Zodiac Heroes - Cast Down to...

By confusions-scrolls

60.6K 1.5K 1.9K

The first step of Orion's plan is complete. The Zodiac Signs have now been banished down to Earth, with no me... More

Character Introduction
Prologue - Plan Complete
Chapter 1 - High School
Author's Note 1 - Happy (late) Sagittarius Season 2019!
Chapter 2 - Crushes
Chapter 3 - The Dorms
Chapter 4 - Attendance
Chapter 5 - Free Period
Author's Note 2 - Happy Capricorn Season 2019 (Plus An Anouncement)
Chapter 6 - The Piano
A Christmas Special That Nobody Asked For But Here It Is Anyways
Chapter 7 - That Girl
200+, Actually No, 300+ Reads! (I Got Tagged)
Happy Aquarius Season!
Chapter 8 - Long List of Ex-Lovers
A Lil' Announcement Before We Move On To Chapter 9
❤️🧡💛Valentine's Day Special💚💙💜
Chapter 9 - Detention
¡Not A Chapter! Something Smells A Little Fishy (Pun Intended)
Chapter 10 - Two Broken Boys
Chapter 12 - Cold Autumn Day
Bonus Chapter - Truth Or Dare (This Chapter Is Cursed)
A Special Chapter Because It's My Birthday!
Chapter 13 - Everything's Suspicious
Chapter 14 - Fallen Stars
Chapter 15 - Rainbow Scarf
Chapter 16 - Brother to Brother
Chapter 17 - Sincerely
Chapter 18 - Family Reunion
Chapter 19 - Fork In the Road
Chapter 20 - The Code of Lady Liberty
Incorrect Quotes For 2K Reads!
Chapter 21 - Scrolls
Chapter 22 - Code Cracking and a Confession
Chapter 23 - Panic Attack
Chapter 24 - Planets
Chapter 25 - Why Orion Keeps Popping Up In Every Conversation
April Fool's Special - The Zodiac Signs On April Fool's Day
Chapter 26 - Who's Ouranos? (Plus Another Tag)
Chapter 27 - Meet Up At Starbucks
Chapter 28 - Stargazing
Get To Know The Planets And Stuff
Chapter 29 - The Truth Is Proven
Chapter 30 - Our Classmates Are Stars, Literal Stars
Chapter 31 - Cafeteria Catastrophe
Sorry This Isn't A Chapter
Chapter 32 - A Little Too Depressing
Chapter 33 - Ophiuchus Appears Again
Chapter 34 - Deciphering a Portal Spell
Chapter 35 - Afraid of Love
Chapter 36 - Urgent Video Call
Epilogue - The Contract
Final A/N
Memorable Quotes
Confusion's Other Books
Bonus Short 1 - Everlasting Friendships
SEQUEL! (Also Kind of Bonus Short 2 - Christmas Spirit)

Chapter 11 - A Scientific Mystery

904 25 29
By confusions-scrolls


Sagittarius and Leo have been missing for two whole days. They never came back from their detention with Ms Medea.

Whatever Ms Medea may or may not have been hiding, she wasn't going to tell anyone soon. 

Actually, why would our science teacher be behind anything? She's just a science teacher, for Heaven's sake!

I was on the way to the free period room when out of nowhere, a vent panel fell on my head.

"Ow!" I complained, rubbing my head.

"See, you idiot!" A voice said. It seemed to be coming from above me. "You just hit Aquarius on the head with a vent panel!"

A second voice laughed. "Me? An idiot? You're the one who told me to get rid of the damn thing!"

"I didn't mean drop it on someone's head!"

I looked up, and saw an air duct above me, but the vent panel was missing, so there was a hole in it. I decided to step away so I wasn't directly under the hole.

"I'm going down." The first voice said. There was a twang in that voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

Someone or something jumped down from the hole in the air duct. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it was.

"Sagittarius?" I asked, my eyes widened in shock.

She brushed some dust off her ripped jeans. "Hey there. Sorry I got you and the rest of the squad worrying, but Leo and I just found-"

She was cut short when a second figure jumped down from the air duct as well. Both of them lay spread-eagled on the floor.

Sagittarius got up, brushing more dust off her shirt. "Leo! I didn't tell ya to jump yet!"

The blonde haired male beside her was also brushing dust off his body. "Jeez, you were taking so long!"

I was still standing there, in shock. Sagittarius and Leo got up and turned to face my direction, but they said nothing.

"Well, it's nice of you two to acknowledge the fact that I'm present, but can you tell me where the hell you've been?" I asked.

Leo ignored me and started looking around. "Is there an empty room here?"

I was starting to get impatient. "Look, we can talk about whatever you want to talk about in the dorm. At least tell me where you've been."

"Now, those two things come in a package." Sagittarius explained. "We'll explain them both in the dorm. Whose dorm are we gonna go to?"


"Wait, hold on." I said. The three of us were sitting in the living room of the boys' dorm, sipping on ice cold lemonade. "So our science teacher is actually a super powerful sorceress who is working for some guy who both want to kill us? And they're going to take over the world?"

"Universe." Leo corrected me.

"Yes, I get the point." I put my cup of lemonade down. "And so during your detention, you two stole a bunch of weird chemicals, broke into Ms Medea's secret underground lair, stole some scrolls, and escaped through the vents?"

Sagittarius drank her lemonade like she was taking a swig of wine. "Mhm. Why are you asking us? We've repeated this three times already."

"Sorry, it's just hard to believe." I examined one of the bottles of chemicals Leo took out from his stolen bag. "What is this even?"

"No idea." Leo shrugged. "It doesn't look like a chemical we've seen, so it's probably some kind of potion."

"Okay." I picked up a scroll. On it was a word: "ΥΔΡOΧÓOΣ".

Sagittarius looked at the confused look I had on my face. "I know right. These scrolls are weird."

"No, it's just-" I squinted and looked at the scroll once again. "I think this is Greek, but I'm not that sure. I'm not good at languages and stuff. I'll have to ask Capricorn."

"So what about these potion things?" Leo held up a bottle. The scarlet red liquid inside it sloshed around.

"I dunno. Maybe test them on something? Probably on plants. Plants are good to test things on." I drained the rest of my lemonade.

Suddenly, a bottle of white objects caught my eye. I was convinced that I've seen these before. I picked the bottle up to examine it.

"I know, those things are weird." Sagittarius agreed when she saw what I was examining. "Those are probably teeth or something."

"Teeth..." I recalled a myth I've read about before. I put the bottle of "teeth" down, ran into my room, grabbed my laptop and sat down on the living room couch. "Now where have I heard about teeth?"

"Why do you need to know about teeth?" Leo asked curiously.

I ignored him. I opened a new tab on my laptop and typed "dragon teeth greek mythology" into the search bar.

"Aha!" I exclaimed once I found what I was looking for.

"What is it?" Leo asked, getting out of his seat so he could see what I found.

I showed everyone the laptop. "It says here that in the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece, Jason had to face a couple of trials to get the Golden Fleece. He was convinced that there were seeds and he had to plant them, but the sorceress Medea told him that these seeds were dragon teeth. By sowing the teeth, an army of spartoi, skeleton warriors, would come out of the ground. Medea told Jason to throw a rock into the crowd of skeleton warriors so they would turn on each other and kill each other."

"Wait," Sagittarius stopped me. "What was the name of the sorceress again?"

I scrolled back to a paragraph in the website I was looking at. "Medea."

"Wait, didn't Ms Medea say that she was an all powerful sorceress or something?" Leo said to Sagittarius.

Sagittarius thought for a while before answering. "Yes, she did say that."

"Wait," I interrupted them. "Are you saying that this sorceress lady and our science teacher are the same person?"

"Well there's only one way to find out." Sagittarius took a dragon tooth out of the bottle. She headed to the balcony of the dorm. Leo and I had no choice but to follow her.

"Aren't these supposed to grow skeleton warriors?" Leo asked, concerned.

Sagittarius didn't turn back to look at me. "Well, if they do, then Ms Medea will have a reason to keep these in her lab."

She put soil in a flower pot, dropped the dragon tooth in it, then poured the rest of her lemonade on it.

"Uh, is that safe?" I asked.

All of a sudden, a bony finger came out of the dirt. A head, torso, and arms soon followed. Soon, we were standing face to face with a spartoi.

The skeleton warrior raised his bony spear and charged at us. My first instinct was to throw a rock at him. I picked up a nearby pebble that was lying on the balcony and threw it at the spartoi's hips. It collided with the spartoi's hip join, knocking its leg off, causing the spartoi to fall. Leo and Sagittarius saw what I was doing. Sagittarius, risky as always, took advantage of the fallen spartoi and grabbed its spear. She started stabbing it.

Bones were everywhere. Leo picked up the leg I knocked off and threw it off the balcony.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked. "It's going to get run over by cars!"

"You'll never know if they can use nearby bones to rebuild themselves." He responded, chucking an arm off the balcony. "Kind of like horror movie skeletons. Actually, I've never watched on, but I just know this, okay?"

The rest of our friends chose that moment to walk into the room. They saw us at the balcony, Sagittarius examining the spartoi's bony spear, Leo throwing bones off the balcony, and me looking like all hell had broken loose.

I stepped away from the balcony and waved nervously at our nine shocked friends.

"Hi guys." I said awkwardly. "We've got a lot of explaining to do."


Another chapter done!

There's a lot of mythological references in here. I know that Greek myths are like 3000 years old, so please don't call me out just because this is the myth I grew up reading.

On that note, have a good day/night!

Peace out,

The author owo

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