ATLA: The Lost Airbender

By infern8king101

509K 12.8K 2.5K

What if another airbender survived the Airbenders Genocide? This story will focus on that. I suggest you rea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three

Chapter Sixteen

10.3K 270 25
By infern8king101

After they all woke up and found Aang gone, they all went their way to look for him. Sen left them to go handle something on his own, he knew that Aang was fine because he knew that wherever he went it was because of spiritual reasons and he knew that he didn't have to worry.


Two days passed and Sozin's Comet had arrived. Sen watched the night sky turn red as he made his way toward the Fire Nation on his glider, it took him a while to get there but it was worth it as he saw the Caldera come into view. He circled above the area before coming in for a landing, he saw Azula kneeling and waiting for the Sage to crown her Firelord of the Nation.

She looked up when she saw him land. Then she smirked in her usual deadly way.

"Fitting seeing you here". Azula spat with a smirk.

"Azula, you don't look alright". Sen said, noticing her current condition.

"Oh, don't you worry about me. I am perfectly fine". She mused.

"Azula, this isn't right". Sen tried to explain,"You're only hurting yourself even more this way".

"What do you know about hurt, you old fool? You betrayed the Fire Nation, a nation that gave you a new life after we killed your weak people! You are just like Mai and Ty Lee". Azula said.

Sen frowned. Just like Mai and Ty Lee? What is she talking about?

"Mai and Ty Lee? What did they do?".

Azula looked away,"They betrayed me at Boiling Rock and let Zuko and that Water Tribe peasant get away with their allies".

So that's how they got away. Zuko never mentioned that part.

"That must have hurt you". Sen said.

"You have no business here, airbender. Leave and I might consider leaving you alone once I become Firelord". Azula said.

"Fine". Sen said,"But Azula, please. Think about what you're doing, Ozai doesn't really want you on the throne he only did it to keep you out of the way. Only your mother truly cared for you, not Ozai". Then he took off to the skies.

Azula watched him leave with rage in her eyes.

As Sen flew away from the Caldera, he noticed Appa flying toward it. He looked closer and saw Zuko and Katara on the sky bison's back, he sighed and turned away and continued flying.

"That fight won't turn out well". He said to himself.


Sen spent the past few hours breaking the formations of Fire Nation soldiers who got ready to leave the homeland and conquer the rest of the Earthkingdom, it was difficult because he had to move from area to area to prevent them from leaving the nation.

"Where's Bumi when you need him?". Sen asked himself blasting a tundra tank with a powerful gust of wind.

It fell on its side and others moved toward him and blasts of fire came out of them, Sen knew the effects of the comet on firebenders but thanks to the spirit amplifying his airbending, his airbending could easily match the power of firebenders influenced by the comet.

He blasted a wave of air and knocked all the fire blasts away with ease, he jumped and then landed with a thud and sent out a pulse of air shattering across the ground. The tundra tanks were sent flying back and then after awhile, the soldiers came out and fell dizzily to the ground. Sen smiled and leaned on his staff.

"Well, that takes care of that problem". He said as he watched the soldiers groaning from vertigo.


Sen came back to the Caldera after awhile and saw Zuko and Katara standing together, he landed behind them and they slowly turned to face him.

"Sen you're here?!". Katara said a little happy to see him.

"Yeah". Sen said, then he looked at Zuko,"What happened to you?".

Zuko smiled a little,"Intercepted a lightning bolt that was about to hit Katara".

Sen sighed,"Azula?".

Zuko nodded in confirmation.

"Where is she?".

Zuko and Katara stood aside and Sen saw Azula chained, she had leaned herself against a wall to rest. Sen saw her still breath deeply because of how her body moved up and down, he knew getting close to her was a risk but he didn't care as of now. He slowly approached her with caution.

"What are you doing?". Zuko asked.

"Just trying to be there for her". Sen said.

He walked up to her and he saw her pick her head off the wall to stare at him, her hair covered the entire right side of her face and only her left eye was exposed and it looked angry.

"What do you want?". She said in a soft venomous way.

"To check up on you". Sen said,"When you were eight, I told you I would always look out for you no matter how you turned out. Remember?".

"Congratulations". She said, looking away from him.

"You didn't have to turn out this way, you know?". Sen said,"You could have been something so much more".

"I was about to become something so much more before Zuko and that filthy peasant ruined everything!!!". Azula yelled, getting close to his face.

Sen didn't flinch. She was holding back from attacking him because she still had some sort of fondness toward him, like when she was still a child way back.

"You're angry, Azula? But at who?". Sen asked.

"I hate that woman". He heard her whisper.

"What woman?". Sen asked.

"My mother!!!". Azula yelled.

Sen lowered his head before getting up from where he had kneeled earlier, he walked back toward Zuko and Katara who were waiting patiently.

"Yeah, she's not fine". Sen reported.

"What should we do with her? We can't put her in a prison cell". Katara pointed out.

"A Mental Institution will do its best to help someone like her". Sen said.

"I'll consider it". Zuko said.


The next day, Sen sat in the hallway of the palace. He was in a lotus position and had his eyes closed, he was meditating and finally he felt at peace. The war was finally over and Sen could finally relax, he was still surprised that a Lion Turtle had given Aang the power to remove bending. He had always wanted to meet a Lion Turtle himself but he figured that that time had passed.

"Hey, Zuko is about to start his speech". Mai's voice penetrated his meditation,"Come on".

"Coming Mai". Sen said, getting to his feet.

He followed behind her as they walked and they opened the curtain to the outside, there stood Zuko in his Firelord robes and Aang stood next to him as well. Sen watched from the sidelines as Zuko prepared for his speech.

"Today, this war is finally over". Zuko stated.

The crowd cheered in joy and excitement.

"I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation and I will, the road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided but with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and usher in a era of love and peace".

Then Zuko crouched and kneeled down one knee.

"All hail, Firelord Zuko". The Fire Sage said, placing the crown in Zuko's top knot.

Zuko got back to his feet with the crown in place and the crowd cheered again. Zuko and Aang stepped forward and watched the crowd, Sen smiled warmly at this.


A few days later in Ba Sing Se, everyone was at the Jasmine Dragon and spending time with Iroh. Zuko moved around giving everyone tea.

"Hey, where's Sen?". Katara asked,"All of this isn't special if the entire family isn't here".

"I saw him last in the bathroom". Mai said,"He was vomiting up a storm in there".

"Oh, goodness. Is he okay?". Suki asked.

"I don't know. He said something about a spirit's ageless spell wearing off". Mai replied.

Everyone looked confused.

"What does that even mean?". Sokka asked, looking up from his drawing.

"The power that made him ageless is wearing off due to the end of the war". Aang said with a small laugh,"The spirit told him that he would only age again after the war ended".

"Oh". Everyone said.

Then Sen walked in. He rubbed his head that was pounding fiercely, his hair was still black because he didn't wash off the dye yet.

"You alright? You don't look too good". Zuko said.

"Yeah. I'm fine". Sen said, feeling a little light headed and dizzy.

"Drink this". Zuko said, handing him a cup of tea.

Sen took it and drank it without hesitation.

"Zuko, stop moving! I'm trying to capture the moment ". Sokka yelled out,"I wanted to do a painting so we can all remember the good times".

"That's sweet of you, Sokka". Katara said,"Wait! Why did you paint me with Momo's ears?".

"Those are your hair loopies". Sokka pointed out.

"At least you don't look like a boarcupine. My hair's not that spiky!". Zuko complained.

"I look like a man". Mai said.

"Why did you paint me firebending?". Suki asked.

"I just thought it looked cooler that way". Sokka replied.

Momo jumped onto the table and chirped.

"What? You think can do a better job, Momo?". Sokka said.

"Hey, my belly isn't that big anymore. I nearly gymed out". Iroh said.

"Well, I think you all look perfect". Toph said.

Everyone laughed at that.

Sen then noticed Aang walk out to the balcony, Katara followed a minute after. He smiled at this.

"Hey, Sen. Check this out, you look like a chicken pig". Suki called.

"Now this I gotta see". Sen said, getting up and heading for the table.


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