The Human's Possessive Alpha...

By xStranger_Strangerx

1.3M 29.4K 5.3K

"Hello Alexandria. My name is Jace and you are mine." This story is in the process of being revised ten years... More

Chapter One - A New Beginning (Again)
Chapter two - Scared
Chapter three- What?
Chapter four- Oh God
Chapter Five- Who you belong to
Chapter six -I will break her face
Chapter Seven - Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter Eight -Introductions
Chapter Nine -Isn't Bush Gardens supposed to be a good thing?
Chapter Ten -Kids?!
Chapter 11 -I promise
Chapter Twelve- I want crazy
Chapter Thirteen- You have to let Jace go-
Chapter Fourteen- I'm sorry
Chapter Fifteen- I can still feel him-
Chapter Sixteen- Going Home-
Chapter Seventeen- Let's play a game-
Chapter Eighteen~ I will not accept her~
Chapter Nineteen~ He. Did. What?~
Chapter Twenty- A smile that should've lasted
Chapter Twenty One~ Seriously dude trust her~
Chapter Twenty Two ~ Boy were we wrong......
Chapter Twenty Three~ Entertainment~
Chapter Twenty Four ~Birthday Boy~
Chapter Twenty Five ~You lied, Jace~
Chapter Twenty Six ~I didn't mean it~
Chapter Twenty Seven~I think that's plenty of time~
Chapter Twenty Nine ~Ever.~
Chapter Thirty ~All Dressed Up~
Chapter Thirty One-I Think We Should Wait
Chapter Thirty Two ~Distraction
Chapter Thirty Three~...Or Not
Umm...Hi lovlies

Chapter Twenty Eight ~Victoria's Secret Commercial~

21.2K 608 76
By xStranger_Strangerx

Chapter Twenty Eight


Victoria’s Secret Commercial

Small author’s note here: I’m very bad with time like in weeks or months or days or whatever, so this may confuse a few people. Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow I decided to put it in the story. In the story Thanksgiving is tomorrow as well so it’s still November. In the chapters before this it was like its November and then a while into November. It’s a few days before Thanksgiving. That’s what I want y’all to know. Now ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**Three Weeks Later**

                I heard Alex giggle as I kissed her still smooth tummy under the covers. I smiled and crawled up her body until I was hovering over her. I leaned my weight on my elbows, not putting any of it on her. Ever since she told me she was pregnant she’s had this glow and this peaceful aura around her. She has so happy and relaxed about everything.

                Mostly because I kept her away from anything that could stress her out in the slightest. I knew it bugged her I was keeping things from her, but I would never keep something from her that she absolutely needed to know.

                “Good morning,” she giggled.

                “Good morning, mate,” I replied, leaning down to peck her lips, rubbing her tummy. She started pushing at my chest and scrambled out of the bed. She raced to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. She’s had morning sickness for the last couple days now, so I wasn’t too worried about it. I knew it was normal, but I couldn’t help but worry just a tiny bit. I rushed to her side and held her hair out of the way. The entire time she was telling me to leave; that seeing her like this was embarrassing. I merely shook my head and rubbed her back.

                When she was finished she brushed her teeth and used mouthwash before lying back in bed. I brushed my own teeth and sat next to her in the bed. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it while she gave me a soft smile.

                “We should go downstairs for breakfast,” I said. She sighed got out of bed, going over to our closet to get one of my hoodies. It was starting to get colder here and she was always shivering, even when we were inside. I have to ask her what she wants to do for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

                I grabbed her hand once she was in my hoodie that reached past her thighs and lead her downstairs. Mom and Dad were already eating while Dad read the paper. He nodded at me and I returned it with a nod of my own. We didn’t have the solid relationship we had before I mated with Alex, but we were civil and he was slowly but surely starting to accept Alex.

                I turned on the stove and started to make the batter for blueberry pancakes. Alex smiled and reached up on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek. I chuckled and sighed as she hugged me from behind, resting her head between my shoulder blades. After breakfast I went to my office to manage some pack business while Alex went back to our room to relax. Ever since she told me she was pregnant she’s been sluggish and tired. She often took naps in the middle of the day and overslept in the mornings.

                After a few hours of working I decided to go check on Alex. I slowly opened the door to our room and saw her relaxing on the bed, watching the latest episode of Criminal Minds. She was eating marshmallows dipped in caramel and drinking a glass of milk. I chuckled and made my way over to her. When she saw me she smiled and moved over a bit so I could sit next to her.

                “So what’s happening in this one?” I asked as I she cuddled up to my side. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and rested my hand on the leg that she threw over one of mine.

                She waited till she had swallowed her bite of caramel marshmallow before answering. “This guy’s killing people and then staging a selfie of their dead faces.”

                “That’s…” I paused trying to find the right word. “…interesting,” I settled for.

                “You don’t have to watch this with me,” she sighed. “I know you don’t really like stuff like this.”

                “It’s not that I don’t like it,” I said. “I don’t like the thought of some twisted person actually doing something like this.”

                After watching half of the episode there was this commercial. A Victoria’s Secret commercial. Alex was too involved in her sweets to notice and she was keeping the remote under her thigh. I kept my eyes away from the screen. I knew her emotions and hormones were going to be out of control the entire nine months and even a while after our baby was here. Besides, why would I want to watch some woman in underwear when I have my own sexy as hell girlfriend right next me. That reminds me…

I leaned my head down to nuzzle her neck while getting the remote out from under her thigh. I kissed her neck a few times as I skipped past the commercial. I felt as she relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

                “Why did you not skip over the commercials?” I asked.

                “I-I didn’t even realize they were playing,” she said.

                “Did you think I would watch that?” I asked her, drawing back to look at her. Her face was down and she was focused on her sweets. I sighed as I watched her fidget. “I only have eyes for you; you must know that, right?”

                She shrugged. “I guess,” she mumbled.

                I sighed again and took the sweets from her, placing her sweets on the nightstand next to the bed. I gently tugged her down so that she was under me and I was hovering over her, keeping all my weight off her. I kissed her lips and then moved down to her neck, the top of her chest and down to her stomach. I lifted her shirt to right under her bra and skimmed my lips over her bare stomach. She gasped and arched her back, but I gently held her down to the mattress. I kissed the place where our child was growing repeatedly.

                “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “I love you. You are the only person I have my eyes on, and you will always be the only one I want. No one else can ever compare to you,” I said, resting my forehead on her tummy. I smiled against her skin as she ran her dainty hand through my hair. Ranger was begging me to let him talk to her, so I gave him control.

                We looked up at her and she gasped when she saw Ranger’s golden eyes instead of my blue ones.

                “Jace was speaking the truth, my lovely mate,” Ranger said. “Why do you doubt our feelings?”

                She blushed and looked away from us whispering, “I’m gonna get fat soon and I don’t know what you’ll think. I just don’t want you to think I’m ugly and leave.”

                Ranger growled and was in her face in a second, but he still kept our weight off her. He grabbed her chin gently and made her look at us. “Your stomach will grow as our pup grows within you. That is not getting fat that is getting closer to the time we will have with our pup. You will always be the most beautiful creature on this planet to us; nothing will ever change that; especially our pup growing within you.”

                “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “I just-“

                “It’s okay,” Ranger sighed. “Just as long as you know that we will never ever leave you. For anything. We love you with every fiber of our being and that will never change.”

                “I love you too, Ranger,” she said. She reached up and stroked our cheekbone with her soft finger. Ranger closed our eyes and leaned into her touch. He let me have control again and I opened my eyes as I leaned down to peck her lips.

                “I have something to ask you,” I breathed against her lips.

                “What?” she asked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

                “Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I need to know what you want to do,” I said, leaning my forehead against hers.

                “Well I thought we were going to have a g=big dinner with the family,” she said. “Isnt that what you usually do?”

                “Well, within a pack we have a dinner with the entire pack, because we are all one big happy family. I just didn’t know if that was okay with you.”

                She smiled. “That’s perfect Jace,” she said.

                “I also thought it would be a perfect time to announce your pregnancy,” I said hesitantly. We hadn’t told the pack yet, only my parents, her mom, Lucas, Gram, Brant, Lily, and Laila knew.

                She tensed, but relaxed while playing with the string of the necklace she’d given me around my neck. “Yeah,” she breathed. “That’s sounds good.”

                “We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I said quickly.

                She only smiled again. “I want to.”

                I smiled back and leaned down to kiss her again. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.


Anyway, like I said this is short but hopefully another chapter will be up the end of this week. No promises, but I will be working on it. Who knows? It may even be up tonight or tomorrow? Not likely, but one can always hope right?












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