Kiss and bolt

By Miss_idk

9.5K 239 123

"Let's make a deal if you drink your three shots first you don't have to tell me but if I drink them first yo... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter 6 part one
Chapter six part two
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
Important read
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter one

2.6K 38 31
By Miss_idk

The Permanent Rain

Jasmine's P.O.V

The Permanent Rain

Chapter one: the beginning of what will be the end

And when it rains, will you always find an escape?  

Just running away, from the ones who love you.  

From everything

Jasmine's P.O.V

What the hell!?

The scene before my eyes could not be more horrifying, beyond my comprehension.

My chest clenched, barely keeping up with the rapid beating of my heart. It felt like it was being torn apart. Over and over again. There, right in front of me, my father sat with a human that do not deserve to be classified a female. Her thin, bleached hair toppled on her head, with her cracked lips and caked up face that had been using way too much Botox... They say the devil wears Prada; well the devil is onto my dad. Both of them were at a state where they were eating each other's face. The site that laid in front of made me want to vomit out my inside.

My existence in that room was clearly unknown to my father until I sniffled, when it came out it sounded for like a throat clearing.

"I can explain..." but I cut him. I can't bear to look at him. That cheat. That liar. How could he? All his promises? All we went through? Gone, it's all gone down the drain.

*Flash back - 2 years ago*

My mother looked up to the ceiling like she was daydreaming, lost in a different world.

"Mum look at me. Please mum!" I was screaming but known of those syllables hit her ear drums.

The door creaked and my very teary father walked in alongside with the doctor who had grief written all over his face.

I couldn't help myself, I lunged at the doctors, "Mums going to be okay, she's going be fine, right."

"Honey, mummy is going to be fine," I could see that tears welled in his eyes.

*** end of flashback

I sat on my bed minutes passed by then they turned into hours. If one saw me from outside they would think I was statue I was stilling recovering from shock of what had just happened ,though the recovery didn't seem to be anytime soon.


My mother's arrival was signalled by the usual creaking of the front door. I looked at the watch on my phone. Surely it couldn't have been 9:30, had I really hadn't sat on my bed for 5 hours straight. I got up and released all my joints that were tense from sitting so still.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. My eyes swollen and they were a very dark shade of red. There were black smears on my face due to the liquid eye liner and mascara.

That's when I heard it. My parents were arguing again. I tried tunning them out but still the loud noises hit my ear-drums hard. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying; hell I didn't want to know.

I rinsed my face and tried my best to take off all the make-up. When I was done there was only a little sign of redness in my eyes. The screaming doesn't seem like it's going to end any time soon. It was time I blocked this out and did something on my own.

I returned to my room and picked up my phone and started dialling my guy friend, Daniel's number. He was one of those tech whizzes that do almost everything from stalking, to hacking to fake IDs. After the beats he picked up the phone.

"What's wrong now, Jasmine," he answered annoyed at the other end.

"Wow nice way to pick up the phone, and how do you that something is wrong?" I replied in an angry tone.

"Well let's see..." I cut him off short.

"Ok, you win I need your help. I need you to make a fake ID for me where my age is 19 and I needed in like half an 'hour."

"Why the rush for and what's the need of a fake ID isn't your real one good enough?" please, sarcasm so didn't suit him.

"This is clearly none of your business. What if l told you that I would give you fifty dollars for it, would you do it?" knowing Daniel he wouldn't question after the offer.

"Why didn't you say so to begin with? One fake ID, coming right up."

"What a good friend you are. Oh, and please note the sarcasm,"

"I'm not that stupid, I can tell when you're being sarcastic. I will be at your house in 30 minutes."

"No need. I will be at your house in a few, just make sure the ID is ready."

"No probs see you later"

"Bye" and with that I hang up.

I walked up to my closet and picked out a shimmery blue dress along with light-blue pumps. They dress fits me perfectly - since I hadn't worn it in three years. It stuck on me like second skin, enunciating my curves and came low on my chest and above mid-way on my thighs. It was what I would call a typical hooker dress, just the look I was going for.

I walked quietly down the stairs out of habit, not like my parents would care anyway, with all their issues and all. I walked passed them but as usual they were caught up in another fight and were unaware of my presence. I stumbled out of the door and ran to my shiny- silver Mercedes.

I drove down the road with no regretting about what I was about to do.

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