The Wolf and The Dragon (Book...

By Akita_Ninjago

42.4K 810 551

"My land was once peaceful and pristine, but that changed a decade ago when the Ice Emperor imposed his will... More

1- Prologue
2- Silver and Copper
3- Mr & Mrs
4 - The Real Quiet One
5 - Temporal Void {The last time}
6 - Please, Explain!
7 - Wasted True Potential
8 - Questing for Quests
9 - Never Realm
10- Akita
11 - Trust and Destine
12 - Fire Maker
13 - An Unexpected Allie.
14 - The Message
15- Wraped in his Arms
16 - Secrets of the Wolf
17 - The mysterious girl
18 - The ice dragon
Last Christmas...[Special]
19 - The time traveller dragon
20 - A fragile hope
21 - Happily Ever After
22 - Sacrifices
23 - Awakenings
24 - Reunion and Revelations
25 - My mother is a Dragon
26 - Memories
27 - The Time Temple
28 - Darkley's
29 - Closer
30 - Choices
31 - The Time Lords
32 - The Plan
33 - The Baby
34 - Decisions
35 - The Troubleshooter
36 - Say 'Cheese-ssssss'
37 - Good-byes
38 - Red...
39 - Dreams or Memories
40 - Uncertainty meeting
41 - Oni blood
42 - Intimacy
43 - Intimacy level 2
44 - Two lifetimes, one Girl
45 - Subtle Change
46 - Fever
47 - Wolf Girl
48 - Connection
49 - Boundaries
50 - Intimacy level 3
51 - Welcome
52- Naked!
53 - Talking Dirty {intimacy level 4}
54 - Reckless - Ninja GO!
56 - The Dominant
57 - Intimacy level 5 {hammock swing}
58 - Intimacy Level 6 {Hands and Lips}
59 - The Green Ninja's new girlfriend
60 - A very responsible talking
61 - Mistake's Return
62 - The brutal attack
63 - The hurricane and the Rock
64 - Intimacy level 7 - new old couple
65 - K - I - S - S - I - N - G
66 - The Genji Twin
67 - Where are Lloyd and Akita?
68 - Who are the Genji Twins?
69 - The Lady in Violet
70 - Step parents
71 - Princesesses Genji
72 - Akita and Morrigan
73 - Getting things right
74 - Stubborn and Reckless
75 - Secrets, Answers, Truths
76 - Booby Traps
77 - A special Jewelry
78 - The Temple of Love
79 - Bad Wolf, Evil Ninja {intimacy}
80 - The Sisterhood Bracelet
81 - Magic Tea
82 - Fragmented data, Until the End
83 - Forever 'Red'
84 - Moody, cranky, tired and hungry Wolf
85 - Anticipation
86 - It is time
87 - Thinking about you...
88 - Unexpected Help
89 - PAUSE || Part 1 Finale
90 - UNPAUSE > Part 2 Finale

55 - Kiss me

550 8 1
By Akita_Ninjago

AN: Hello my lovelies!! Sorry, I haven't updated all week, I have been writing a special one shoot, Kailor ship, it calls White Christmas, and it is now available on my profile's page.

This chapter is all about Akron. And... well... no spoilers! check out yourself. I know, a super short one, I will be back soon with #Lloykita. ;-)

-"Akron, please, I know you are there! Take me home." Misako whispered in Akron ear, he is about to take off flying with her.

Her son, the Green Ninja, is trying to hold him back, but the orders of his Master echo in his mind, making impossible for him to act on his own will.

-"Please Akron, for everything we have been through together, I don't want to fight you, remember who we are."

Hearing her voice, so melodic in his ear makes his heart to ache, he had never forgotten who he is. One last command echo in his brain, his head hurts, he has no choice. However, just before he was about to comply, a white wolf attacked him, it bites his arm at the exact point where the inhibitor digs into his skin. He is not sure it was the bite or the release the hurt more, he shook his arm throwing the best meters away.

But as soon as he does something changes, he is no longer a puppet, the echo in his mind has been silenced. The white wolf was not an ordinary animal, now he knows. However, he let no one notice, and do exactly as was planned, only he takes a different destination.

-"Take me home!" - he will do what she asked, he always did and always will.

They landed, she got ready to fight him before she realised, he has brought her home.

-"Akron?? - Are you free?" - she looked at him realising the inhibitor has gone, Akita, she took it!

He said nothing, only nodded to her, he is a man of few words. She watched him for a while, and then throw herself in his arms, she is not quite sure it is the commotion of the last events or it just the fact that she for a moment thought she wouldn't be able to rescue him, either way, she wants his strong arms around her.

She felt his scent, the same one that would make her sick when she was early on her pregnancy of Copper, they have come a long way together, sometimes she finds hard to separate her 'lifes' the way she does. And now that her two universes have collided where does she belong?

-"Akron..." she looked deep into his eyes, and he is confused as hell. Millenniums together, and he has never seen her looking at him like that before. What does that even mean?

-"Kiss me!" she whispered.

He just looked back at her, and follow her lead, she kissed him, not only a welcome home kiss but a passionate kiss, he never thought he would ever try in his entire life. He loves her, he always did, but wouldn't dare to ever even dream of a moment, a touch or even less a kiss. But, there they are, and who is he to deny her wish?

-"O-oho!" - Copper entered the room to find her beloved parents kissing each other, and that caused her surprise and excitement. -"That was something I would never expect to see in my entire life."

Misako jumped off Akron's arms and get as red as a tomato, avoiding looking to her daughter, he on the other hand just has a 'happy to be alive' smile on his face. Still smiling he turns to his daughter.

-"I am so glad to see you, darling!" - He said to Copper

Copper jumped in her dad's arms, and they stay like that for a while.

-"I missed you Dad! For a moment I thought we wouldn't get you out!"

-"I know sweety! But I am here, I am back! Thanks to your mom! Misako! Come here?!"

He pulled Misako into his arms again, together with Copper, the two women of his life, love for him have their shapes, sizes, smell and color, he feels so lucky to have a family!

-"Mom, we better let Lloyd know you are safe and sound." - Copper said after the commotion of the reunion.

-"I will go back to Ninjago myself, and let you two to catch up."

-"I take you, we don't want another temporal vortex!" - Akron said.

-"There is no need Akron, and I don't think it is a good idea, Lloyd is probably mad at you right now for hurting his girlfriend."

-"The wolf is his girlfriend? - That means you are the mother of the Dragon?"

-"Yes, she is Dad... The Mother of the Time Lords and the mother of the Dragon, the gods have really given you a hell of a task for this lifetime, no Mom!"

-"They always say you only get the load you are able to carry!"

-"Who said that?" - Akron asked Misako.

-"I don't know, maybe I just made up... I better get going."

-"I will track your timeline, if you don't make back I will go on your rescue." - Copper tells her mother.

-"No... I will go!" - Akron said.

-"Dad you are grounded to the Time Temple for another millennium, don't even dare to get out, I would want to have to rescue you ever again." Copper tells her father.

The two started a silly argument, failing to notice Misako leaving with a smile on her face, she still can't believe she has kissed Akron, what is wrong with her? Maybe she has been on her Dragon form for a bit too long, it is having a youth effect on her. She feels younger than ever.

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