when i saw him ... (Mindless...

By DDlolx2

518K 11.5K 4.7K

Ariana and Briana are best friends and they are always there for each other. Ariana lives in a messed up home... More

when i saw him ... (Mindless behavior story)
I think i know them ......
you dont own me !
are you in or not ????
let me get to know you
getting to the other level
the seceret is almost let out .. and i think I am almost dead
i'll save you but there is going to be problems later ..
the truth comes closer
Giving her a chance
Trying to get my #1 girl
right by your side
Taking the wrong step
Getting together
not letting it pass
trying to hang
got to tell
saying my past
its not over yet
never to late to turn the tables
acting dumb { a Little break from some Drama}
the truth comes out and will never will be forgotten
its not over

going off for the first time ... will it be the last time ?

15K 417 254
By DDlolx2

*****OKAY soooo i hope you are enjoying the story so far .. you guys know how on most of the chaps I write i put songs on them well I was just thinking if you want comment below what song you would like me to post on my chaps and I will put the song you will like to hear !!!! AND my other BFF is writitng a story about MB as well she just started ... once I find out the name of the story she is making i will tell you guys well back to the story ! *****


                                                   { at the park }

               * the boys are playing basketball and the girls are just sitting there watching them *

Ariana : girls lets go on the swings !!!

Katelyn : yay !

  * the girls go to the swing set and start to swing*

Alyssa: this reminds me of when I was a little girl *smiles*

Briana: good times 

Ariana: when I was little I never liked the swings

Alyssa : why not ?

Ariana : bad experince 

Briana : why what happened ?

Ariana: well when i was four some kid was swinging on the swing and i walked in frount of him and he kicked me on the head and i passed out for a little bit

****NOTE*****: TRUE STORY !!!

the girls except Ariana: *starts to laugh and fall on the ground*

Ariana: its not funny !!! *giggles a little bit *

Katelyn : omg ! that is sooo funny i wish i was there to see it

Alyssa : who wouldn't ! *crys to much that she starts to cry*

Prodigy : whats so funny ?

Briana : ohhh nothing 

Prodigy : mhmm

Ariana : anyways are you guys done ?

Princetion : yep we are about to head home 

Ariana : ight

Briana : *looks down the block and see Drake with a couple of friends* umm we need to go now 

RayRay: whats the rush ?

Briana : can we please go now !

Roc: Babe whats wrong * puts his arms around her*

Briana : Drake he's here !

Ariana : huh ??? * looks down the block and sees Drake and hes friends walking in the park* Omg !!!! we need to go 

Alyssa : can somebody please explain whats going on ?

Ariana : Drake he's here .. the guys that knocked me out and got Alyssa wasted and try to use her hes here !

Princeton: ohhh hell naww imma bet the crap out of this ass wipe 

Alyssa: what did that jerk do to me ?

Prodigy : okay umm I don't want to get into any fight with anyone so we should just go

RayRay: im with Princeton on this one he got my girl drunk and try to use her im not letting him get away with that

Katelyn : let's just leave please

Roc : naw lets kick his ass

Briana : no !!! 

Ariana : I am begging you can we jus lea-

Drake : ohh look at my sweet hearts !!

Briana : (P.O.V. : omg )

Roc: who the hell are you calling a sweet heart ?

Drake : and who the fuck are you ?

Roc: I am fucking Roc Royal punk ass and you must be the dumb ass who messed with my girls am I right ?

Drake : ohh so they are your girls ?? thats not what I remeber when Alyssa was all over me the other night

RayRay: she wouldn't have been all over you if your dumb ass didn't get her drunk 

Drake : yo you better watch you damn mouth 

Princeton : what you gonnna do about it ??

Katelyn : who the hell are you anyways ?? like you mad dumb trying to use people and shit like grow the fuck up !

Alyssa : werd ! like i don't even know you 

Drake : *looks at Katelyn * wow you got a new friend i like what I see

Trisha (Drake's Friend) : it better be me you are talking about !

Drake : Trisha go somewhere with your ugly self 

Trisha : I wasn't ugly when yo-

Davon (Drake's Friend): Trish just shut the hell up !

Trisha : whatever *rolles her eyes*

Drake : anyways .... I want to finish what I started 

Ariana : is it where you get payed back and I bet the shit out of you ???

Drake * Laughs* since I can't have Alyssa I want that girl *points to Katelyn*

Prodigy : (P.O.V. : oh hell naw !) Bitch back the fuck off she don't want you !

Davon : finally you speak the hell up I was waiting for you 

Prodigy : yea i step in when somebody messes with me or my girl 

Drake : so all these girls are taken I am guessing 

RayRay : yep so turn around and leave us the fuck alone

Drake : *gets in RayRay's face* what you gonna do about it ?

Keth(Drake's Friend) : man just back off lets go

Drake : naw boy i wanna see with this little thing is gonna do !

RayRay: *sighs and punches Drake dead in the face and Drake falls to the ground*

Princeton : *starts to kick Drake*

Davon : oh hell naw ! *grabs Princeton and punches him the the stomach*

Roc: *grabs Davon and punches him non stop*

Trisha : ahh !!! 

Girls : stop !! *try to make the boys stop fighting*

Keth :  *goes to punch Prodigy in the face but he missed*

Prodigy : *punches keth in the face and in the stomach and non stop punches him*

Trisha: Drake ! *runs to Princeton and kicks him*

Ariana: *goes up to Trisha and punches her in the face non stop and kicks her non stop*

Briana : Ariana stop !! *trys to pull Ariana of of Trisha but can't*

Boys: *stop fighting and help get Ariana off of Trisha*

Ariana : Bitch it ain't over !!

Trisha: *begins crying*

Drake: *spits out blood* damn right its not over

MB&girls: *run away*


***** OH lord ! they got in there first fight ! and if the fight part was confusing sorrya bout that manily they just all started to fight each other .. well hope you guys liked bye peeps !!! :) *****

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