I'm Inlove With My Bestfriend

By penguandcub

465K 15.8K 11.7K

Full of angst. A roller-coaster ride story. Would they risk everything? Published: November, 2019 Ended: Feb... More

Author's Note
Special Chapter
Author's Note
Special Chapter II
Married To My Bestfriend
!!! NEW BOOK !!!


7.9K 266 246
By penguandcub

Chaeyoung was driving to their studio early in the morning because she needs to get her stuff. They will be having a photo shoot today and will be covering a birthday party. She didn't bother to call Mina and just texted her because she knows that their schedules will gonna be tight for the coming two days. And Chaeyoung also knew that Mina was having a hard time right now because of her sister, finally going home.

Chaeyoung got worried last night when Mina called her as she can hear the anxiousness in her voice while telling her everything. But she trust Mina and she knew how brave that girl is and how she love her sister despite of having bad blood since they were kid. Chaeyoung never properly talked with Jihyo, Mina's sister, but she knew their story and she tried to understand it without being biased on which side to support. They were just kids back then, emotions are that easy to be swayed. She knew that maybe Jihyo was just hurt and upset to sent on a foreign country. And Mina, she knows that she never liked that too. That girl never wanted to be separated from Jihyo in the first place because she saw how depressed she became when she left. Chaeyoung almost had the difficulty to approached her and befriend her that day when they first met.

I know that one day, they'll be fine. Everything will be fine. God will make a way to bring them to the way they used to be.

Chaeyoung had a really busy and hectic day. They were done with the photo shoot almost past lunch time and she was already getting grumpy because she's hungry. When she's packing all their stuff, she felt her phone vibrated on her pocket.

'Hey babe! I know you're busy, we're both busy, but just wanna tell you that I miss you already. :( don't forget to eat lunch! See you very soon, I love you'

Chaeyoung was smiling like an idiot after reading the message Mina sent her. All her grumpy feelings from being hungry seemed to be melted away just by those words from the girl she loved. Damn Mina, you and your effect on me and my fucking heart.

'I love you so much!!!' she replied and quickly get back on packing up her things so she could finally eat.

"Hey Chaengie Chaeng! Good work today, as expected" her colleague said with a smirk on her face, she was sitting in front of her as they eat together with their team.

"Oh Somi, stop it" Chaeyoung chuckled. "We all did good work today"

"Uh huh, but you're different. You seem more.... inspired"

"Even you Yeri?! You're bullying me!"

"What?! We were just stating facts" Yeri said and Somi nodded playfully while they were laughing.

"Is it a boy now? Because you've never been like this when you were having girlfriends" Chaeyoung glared at the boy beside her.

"Samuel, you wish! Of course it's still a girl!"

"Whoa! I thought I'll already have a chance with you" Chaeyoung then smacked his head. "Ouch! Stop it tiger cub! But really, you got it bad with that girl, Chaeng"

"Yeah, we could really tell" Somi also agreed. "Do we happen to know her?"

"Stop roasting me with questions and let's get going. We still have work to do" Chaeyoung stood up and the three of them followed.

"But, do we really know her?" Yeri asked again while clinging to her arm and Somi did the same. Chaeyoung  closed her eyes, trying to calm herself so that she'll not punch these two friends of her.

"I'll just introduce her to all of you. Soon"

Yeri and Somi did a high five in front of Chaeyoung's face and run to their car. Chaeyoung just shake her head while watching those two. They already arrived to the venue of the birthday party and they were told that it'll start at three in the afternoon. They were busy taking pictures and videos up until the end. It ended before it gets totally dark and Chaeyoung and her team already left. They were all exhausted and Chaeyoung was more tired while the car when her phone vibrated again. She excitedly opened her phone thinking it was Mina but her brows furrowed when she saw it.

'Chaeng. 7pm, the usual' It was Dahyun. Chaeyoung got curious as her friend never invited her for a drink unless she's really having a big problem. Even if she's already tired, she can't just say no to Dahyun because she knows she needs her right now. Chaeyoung changed her directions and drove to the bar they always went to.

When Chaeyoung arrived, Dahyun was already there, drinking all by herself. Chaeyoung hurriedly went to the table and Dahyun didn't even noticed her. It's like her mind was out there somewhere.

"Hey, Dubu.. You okay?" Chaeyoung asked to get her attention as she sat in front of Dahyun. Her friend looked up at her and smiled, the smile she always give when she's fighting her tears to fall.

"Chaeng! You came..."

"Of course, silly. I can't let you be alone" Chaeyoung patted her head. "So, tell me? What is it?"

Dahyun sighed, and looked up, trying to hold back her tears. "It's Momo..."

"What about her? Did you two fight again?"

"Chaeyoung, I think she's cheating on me" then Dahyun shed tears, she can't hold it back anymore. Chaeyoung gasped and quickly moved her seat next to Dahyun and gave her a hug.

"Shhh... Let it all out. It's okay, everything's gonna be fine" Chaeyoung comforted her as much as she can. Then she made Dahyun face her. "But, are you really sure? How can you say that she's cheating?"

"Well, she's been busy for weeks now. I tried to understand because she said that it's work, it's about her class, like her students will perform and she needs to be hands on with that. But the thing is, she's not alone when she's teaching her students"

"Of course Dahyun! Momo and her co-teachers in Dancing will be helping her. You don't expect Momo to be teaching all of them, right?"

"That's not the point Chaeng! She's with her colleague, but a senior, that's what she told me. They're always together, in school, and even in lunch or dinner. Momo also told me one time when she got home so late that I don't need to be worried because that guy drop her off" Dahyun angrily drank all the alcohol in her glass and put it down harshly.

"Who's this guy? Did Momo told you his name?"

"Yeah. It's Heechul" Dahyun looked down, clenching her fist. "Kim Heechul"

"I am not siding anyone of you, okay? But maybe you just need to talk to Momo? Ask her dubu, don't make any assumptions first. It'll just poison your mind, really"

"I'm afraid Chaeng, I'm afraid to ask because I don't want to hear her answers"

"That's the problem! Look at you, you're getting drunk and wastes over something you're really not sure of at all. Don't you trust Momo?" Dahyun looked at Chaeyoung, her tears were already swelling.

"Of course I do! Hell, I do! It's the guy, it's who I don't trust Chaeng" Chaeyoung didn't know what to say and just sighed because Dahyun has a point. Even she could relate to it, she trust Mina so much but it's the people around her who's the problem. Specially that Jackson! Damn it.

"Just talk to her or if you don't really want, wait till whatever they're doing is over. And if they stay the same on how they were right now, that's when you need to doubt Momo. But for now, think about it wisely, please. Don't jump into conclusions" Dahyun nodded and drank more beer. Chaeyoung can't get drunk tonight because she knows that she needs to take care of Dahyun because no one else will. She didn't want to call Momo because she can feel that it'll just make things worse.

It was already getting late and Dahyun has drank so much alcohol that she's already so drunk right now, she can't even lift her head up. Chaeyoung tried to stop her from drinking this much but Dahyun was just so stubborn, she's defeated by how hard-headed her friend is. She was trying to sit Dahyun up and wake her up because she just can't carry her all the way to her car. And while doing so, someone tapped her shoulder from behind.

"Sana?" Chaeyoung's brows furrowed, not expecting to see her after that night when she made a scene.

"Uh... Need help?" Sana said as she eyed Dahyun. Chaeyoung sighed as she had no choice, even if she didn't want to talk to Sana right now. She nodded and they pulled up Dahyun with each of her arms draped on their shoulder.

When they successfully put Dahyun on backseat, Chaeyoung made sure she's safely and buckled up. Then she turned to Sana who's still waiting and looking at her.

"Thank you, Sana. We'll get going now" Chaeyoung was about to enter her car but Sana held her wrist.

"Chaeyoung... Please, can we talk?" Plead was visible in her eyes.

"Sana, not now" then she tried to remove her hand but Sana was holding to it tightly. "Let go of me"

"Chaeyoung please, I just want to apologize. Please" Sana then slowly removed her hand. "And I think you'll still need help to drop off your friend"

"Fine" Chaeyoung shake her head as Sana sat on the passenger's seat. She knows that Sana won't just stop so it's better to just get this over with.

They were silent the whole ride to Dahyun's place which made Chaeyoung think about why Sana wouldn't say anything yet. But she just shrugged it off, maybe she will when they finally dropped Dahyun off her place. But when they did and Chaeyoung was already about to drove off, Sana still won't say anything.

"When are you going to speak, really?" Chaeyoung snapped out Sana. Which made the girl gulped as she looked at her.

"I'm s-sorry. Can we talk when you, uh, drop me off?"

"There's no way I'll go inside your pad again, Sana" Chaeyoung said sternly.

"You won't Chaeng, just outside"

Chaeyoung just drove off, she needed this to be done now. She doesn't know what's on Sana's mind right now or if she's playing games or something. But Chaeyoung doesn't care anymore, she just want to finish this so that she could go home. She's hella tired and she didn't even talked to Mina again. I miss my baby so much.

"We're here so now, talk. Don't waste my time again Sana" they were still inside the car and Sana shifted on her seat and faced her.

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung, for what happened last night and for what I've said about Mina" she's fidgeting with her hands, looking so ashamed. "You see, I was just so drunk that time and my emotions got over me"

"It's okay now, no need to apologize. Just don't do it again or drag Mina over this" Chaeyoung stared at Sana, to make her feel how serious she is with her words. "And Sana, we're over. Really over, so please"

"I k-know, I know.." Sana was evidently choking up with tears she's trying to control. "But, can we atleast, stay as... friends?"

"Sure. It's not a big deal to me" Sana smiled after hearing that and hugged Chaeyoung, which caused a shock to her. But Sana pulled out quickly, embarrassed once again.

"I'm sorry, I was just so happy. Thank you, Chaeyoung"

"You're welcome" then Sana got out of the car and waved her goodbye. But before she drove off, she rolled out the window.

"And Sana, fix yourself first. Fix your relationship with someone. You know who she is" And Chaeyoung drove off leaving Sana dumbfounded and curious.

How the hell she knows?! Sana thought.

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