Unexpected ➵ Horan

By taylahjasmyne

22.4K 255 0

Taylah and Niall grew up together and now are dating, After being together and reunited with her best friend... More

Chapter 1 "Dinner and a Sleep Over"
Chapter 2 "Ive Got A Feeling"
Chapter 3 Saying Goodbye
Chapter 4 "Happiness"
Chapter 5 "Flirting Guys"
Chapter 6 "Retelling My Nightmare"
Chapter 7 "Friends Together Again"
Chapter 8 "Isn't she Lovely"
Chapter 9 "Telling Our News"
Chapter 10 "The Interview"
Chapter 11 "Truth or Dare"
Chapter 12 "Girls Night Out Goes Wrong"
Chapter 13 "Waken"
Chapter 14 "Life Line"
Chapter 16 "Big Jet Plane"
Chapter 17 "Nightmare"
Chapter 18 "The Fair"
Chapter 19 "The Light"
Chapter 20 "Torment"
Chapter 21 "Struggle"
Chapter 22 "Nothing To Be Afraid of Right?"
Chapter 23 "Halloween Night Party Part 1"
Chapter 24 "Halloween Night Party Part 2"
Chapter 25 "Sadness"
Chapter 26 "Locked Up"
Chapter 27 "No More Suffering!"
Chapter 28 "She's What?"
Chapter 29 "Gotta Get Home!"
Chapter 30 "Excuse Me?"
Chapter 31 "Model Time, Is A Fun Time"
Chapter 32 "Heartbreaker"
Chapter 33 "Depressed Mode On"
Chapter 34 "The Promise"
Chapter 35 "We're In Danger, RUN!"
Chapter 36 "I'm not Afraid!"
Chapter 37 "Free Falling"
Chapter 38 "Travelling"
Chapter 39 "Beauty In The Studio"
Chapter 40 "Take Me Home"
Chapter 41 "Madness Behind Friends"
Chapter 42 "One Time, One Love"
Chapter 43 "It's Now or Never"
Chapter 44 "Christmas Time!"
Chapter 45 "Another Little Seed"
Chapter 46 "Things are going downhill & setting the Date"
Chapter 47 "The Wedding & New Life"

Chapter 15 "Country Girl"

396 6 0
By taylahjasmyne

Niall’s POV

Well Harry & Isabella have headed home to London and we head there tomorrow. Taylah has been in her room all day packing. Poor thing, maybe i should let her stay here, but she would kill me if I didn’t take her to London. I quietly opened her door to see 7 lovely outfits lying on her bed.

Outfit 1 & 2- http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_66/set?id=58014811#stream_box

Outfit 3- http://www.polyvore.com/go_be_fearless/set?id=54281624#stream_box

Outfit 4- http://www.polyvore.com/simple_beauty/set?id=59821760#stream_box

Outfit 5- http://www.polyvore.com/casual/set?id=51804180#stream_box

Outfit 6- http://www.polyvore.com/brown_hues/set?id=58268871

Outfit 7- http://www.polyvore.com/purple_gray/set?id=56672644#stream_box

She was packing her bag, she already had so many clothes in there, and then she quickly put her seven good outfits in. She started placing stuff in her carryon bag but I cleared my throat to get her attention.

She turned around to me “Oh, sorry Babe, I’m just trying to get my bags ready for tomorrow morning” She smiled at me.

“It’s alright, need any help?” I said walking over to her.

“Um, the only thing I need you  do get is my guitar case, it’s in my wardrobe, and could you place my guitar in there for me, Thats all I need you to do baby” She said going back to her carry on.

I did as she asked. Her guitar was beautiful. It was black with silver strings and a silver heart at the bottom. I placed it next to her suitcase and looked over her shoulder giggling “Whats on that list?”

“It’s my carry on list, 1. Phone, 2. Camera, 3. Book, 4.Lip Gloss, 5.Packet of Nacho Cheese Doritos, 6.Packet of Reese’s peanut butter cups and 7. My IPod and earphones. Yep I’m all ready” she hugged me and we placed everything at her front door.

We then walked up stairs and lay on the bed. My phone started to go off. He answered it saying “Really? Do I have too? Fine I will go in town” I hanged up the call “Sorry babe; mum wants me to meet her in town for coffee, why don’t you take the boys to the stables?”

“That’s a great idea. I will text the boys” Taylah said grabbing her phone smiling.

Taylah’s POV

To Zayn, Liam & Louis

Just wondering do you guys wanna meet me at my stables behind my house in 30 minutes? Its number 12 Smith street just the street behind me. I wanted to show you the horses and if anyone wanted a ride I’d love someone to go riding with, since it’s my last day here for awhile J


Zayn: Yeah im alone as well, Perrie ditched me for El. I will come J

Liam: Sure I would love to come. Cya soon TJ x

Hang on one moment; did Liam just call me TJ? No one calls me that expect family. Oh well I guess he can call me that if he wants to. Niall then left the house and I threw some boots on and my cowgirl hat. I drove over to the stable. I grabbed my saddle and put it next to my stall. I was going to ride Eclipse to show the boys that I can actually ride. I will let them learn on Casper since he is really quiet. Then the boys finally came in.

“WOW!” Zayn said looking around.

“These stables are amazing!” Louis said smiling.

“Taylah, is this your families?” Liam asked walking over to me.

I nodded “Yeah, we have about 10 horses all up, i have 5 of my own, Ali has 3, my brother has one & my step dad has 2. Why don’t you come meet them?” I said dragging Liam to Storm’s stall. She is a very beautiful black filly with a white strip down her face. She ignores us for some odd reason. Then i found a note next to her stall saying “Storm is sick, Vet coming on Thursday” Well i hope is nothing serious.

“Aww your so playful” I heard Louis say. I turned around to see him playing with my foal Dawn; she was white and only a pony. She was about 2 months old. She wasn’t getting touched because she only let me near her. Obviously not anymore. She is licking Louis’s arm. So cute. “She must like you Louis”

“Of course she likes me Taylah! Everyone likes me” He said winking at me.

“Does anyone wanna go for a quick ride around the paddock with me?” I said looking at the three boys. Zayn and Louis shaked their heads, but Liam nodded “I would love to have a ride” He smiled at me.

“Alright um, i will saddle Casper up for you, go find a helmet that fits you and meet me back here”. He was gone for 20 minutes. I had saddled Casper and Eclipse up. He finally came back with a helmet and smiled at me.

“Sorry i took so long” He sighed.

“It’s alright, Hop on Casper and lets go” I said getting on Eclipse, he was already on Casper. Hmm maybe he can ride but i will test it.  I’m pure evil. We walked out of the stables into the open paddock. I unlocked one of the gates, it lead into a massive paddock which was near a lake. I turn around to Liam “Can you canter?”

“OF COURSE I CAN TAYLAH! BRING IT ON!” Liam said smirking.

“Alright but i will win” I said “Ya!!!!” I kicked Eclipse to make him canter. I turn around to see Liam & Casper right behind me. Gosh he is a good rider, I lean down to Eclipse’s ear “Head for the lake, come on boy” We were leading this race. Then out of nowhere Casper and Liam passed us. What the hell! I pushed Eclipse into a gallop and caught up with him then i yelled “Liam slow down now alright, we are heading for a lake!”

“Ok!” He pulled Casper down to a walk and i did as well. Then we saw the lake. We tied the horses up to a tree and sat on the lake side. It was amazing, the birds singing, the wind blowing through my hair. I stood up to check the horses. But i saw someone in the bushes. I screamed and Liam came running over to me.

“Whats wrong?” He said looking at me.

“Someone is in those bushes” I pointed over to them then someone ran out of them running away with my wallet.

“OI!!! GET BACK HERE!!” Liam said running after the person, He caught up to them and tackled them to the ground. I ran over to see who it was, i realized i knew them, before Liam punched them i said “STOP!!! I KNOW THEM!! HE IS A FRIEND!!”

“A friend?” Liam said letting go of the boy.

“Yeah! I am!!” The boy, taking off his hoddie. It was my best mate Connor. We grew up together in Australia and in Ireland; he was my closest friend after Niall left me. He had a crush on me but we didn’t date because i loved Niall.

“CONNOR!” I hugged him. He pulled me away and whispered in my ear. “Thats your boyfriend isn’t it? What happened to Niall!”

I stepped back “LIAM ISNT MY BOYFRIEND, HE IS A GOOD FRIEND, and IM DATING NIALL! LIAMS IS NIALLS BEST FRIEND!!” i yelled at him slapping his arm.

“OUCH!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!” Connor yelled back.


“Um, well i will wait at the horses ok?” Liam said awkwardly.

“No, we will head back now, besides we have a plane to catch tomorrow” I said walking back to the horses.

“Wait, where are you going?” Connor said running up to me handing me my wallet back.

“London” I said chuckling.

“Why?” Connor asked.

“Niall is taking me there for a few weeks then i come home for  a week then to America for One Directions Tour. Better get going, Text me later ok?” I said hugging Connor then getting on my horse.

“Connor, how do you get home?” Liam asked.

“Oh i walk, i just live about 1km from here, isn’t far” He said smiling.

“Sorry for tackling you” Liam said putting his hand out to shake Connors.

“No hard feelings mate” Connor said while shaking Liam’s hand.

“Alright, cya” I said. We rode back to the stables and unsaddled the horses and put them in the stables. We found  a note saying- “Hey guys, sorry we went back to the hotel, you guys took forever. Liam can walk back ;) Love Louis & Zayn.”

We sighed then headed to my car. “Liam hop in i will give you a lift to the hotel”.

“Nah it’s alright” Liam said putting his hands in his pockets.

“GET IN THE CAR LIAM!!” I said madly. He didn’t argue he jumped into the car and i dropped him off. I finally got home but someone was at my door. I didn’t enter through the front door. They looked Sus. I entered thought the back door to see if anyone was home. I then saw Niall eating some chips and i hugged him from behind.

“Oh, Hey Tay, whats wrong you’re shaking” He said turning around to look at me.

“Someone is at the door, they look heaps Sus.” I said hugging Niall.

We walked over to the door; Niall had a baseball bat while i was holding a hockey stick. We quietly walked to the door, Then Niall opened it and was ready to swing, but i quickly grabbed his arm-


“Why?” Niall said confused.

“That’s my dad!” I dropped the hockey stick and ran over to my dad “DADDY!” He picked me up and spined me around laughing. Then i saw my older brother Cooper behind him and ran and hugged him as well. This is the best day of my life.

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