Sea Princess's Mate (Emmett C...

By jumpingmanatee

529K 15.3K 2.7K

Selene Clearwater is Sue Clearwater's oldest child and Harry Clearwater's adopted daughter, half-sister to Le... More

Chapter 1 A Somber Home Coming
Chapter 2 Cherished Memory
Chapter 3 Joining the Pack
Chapter 4 Enough Is Enough
Chapter 6 Imprinting Reaction
Chapter 7 Mission Complete
Chapter 8 Lunch Date
Chapter 9 La Push
Chapter 10 First Phase
Chapter 11 Confrontation
Chapter 12 Discussion
Chapter 13 Ultimatum
Chapter 14 It Finally Comes to A Head
Chapter 15 Banishment
Chapter 16 Crimes And Misdemeanors
Chapter 17 Visions
Chapter 18 The After Effect
Chapter 19 Reaction
Chapter 20 The Weight of One Life
Chapter 21 Unlikely Imprint
Chapter 22 An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 23 Recovery and Revenge
Chapter 24 A Visit From Dad
Chapter 25 Private Time
Chapter 26 The Following Day
Chapter 27 First Hunt
Chapter 28 Punishment
Chapter 29 Revelations
Chapter 30 Announcement
Chapter 31 Surprise!
Chapter 32 Grandma
Chapter 33 Bad News & Good News
Chapter 34 A Day of Fun
Chapter 35 Sparring in the Woods.
Chapter 36 Here We Go Again
Chapter 37 Realization
Chapter 38 Training Session
Chapter 39 A Scheming Plan
Chapter 40 Surprising News... Not
Chapter 41 Sacrifice
Chapter 42 Sad News

Chapter 5 First Patrol

16.8K 488 61
By jumpingmanatee

Selene flew in through her open window and settled down on her bed. She quickly transformed back into a human and laid back on her bed. Selene hissed as the gash in her leg throbbed. Sitting up, Selene examined her wound. There were four parallel lines across her thigh, on further inspection, Selene noticed that they weren't as deep as they could have been. Selene limped over to the dresser and took out some antiseptic and some gauze. She sat back down on the bed and sprayed her wound. Selene winced in pain but otherwise said nothing.

Once the antiseptic dried, Selene wrapped the wound and leaned back against her headboard. She sighed, closed her eyes, and waited for her natural healing ability to take over. Selene knew it would probably scar, but eh, what was another scar to add to her collection? Selene was beginning to doze off when there was a knock on her door; she opened her eyes and asked who it was.

“It's Leah, Selene, can I come in?”

“Yeah, of course, Leah.”

Leah opened the door, and the first thing she noticed was the bandage on Selene's thigh, “What happened?”


Leah's eyes widen, “You were attacked by a monster here?”

“No, I found a valley to train, and it came out of nowhere. I killed it, of course, but not before it clawed my leg. I met one of the Cullens, by the way.”

“Which one?”

“I don't know which one. He was a big guy, very muscular, with dark hair.”

Leah thought for a moment, “I think his name is Emmett. What was he doing there?”

“He probably heard us fighting. After I killed the manticore, this Emmett guy stepped out from behind a tree and offered to take me to his dad so that he could treat my wound. I told the vampire no; he seemed surprised I knew what he was. Like it isn't obvious.”

“What happened after that?”

“He still wanted to take me somewhere safe, so I shifted into an eagle and flew away. I bet that freaked him out,” Selene said with a laugh.

Leah laughed as well, “I'm sure it did. So you flew home, and here you are.”

“Here I am, I should be good as new in a few hours, with a new scar to add to my collection.”

Leah nods and pats her sister's arm, “Well, get some rest, Shark Bait. I'll make you something to eat, and then we can go pick up Seth from school.”

“Thanks, Pluto.”

Leah laughed and left her sister's bedroom. Selene settled back against her headboard and closed her eyes, but she couldn't go to sleep. She kept thinking about the vampire she met, Emmett. Selene had to admit that for a monster, he was very handsome. She wondered how sincere he was about getting her help, or was it only an excuse to attack her?

‘No, if he wanted my blood, he could have attacked me there in the valley. Maybe he did want to help me.’ Selene speculated.

Selene was also a little unnerved by the attraction she felt toward this man. She had dated before and never felt something like this for anyone else. Why would Selene feel this pull towards a being that was her enemy and a danger to her? Whatever the reason was, Selene decided that it was something that she would have to be careful with him. She couldn't afford to let her guard down around such a being.

An hour later, Leah came in with a tray of food for Selene. She found her sister sound asleep, setting the plate down on the nightstand she gently woke Selene, “Selene, I brought you your lunch.”

Selene opened her sea-green eyes and blinked; she had just had a disturbing dream about Emmett. That they had been making out in the valley right before he bit her, but he didn't drain her, he had marked her as his mate. Selene shuddered at the image.

“Are you okay,” Leah asked.

“Yeah, I had a nightmare.”

Leah nods, and places the tray on Selene's lap, “You need to hurry, Seth's school lets out in a little while.”


Selene eats her lunch, then checks her wound. The wound had healed over nicely, and the scar was barely noticeable. Selene quickly took a shower then changed. She made her way downstairs and threw her keys at Leah, “You drive.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, of course.”

They got in the Land Rover and drove down to Seth's school. Leah glanced at her sister, “How did you afford the Land Rover?”

“Pirate treasure I found in the ocean,” Selene said with a smirk.

Leah nods, “Right.”

They arrived at the school, and Seth said goodbye to Brady and Collin and jumped into the SUV. He smiled at his sisters and greeted them warmly, “Hi, Sel, hi, Leah.”

“Hey, Seth,” The girls' answer.

“How was school, Sethy?” Selene inquired.

“It was good; I have a ton of homework, you think you can help me?”

“If you have math homework, yes. Leah will have to help you with the rest. Unless you're studying about Ancient Greece,” Selene said with a laugh.

“Well, I do have a history project due, and the teacher said we could choose any time in history; I chose Ancient Greece.”

Selene turned to look at Seth; she smiled at him, “No problem, Seth, I'll help you with that.”

“Thanks, Sel.”

When they got home, Sue was back from work and was in the kitchen working on dinner, Selene went into the kitchen to help her mom with dinner. As they were cooking, Selene told her mom about the gold that she found in a ship, “Mom, I want you to have it.”

Sue looked at her daughter, “No, Selene, I can't accept that it's yours.”

“But, Mom, I got it to help my family, sure I bought a few things for myself, but the rest I want you to have, especially now that Dad's gone. I don't want you to struggle.”

“I appreciate that sweetheart; I tell you what, why don't we half it?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it's only fair.”

“Okay, I'll transfer the money to your account tomorrow.”

After that, the two women finished preparing dinner while Leah set the table. They had a lovely dinner while Seth told them how school went. Once dinner was over, Selene helped Seth with his math and then his history project. When Seth went to bed, they got a call from Sam.

“Selene, it's time for you to come on patrol with me.”

“I'll be there in a little bit,” Selen told him and hung up.

Leah and Selene told Sue that they were leaving and headed out to Sam's house. When they got there, the rest of the pack was waiting for them outside of Emily's house. Sam had already assigned partners for their patrol, Leah was paired with Jared this time, and they were going to patrol the North end of the Reservation while Sam and Selene would patrol the South end of the Reservation. Sam wanted Selene to see precisely where the treaty line was with the Cullens.

Once everyone was assigned, Selene went into the trees to transformed. She explained to Sam that since she didn't grow up with the boys, she couldn't transform in front of them. Sam readily accepted her excuse since Leah did the same thing unless it was an emergency.

Selene went into the woods and took a deep breath, her body shimmered and changed into a white wolf. Shaking out her fur, Selene walked out of the woods and went back to stand next to Sam. The pack looked at Selene, amazed; she was the same size as Sam but completely white. What was startling was her sea-green eyes against her white fur.

*Wow, that's freaky, I thought your eyes would be brown like the rest of us.* Paul said.

*Why? My eyes are green, you moron. It stands to reason they would stay the same color.*

The others laughed at Paul, while Paul growled at Selene. Selene rolled her eyes, *Don't even start with me, Paul; I'll kick your ass.*

*Bring it on, Pup.*

*Enough, we need to start our patrol. Come on, Selene, I want you to know precisely where the treaty line is with the Cullens. We need to make sure they never cross over into our land.*

Selene nods and follows Sam South towards the treaty line. As they run, Sam explains to Selene that there are seven Cullens. He tells her the name of their coven leader and shows her a picture of what he looks like. Sam then thinks of every member of the coven so that she knows who is who.

*Who's the one that's with the human girl?* Selene asked.

*That's Edward Cullen. You need to be aware that some of the Cullens have powers. Edward is a mind reader, so be careful with your thoughts.*

Selene inwardly smirks, she seriously doubted he could read her mind unless she let him, *Who else has powers?*

*Alice and Jasper have powers, he's an empath and she's a pyschic.*

‘Is kind of like an oracle.’ Selen thought, ‘Great, that's all I needed.’

*The thing is that Alice can't see us. So we have that advantage against them,* Sam told her.

‘Well, if she can't see the wolves, she certainly won't see me.’

Sam and Selene get to the treaty line and begin their patrol, searching for any signs of Victoria and making sure that no other vampire had come into the area. As they reach the gorge that separates the land, they pick up the scent of two vampires. Sam growls and runs towards the scent. On the other side of the river are two vampires arguing, the tall, burly vampire and the blonde vampire that Sam thought was his mate.

Emmett had finished moving his things into the basement bedroom earlier that evening. For the most part, the bedroom was complete, Esme only needed to add a few more finishing touches which she would do later that night to make it more Emmett's room. He decided to go for a run so that Esme could finish.

Emmett left the house with no destination in mind, but as he got further away from home, he started feeling something pulling towards the treaty line. Emmett changed course and ran towards the gorge that separated the two territories. When he got there, he sat down and tossed stones into the river below. Emmett suddenly sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“What do you want, Rosalie?”

“I want to talk to you.”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“Of course we do, Emmett, if you think I'm going to let you go be with some bitch, you're sorely mistaken.”

“I don't need your permission to be with my mate.”

“I'M YOUR MATE!” Rosalie shrieked.

“No, you're not, and you know it. You've probably known it since the beginning,” Emmett said then looked at Rosalie.

“Haven't you?”

By the expression of Rosalie's face, Emmett knew it was true. He shook his head, “I can't believe you used me like that, wait, yes, I can. You're so selfish; I shouldn't be surprised. You know what, it doesn't matter anymore. I've wasted enough time with you, and now I found my real mate, I'm done with you,” Emmett tells Rosalie.

“You're not going to get rid of me that easily, Emmett.”

Emmett sighed and stood up, “Why can't you let this go?”

“Because I love you.”

“No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't have treated me like shit all these years. You only want someone at your beck and call, well, find someone else.”

“So, that's it; you're going to throw away everything we have for some bitch.”

“Yes, and don't call my mate a bitch.”


“I'm warning you, Rosalie, don't push me.”

At that moment, Sam and Selene come into view to see what was going on. Emmett suddenly feels the mate pull and turns around; he looks at the two wolves across the river. Emmett recognizes the black wolf as Sam, but he's never seen the white wolf before. Emmett stares at the white wolf for a moment then his eyes widen when he recognizes the sea-green eyes. Emmett's mouth falls open in shock.

“It's you.” He whispers.

Sam tilts his head to the side then looks between Selene and Emmett, *Selene what is he talking about?*

Selene looks down, then looks at Sam, *Um, I may or may not have met him today in their territory.*

*What?! Did you imprint on him?*

*Imprint?* Selene asked.

Sam huffs, *We'll talk about this later, for now, let's leave them alone.*

Sam turns and melts into the trees, Selene goes to follow but pauses when Emmett calls out to her, “Wait! Don't leave!”

Sam turns around and growls at Selene; she gives Emmett one last look then follows Sam. Emmett almost followed his mate but stopped himself when he realized that he couldn't cross the treaty line without endangering his family. He stood there and watched as the two wolves disappeared. Suddenly Emmett heard Rosalie laughing.

“Oh my god, Emmett, your mate is one of those filthy mutts?! Oh, this is rich, you're throwing me away for a dog. I was right; she is a bitch.” Rosalie said through her laughter. She wiped away imaginary tears, “Oh, I can't wait to tell the others about this. Have fun with Fido, Emmett,” Rosalie said, then disappeared.

Emmett stood there more confused than ever, how was his mate be a wolf if he had seen her turn into an eagle earlier? That wasn't possible; she couldn't be two things at once, or could she? Emmett shook his head, ‘I don't care what she is, at least now I know where she is. Now I only need to find out her name and figure out a way to get close to her.’ Emmett thought.

“Easy enough.”

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