Embers and Ashes

Bởi Wild_Court

84.4K 2.7K 701

After the failed attempt at binding the Night and Autumn Courts together through the marriage of the Morrigan... Xem Thêm

Authours Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Court Fashion
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Authors Note
The Next Story

Chapter 35

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Bởi Wild_Court

(Hey there Lovelies,

Sorry, but this will be a very short filler chapter. Just to connect the next part of the story.

Lady Thyme)

   “This is maddness”, I hiss and drag my fingers through my hair in frustration. “Utter and complete stupidity, and my father agreed to it. The moron!”

   Zathrian sighs in silent agreement while poring a cup of tea, “I have done my best to deter Beron from attending this Peace Gathering. Nothing about it sits right in my stomach, and none of my foretelling’s are good outcomes.”

   “Hyber cannot know peace, they do not understand the word”, I growl and shift in the luscious couches of the East Wind’s room. “Cauldron boil us all.”

   “What concerns me most is the branch off between myself and the other three. The other’s all see a bright future though attendance of all the High Lords. All I can see is branches of deception, and certain destruction.”

   “It’s a trap”, I cut in. “Plain and simple. They want something, and they plan on cornering us. For who or what purpose, I cannot say, but only fools would see this as ending in a good way.”

   My mind reeled and pulsed with such intensity with this new game I had suddenly been thrust into. This mind game where I had to test and see where the attacks would come from in the dark.

   “Melona”, I gasp softly. “They’ve attempted to end her life before. Could this be a trap to get to her? To stop this Golden Shield from being a weapon against them in some future war?”

   “It could be”, Zath offers. “But why all the High Lords?”

   “I don’t know, but I cannot have Melona accompany me to this event. What Hybern had done to her mother, if what her nightmares have shown me are even half true, I might just kill him myself. I cannot let her endure facing her mother’s killers, but she will not leave my side”, I realize.

   “. . . I may have a solution for that particular problem”, Zath mutter softly. “But you are not going to like it.”


   Of course, I did everything I could to try and convince her to stay in Hedone. Of course, Melona would have none of it. Arguing that nothing, not even Hybern, would frighten her into leaving me. I have to admire her courage, her complete stubbornness. I adore her for it. For her devotion, but in the end, I couldn’t let her come. I wouldn’t put her in danger.

   My wife, my mate, and one day the one I’d start a family with. One day, she’d rule by my side. I will burn the Hedone palace to the ground. Throne and all and rebuild it. No Lady of this Court will ever not sit beside her Lord.

   Those dreams will have to wait a bit longer.

   I couldn’t stop the smile from curling on my lips as I watch her walk towards my family that waited on the lawn of the palace. Dressed in the red of our court with golden leaves shimmering on her skirt. Her hazel eyes shining like polished copper in the sunlight with her hair pinned back with gold combs.

   She graciously comes to my side to take my arm. Beaming at my mother who has greeted her warmly.

My mother being forced to come as well, but there was no way for me to save her from this trap. I would have to do what I could beside her.

   “Now that we are all here -”, my father starts but is cut off by a sudden pained gasp from Melona as she doubles over. 

   “No, it’s too early”, she wheezes grasping at her stomach as tears sting her eyes. “I wasn’t due for a bleeding until next month.”

   “Oh for mother sake”, Father growls in frustration. “Leave her here, we don’t have time for this.”

   “Eris”, Mel’s lips quiver and I almost regret letting Zathrian do this to her.

   “It’s alright, Mel”, I try to reassure her as I hold her tightly to keep her from crumbling on the ground. Kissing her hair and taking one last scent of her while gesturing for some of the guards standing by to come and assist her. “You stay and rest. This will only be a few days to settle agreement for the trading routs. I will be back soon.”

   “Eris, no”, she whimpers and grips me close when one comes to scoop her away.

   I take that chance to steel one more kiss.

   “Rest Mel, I love you”, I murmur to her and the words lay heavy in my stomach.

    She called for me again as pain ripped through her and down our bond. It took everything I had to not stay. To not curl myself around her to keep the pain at bay.

   My mother’s hands fitting into mine to keep me anchored. I nod to my father, and look over my shoulder one last time to watch my mate being carried away, and as the black consumed me, I prayed that the Mother would look after her.



   All of our worst fears had come to pass. All of them. The famed general Amarantha of Hybern had deceived all of them into trusting her. Even her own King had misjudged her abilities, and now she ruled over all the High Lords. Claiming their magic and sat on a throne under the sacred mountain.

   Without High Lords to protect the Court everything melts into chaos. I only knew of the High Lords fate when I found the other three Winds foaming at the mouth, and laying dead on the floor from long term exposure to a deadly hallucinogen. One that would make them all easily suggestable, and would explain why I was the only one who didn’t foresee a bright future.

   That and the army now seated at Hedone’s front gates ready to claim the courts capital city.

    Which brings me to where I am now. With the mate of my best friend swaddled in a cloak still writhing in pain of her bleeding in my arms. Her maid just behind me as we rush down hidden stair cases and corridors.

   I have to get her out of the city. She is the only one with the rightful authority to set claim to the throne while the High Lord has been captured. She is beloved by not only the court of her birth, but the Autumn Court as well. She would be a symbol of hope. Someone they could fight for.

   Eris would also skin me alive if I let anything happen to her.

   “My dear, you must keep up”, I insist to Pomona. “We’re almost there.”

   “Where are we going?”, she demands. Having her own worries for her mistress and friend.

   “Somewhere safe”, I try to assure her as I we step out into the sewage systems. Climbing to move a grate from its place before siding the two females up into the alleyway above.

  Moving quickly to place it back and gather Melona back into my arms. Dragging the maid behind me as we ducked past flaming buildings and screaming city fae.

Massive black shadows of Attor sweeping over the building and wreaking havoc on those below. Somehow, I manage to get us to the Firestone area.

   That’s when my luck ran out and three Hybern soldiers stood between us and our destination. They were just about to charge at us when a swarm of burning glass pierced into their flesh and bone like hot knives through butter.

   All three collapsing to the ground with Jon standing but three feet away with his hands working a strand of metal into a spear which he throws with ease into the air above. Cutting down an Attor that screeches and falls to the earth. Crushing the stone road beneath.

   “Go!”, Jon shouts as he reaches again to a stand of Tupperware. The metal sizzling as his magic burned inside. It raises around the four of us like hornets. A few running through any enemy soldier each time they would appear. Then drawn back as their bodies fell.

   “What the Hell are you doing out here?”, he hisses at me when we pause for some cover. “There are quicker ways to get out of the city.”

   “None are secure enough”, I contradict. Trying to hush the young female in my arms as she tries her best not to cry out from the pain.

   Jon’s eyes widen when he takes the time to realize who it was, I was carrying.

   “That’s Eris’ girl”, he breaths.

   “We need her to survive this. We need to take her to the Shrouded”, I insist.

   He hesitates. Glancing for a moment at me then to Melona. Her kind lovely face twisted in grief and wet with tears.

   Another soldier rounds the corner, but before Jon could react roots sprang from the rock, grabbed them by the head, and pulled them into ground. Bones crushing and body mangled as they are buried.

   Both of us looking at the maid in surprize. She too looked as if she couldn’t believe what she had done as well. Her hands and voice shaking, “Please Sir, please help Lady Melona.”

   As if she had made up his mind Jon nods and looks around the corner.

   “Alright, we have a chance, let’s go”, he orders and once again we step out into the chaos of Hedone as its leveled to the ground brick by brick.

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