Fire Emblem x Reader (Request...

By PikaPikachu3402

55.6K 709 479

I do not own Fire Emblem. Nintendo does. This book is a Fire Emblem x Reader book that is trying to entertain... More

Requests are open!
Jealousy (Roy x Reader)
First Kiss (Alfonse x Reader)
All Part of the Plan (Marth x Reader)
Lies (Ephraim x Reader)
Smile (M!Byleth x Edelgard)
Love at First Sight (Hríd x Reader)
Holidays and MORE Requests
Forever (Ike x Reader)
Never (Dimitri x Claude's Sister)
Hit By An Arrow (Claude x Reader)
Don't Cry... (M!Robin x Neko Reader)
Love Birds (Wolt x Reader)
A Dare (Ignatz x M!Byleth's Sister)
Sick and Scared (Chrom x M!Robin's Sister)
Hate (M!Byleth x Reader)
Corrin's Orders (Azura x F!Reader)
Denied (Ingrid x M!Reader)
Worried Dimitri (Dimitri x F!Byleth)
Love Triangle (Rowan x Wolf!Reader)
This Is Sad For Me But Maybe Not For You
All Mine (Edelgard x M!Reader)
A Fight (Soren x Reader)
Supports (Mercedes x M!Reader)
A Quiet Moment (Felix x Shy!Reader)
Busy (Claude x Reader)
Sorrow and Remembrance (M!Byleth x Edelgard)
A Same Past (F!Byleth x Dimitri)
Smiles (Child!Claude x Child!Reader)
Stay Away (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 1
Pain (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 2
Bittersweet (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 3
Tea (Post!Timeskip!Dimitri x Reader)
Crushes (Kaze x Reader)
Christmas (Chrom x Summoner!Reader)
Expenses and Savings (Ashe x Reader)
M!Robin x Reader | Five Minutes More
How old are you? | Tiki x M!Reader
Charm | Ashe x Reader
Sickness | Felix x Sick!Reader
Song of the Nabateans |F!Byleth x Daughter!Reader
Worth | Reader x Marianne
Don't Judge | Tibarn x One Legged!Reader
Bye But Not For Now
Requests are open!!!
Air Bonds | Chrom x Reader
Marriage? | Caspar x Reader
Warm hugs? | Dimitri(PostTimeSkip) x Reader
Legally Happy | Claude x Reader
Requests closed

Dancing in the Night | Leo x Reader

671 14 2
By PikaPikachu3402

Requested by @Lollolkiwi26

Your P.o.V
I finally persuaded Leo, my husband and beloved, cute hot headed man, to see Hoshido's royals. 

"Oh, come on!" I whined, "Please!!! We're going to see the royals! They invited us! Corrin and your other siblings are going to be there too. The war is over and this is a special time of year. At least can we see Hoshido together." I said, as I gasped for breath. Leo scoffed and shook his head. "Fine! I'll go by myself with Corrin and I can see Hoshido with him..." I huffed, "I heard Hoshido was a great dating place." I muttered, but loud enough so Leo could hear. Leo's eyes became fiery as he smashed both his hands on the table we were sitting on. "Don't you dare date anyone!" Leo shouted. I giggled. "So... You're coming, right?" I asked. Leo huffed and nodded in defeat. "Let's get packed.

I jumped off the cart we were on grabbed Elise's hand. "C'mon Elise! Let's go see Sakura!" I exclaimed as we both giggled. As we neared the castle's grand, double doors, it opened to reveal Ryoma and Hinoka, both smiling warmly at Elise and I's bubbly expression. "Aw! Look how cute they are!" Hinoka cried in happiness as she pinched both of our cheeks. "Hey, we're not children anymore!" I exclaimed but it was muffled up as she cupped both of my cheeks. "Yeah! We're adults and plus, (Y/n)'s married!" Elise said, muffled up as Hinoka moved her hands to Elise's cheeks. Ryoma chuckled. "Elise and (Y/n) is right, Hinoka." Ryoma said. Hinoka placed her hands on her hips and laughed. "Where's Sakura!!!" Elise and I exclaimed as we entered the castle, Camilla, Xander, Corrin and Leo both following us in. "Wow... You decorated this place amazingly." Corrin said as she looked in awe. I looked around too, my eyes falling on the small, shy pink haired girl. "Sakura!" I exclaimed as Elise and I ran up to her and embraced her. "Hey, (Y/n) and Elise." Sakura said as we let go. I turned to grab Corrin's hand. She looked at my small figure. "What is it, (Y/n)?" Corrin asked as she bent down. She was like my own sister. "Um... Could you help us get dressed? For the New Year's festival?" I asked with puppy eyes. Corrin smiled and nodded. I looked over to Elise who was asking Camilla the same and Sakura, who was asking Hinoka too. We all grabbed our older candidate and grouped together. "Let's get these three dressed the best!" Elise whisper-shouted. Sakura and I nodded, giggling. Sakura and Elise whispered something too, but I couldn't hear. I shrugged and we both pulled Hinoka, Camilla and Corrin to Sakura's room.

I was the fastest, pulling Corrin as she giggled. "(Y/n), slow down, please!" Corrin laughed. I closed my eyes and laughed too, until I bumped into something, or rather someone. I fell on my bottom. "Ouch..." I mumbled. I looked up to see Prince Takumi looking over me. He bent down and picked me up from the ground. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He asked brightly as he touched my nose. I giggled as his affectionate actions. "I'm fine!" I smiled as I got away from his grasp. "Ooh-ooh! Takumi, could help us dress them!?" Elise asked. "Of course." Takumi nodded. Elise also whispered something in his ear and he nodded too, smirking. 
We entered Sakura's dormitory and we placed Corrin, Camilla and Hinoka on a chair. Takumi was in the bathroom, ordered by both Elise and Sakura to get rid of his 'boy' smell. I giggled. "What is this, boy smell?" I asked. "You wouldn't get it." Sakura replied as she brushed Hinoka's fiery red hair. I looked at Elise. She was doing a plait on Camilla's purple hair while Sakura was doing putting a blue bow in Hinoka's hair. I was deep in thought. Corrin was going to be the one who was in the spotlight tonight so I need to do something good. I smiled and started to do a braided crown on her. After I finished her hairstyle, I smiled and cheered, "I did it!" I exclaimed as I punched my fish up to the ceiling. Corrin looked in the mirror in front of her, mouth open wide. "Wow, (Y/n). I look... Beautiful." Corrin said as she touched the braid. "Don't touch it yet!" I warned her. "Oh, sorry." Corrin apologised
"It is fine, Corrin. I just want you to be the most beautiful including Camilla and Hinoka." I said as I added the finishing touches. Takumi left the room after Sakura and Elise had finished playing with his hair while I added a flower crown I just made. It didn't look great but it was okay. Camilla, Hinoka and Corrin got dressed into their dresses that Elise, Sakura and I picked. Corrin, Hinoka and Camilla started to make us get dressed. "EEEK! (Y/N) YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!" Elise and Sakura shouted in unison. I giggled and twirled around, my (c/h) following my movements while my pink, black and white dress lifted up. "Now, c'mon! Let's go to the festival already!" Elise exclaimed as she pulled Sakura and I to the festival, Camilla, Hinoka and Corrin following a metre behind us. 

We entered the festivals and we found our partners for the ball. Or that was what Elise and Sakura said. And when I meant our partners, I meant Elise's and Sakura's dance partners. Elise had Kaze as her dance partner and Sakura had Subaki. "Bye, (Y/n)! Hope you get a dance partner." Sakura said as she waved towards me. I waved to her too as Subaki placed a hand behind her back to keep her moving forward. "See ya, (Y/n)! Get a dance partner soon." Elise exclaimed as Kaze started to flirt with her. I smiled sadly, my smile quickly turning into a sad frown. I started to follow them to the ball until I bumped into Takumi again. "Hello, (Y/n). I didn't see you there." Takumi as he smiled brightly as ever again. He noticed my sad expression. "Hey, what's wrong, (Y/n)?" Takumi asked as he lifted up my chin, caressing my cheek. "I don't have a dance partner." I mumbled. "I could be your dance partner." Takumi suggested I looked up at him and shook my head. "No, I'm going to ask if Leo would like to dance. I'll come back to you if he doesn't want to." I replied quietly and headed off to find Leo.

I finally found Leo. "Leo!" I called as I ran up to him. Leo looked behind and smiled. "Hey, (Y/n). What do you need?" Leo asked. He looked beautiful in his attire. He had a black suit on with a golden lining around it. It had a golden and purple pattern and he wore a golden and black headband to keep his hair away from his face. "Um... I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me." I said, shifting my footing. "(Y/n). I can't... I have... Um... Something to do. With Xander." Leo said as he scratched his neck.
"Oh, okay. Right, love you." I said as I kissed his cheek and ran off to Takumi. 

"Takumi!" I called as I ran towards him. We were in the ballroom, each Hoshido royalty going up. Takumi was next to go up. "(Y/n)! Are you going to be my dance partner?" Takumi asked, hopeful. I nodded and smiled. Takumi smirked. "Takumi, the youngest Prince of Hoshido, is up next!" The man in the podium boomed. Takumi lent me a hand and I gladly accepted it, following him to the dance floor. A few minutes of dancing and I was already started to enjoy myself even if I wasn't with my husband, Leo. "You look beautiful tonight, (Y/n)." Takumi complimented. I blushed. "U-Uh... Thank y-you.". I stammered. Takumi just chuckled.  caught eyes with Sakura and she started to lip sink, "Why aren't you with Leo?"
"Because he didn't want to be with me." I replied, lip sinking back. Sakura gestured to Leo, Elise trying to comfort him, who was growling in jealousy. His eyes became fiery as he clenched both his fists. "Camilla, the eldest Princess of Nohr, is up next!" The man boomed. My breath hitched. Leo is going to make such a fool of himself if he doesn't get a dance partner. "Um... I need to go." I said, rather quickly. "Oh, okay. Why?" Takumi asked
"A need drink." I replied. "I'll get it for you." Takumi quickly said, scuttling off towards the drink section. I sighed in relief and headed off to Leo. "Leo." I whispered quietly. I tilted my head. "What is it? I don't need you to be my dance partner! I have Peni as my dance partner." Leo hissed as he pulled Peni next to him. Peni grinned. "Hehe, I always wanted Leo to be my partner in dance and in life." Peni giggled. I gasped, tears threatening to spill. "Haha! Cry, little baby, cry!" Peni shouted as she cackled out loud. "Leo, the youngest Prince of Nohr, is up next." The man boomed. I started to cry. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" I heard Takumi's muffled voice. I turned to him and ran off. 

Leo's P.o.V
I looked at Takumi and then to Peni. I shrugged Peni off and pinned Takumi against the wall. "I know you like her." I growled
"What do you mean?" Takumi asked
"Stop trying to act innocent! You're taking my beloved away from me!" I yelled as grabbed Takumi's collar and punched him in the face. I turned to Peni. "I never like you, Peni." I hissed. I ran away to find (Y/n). I want her... I need her.

Your P.o.V
I sniffed. The night air was peaceful while the younger children and some adults laughed and talked loud. I didn't like it. I cuddled my knees as I leaned against the concrete wall. Leo hates me. He's probably going to divorce with me and go with Peni. Why did I even think Leo would like me? He clearly hates me and I knew it. I love him though! All my life, I loved him! I sobbed, trying to keep quiet. I don't want to burden anyone now. They'll think I'm stupid and say 'no one deserves you'. I cried loudly, trying to muffle out my cried but failed tremendously. "(Y/n)?". A soft voice was heard. I looked up to see Leo, standing in front of me. He sat down on the grass. "I know you hate me." I mumbled as I turned away from him, trying to hide my tears. "What do you mean, (Y/n)?" Leo asked softly
"You clearly hate me. You just don't want to make Elise, Sakura, Hinoka, Camilla and Corrin sad. I know that. It's fine. You can stay with Peni. It'll probably make you happy." I replied as tears spilled down onto the grass. Leo's non-gloved hand caressed my cheek, wiping the tears away. I glanced at Leo, he had tears too. A few moments later, he pulled me into an embrace. "I love you, (Y/n). And always will. I was jealous when I found out you were with Takumi. Xander told me that I could leave him to do his job on his own." Leo told me as he hugged me tighter. I smiled. When I didn't reply, Leo became worried. "(Y/n)?" Leo said. He pulled away from the embrace and looked at me. He smiled and went for a kiss on the lips. I blushed as he pulled away. "Now, let's go to the ball." Leo said as he lent me a hand. I shook my head. "Let's dance here." I whispered hoarsely. Leo looked surprise but smiled nonetheless. He pulled me up. I leaned against his chest, listening to his heartbeat drumming slowly. "I love you, Leo." I whispered
"I love you too, (Y/n). But now shush. Let's enjoy this quiet night, together." Leo whispered back as he hugged me, dancing in the moonlight.

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