Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

By Paranilla

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**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... More

-80- **Read Note at the end please**


126 1 8
By Paranilla


"Hey, Graphite!" 

Graphite looks over at me and Emu as we step into the base. His eyes go wide and he looks at me, looking ticked off. He thinks I brought Emu here, right? Well, he's wrong on that one and is about the find that out. 

He holds out his transformation device, which makes a good weapon, and points it at Emu. "Why are you doing here? And did you bring him here, woman? I told Parad it was a bad idea to keep you around."

"Whoa, calm down, Graphite!" Emu exclaims, releasing my wrist and pushing me over to the side a bit away from him. "It is me! See?"

I look over as Emu falls to the ground and Parad appears near Graphite. Graphite puts down his weapon and sighs a bit, seeming relieved that Emu didn't infiltrate the base on his own. Parad looks down at Emu, smirking a little bit. 

"Oh, why didn't you just say so in the first place?" Graphite asks. Like you gave him time to do so, idiot!

"What did you do to me?" Emu looks up, looking in a bit of pain. 

"You forced my hand. You didn't want to play with me, so I made you come with me so we can play," Parad answers, being quite honest with what he did. "I wonder if you will fight me more willingly if I level up. Elkie, are you watching, dear?" Parad holds up a belt, which has to be Kuroto's, and I step back a bit. "Don't be afraid."

Parad places the belt against his waist and holds up his Gashat. He brings it down, putting in the slot, and turns the lever. Hey, nothing is happening!

He looks down, not seeming disappointed, and I tilt my head. "Hm...I guess I can't use this Gamer Driver to transform. It is meant for humans after all." So, he's not mad right now about this?

"Parad, we should finish him off right now since he's here," Graphite suggests, getting up. He sat down?

Parad grabs his arm and pulls it up, keeping it from Emu. "I will be the one who beats M, Graphite. And Elkie will be all mine then." 

"Hey, what is making you want to fight me? I don't understand." Emu is that curious about it, huh? Shouldn't it be obvious right now? I'm not trying to say my true love is dumb, but the answer is quite obvious and I won't say it. 

Parad releases Graphite's arm and turns to Emu, moving towards him. He bends over and grabs his coat, pulling him closer to him and staring him in the eyes. Oh, he's not a happy Bugster now!

"What? Did you forget all about it?" Parad asks. Dude, you know the answer to that and all these stupid questions are killing me! I know I ask stupid things, but that is expected of me. "You wanted this."

"Huh? I did?" Emu is surprised.

"Elkie, I'm heading out," Parad tells me. "I'll be back soon. Go and listen to your music that you love so much or play my handheld device." 


"Elkie!" Emu turns his head to me and Parad shoves him back, making him land roughly against the ground. "Ah!" 

"Parad...please..." I don't want to see him harmed. "I am yours, alright? I'm all yours and you don't have to worry about him. So, please don't waste your time on hurting him." If he keeps hurting him, how will I be able to continue to resist the urge of smacking him across his Bugster face?

Parad turns his head, looking at me with a small smile on his cruel and handsome face. "Oh, I'm not worried at all. I'm just a bit jealous is all. Now, go."

"Take care of yourself, alright?" 

"Oh, I will."

"Okay." I am glad that he cares about what I have to say so much. He totally gives a crap! Not!

I just hope he doesn't harm Emu while he's out and about with him.


I look over as Emu lays on the ground, wincing in pain. I don't know what happened earlier, but it seems like it wasn't something good. Did Emu try reprogramming Parad and it ended up making him a lot more powerful and harder to deal with?

"I'm not worried about him right now," Parad tells me. "I'm worried about you, dear." Parad leans down in front of me and I look at him, staring up at his face. If he was shorter, it would be nice. Looking up at him makes my poor neck hurt.

"What did you do today, Parad?" I ask. I'm curious and have to know what he did to everyone. Did he hurt anyone or kill them?

He brings a finger to my face and traces the outline of my jaw, sending chills down my spine. "Are you worried about those people who want to break us up? If so, you need to quit wasting your time worrying about those losers. They're not worthy of your love and affection."

"He...he can use that Gamer Driver," Emu tells me and I turn my head a bit, staring at him. 

My face turns away as Parad's hand goes under my chin, hooking his fingers around my face roughly. I look him in the eyes, my eyes probably wide, and he stares coldly into mine back. He's not happy.

"Don't stare at him while he's near you. He doesn't deserve someone like you. Only someone like me can have you." Parad leans in a bit closer. "Do you understand me? Elkie, answer me quickly." He releases his grip on me and I nod my head. "Good."

"Parad, what is the plan for tomorrow?" Graphite asks curiously, not caring for the tension in the room. "I am kind of bored just watching the girl all day. She isn't very exciting."

"I'm going to pay a visit to some friends," Parad answers. "Why? Do you want to come?" Visit some friends? Like he has friends! Wait...does he mean that he's going to head to the hospital and torment them about Emu tomorrow?

"Nah, that sounds boring," Graphite responds. "If you see Taiga, tell him that I said hello." Like anyone cares about telling him that. You just want to make everyone miserable, Graphite!

Parad brings a hand up to my cheek and pats it gently, smiling as he doesn't look towards Graphite. "I bet Emu will hate seeing this right now." He leans in and places his lips against mine roughly. He's kissing me in front of the man I love? Why?

Parad moves his lips against mine, not being gentle, and I close my eyes. I move my lips against his, not being rough like him, as my heart pounds against my chest madly. I hate this. I hate that I got myself into this mess. Why couldn't I have been honest with Parad from the start? 

He places his hands on my arm and digs his nails into my skin, making me gasp. He forces his tongue into my mouth, dominating it as Emu probably watches, and I close my eyes tighter. I hate that I'm doing this to Emu. All because I lied, right? This is hurting Emu more than anything.

Parad's lips leave mine and I open my eyes. "Now, wasn't that nice?" Parad grins, looking at me with fake innocence. There is nothing innocent in this Bugster!

"Y-yes," I answer. "It was really nice." I hope my arms don't look horrible with marks on them. I don't even know if he thinks that is too rough or not. Who knows with him.

"Graphite, I'm going to fetch something for her to drink. Don't let them escape," Parad says, moving away from me and Emu. 

I look over at Emu as he looks at me, his eyes filled with worry. I feel so bad for him. I have caused this to happen to him. Well, some of it. 

"I won't let them out of my sight," Graphite responds. "Grab him something while you're at it. He's human too you know."

"Ah, right. I nearly forgot." No, you're just being a jerk because Emu likes me. 

He moves away, heading towards the exit, and I move a bit closer to Emu. I pull out my iPod and push it towards him, letting him see it. I can try and communicate by songs since that isn't not allowed. He never said I couldn't use it to do so.

Emu takes it and stares down at the screen, his eyes looking at the song I left on there. It is some love song that is about missing the person you love. So, he should know how much I miss him and his embrace right now. 

He looks up at me and smiles weakly, letting me know that he knows what I mean by that song. It is some English one that everyone knows but me. I don't listen to everyone's song. I do love listening to Kelly Clarkson though. Not her newer stuff, but her older stuff. 

"I love you," I mouth.

"I love you too," he mouths back, weak smile on his face still.

I wish I could make him feel better. 

A/n: And here's a bonus short chapter to make up for the long wait you all had! I'm so terribly sorry for the long time you had to wait for an update for this story and I wanted to write a filler chapter anyway. So...here's that chapter.

Elkie will be free soon, I'm sure. I can feel it coming. Maybe when a certain someone arrives and saves the entire day? No spoilers here.

Thanks :D 

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