Delayed Love [Is Complete]

By daringadventure11

5.3K 183 0

Elijah Montgomery grew up in the fast lane at Pine Woods high. Then he turned 19 and his life went a little t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Find More

Chapter Twenty Three

171 5 0
By daringadventure11


My alarm went off on my phone and I sighed shutting it off. I turned to my left smiling when I spotted Char silently sleeping, while my arm is curled around her body. I have been waking up like this for the past couple weeks and might I add its everything to me.  I shifted and slowly pulled my arm away tucking her in and kissing her forehead. I then got my outfit and slid the clothes on before going downstairs grabbing my briefcase and heading out. An hour into work, Jonathan walked into my room and gave me a message. “You have a visitor Mr. Montgomery.” He had a smirk upon his lips as I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Send them in please Jonathan.” I stated while he walked out and I organized my papers. I heard the soft sound of heels on my thin carpet and when I looked up I saw a goddess. I smiled standing up and pulling her onto my lap. She had a light wash jean short on, with a simple, slightly baggy pink tank top. Her hair was naturally straight and her sunglasses pushed the baby strands away from her face. “What pleasure is this Char?”

“Hmm nothing much babe.” She replied pecking my lips gently. “Just wanted to ask you a pretty huge yet small favor.” I bit her bottom lip gently before pulling away so I could see her eyes.

“What is it?”

“Well you have been working so hard that me and the girls think you deserve an itty bitty break.” Her face turned into a cute puppy look towards the end. I chuckled cupping her cheek.

“What would my break consist of?” I asked one of my brows raising as my eyes darted from her lips to her eyes.

“Hmm easy. Me and the girls.”

“Doing what?”

“Say building a sand castle. Body boarding, getting our skin blistered by the almighty god known as the sun.” She giggled towards the end causing my smile to grow more.

“That sounds so intriguing I just have to go.” I winked. I did have a bit of sarcasm but I really did like the idea of my girls and I at the beach. I rolled over to my draws, my arm around Char’s waist keeping her steady while I packed everything away. Once I was done I cupped her cheek planting my lips on her standing up, causing her to stumble and rest against my desk. Her hand ran through my hair, her free hand laying on my belt buckle. After a few more moments I pulled away picking her nose before whispering “Let’s get out of here.” I grabbed her hand and my briefcase leading her out. On the way out I called out to Jonathan. “Jonathan, I’m taking the day off.  Reschedule my important meetings and take all my calls.” I looked back at Char noticing my entire floor peering over to see why I was calling my day short. I looked over at Char and noticed a light blush along her cheeks and she stayed close by me and looked down at the floor. I smiled back at her wrapping my arm around her waist and headed to my car.

“How did you get here?”

“Pattie. She went with the girls somewhere and told me I couldn’t come along. But by the time we get back to our house and get you ready she will be there.” I smiled down at her knowing what my mom was out buying and smiled even bigger when she called our house, our house. I pecked her cheek before closing the door and heading home. I turned the car off walking into the house with Char. In our room she sat perched on our bed watching as I struggled to undo the tie. She laughed walking up to me and attaching her lips to mine. When she pulled away she laid the tie next to my other ones. I smirked at her and shook my head. Show off. A few minutes later I had on my simple grey swim trunks and a plain white v-neck. I had my sunglasses on my head and I quickly threw on my black vans. Walking down the stairs with Char I heard the door open and close. I heard the soft patter of feet running around before Em and Bella appeared in front of me and Char.

“DADDY!” They both cheered causing me to chuckle and Char to smile. She excused herself going into the kitchen and started talking to my mom. I smiled down at the girls ruffling their hair, seeing them already in their swim gear. “Are you ready for the beach?” Bella asked I smiled nodded.  

“Of course. Let’s build the best castle ever.” I exclaimed walking into the kitchen seeing Char packing the cooler. Em and Bella started talking about what to put and how to build their castle. I walked up behind Char as my mom bid us all goodbye leaving to hang out with Char’s mom. I swear those two could possibly be teenage girls. “What are you packing?”

“Some yummy snacks duh.” She replied childishly as I laughed watching as she put the chips and crackers in a small carrying bag. She also had a bag of towels and a bag of tools to build with. She had containers of cut up fruit and makings for sandwiches. She also had four waters and four juice pouches along with two bottles of sparkling water. I smiled watching as she closed everything and smiled my way. “ I think we are ready.” I chuckled nodding getting the girls in the car  and then helped Char with the coolers. The beach wasn’t as packed as it would be on Saturday's or Sunday’s but it was still buzzing with people. Char found a good spot and I smiled seeing how great the spot was. It was about 10 feet away from the tide line and had great sand for sandcastles. I kissed her cheek while pulling out the chair and  plopping my butt down in one. Char did the same thing and we both watched as the girls attempted to make the sand castle. I laughed getting out of my chair and helping them fill the buckets and stack it. We tried to build a tunnel but that didn’t go over so well. The next thing I knew Char told us to hold on a second and flattened out our castle and made the tunnel before stacking the blocks.

Once our castle was done, Char reapplied sunblock to the girls while I made them their sandwhiches. Char wiped her hands free of sunblock and opened the container of fruit and bag of chips. Em and Bella were quietly eating admiring the awesome sand castle that was built. I smiled over at Char who were away when I looked her way.

“I’m eating don’t look.” She muffled out through a mouthful of food. I laughed taking a big bite of my sandwich finishing it off and grabbed a few chips basking in the sun's glory. I then felt something cold on my skin and jumped. Char giggled as I just shook my head laying back while she rubbed in the sunscreen.

“Hey Emma , Isabella look at your dad. Such a little kid not putting his own sunscreen on.” They girls all laughed together as I gasped.

“Yeah daddy is a little kid me and Bella both know how to put our own sunscreen on.” Em said while she grabbed the body board. I shook my head grabbing two body boards and Chars hand leading her into the waster. She stopped me after a few steps and took off her shorts and took causing me to take in a sharp breath. She then grabbed a board and pulled me into the water helping the girls .

I think it was almost an hour later when we got out of the water. The girls played with their toys and the castle while Char laid on her towel a few inches away from the girls. I then laid my towel right beside hers and smiled over at her.

“Any plans tomorrow Char?”

“No why?” She asked a small smile forming on her lips.

“Good you're spending the whole day with us birthday girl.” She laughed hiding her face as I shook my head looking out into the water.


When I woke up, I smiled and kissed Char’s forehead. She was still asleep so I slid out of bed and woke the girls up. We raced downstairs and started making blueberry waffles, Char’s favorite breakfast. I made five waffles setting them on a different plate for the girls to eat, and three on a different one for me to eat. I then grabbed a different plate putting two on that plate with bacon and orange juice on a tray. My mom came down and when I went to make her some she shooed us three away. I smiled and the girls lead the way. All the food was on the tray so when the girls entered the room the climbed on the bed and woke Char up. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They both cheered. Char giggled and gave them both a hug. She then noticed me and smiled more when I set the food in front of her. The girls grabbed their plate and started to dig in when I pecked Char on her lips quickly.  

“Happy birthday darliing.” I said watching a blush creep along her cheeks. She took a bite of her food while I grabbed my food the girls turning on the tv Cake Boss playing. My mom and Char’s mom baked her a cake last night and it looks pretty fantastic. “We’re all going out for lunch and then Gracie and the girls are having a sleepover while I take you out for a fabulous dinner at la casa de us.“ She laughed at the end catching on to where we are eating out. Our house. She nodded kissing my cheek.

“Sounds great thank you.” She whispered while taking a bite.

Breakfast and the morning went by and soon we were all at the restaurant. Char greeted her mom and dad and little sister while I helped Em and Bella to their seat. My mom sat next to Char’s mom, Bella was beside Gracie, who was next to her dad, and Em was next to Bella. I sat beside Em and Char slid into the seat beside me. I smiled and kissed her cheek, my hand lacing her fingers and mine under the table. Halfway through lunch her mom gave Char her gift causing Char to blush. After opening she saw a little photo album and go up to hug her mom. Not wanting to open it now, due to possible tears, she promised to open it later. Lunch also came and gone and when we got back home me and the girls set Char on the couch and her mom came out with the cake. When everyone had left the girls sat Char down on the couch and handed her the gift.  It came in three small bags. She opened the smallest bag and pulled out earrings. They were simple diamond  half dangle half stud and my mom picked them out to go along with my gift. Char hugged my mom before opening the second biggest bag and showed us the simple thin diamond bracelet the girls had picked out. They both helped her put it on, her hugging them both with such a huge smile. When she opened mine I got up and sat next to her watching as she opened the long box. her eyes glistened with moisture as she gasped and turned towards me. It had a simple silver chain but on the end there was a diamond heart that had a infinity sign on one edge of the heart. She then pulled me into a hug and kissed my jawline. “This is way too beautiful, thank you.”

“You’re welcome Char.” I whispered and grabbed the necklace. Pulling her hair to the side, she tilted her head and I clasped the necklace in the back. The girls cheered causing her to blush. I pulled her into my arms while the girls started playing Tangled on the tv. When five rolled around my mom got the girls ready to go to Gracie’s. Char hugged them all goodbye while she went up to change while I cooked dinner. When she came back down I had the table lit, the lights dimmed and rose petals along the floor. She giggled and kissed me softly. She wore a simple light pink dress that was strapless and went mid thigh. Her hair was curled to one side and she just looked stunning. I still had on my light blue v neck with my soft wash jeans.

After the dinner was done and put away I walked up behind Char as she was taking off her dress. She was having trouble getting the zipper down. “Eli stop laughing and help me un zip it.” She scowled while smacking my arm. I chuckled unzipping it and watched as she walked into the bathroom. I followed her in as she turned the water on still holding her front up. She bit her lip looking at me while I tilted my head. She knew what was racing through my mind but did she want to do it? She slowly walked up to me, grabbed my upper arm and pulled my lips to hers. I smiled into the kiss picking her up causing a soft moan to escape her lips.

“Are we doing this right now?” I asked breathless pulling my shirt off and reconnecting our lips.

“Yeah, you okay with it?” She said taking out her bobby pins and setting them on the counter.

“I’m a man, is that question valid?” I replied rhetorically causing her to laugh as her dress dropped her our hands worked to undo my belt and pants. Once we were unclothed she pulled me into the shower. I had her up against the wall as her tongue slid along my bottom lip. I granted her access, my tongue becoming dominant over a few seconds. I pulled away breathless turning the water to a decent temperature. She shook her head at me while I just started kissing her neck, finding her sweet spot causing a moan to come out of those beautiful lips.

The shower lasted longer than needed and when we got out I ditched the clothes and hopped in bed naked. Char was about to slid on her clothes before I grabbed her and pulled her under the blankets with me. “Really Eli?”  She laughed as I nodded snuggling into her, my head in her neck. She just sighed and kissed my lips before I looked up seeing her smiling down at me. I smiled back attaching my lips with hers before pulling away and getting out of bed.

“Unless you want round two- we kinda need clothes.” With that she burst out laughing clutching her stomach as I sat at the edge of the bed watching her hold her stomach. I then hovered over her once she calmed down and gently yet passionately kissed her. When I pulled away she looked dazed and smiled up at me. “I love you Char.” I announced causing the daze to be replaced with a joy.

“I love you too Eli.” She lifted her head attaching our lips briefly before pulling away her next words spoken with her lips grazing mine. “So much.” I smiled down at her collapsing on the bed and pulling her into my arms tightly.

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