Oh Millie (Millie x Male Read...

بواسطة killdasio17

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Y/n was an assassin/mercenary that people only called for the most high priority targets in the most dangerou... المزيد

Y/n Bio and Notes
Two Jobs One Target
I Promise
The Crimson Smile Part 2
One Angry Wolf
Mettle Of Man
A Smoking Transformation
An Opening Part 1
An Opening Part 2
Her Song

The Crimson Smile Part 1

2.9K 24 13
بواسطة killdasio17

In Tokyo~

Y/n Pov~

I as I got off the plane, I checked my watch and am astounded as it reads 12am. Fucking hell I was wanting to do some sightseeing before the job but guess that'll have to wait till after the jobs done, I think to myself. I leave the private landing strip and find a car waiting for me, one of the windows rolls down, I can't see inside the car due to it being so dark and a lovely British accent comes from the darkness "Deadeye I presume?", "That'll be me" I say giving a smirk. The back door opens and I get in, I look to see my driver but there's a blacked-out window blocking the driver and the passengers. I put my rather large duffel bag filled with "equipment" in the seat next to me as the driver pulls out of the landing strip. I look out the window and, in the distance, see Tokyo and its beautiful lights illuminating against the pitch blackness of night. I knock on the driver's window, and it rolls down, revealing a young English woman, "kinda lonely back here, mind keeping me company until we get to the hotel?" I ask flashing a smirk. The woman slightly chuckles and looks at me in the rear-view mirror, "of course sir, how was your flight?" she asks putting on a smile. "can't complain, riding in a private jet has it's perks" I say laughing. "I guess you would be right about that sir" she says lightly chuckling. We talk about random stuff for a while until I get a phone call from Phillipe, "alright I have another meeting to get to in and will be there for a while, so I'm going to go ahead and debrief you on what you're going to be doing." he states. "alright lemme write it down." I say, I reach into my duffel bags side pocket and pull out my notebook and pen, "alright hit me" I tell him.

So, what's going to go down is, I'm going to be going in as a representative for one of Mr. Yoshinori's side companies that no but his inner circle knows about so nothing can be traced back to him and his associates, but before I even enter the building one of our people on the inside will be planting my duffel bag in a bathroom, once inside I will get past security and the front desk, pick up my equipment and then Phillipe said and I quote "as long as you get to our target do whatever the hell you see as necessary" which stokes my excitement to a dangerous level, because I'm not opposed to stealth operations or undercover jobs but I mean it's my last job so might as well go out with a bang. The car pulls into my appointed hotel, I get out and sling my duffel bag over my shoulder and start to walk inside but am stopped by a voice. "excuse me? Can you come here for a second" my driver asks, I look back and see she's rolled down her own window. I shrug and walk up to her door and lean against it, "need something?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "um yea here." she says handing me a slip of paper, she gives me a wink and pulls out of the lot quickly. I open the slip and see a phone number and a note saying "Give me a call once you're done working". I smirk and put the slip in my pocket, I make my way to the front desk and give the receptionist my fake information, she hands me a key card and I make my way to my room. 

Time skip ~

My taxi pulls up to the entrance of a very large skyscraper, I pay my driver and get out and slowly make my way to the front desk. As I'm doing this, I'm mentally psyching myself up for what's about to come, come on Y/n, you are fucking Deadeye, you've cleared entire gangs before. Come on you weak motherfucker, you're going to get past this security team, you're gonna go get your shit and then your gonna tear shit up I think to myself overcoming my nerves. "Hello ma'am, I'm with Tagasaki tech, I believe I'm expected yes?" I ask putting on as much charm as I can muster. "of course, sir" she blushes. She takes my fake ID card and sends me up with a flirty wave. I walk up to the security gate and the search me, obviously finding nothing they send me on my way. I make my way to the bathroom with my package, I enter it and search to make sure no-one is inside, after I'm done searching, I lock the entrance to the bathroom. I enter the stall, locking it behind me, I carefully step onto the toilet and reach to the ceiling panel, pushing it to the side and reaching into the ceiling, I feel around until I catch my duffel bag strap. I pull it out of the ceiling and quickly get to work, putting on my Kevlar laced suit.

I put my dual 1911s into their respective holsters,

I clip a short Mossberg shotgun to my inner jacket,

put my knives in their sheaths, one on each leg and two behind my back on my belt. Then I grab my assault rifle and sling it over my shoulder

I pick up my tech 9 and give it a quick once over 

And last but certainly not least I strap my Heckler to my right thigh just because it's gonna be a hell of a party. 

Here we go, let's get this shit started, no turning back. I unlock the door, as soon as I step out that door guards will be on me come on you weak bitch. I take a deep breath in.... "Maximum Effort" I exclaim. I kick open the door, almost immediately a lady starts to scream and runs to get help, I chuckle and get moving to my target's office. Guards immediately are on me pointing their guns at me telling me to drop mine, I smile a big wide grin and start firing into the group of guards with my tech 9. they open fire and I cover my head with my jacket They start moving in on me and that's when I hear "RELOADING!" I find the source of the voice fire into him as he convulses and falls down dead. I quickly run into the group of once 15 now 8 guards, emptying my tech 9 into one of them and throwing it another, I pull out my Heckler and grab one guard and fire into his stomach twice and drop his lifeless body and fire into another one behind him.

I am then knocked off my feet by a guard tackling me, he tries to punch me but I dodge to the side and punch him in the throat, as I get to my feet another guard tries to shoot me all while the guard that tackled me was trying to get to his feet, so quickly grab my two knives from my belt and sling it into the guard getting up directly followed by throwing it into the other guard. 

I unclip my shotgun but it's knocked from my hands by a guard while another one follows behind him, I quickly pull out a 1911 from my shoulder holster, kick the guard off me and hop onto the guard knocking him off his feet, while the guard that I kicked got up and aimed his gun at me, I roll as soon as hit the ground and shoot him in the head and fire into the guard I was crouching over in the head as well

I grab my Heckler off the ground and look to see the guard I had thrown my tech 9 at was simply lying there rubbing his head looking at my carnage in shock, I smirk and walk past him and walk into the targets office lobby, before I can close the door, I hear a gun click in the hallway behind me. I assume the guard thought he would get me through the wall, I fall to my knee and shoot behind me into the wall without looking and here a faint yell, got him

I look up to see 4 guards standing in front the targets office door, I sigh in annoyance and pull my Assault Rifle off my shoulder and try to shoot them but it just clicks the motherfucking guy on the inside fucked with my clips the little bastard I look to see the guards don't have guns, I raise an eyebrow and quickly reload while running at them I manage to shoot two ,I throw the Assault rifle at one of the guards, while he recovers the other guard goes to grab me, I quickly grab his arm and spin to face the other guard, I fire into him twice and shoot the guard I am holding in the head as well with my Heckler.

I drop my Heckler and run a hand through my sweaty hair, "damn been a while since I've built up such a sweat" I chuckle and then sigh in exhaustion. I stretch my arms a bit and laugh, "time to put on the scary face" I say smiling slightly crazily. I kick open the door and see my target Mr.Shinohara, sitting at his desk looking very panicked, on his phone. 

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WHO THE HELL SENT YOU?!" he shouts trying to sound tough. I smile devilishly at him "I think you already know that answer don't you Mr.Shinohara . I step into his office and walk slowly towards him, he starts to laugh uncontrollably. I raise an eyebrow and I look around to see at least 10 more guards' step into view 5 on each side of me. I sigh, " ughhh more? Fuck it. Mr. Shinohara quick question? Do you know who I am?" I ask annoyed. "of course, I do, you're the assassin Deadeye" he states as a matter of factly. I smirk and in the blink of an eye I pull out both of my 1911s and spin while firing into each and every guard.

Once I feel my guns click signaling, they are empty I stop and wink at my target. As I wink all of his guards fall over dead, leaving him screaming in shock "h....how? How did you do that?" he all but whispers. "I don't believe in empty titles Mr. Shinohara, if It's my title it's for a good reason" I say smugly. I saunter my way to his desk and sit in a chair in front of his desk, I scoot up to it and put elbows on his desk and rest my cheeks against my fists and smile at him "so.... how we gonna do this?" I say teasingly.

(sorry i cut this chapter in half cuz this shits hella long, but part 2 will come tonight maybe? hopefully lol. i hope you all are enjoying cuz i'm having a lot of fun writing it. and yea i used a lot of John Wick fighting cuz sue me i'm not a fight choreographer lmao)

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