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By insane_coco

364K 12.1K 1.8K

NATALYA STEPANOV - A new girl with sweet and funny personality. She's very cheerful. Clumsy as hell. She's be... More



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By insane_coco

"No popping other guy's butts"


I squirmed under the rays of light as they hit me. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in my environment.

I gasped as I found myself over Darius. Straddling him. His arms wrapped around my waist, tightly.

Do I really sleep like this?!

I flushed as I realized the intimate position that we were in.

Quickly, removing the covers, I gently and quietly stood up beside the bed to not wake Darius up.

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened as I realized that we would be late for school if we don't wake up like...right now.

I didn't bring any clothes with me.

Stupid of me. I know.

I didn't want to wear the same clothes as yesterday and wearing Darius' clothes to school was a no no.

This left with just one option. We have to make a quick stop at my house.

I stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower. I smiled like a creep, using his shampoo.

After quick shower, I dried myself. I dressed in my old clothes which I thankfully brought with me in the bathroom because just a few minutes ago I heard some shuffling from outside which indicated that Darius was awake now.

I walked outside, towel drying my hair.

"Good morning." I was startled as I heard his deep, hoarse voice, even though I knew he was awake.

"Good morning!" I smiled.

He looked at the nightstand looking at the time. "Baby, its too fuCking early." He groaned rolling on his bare stomach.

Wasn't he wearing a t-shirt?

I placed the towel on the side of his bed. I sat beside him, shaking him gently.

"Darius, wake up."

"Five more minutes." He groaned, hiding his face under the pillow.

"Darius, we're gonna be late for school."

"The school doesn't start for another half a fuCking hour." I heard his muffled voice, making me giggle.

"We've to make a quick stop at mine. I don't wanna wear the same clothes." I whined, shaking him.

"Wear mine." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at him.


"FuCking fine!" I flinched as he set up quickly. Shaking his head, the curls falling on his forehead. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

I smiled looking at him because he resembled a baby doing that.

He stopped his actions looking at me. "What got you so smiley?"

"Nothin-" I squealed as he brought me closer to him with his arms.

He sniffed my hair. I began to laugh. "What are you doing?"

"Smelling you." He mumbled against my hair.

"What are you? A dog?" I laughed harder as he pushed me away.

"Way to ruin a guy's mood." He grumbled before walking towards his bathroom. But he paused mid way, running back to me and kissed my lips. "I love how you're smelling like me."

My eyes widened and I pushed against his bare chest. "No. You go and shower while I take out some clothes for you."

He pouted before walking away, grumbling all the way. I smiled, walking inside his closet to pick his outfit.


"I'm not wearing this shIt to school!"

"You already are!"

"I look like a fuCking jock!"

"You are a jock!"

"I fuCking look like Grayson!"

I glared at him. "Shut up, Darius. You're wearing this. End of discussion."

I gave him dark blue jeans with white tee. And his football varsity jacket to wear over it. He looked pretty good in it.

"You wear it, if you liked it this much." He grumbled starting the car.

"Fine. Give that to me after tomorrow." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Really? You can take it today if you want." He grinned at me.

"No. You're wearing it today."

"You're acting like my fuCking wife right now." I blushed at his comment and the idiot noticed because now he was full on grinning.

"I'm acting like your girlfriend. Wait. I am your bloody girlfriend!"

"I know." He took my hand in his one hand while he kept driving the car with his other.

He wouldn't leave my hand even if he wanted to shift gears. He would shift gear with the one hand he was driving with, then quickly put it back on the steering wheel. Which was very dangerous to be honest.

No matter how much I yelled at him for not doing it, the idiot just laughed and kept doing it more on purpose.

Once when I told him that I won't ever sit with him when he was driving, and only then he stopped.

He rested my hand over the gear shift knob and then covered my hand with his. Our hands were like this all the way to my house.

I quickly climbed out of the car once we reached my home. "Just a heads up. Addy's waiting for you!" I smirked before unlocking the door.

"And you're telling me this now!"

I let out a laugh before going inside.

"Hey people!" I yelled walking in the kitchen.

Ella and Addy jumped away from each other. Ella blushed furiously before greeting me while Addy glared at me.

"Did I interrupt something?" I stifled my laugh looking at them.

"Uhhh....no. You didn't. We were not just expecting you this early." Ella said going back to preparing breakfast.

"I wanted to get ready for school. I'll be going in my room now. Oh and Darius is outside." I looked at Addy, giving him a 'I'm serious look'. "Don't scare him."

He glared back. "No promises."

"Addy!" I whined looking at Ella.

"Don't worry, N. I'll throw his stuff out of the room if I saw him scaring the poor guy."

"I'll do whatever the fuCk I want!"

"Oh you wouldn't." Ella glared at him making him flop on the chair, grumbling something under his breath.

I called Darius inside the kitchen. He greeted both of them. Ella returned the greeting while Addy only grunted.

"Happy Birthday, Darius." Ella said and came to hug him. He thanked her before returning the hug.

I stared at Addy, pointing him in the direction of Darius. I glared when he didn't say anything. He sighed before grabbing Darius in his arms.

"Happy Birthday, boy!" He said a little too enthusiastically, giving him a bone crushing hug. Literally.

I quickly went near them and pulled him away from my poor boyfriend, whose face was now resembling a red tomato.

I glared at Addy who gave me an innocent look.

"I'll go get ready." I said, ignoring the pleading look of my boyfriend and as I climbed up the stairs, I gave Addy a 'behave' look.

As I've already showered at Darius', all I had to was change into different outfit.

Not wanting Darius to spend too much time with my brother, I quickly decided to wear beige pants with white button down shirt.

I quickly tied my hair in a pony tail then slipped on my pumps.

Looking one last time in the mirror, I quickly applied the strawberry lip balm. Satisfied with my look, I went to the kitchen. Thanking profusely for not tripping on the stairs.

"Hey lets go!" I yelled from the door.

"Come here, young lady!" I groaned and stomped into the kitchen. I looked at Addy who was looking at me seriously. "Finish your breakfast."

I heard snicker coming from Darius and stomped on his foot while sitting on the chair beside him.

He cursed rather loudly while I faked concern for him.

"No cursing in my house." Addy grumbled looking at Darius.

I rolled my eyes. "But you do all the BLOODY time."

"Natalya." He gave me grave look.

"Okay fine. Geezzz." I then started to shove the sandwich in my mouth to get out of here as fast as I could to avoid any other awkward conversation.

Darius looked at me amused, shaking his head and chuckling lightly.

I just gave him a cheeky grin in return.

"I'm done!"

Addy wiped his mouth, nodding his head. "Natalya, Ella, give Darius and I a minute."

"Haha! Nice one!" I faked laughed then turned to Darius. "C'mon or we'll be late for school." I literally began tugging his arm.





"I won't do anything. I promise." He rolled his eyes while I looked at Darius, apologetically.

So much for avoiding!

Suddenly Ella grasped my hand in her's and dragged me outside. "Ella!"

"Shuuu." I watched with wide eyes as she hid me beside the door frame of the kitchen, leaning against the wall, successfully hiding me from my evil brother and my poor boyfriend.

I quickly caught on her. My eyes beaming with excitement. "Are we eavesdropping?"

"Yes. Now keep quiet or we'll miss everything." She whispered yelled and I nodded my head quickly, leaning my ear against the wall to hear more clearly.

"I'll not beat around the bush and just ask you the question. What do you want from my sister?" I heard Addy's calm voice.

"What do you mean?" My heart beat quickened after hearing Darius' equally calm voice.

"I don't think that I've asked such a hard question." A scowl appeared on my face with the way he was talking to Darius. "What are your intentions with my sister? Why are you with her? I mean you're a good looking guy and any girl will fall for you so why my sister?"

"I mean have you seen your sister? She's fuCking beautiful."

"He's an idiot." Ella sighed after hearing Darius' reply. I didn't say anything but continued to hear their conversation.

"That's the only reason that you're with her? Because she's beautiful?" I heard anger in Addy's voice. Which probably was not a good sign.

"No. I'm with her because she's beautiful. Inside and out. She has the sweet soul, a soft heart and may be sometimes a wild spirit." Darius chuckled before continuing. "I wish I can explain you how her electric blue eyes and her voice gives me fuCking butterflies." My heart fluttered as he continued. "How her smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with her, I feel so fuCking complete. Even if I spent the whole day with her.....I'll still miss the fuCking second she leaves." He paused before taking a deep breath. "I lo-I mean I really like her so fuCking much. And I'll definitely stop seeing her if you don't approve of us." My eyes widened as my heart dropped at his words.

"What the fuCk is he doing?" Ella whispered from behind me.

"You will not fight for her?" I heard Addy asked.

"I can and I will fight for her against the whole fuCking world. But I can't fight her own brother."

Without thinking much, I pushed myself and ran inside the kitchen. Darius eyes widened as he looked at me but I didn't care about anything and quickly jump on him, giving him a bone crushing hug.

I didn't care that I was crying. I didn't care that I was probably wetting his shirt. I didn't bloody care that Addy was watching. In this moment, it just felt right.

He began to stroke my hair. Whispering sweet words to me. And kissing my head. Again and again.

But I didn't do anything, just clung onto him like my life depended on him.

The whole ride to the school was silent. We didn't speak a word but I guessed our eyes did whenever we gaze into each other's. He kept one hand on the wheel while the other was in mine.

After every few minutes, he would lift it and kissed it. It just made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

After his whole confession, Addy was pretty much okay with him and he even officially invited him for a dinner after returning from London.

Speaking of London, I still have to tell my friends about it.

"Darius fuCking Knight! We're throwing your birthday party and that's fuCking final!" Elo growled looking at Darius.

Honestly I was fed up with this conversation and looking around the table, I noticed that not only me but Isaac, Joseph, Logan and Charli also felt the same as all were sporting annoying, irritated or bored looks.

"Fine." We all let out a sigh of relief after Darius agreed to the party.

"Okay so I'm thinking that we go..."

"Natalya, why are you wearing shades in school?" I turned to Charli, completely blocking out Ace and Elo who are discussing party arrangements with Darius and the other guys.

"I...uhhhh I was having an infection before but now I'm fine." I quickly removed them from my face, hoping that my eyes are back to normal.

Because of the crying, Darius suggested that I wear shades to school so no one would know about me bawling my eyes out at his heart warming confession about me.

Not my words!

He has been teasing me for crying over his words. But he just didn't understand. Those were not just words but his deep feelings for me. And it was not like every day, a guy opened up his heart for me.

"And baby cake's coming as well!"

I snapped my attention to Ace. My face scrunched up in confusion. "Where am I coming?"

"Darius birthday party!" Elo said in a 'duh' tone.

"Not happening."

Several groans and 'whys' erupted from the table.

"But that's Darius' birthday party!"

"I mean we know you hate Darius and probably want to cut his diCk-"

"And feed it to the piranhas-"

"I'm sitting right fuCking here!" Darius waved his hands, sarcastically at Elo and Ace.

Who both swatted his hand away before Ace continued. "But he's still out friend. And even though he's a fuCktard."

"DiCk." ---Isaac

"AsShole." ---Elo

"Cocky bastard." ---Charli

"Geez thanks guys." Darius muttered as Joseph and I stifled our laugh.

"But we do love him." Ace completed.

I looked at Logan to see he was zoning out of the conversions. Ands that was happening a lot. I mean although all we talked about is mostly stupid things but he took part in it but now he didn't. And I've also noticed some tension between him and Darius.

I'll have to ask Darius about it later.

"And no problem." Ace smiled at Darius, resulting in Darius to roll his eyes before looking at me. "And my friends are your friends. So you're coming this Saturday!"


"This Saturday?" My eyes went to Darius and he nodded his head in understanding. "I can't."

"Why?" Elo and Ace whined.

So that was how I'm gonna tell them about London.

Oh well...should've told'em sooner.

"I'll not be here this weekend and may be next as well." I fiddled with my fingers, avoiding looking at everyone.

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked looking at me while others looked at me furrowing their brows except Darius.

I scratched my head, nervously before looking around the table. "I'm going to London."

The whole table remained silent. Suddenly Elo began to laugh. "I thought she said London." Everyone rolled their eyes at her.

What's with this weird synchronizing?!

"She said that, idiot." Joseph commented.

"Why?" I looked at Charli.

"Ummm....my father's death anniversary-"

"Oh fuCk! We're sorry, Natalya." Elo quickly came and hugged me and I returned her hug. Charli followed next.

"So we'll host it after your return?" Ace asked looking at Darius then at me.

"I'll still not come."

Darius looked at me, daring me. "And I'll only let you guys throw the party if she comes." He smirked as my jaw hit the floor.

He did not!

"Then I guess there's no party." I said before standing up and began to walk for my class.

I heard whines behind me which I ignored. But the next words from Darius stopped me. "Its not in my hands now. Go irritate her now because she's in control."

I turned around to glare at him. Who was smiling smugly at me.

Manipulative jerk!


"So you'll be staying for like a week?"

"Yup." I nodded my head as I took a skittle from Elo.

My face scrunched up at the sour taste. Elo beside me began to snicker.

"You're evil."

"I know." She winked at me then peeked at Charli's phone who was busy chatting with Ace.

"I think we should go for shopping. Now that you're coming to the party as well." Charli said after putting her phone back in her pocket.

I rolled my eyes.

They blackmailed me that they would not forgive me for not informing them about my London trip. Because 'Besties' share everything. And now if I want them to forgive me, I have to come to the party. No. Even help them arrange it.

And this is all because of a certain devil whose name coincidentally starts with D. Darius knew that it would be easy for girls to convince me for the party.

We reached her car and settled inside. Me on the backseat while Elo in the passenger.

"What do you guys say?" She looked at me then at Elo.

"I say NO." I smiled at her while she rolled her eyes.

"I second that." Elo snickered as Charli glared at us two.

"Not dress shopping. We should shop for decoration or something for his birthday." Charli explained as she drove out of the school.

"He's not a kid. Just decide where to throw a party and leave the rest for me and Ace." Elo said making Charli roll her eyes.

"Natalya, you tell me. Should we throw a theme party? What does he like the most?"


Both Elo and Charli looked at me simultaneously.

"Charli! Look in the front!"

She snapped her eyes back to the road. While Elo continued to give me a suspicious look.

"How the fuCk do you know he likes Ferrari?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

My eyes widened, slightly. I began to quickly think for an excuse.

"I uhhh....I.....uhhh....Jules told me." I let out a sigh of relief as Elo and Charli nodded their head.

"He really likes Ferrari." Charli said. "We should throw a Ferrari themed party!"

"Oh so we'll bring the Ferrari shaped balloons and dress like a race car driver oh and fuCking cut the Ferrari cake?!" Elo rolled her eyes. "For fuCks sake just throw a fuCking normal party! The party he didn't even want in the first place!"

I let out a laugh, shaking my head. "Why don't we just wear his favourite colored outfit? What even is his favourite color by the way?" I pretended to be clueless.

Red. I know.

But I was not gonna say and gave them a chance of being suspicious again.

Elo rolled her eyes. "Again with the childish thing?!"

"That's brilliant idea! We should all wear Red. That's his favourite color!" Charli exclaimed.

We reached the cafe I work at. I stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

"Should we pick you up?" Charli asked from inside.

I bend down to look at her. "Addy will pick me up. Thanks."

"No problem."

"By the way, we're picking you up tomorrow for the breakfast. Just the girls. No fuCkers allowed." Elo said, looking at Elo in the last part. I laughed, nodding my head.

"Bye." I waved as I began to walk inside. I heard 'byes' before the roaring of the engine then it began to fade as I closed the door of the cafe.

I inhaled the delicious aroma of chocolate. Before making my way to the staff room. I put my bag inside my lockers and took out the brown apron and cap with the cafe's logo on it.

I volunteered to work extra as I would not be working for the whole week. Which actually consisted of only five days because the weekends are off for me.

My shift didn't start for another ten minutes so I decided to check my phone as it was buzzing the whole ride here.

There were texts from Addy and Darius. I opened the Addy's first.

Addy: You're B will be there to pick you up.

I laughed shaking my head.

Whose B?

Addy: The nine letter word starting from B and ending at D.


Addy: Don't say this word! I'm still trying to process that my baby sister is dating the son of my freaking boss!

I typed it

Addy: Huh?

I didn't say boyfriend I type it


Addy: 😒

I loved to annoy him.

Addy: Get back to work

Ok boss!

I closed the chat with my brother then opened the one from Darius.

Craze🐒♥️: Guess who's picking you up?!

Craze🐒♥️: Me!

Craze🐒♥️: Your fuCking boyfriend!

Craze🐒♥️: Just don't ask how I got permission from your brother

Craze🐒♥️: He's so fuCking scaryyyy

Craze🐒♥️: I almost shivered listening to him.

Craze🐒♥️: Where the fuCk are you?!

Craze🐒♥️: Baby!!!

Craze🐒♥️: I can't wait to show the world that you're mine just to stop the girls from kidnapping you. Every damn time!

Craze🐒♥️: Baby girl!

Craze🐒♥️: Baby!

I let out a small laugh after looking through his texts.

You're a dork.

I'll call you after my shift is over.

I didn't wait for his reply knowing that he would be busy with the football practice.

Placing the phone in my pocket, I went outside to start my work. I greeted Alia, my co-worker and also a good friend.

"I'm so jealous that you'll be away for a week." She whispered handing me the order.

"How did you know?! I literally just informed him?!" I looked at her with wide eyes as I carefully held the Trey in my hands.

"The walls have ears." She winked and I shook my head before walking away to serve the order.

I worked continuously for an hour. Unfortunately, today the cafe was crowded. Which meant more work for us. Which meant that I would be extra tired.

But then I thought about the week ahead of me. No work. No school. Back in my London. Away from everyone and everything. Even if it was just for a week.

"Hotty alert at table number 6!" Alia's whisper snapped me out from my thoughts.

I turned my head to look at table number 6 and my eyes widened as I saw Darius scanning through the tables. Probably looking for me.

Didn't I text him to wait for my call?

I faced Alia who was still ogling at my boyfriend. I snapped my fingers on her face which startled her and she looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I gave her a sweet smile. Which was anything but sweet.

"He's not my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"Yet." I nodded my head before pointing my thumb in the direction of Darius. "He's-"

"Natalya! Table number 6!" Alan, my other co-worker yelled from behind the counter.

I quickly nodded my head in his direction and walked to the table 6.

I tried to control my smile as I saw Darius grinning at me. I bit my lips and shook my head as I reached his table.

"Didn't I text you to wait for my call?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He gave me a pout. "I missed you."

"What about practice?"

"FuCk practice!"

The lady beside his table glared at him for cursing. I smiled as he mouthed a quick 'sorry'. Which I know he didn't mean at all.

Clearing my throat, I brought back my professionalism. "What will you like to order, sir?"

He smirked at me and I instantly regretted asking the question.

"You." His smirked deepened as he saw my face turn the color of tomato.

I looked away, clearing my throat then smirked at him. "I'm sorry but that's not in the menu."

He let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head. "Good. Because only I have the right to fuCking eat you." He whispered looking at me with those forest green eyes.

My breath hitched and I felt a shiver run down my spine. He continued to look at me with those eyes.

We continued to gaze eachother with.....what? Want? Hunger for eachother? Or....Love?

"Okay! That's enough sexual tension for a day! I can literally feel it from the counter!" We both snapped away from each other as Alia dragged me back to the counter. "Alan is fuming right now. I can practically see the smoke coming from his ears like those in cartoons."

I laughed as I get back to serve the orders.

"Oh and you're not to be seen anywhere near the table 6 as long as he's here." Alia playfully nudged my shoulder before walking away.

I laughed but one glare from Alan and I quickly began to wipe the table.

Darius was waiting for me patiently through out my shift which was over at 6:00 pm.

Darius insisted on eating dinner at his favourite diner. So I texted Addy about our sudden plan. He just said to be home early.

We were bantering through out our dinner. I think it's our thing. We could be romantic when we want to be or we could just rip our heads off.

"I'm kinda afraid of going inside your house. Can I just say good bye here?" I rolled my eyes as I opened my door.

"We're home!"

"Do you really have to inform him?!" I stomped on Darius' feet, shushing him.

"And now we're going in my room!"

I shook my head as Darius let out a sigh of relief after hearing nothing from my brother.

"See. He's not bad."

Darius rolled his eyes. "Bad? No. Scary? Yes. There's a huge as-"

"Keep the door open!" I laughed as Darius nearly jumped after hearing Addy.

"Relax." I said with an amused smile as we entered my room.

"I'm sorry if your brother scares the shIt out of me!" He rolled his eyes as he jumped on my bed.

"That's something coming from some sort of....illegal fighter."

I laughed, dodging the pillow thrown by him.

"Why don't you just yell so that your hulk of a brother hears you and fuCking throw me out of the house and never let me see you again."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Now you're being dramatic." I walk inside my closet to change while he got comfortable in my bed.

"Field notes on Love." I turned my head to look at him from the closet to see him holding the book. "You reading this?" He asked from the bed.

"U-huh." I replied as I walked back in the room after changing out of my clothes.

"Is that my hoddie?" He asked raising his brow.

I gave him a toothy grin, nodding my head, as I started to fold my clothes which were spread on half of my bed.

He smirked. "Looks better on you." He observed the pink book before looking back at me. "So what's this about?" He said waving the book in the air.

"It's about two strangers who fall in love with each other during a train ride."

"And why the fuCk are you reading this shIt?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I gave him a confused look.

"Are you fuCking planning to fall in love with a stranger during your flight to London?"

I laughed at him. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?"

"Have you read it?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"No but I'm planning to read it through the flight."

He mocked a laugh. "Not fuCking happening. I'm taking this book and you're not suppose to read any romantic books while you're in London."

I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Seriously?!"


I groaned before returning to folding my clothes.

"Oh and no taking drinks from the stranger."

"I'm not going to party there. And I most definitely don't drink." I muttered as I placed the folded clothes in my bag.

"And no popping other guys asses."

"Okay da-wait what?" I looked at him with wide eyes while he smirked at me.

"No popping other guys butts."

"I don't do such things!"

"You do. And you did to me." I crossed my arms against my chest while he looked at me with his now annoying smirk.

"I don't remember doing such a thing. You're lying." I said confidently.

"Of course you don't remember because you were drunk. And I'm not lying." He pulled a very shocked me on his lap.


"And I'll bring my perfume tomorrow so you can wear it everyday."

I hid my face in my palms due to embarrassment. He chuckled before kissing my neck.

"Just promise that you'll be careful." He placed another kiss on my neck and I nodded my head. "I'll miss you so fuCking much." He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

I removed my hands from my face. "But its just a week."

"A week without you." He kissed my ear making me giggle.

"I'll miss you too." I whispered.

"I know." He chuckled as I elbowed him.

"Call me every day."

"I will."

We sat in silent. Me on his lap and wrapped in his arms. I felt comfortable in his arms.

Because of my tiring day, I sighed, closing my eyes and soon the sleep took over me.

"Love you."


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