How the Heck Did I Land Here...

By animeandmusic

132K 3.6K 2K

There's a new assassin in town. Is she really an assassin though? Guess who stumbles onto her when the time c... More

Chapter 1: Not My Baby!
Chapter 2: Blind Chase
Chapter 3: Prisoner
Chapter 4: Joining Night Raid....My Bum Hurts
Chapter 5: Wisp Is Literal
Make Peace?
Changed Plot Kicks Me Off the Team
Meeting General Dinner and My Boyfriend
Figuring Out Lubba and....Imouto?
Acting the Part
You....Killed....My....Nutella.... DIE!!
Training Gone Wrong
1 Minute to Fight
Confronting Anonymous... I Can't See His Face.... +_+
Impersonating a Princess, Not My Forte
Debrief Arguments
Murder and Anger
Wisp's Past
Using Other Anime Advantages
I Hate Kiro
Getting a Boyfriend
Saving My Brotha From Ano- Stop it. Stop it Now Anime. -_-
We All Ship...Da Wubba!!- Anime Haven't We All Told You to Stop? +-+
Infiltration Gone Wrong
Bonus Chapter Part 1
To Destroy A Heart
Destroying the Evil Light Inside
Goodbyes and Guess Who's Back? Back Again?
Fight to the Death
Marry Christmas~
Bonus Chapter Part 2
Book Two
Sequel is Out!!!
Blooper- What I was Gonna Write But- *Author's Note*
Book 2 (Original Idea but SFOL xp)
Goofing off Q & A
Behind the Scenes

Thanksgiving Special

3K 79 88
By animeandmusic

I sit with Leone as I down a bottle of sparkling cider. (A/N: I'm doing that as I write this. :3) Susanoo is setting the table with Akame helping. "I thought you said you could cook Wisp and why are you the only one getting drink happy?" I turn to Leone with a lazy look on my face. "One, I can doesn't mean I will. Two, sparkling cider is where I come from but its not a wine or alcoholic beverage." I stick a finger up for each number.

"Can I taste it?" I nod and pass her the bottle, I always carry special occasion things. Sealing scroll, Kaka-Baka taught me. "Wow, not bad. I like it, but I'll stick with my tradition." I roll my eyes but snatch the bottle back. "Whatever, more for me." I wait for everyone to be seated until I guzzle down the rest.

"Chug, chug, chug!" Lubbock, Chelsea and Leone chant. I laugh and slam down the empty bottle, "one of my favorite holidays and one of the tastiest." I state and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, letting out a ladylike burp. "Can anyone beat me?" I ask with a smirk, pulling out another bottle.

"I want to try! Me! Me!" Lubbock and Chelsea wave frantically as Leone pulls out her own bottle of sake. -_-'

"I win, again." I say with a laugh, the other two look sick and Leone is giggling. "This stuff is good but....I can't drink anymore." I slap Lubba's head, "duh. You have to be eating when you drink it. I'm used to it though." I state with a shrug. "You didn't tell us this before because...." Chelsea waits for my answer and a evil grin spreads onto my face.

"So I could eat the food you don't have room for." I can tell they anime fall and I laugh, "ah...the business of restaurant sit downs has done me well." Leaning back in my seat, my shoulder is tapped. "Uh...Wisp, do you need help with your plate?" I hear Tatsumi ask and I shake my head. "Thanks for trying to be nice but I can smell it easily."

I pick up a fork and stab it into the turkey, getting a punch on the head by Akame. "Not yet," she orders as I anime cry and Tatsumi watches in shock. "On your mark," Susanoo calls. Tatsumi feels confused, "its a battle for the food smartness." I hiss lightly, in my food mode. "Get set," Susanoo orders and I have a knife and fork in my hands.

"GO!" I dive, stabbing and ripping turkey off and onto my plate. I scoop up food with my fork and stab anything with fruit and meat, throwing it onto my plate quickly. "What....happened...?" Tatsumi and Chelsea ask, both of them bewildered. "This is Night Raid, where women are carnivorous." Lubbock explains.

I put a knife in front of Lubbock's face, "wanna say that again?" The knife is taken and a butter knife is in its place. "Bad Wisp, no pointing knives." I frown and go back to downing my food. Tatsumi and Chelsea got the rest of the food and Lubbock is left with a small amount. I sigh and slide half my plate onto his.

"Here, I think you'll like how I arraigned it. I figured you'd be hungry." I explain and sit back down, the table is silent.





I sweat-drop at Najenda's order, "gee I'm not that stingy." I state with a pout, "last time I tried to touch your food, you almost bit my hand off." Chelsea explains, that was the time she tried to get me back for the hot sauce! "Well, you had food. Lubba doesn't. Besides, those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

A large bowl is placed in front if me and my eyes water as the smell hits my nose. "Good Wisp," Akame pats my head. In front of me is a bowl larger than me, filled with Nutella. "THANK YOU AKAME!!" I hug her tightly, then my bowl. "This is the best Thanksgiving EVER!!" I cry and rub my cheek on the bowl or rather, crater, in front of me.

After I'm done, I hug Akame by her legs. "Can I marry you Akame? I think I'm in love." I plead as she tries to peel me off, everyone else is laughing. "No," she responds and I hug her leg tighter, not moving an inch. "Plllleeeeeeaaassssseee?!" I cry with my cutest chibi face. "" She pleads to the others, who are on the floor laughing.

"PLEASE MARRY ME!! WE CAN MAKE THIS WORK!!" I plead and anime cry.

Akame just sighs and continues to try and pull me off her leg, I think it was losing circulation.

All of a sudden, everyone turns towards the readers and takes a bow, "HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD TURKEY!?" They all stare at their scripts in confusion. "Nani?"

End of Chapter~

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy birthday to my girl Shadowheart21!! ^•^

To the top is a Christmas song, IDC if its Thanksgiving!! I like music, therefore I shall play mah music. :3

Ja ne~ My Delirious Little Nutellas!


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