Dorm Rooms

By MTGBooks

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College, a dream truly to come true to twenty year old Jennaline Anderson who desires to be in. When it comes... More

Chapter 1: New Life
Authors Note
Chapter 2: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 3: Boys and Malls
Chapter 4: Girls and Boys
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: Tears
Chapter 7: Project
Chapter 8: Utopia
Chapter 9: "Jennaline.."
Chapter 11: Boyfriend
Chapter 12: Party pt1
Chapter 13: Party pt2
Chapter 14: Rumour Has it

Chapter 10: Kaitlyn

67 0 0
By MTGBooks


September 29, 2014 | 5:36 P.M.

"so how exactly do we do this?" Liam questions while handling the clay placed neatly, separated by colour. My OCD kicks in quickly, "stop that you're going to disorganize them" I say slapping his hand away, he winces bringing his hand to his chest giving me a foul look, "I ask again how exactly do we do this?" his voice tone hints with irritation, not that I'm surprised but he could get over it,
"its simple" I continue "we create a 3D model of a utopian society or world, or however you'd like to call it"

"How about you do this and I go think about helping you over inside your pantry. Okay?" He says before turning back away from me.

I can't stand this child.

I swiftly shoot my arm up, grabbing the collar at the back of his shirt pulling him, he chokes a little but I could care less. His hand rubs the base of his neck "what the hell!",
"No you don't, I didn't let you into my dorm just so you could screw around while I do all this crap" I yell,
"Fine, sheesh". Liam walks off staring at the specimen placed on the table.
I decide to take a break for him for at least a minute or so.

"Jennaline Andersons care to explain why the devil is lurking inside our dorm room?" I turn to my right seeing a bewildered Christina, "relax he's here for a project, remember?" I respond, that probably still doesn't calm her down. "Well I didn't know it was a 'do it at home project' and plus why couldn't you do it at his place or something", oh tina, so much worry, "Where did you expect a utopian society model building to be built, in the class room floors or the hallways, there's about 50 students a class, and the dorm was closer than wherever the hell his is" I respond, her face forms a frown, as I smile at her telling her to not worry about it,

"Hey Andersons, care for some help, I didn't come into your dorm just for you to screw around" Liam cheekily yells from inside the room, how dare he mock me, "oh shut up would you" I yell back, while walking back waving at Christina, she mouths "goodluck" before going into her room again.

*4 hours later *

9:40 P.M.

For the past 4 hours I believe, consisted of series of yelling and disagreement, he tried to make up some complicated 'utopian' world in his perspective, when obviously his irrelevant idea could not be granted, sorry not sorry. Around the third hour, he decides to correspond with me when he realizes that he has a better chance of passing if he goes with my idea instead of.... Gigantic guard dogs with machine guns that protect a utopian society with electrical walls around the premises.

I swear he has issues, considering he's in college with that kind of mind.
He drew a blueprint of my idea, with a lot of erased marks that kind of makes the drawing a little confusing,

since he drew like 10 stupid ones before

The paper is all crumpled up but it's better than nothing, we got the base and some of the buildings done at least with clay.

*Liam's P.O.V.*

God she's annoying, she always has to argue with everything I have to say, saying that this is wrong, that is stupid, to be honest I feel sad for Christina or whatever her name was, that she has to live under the same roof as her, same goes for Isabelle.

I'm trying to have a little fun, but apparently having a little is considered "wasting time" in her world. Common ground really doesn't exist between the both of us, probably never will if she keeps acting up all like this. I left around 15 minutes ago when I said it was getting late and that I should head back home, haha no, I just wanted to rest from her.

I drive out of the parking lot of the residency building and drove off unto the road leading the way to the City. Where I live, and Travis.

The music playing from my phone to the aux cord gets interrupted by the sound of my ringtone, the ring specifically indicated it was Travis who was calling, I press my thumb on the green icon answering the call, "where the hell are you" a worried/angry Travis shouts through the speaker, I pull back from the phone as his voice continues to nag, "woah, woah, hold on!", he stops, I continue "I was at clumsy's dorm" I kick in an annoyed tone as I say it, "what?" he says before i cut him off

"don't worry it was for a project"


"why?" I ask

"well you better hurry your ass up, Kaitlyn's here"
the feeling of guilt collapses on my chest, crap. How could have I forget, I was suppose to hang out with Kaitlyn today since I had to make it up to her for accidentally ditching her the last time I said we were going to chill. Stupid project, I had it get into my mind.

"hello? Li you still there" Travis speaks,

"u-uh yeah just tell her ill be there soon" I stutter, and end the call before he starts another conversation.

The traffic in the city is unbearable, vehicles are packed within the dark, narrow streets, yet then being illuminated by the bright colours of the flashing billboards everywhere. Being caught and stuck in these is one of the last places you would want to be in, when it comes to rushing to another place. Sooner or later the traffic loosens up giving easy driving access as you go further in, now i'm driving normally. The building where I live is up ahead.

I haul my car into the underground parking lot of the apartment building, specialized for the people who live in the building, visitors have a lot in the back.

while clicking the lock button on my keys, i run towards the elevator and entered it then pressing the number '10', soon it started to elevate upwards.

*Tenth Floor*

The keys in my hand jingle, finding the right key. Until the door opens up, revealing the body structure, thats shorter than me, Kaitlyn.

My first instinct was for her to break out into rant, but i was wrong, the next thing you know i feel warmth against my stomach, and a tight grip around my waist, she was embracing me into her arms, her head rests against my shoulder as I stand in shock, usually she'd start talking and asking questions, but I have no worries..for now, my head rests on hers. The scent of her golden hair means she was ready for our date, which apparently didn't happen, sadly.

"Kat I'm sorry fo-"

"Shh, i know, Travis told me, you were doing a project and you're afraid of failing, i can't blame you" she cuts me off

I look over her shoulder seeing Travis grinning, i mouth the words 'thank you'
he responds with a thumbs up.

"I love you" I mumble

"I love you too" she whispers.

*Jennaline P.O.V.*

Finally, he's gone, the pressure of this project is unbelievable, I basically did the clay model, and the drawing wasn't even that great that he did, he drew a rough drawing of a 'town' and the little demented squares were houses, and the circles were trees, and all these shapes that meant something, even I couldn't catch up with this. My brain doesn't function right when my body is tired, and rest is the only solution there is.

Christina's head pops through the doorway, "is he gone" she says scanning the room,

"the coast is clear" I chuckle,

"good because he's a dick"

"he is what he eats" I say before bursting out into laughter followed up by Christina who joins me in sitting on the couch,
"careful the model is right there" she moves it aside grabbing the remote of the tv,

"Hey guys!" Both of us get frightened, as I could tell since the grip on my forearm is from Christina's hand, and she yelped a little too, Isabelle walks through sitting on the hand rest of the soft fabric couch,
"speaking of, where were you all day Izz?" I ask

"Oh I was at the cafe and chilled with someone because she payed for my food"

"and you couldn't have called us?" Christina says giving her the confused, chin down hand bent gesture, "your phones are dead" she responds, I click the home button of my phone, the screen remains black, shes right, Christina does the same, with the same results, Isabelle gives us the "see?" look.

"anyway why didn't you buy anything for us"

"because it's rude for making someone pay for 3 people, duh"

"and who exactly paid for you?" I ask

she stops to think,

"I don't know, I think her name was Kaitlyn"


I hate myself for not updating for a week, thing is, I'm actually doing a project too, it's about Geography, and its a pain in the ass. Please don't hate me :) Happy Reading!!

- Mike

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