
By ThatWhittakerFan

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She- Jodie Whittaker X Female Reader - COMPLETE You're called by the one and only Chris Chibnall to audition... More

Chapter One - Geronimo
Chapter Two - The Greatest Show
Chapter Four - Best Fake Smile
Chapter Five - Out Of Our Heads
Chapter Six - Hold On
Chapter Seven - Something Just Like This
Chapter Eight - Love Too Much
Chapter Nine - Girls Like Girls
Chapter 10 - Wake Me Up
Chapter 11 - Happy
Chapter 12 - I'll Be There For You (aka Happy - Part Two)
Chapter 13 - Church (Happy Part Three (I know!))
Chapter 14 - The Truth
Chapter 15 - Lean On Me
Chapter 16 - Don't Stop Believin'
Chapter 17 - The Nights
Chapter 18 - Riptide
Chapter 19 - Let Her Go
Chapter 20 - A Sky Full Of Stars
Chapter 21 - Y/Ns story
Chapter 22 - Back To You
Chapter 23 - Photograph
Chapter 24 - Awake My Soul

Chapter Three - Walk Me Home

934 37 13
By ThatWhittakerFan

I couldn't stop thinking about the text, the four missed calls, as I curled myself up on the bus seat.

Y/N come quick. Olivias up in the big oak and won't come down. Natalie and Harry have tried but nothing's working, even Flopsy. I've called the fire brigade.

Tom x

I was the eldest (26), then Tom (24), Natalie (16), Harry (13) and Livs (7). We lived in a bungalow with a reasonable garden with 5 bedrooms including a spare room. Our Aunt and Uncle still insist on paying the mortgage, even though Tom and I are over 18.

After our parents left us for their forever honey moon, Tom and I got University degrees in Engineering and Performing Arts. Natalie worked as a barista at Costa whilst doing her GSCEs, and Harry had done the paper round since he turned 12.

Livs was so young when they left that she called me and Tom 'Mummy' and 'Daddy', as she never really had them as parents. Apparently our parents had a little boy about a year after they left us. The thing that brought us together as a family was Doctor Who.

When I arrived, Natalie and Tom were pleading with her whilst Harry was beginning to climb the tree himself.

"Harry for Gods sake don't! We don't want you getting stuck too."Everyone looked at me as I dumped my bags and peeled him of the trunk.

"I know you're trying to help but the fire brigade are only coming to help one kid, not two." I smiled sympathetically and peered up the branches. You could just see Olivias blue dungarees and yellow t-shirt against the green leaves.

"Mummee!" she cried and clung to a branch, her eyes wide open.

"Livs don't worry I'm here! You'll be alright, just hold on tight to that branch and do the deep breaths we've done before. Okay?"


Tom turned to me. "This is the third time in the last two months Y/N."

"I know."

"When do you think we should tell her?"

"I don't think she's ready yet, Tom. She's too young."

"She needs to know soon. She's gonna get older and realise eventually, and then what's gonna happen? She could get into serious trouble; you know what I'm talking about."

I sighed. "Do you still remember the wedding? In the town church?"

"Like yesterday. Looks like Livs still remembers it too. I can remember those happy memories."

"Aren't these happy memories Tom?"

"I meant, the ones before.."


My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I saw I had ignored five messages and a missed call from Jodie.

Y/N are you okay? Jodie x

Is everything alright?

Please call me when you get these.

Y/N, call me I'm worried.

Y/N are you there? Call me please!

"Who's texting?" asked Tom.

I quickly shoved it in my pocket. "No one."

The sound of a fire engine blared from the top of the street and got closer and closer until it was right outside. I bit my lip.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder so I turned around. "I assume you're the mother?" he asked me in a gruff voice.

"I.." I began but he continued.

"Dan and I are gonna bring a ladder and Keith is gonna climb up to try and convince your daughter to come down."

"She isn't my.."

"Is there anything she feels a close connection with that might help with the rescue?"


"Here." Harry handed the man Flopsy. "How're you get Livs down?"

"Harry we don't have time and neither does this man.." I tried to explain.

"Keith over there is gonna climb up with Flopsy and try get her down. If that doesn't work, we'll use a special
fire rescue trampoline,"

"Cool! Can I go up with Keith?"

"Harry of course not! You stick to Natalie and Tom like glue, do you understand?"

"Yes, Y/N." Harry moaned and slouched off.

The fireman raised an eyebrow at me. "You let your kids call you by your first name?"

"They're not my ki..."

"Need some help over here Finn!" The man jogged over to the tree and helped position the ladder as Keith climbed up with Flopsy held securely in his belt.

"Now then love, do you wanna take my hand and I'll take you down?"

"NO! I want Mummy and Daddy!"

"I can take you down to your Mum and Dad if you take my hand."

"I don't want to!!!" Livs burst into tears.

Keith clambered back down, shaking his head.

"Plan B." he shouted.

We watched as the group got into position and I yelled up.

"Livs!" She turned her head. "When I shout jump, you're gonna jump from the tree and the nice firemen and gonna catch you in their big, springy net. I'll count you down."

She just nodded and shakily got up on her wobbly legs.


"Yeah Livs?"

"Will I die?"

I gulped and shook my head. "Not if you do what I say, okay?"


"We're ready." called Dan.

"Right Livs. I'm counting down. 3..........2...........1...........JUMP!"

We all held our breaths as she let go of the tree and fell in slow motion, eyes scrunched tightly. Then..


I opened one eye and then the other, and relaxed immensely when I saw she had landed perfectly. The four of us ran like the wind over to her and gathered her up in our arms.

A/N: Apologies for the lack of Jodie in this chapter, but I hoped you enjoyed getting to know Y/Ns background a little more!

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