The Life of Emily Dolan

By justsochelsea

12.6K 236 33

After their dad died, couple of months later. Emily was forced to be with her brothers for summer which ended... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25 {part 1}
Chapter 25 {part 2}
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Final

Chapter 24

256 7 5
By justsochelsea

Been 3 days since my last update, let's continue... if I stop posting after a while it could mean I'm writers block, just a heads up.


Chapter 24:


Emily's POV
It's summer and I'm spending my summer with my brothers. My brothers were invited to Coachella and I get to come. I'm so excited because I was dying to see Ariana Grande on tour and now I can finally see her! This is gonna be so amazing!!! The sad things is I can't watch the whole thing because it does go out until late.

I wanted to go to the mall and get some cute things and Emma came with me.

Emily: *noticed a sign* ooo I wanna get my ears pierced
Emma: are you sure that's a good idea? Shouldn't you ask your brothers
Emily: I don't need my brothers permission as long as my parents says it's okay, I'm good. I'll call them now

I took out my phone that the boys gave me for my 10th birthday last year when mom and dad said I couldn't have a phone but the boys got me one anyways. Who should I call first mom or dad? I think dad because mom and I had an argument a while back about me getting my ears pierced so young. I'm such a daddy's girl so dad will let me get my ears pierced.

Emma: hey dad... um I'm at the mall with Emma and I was wondering if it's okay if I got my ears pierced? Ask mom? Uh... she told me to ask you first to let you know if it was okay. I texted her earlier. I can? Thanks daddy, I love and miss you too.
Emma: you texted your mom, when?
Emily: uh... I didn't when you weren't looking
Emma: o-okay... since we got your parent permission, let's get them pierced
Emily: cool!

After we got them pierced at look at them in mirror.

Emily: ahhh these are so rad, I'm glad I did it
Emma: me too, can't wait to show your brothers
Emily: uh... how about we don't tell the boys...
Emma: why not? You do have your parent permission so they shouldn't care
Emily: hmm... I guess you're right

We got him and the boys just finished filming a video and Ethan.

Ethan: hey you two are back! How was your day at the mall together?
Emily: it was really, cool and I can't wait to show you what I did
Grayson: what did you do?
Emily: *'moves hair out of her face*
Ethan: *shocked* Emily Clarissa Dolan did you get your ears pierced
Emily: yeah they're really cool huh
Ethan: totally
Grayson: does mom and dad knows about this?
Emily: *lies* yeah they're both okay with it
Emma: it's true, I saw her call her dad
Grayson: who cares about what dad thinks, I'm more worried about mom's reaction
Emily: *lies* she said it was okay
Ethan: there's no way she said okay to this
Emma: *lies* well she was, I texted her
Grayson: did she respond back?
Emily: *lies* yes she did and she said yes
Grayson: alright I believe you, but they look really cool
Emily: thanks, they said I can't take it out in 2 months, oh and I need help with cleaning it because I always forget I don't want my ears to get infected
Ethan: yeah we don't want that and Emma next time you go and pierce my sister ears let us know before hand so we could tell our parents ourselves so our parents don't kill us for not telling us

Later on.

With Ethan, Grayson and Emily:
Emily was watching tv while Grayson and Ethan were watching her from the kitchen while making lunch. Just then Grayson gets a call from his cellphone and he answered and said.

Grayson: hey mom, what's up? She told me you said it was okay. Yeah hold on. Emily, mom wants to speak with us on the phone
Emily: uh... about what?
Grayson: just come

Emily come over to them and Grayson's put the phone on speaker.

Grayson: alright you're on speaker
Mom: Emily Clarissa Dolan, how dare you lie to your father and brothers that I said it was okay for you to get your ears pierced
Emily: but mom-
Mom: but nothing, we made a deal and said 13 and you went behind my back
Emily: but lots of girls my age have pierced already and Emma said it was okay
Mom: well Emma isn't your mother, I am. We had this conversation before didn't we
Emily: *sighs* yes mom
Mom: I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to do this, but boys set up a plane ticket for Emily, she's coming home early
Kids: what?!
Emily: mom please
Mom: no, I told you what would happened if you broke the rules, you will be sent back home and you will be spending the rest of the summer in your room
Emily: it's not that big of a deal
Mom: Emily you got pierced without my condos, you're minor you need a adult permission. I could have that place sued
Emily: but Emma was their, I had an adult with me
Mom: doesn't matter, you lied to Emma, your brothers and most importantly me. I'm very disappointed in you young lady
Emily: but I was supposed to see Ariana Grande at Coachella and the boys were gonna celebrate my birthday this year
Mom: well things plans have been changed pack your things
Emily: boys...
Mom: don't you go looking for your brothers for help, you put this on yourself young lady

Emily gave her brothers puppy dog eyes as Grayson sigh and said.

Grayson: mom, please give Emily one more chance
Ethan: yeah we promise next time she lies about something like this we will run it by you first before anything else
Mom: well...
Emily: please mom, I promise I won't do it again. Please give me another chance
Mom: fine... but you're grounded while you're staying with the boys and I will give a list of chores the boys can make you do
Emily: yes ma'am, thanks mom
Mom: no problem, and please next time you want something, ask for permission don't play us against each other
Emily: okay mom, love you
Mom: love you too sweetheart *hangs up*
Emily: that was easy
Ethan: see what happens when the truth family comes out
Emily: yeah, and I'm really sorry I lied
Grayson: it's alright kiddo, just don't let it happened again while you're here. I would hate to have to send you home early
Emily: I promise never again, do I really have to do chores while I'm here?
Ethan: nah, we can just tell mom you did them
Emily: but that's lying
Ethan: hey she said "you" couldn't lie, she didn't say anything about us
Emily: how is that fair?
Grayson: we are bigger than you
Emily: you're not that big
Ethan: big enough to take you down
Emily: oh please

Ethan grabbed Emily in a head lock.

Ethan: what was that midget?
Emily: let go of me!
Ethan: say your sorry
Emily: never
Ethan: *gives her a noggie* say it
Emily: Grayson!
Grayson: Emily just apologize
Emily: I got a better idea *hits him in the stomach with her elbow and flips Ethan over *puts her weight on him* so whose bigger now Ethan?
Ethan: ow, get off of me!
Grayson: who taught you that move?
Emily: daddy *smiles*
Ethan: okay, okay! You win!

Emily smiles and gets off Ethan and helps him up.

Ethan: remind me to never mess with you again *rubs shoulder*
Grayson: you keep the training up and will be okay with you hanging out with the boys now that you're learning to defend yourself
Ethan: yeah, I don't think so

Grayson and Ethan starts arguing with each other.

Emily: *roll eyes* boys *grabs a snack and goes to her room*

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