrose weighs up the two options in her head until she locks eyes with Ethan again. They stare at each other for a few seconds, with Primrose's heart beating faster as she takes in his blue eyes. She looks back to Laundry who is staring at them with another look of envy. You have no reason to be jealous right now Laundry, I wish you did have a reason, but you don't.

Primrose and Laundry lock eyes and she mouths to him 'You can do this.... you've got this...I believe in you...' Primrose stops mouthing words of encouragement once Laundry starts to present with confidence. I just repeated the same words Doctor Ramsey whispered to me on my 1st day, expect I meant them. Primrose hands Laundry Mike's chart but he drops the chart on the floor, causing the interns to laugh, whilst Ethan rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry Laundry" Primrose picks up the chart and quickly hands it to him

"No worries, Primrose, it was my fault. As I was saying, Mike was involved in a single-car accident"

"What? I don't remember any of this"

Laundry ignores Mike and Primrose can feel herself wanting to comfort Mike, however she she remembers that Laundry is currently presenting. Instead she squeezes his arm and gives him a warm smile. Laundry beams, as he continues "I stitched up his laceration and did an ultrasound. That's when I saw he had internal bleeding." Primrose stands there with her arms folded and mouth slightly open. I? Not we? Really Laundry? You're just going to forget all the work I did too? I let Jackie take all the credit with Annie, but you're not taking all the credit with Mike. Primrose gives Laundry a look, but he smirks at her. She again locks eyes with Ethan, who raises his eyebrows at her and shakes his head.

"Your treatment?" Ethan asks

"Simple rest and control" Ethan nods at Laundry who is now bursting with pride. He mouths to her "Thank you". At least he's thankful for my help unlike Aurora, but I'm still not going to let him off taking all the limelight.

"Don't you two think you should be taking the bleed more seriously?" Aurora pipes up at the back of the group. Argh! Speaking of the devil I was enjoying not seeing or speaking to her.

"Doctor Emery, Doctor Olsen and I have taken Mike's bleed very seriously. We had a meeting with a neurosurgeon who evaluated Mike's case and she didn't believe surgery was needed. She agreed with our assessment and treatment plan. The doctor I am speaking of is Harper Emery, you might know her. You're always hiding in her office. Must be nice having your aunt here" Aurora stifles uncomfortably at Primrose's jab, as everyone in the room laughs, including Ethan. Jackie claps loudly and sticks her tongue out at Primrose. She didn't expect that and even if it was harsh, she deserved it. She accused us of not taking Mike's bleed seriously .

"How long will have to stay in this shit-hole for?"

"A week, maybe more. We're not sure at the moment"

"A week? But Laundry you said..."

"It's Doctor Olsen to you" Laundry snaps at Mike and everyone gasps.

"Primrose? Or do I have to call you Doctor Di Georgio?..." Primrose winces at the current situation she is in. This is so awkward. How could Laundry be so cold to Mike in-front of everyone? If I allow Mike to call me Primrose it's going to make Laundry look bad but if don't allow him, Mike's going to get angry and I am going to lose his trust. Primrose looks at Ethan nervously, unsure what to say. They lock eyes again. "Doctor Di Georgio, continue..." Every-time I try and prove myself I need Doctor Ramsey's help.

Primrose turns to Mike smiling. "Primrose, the other doctor..." he shoots Laundry a dirty look "...he said I wouldn't be here for a week or more..."

"I never said that" Laundry shouts. Omg, Laundry please keep quiet.

"I am not talking to you. Now, Primrose I don't understand. If my condition isn't severe enough for surgery and your recommendation is that I just need to rest, then why can't I do that at home?"

"Mike..." Laundry says. Shut up Laundry

"It's Mr. Knoblauch to you" Get me out of here

"Mike..." Primrose waits to see if he is going to instruct her to call him Mr. Knoblauch too but he doesn't. "...I'm sorry for the miscommunication but I'm afraid you shall have to stay a week or more. At the moment we don't know how long, as as your condition could change. You have to stay here so we can monitor your condition properly"

"Well, do your damn job properly"

"Mike..." Ethan steps in... "Primrose is an excellent doctor. If I didn't trust her, I would have stepped in a long time ago. Mike, I'm afraid that I agree with what she has just said. We cannot give you a time-frame." Wow, he thinks I'm excellent. I must be doing something right.

"Thank you, Doctor Ramsey. Mike, I understand the situation you are in and I can sympathise . You are a single father and you have nobody to look after your Commander..." Primrose winks down at Matt who gives her a high five. "...I know it's hard to take a week off work, but your employer shall understand. You can't help being ill. As soon as we have any more information, we shall let you know. You need to stay a week or more in-case your condition worsens. Unfortunately, with brain injuries symptoms can develop later and we need to monitor them properly. At home and work you have lots of distraction and it's not the best place to get better. We don't want to rush anything or make any mistakes. Things are looking pretty good right now, so fingers crossed you might be able to go home earlier. Remain positive but please don't get your hopes up and just relax."

"Thank you, Primrose"


14:10 pm

"All your patients are currently alive. Please note that if they're not alive when I next see them, then you can kiss your career goodbye" Ethan yells.

"Hey, Primrose, thank you for giving me time to present back there. Anybody else would have jumped at the chance to look good in-front of Doctor Ramsey"

"Well, I'm not like everybody else and for the record I know what it's like to be nervous and shy, especially in-front of him,  but Laundry you have to stop looking at him like he is some-sort of God. He's a human like all of us"

"Well for me he is God"

"Also, Laundry, whilst I don't care about having glory, I don't think it's fair that you made it seem as though I did no work. I stitched up Mike's head but you told everyone you did everything. Please, remember we are partners and we're in this together."

"Sorry, I didn't realise."

"No worries"

Primrose and Laundry start to walk away until they hear Ethan shouting at them. "Di Georgio. Olsen. Come here right now." Primrose and Laundry look at each other panicked, before they make their way towards Ethan. "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves. The stupid argument you had before you presented your patient was completely unacceptable. You are lucky I don't pull you both on a disciplinary. This is not the place to be fighting like immature and spoilt high school girls. If you have a problem with each other, then you come to me and we shall sort it out as adults." Ethan turns to Laundry who looks like he is going to burst into tears.

"And you, you are a complete disgrace. You belittled your partner in this case and you treated your patient like trash. Your ego is bigger than your small body. You humiliated your patient in-front of everyone and because of that he doesn't want anything to do. Primrose had to diffuse the situation, because of your attitude. You're a doctor and you need to treat your patients with respect too. If I see you treat another patient like that again, then I will boot you out of this internship. Now, go, Olsen"

Primrose starts to turn away with Laundry, but Ethan calls out. "Did I say Di Georgio too?"

"No..." What has Laundry got me into?

"I have a present for you"

"You do?" Primrose asks wearily. This is a trap

"A new patient"

"How is that a prize?"

"You'll see"


I received feedback that my chapters were too long, so I've cut them down. I'll have more chapters with less words 😘 next part is Ethan and then Laundry 🤡 hope you enjoy it xxxxx

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