Lost & Found

By h_i_234

35.4K 1.2K 400

After weeks of working one gruelling drug case, Jake finally gets a lead that can get him to one of the bigge... More



1.7K 63 8
By h_i_234

Amy bursts into the bullpen and looks to Terry, who was standing there waiting for her. "What the hell do you mean it's Jake?" She asks.

The lieutenant points over to Rosa's desk were sure enough, Jake was standing there talking to the female detective. "He wandered in about fifteen minutes ago but he hasn't talked to any of us, just kinda stared around," he replied before looking to the sergeant, "Are you okay?" He asks.

She nods slowly. "I don't know whether to be relieved or mad." She responds, staring in the direction of her missing husband.

"Do you want to take a time out for a minute? Charles did." Terry questions, pointing toward the break room.

The sergeant shakes her head. "I'm gonna be mad first, then relieved." She says before going over to her friend's desk.

She doesn't hesitate and punches Jake in the arm as hard as she could. "What the hell?!"

He steps back, looking to the sergeant with confusion and masses amount of hurt. "Why did you do that? What did I do to you?" He asks quickly, holding his hand up to his arm in the spot that she punched him.

"What did you do?" She asks, feeling her blood boil at the stupid question, "I'll tell you what you did, you disappeared for a year, I was worried sick about you! Where the hell did you go?"

Jake stutters for a moment. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Amy furrows her eyebrows together before forcefully laughing. "Okay, very funny Jake, but I'm really not in the mood for jokes, so please just say where you disappeared off to."

He looks confused for a moment before shaking his head a little. "I don't know why you keep calling me Jake, that's not my name."

The sergeant steps back a little, her mind racing. "Alright I get it funny man, coming back with rehearsed ones but I really don't wanna hear them."

Jake looks to the three officers surrounding him with his eyebrows knitted together. "Look my memory hasn't come back yet, do you know me from somewhere? Do I know you from somewhere?" He asks.

Terry steps in as Amy begins to fall backward. "Your memory hasn't come back... what do you mean by that?"

Jake looks to the lieutenant hesitantly. "I was in an accident like almost a year ago, I lost my memory. I still haven't gotten it back yet."

Amy excuses herself quietly before walking off and into the break room.

Jake watches as she walks away but can't ask anything as Terry speaks up before he can.

"She's had a really rough week, excuse her for what she did." The lieutenant says.

Jake shakes his head, putting his hand out. "It's fine, I completely understand."


After a few minutes, Terry walks into the break room following Amy. When he enters the room, he ushers Charles out and shuts the door behind the detective and goes over and sits beside Amy on the couch.

She doesn't lift her head out of her hands and she stays in her hunched over position. Looking down to the ground, she speaks up when she feels the lieutenant's weight against the couch next to her. "He doesn't remember any of this," she sighs before pausing to look up to the lieutenant, "He doesn't remember us."

Terry puts his hand on Amy's back. "But he will, we've got him back now, we know he's okay. He's alive and we're gonna be able to help him get his memory back."

"He doesn't even remember his own name, Terry, it's a lost cause."

The lieutenant sits back and gives Amy a disapproving look. "That's not the same Amy that eight months ago was making the entire precinct travel all over the place looking for Jake. We're gonna help him and we're gonna get his memory back."

They talk for a few more minutes before they both exit back into the bullpen. As Amy looks over to the opposite side she finds that neither Jake or Rosa were where they were just minutes before.

Just then the elevator doors ding open and Rosa walks back on to the floor, looking both extremely pissed off and very out of breath.

"Where's Jake?" Amy asks, following the detective to her desk.

Rosa slams down on the wood before glaring up to the sergeant and lieutenant. "He ran out."

The sergeant's eyes go wide. "What? How?"

The detective huffs, sitting in the chair. "His phone went and suddenly he was in the elevator leaving. I tried chasing after him and beating him down there by taking the stairs but he had left by the time I even reached the first floor."

"Did he say where he was going?" Amy questions.

Rosa pauses for a minute. "No, he just said he had to go."

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