Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

5K 119 12

It's been 2 years since Nick and Charlie moved to LA. Charlie is still adjusting to new life style. She met a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 34

71 2 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 34:

At the Repection.

We arrived at the place we were going to have the party and it look amazing. The summerland theme looks awesome and I could understand why they love it. Before people started to arrive, we took a couple of picture together and my awesome favorite one when Nick and I had to take a brother and sister picture. I was so happy for the two of them. I love Sel and Nick picked the perfect girl for him to love.

I'm just glad Nick not all that mad at me when I told him the truth I hope he hasn't told Sel yet because I have lied to her, maybe she would never know.

Selena: oh Charlie! Nick and I would like to have a word with you.

Second thought I knew this was all coming of course Nick and Selena wouldn't keep this whole thing a secret to each other and not be mad about it. Taylor told me that they were in the private room and he looked disappointed which means he already knew.

I took a deep breath before walking into the room and found them both together sitting on the couch. Nick motion me to come over to them and I sat in the little chair in front of them.

Charlie: so... Taylor said you wanted to have a little chat with me.

They both just look at me and I sigh and started talking which they probably wanted. I told them all how it happened and by the look on their face they werent to happy.

Selena: Charlie why didnt you just tell us the truth earlier.
Charlie: *gets up* because a lot of good things were happening between the two of you and I just wanted to do something for me.
Nick: so you thought leaving out the part about you not using protection would make us proud!
Charlie: no... *looks down*
Nick: Charlie we talk about this before, didn't that pubrity ring mean anything to you.
Charlie:  *looks him* yes but it's not like I'm the only one, what about you and Sel? I know you two couldn't wait until you got married.
Nick: *gets up* this time you have gone way to far. After the wedding we're taking you to the doctor to make sure you're not pregnant
Charlie: technically Nick I already gone too far.
Nick: *takes a deep breath* I'm not gonna yell.
Charlie: really because you seem to be taking it all pretty well when I told you at the church.

Nick was about to say something and I could tell he was to angry so Sel had to get up and pull him behind her and I took a few step back away from them.

Selena: Nick calm down, get out of the room for a while and go cool off. I'll handel her before you do something you might regret.
Nick: fine.

Nick gave me the look telling me I have went to far this time before leaving the room.

Charlie: *sits down* I didn't mean for all this to happened today, I didnt want to ruin your wedding day.
Selena: Charlie you didnt ruin our wedding day, we still have a few hours left to kill and beside the guest hasn't even arrive yet.
Charlie: *sighs* but I still think its all my fault to get Nick angry like that.
Selena: no sweetie, Nick just... Nick always act like that.
Charlie: has he done that to you.
Selena: only when I keep secrets from him, but I use my secret weapon
Charlie: *smiles* whats that?

Selena whispered it in my ear and I giggle and she said.

Selena: let's keep that between you and I, we dont want him freaking out.

I giggle picturing it and then Nick walk back in calm.

Selena: you okay now?
Nick: I will be

I slowly got up and walk over to him and the two of us were facing each other and I said.

Charlie: Im sorry I kept this secret from you and Sel
Nick: *hugs her* its fine all that matter is that nothing happened, will work this out together as a family
Charlie: promise?
Nick: promise. Everything gonna work out kiddo there's nothing to be afraid of *hugs her*
Charlie: I love you Nicky
Nick:* l love you too baby

Selena smiled at us.

Charlie: *let's go of him* now that we're done talking about this, can we forget this whole thing ever happened? And you promise not to kill Greyson and we can get the party started
Nick: oh I'm still killing you and Greyson just after the party
Charlie: to bad you'll be going to your honey moon
Nick: I still got a few hours to kill before I go.
Charlie: *mumbles* rats, then I'll tell Greyson to stay away from you.
Nick: celver idea little girl.

He patted my head and I rolled my eyes and the three of us left the room and we let people in.

Nah, we all know Nick couldn't be angry at this. The Epilogue is next!

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