By MichaelsBADgal

3.3K 81 68

Michael Jackson is a global Popstar beginning in the 80s. After his success with Thriller, his name became mo... More

Sugar PT.2
Diana, Not That Diana
Diana, Not That Diana. PT.2
Encounters With Carmen.
Encounters With Carmen PT 2. (Visual SMUT)
Meeting Her.


628 18 43
By MichaelsBADgal

Thriller Era -- Victory Tour

December 9th 1984*

  It was officially the last day of the concert. It was a great tour for Michael and his brothers. Or.. so they thought. He only did this to please his father who basically forced him to do this even after the accident with pepsi. At this point Michael wasn't too happy about the tour, but he was not one to protest for he loved his brothers and they needed the money. The victory tour created a lot tension between them, Michael did not want to rehearse or perform the old songs with them anymore. He was drained out and he was tired of that same old songs and dances.

He was a sweet and loving human being but he can only give so much of that love.
That Night.

Michael was in his dressing room, He stared at his one sequined glove. He just pouts and pouts. He's tired and he felt alone. He did not have much friends because he was anti-social at this time in his life.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe in and exhaled out.

"Last tour with my brothers." He says to himself. "You can not control me...anymore." He says with his soft voice that made him sound unconvinced of himself. He then looks in the mirror and checks out his face and frowns. "Who am I telling." He questioned himself, he contradicted himself. He scoffs and stands up out of his chair.

His room door opens and in comes Joseph.

Michael held on his chair as he stopped to look at Joseph suddenly.

"You ready Michael?, you got your fans waiting out there boy.." He says with a condescending chuckle. "There like rabbits out there already! Come on your brothers are waiting on you." He rubbed his hands together, money hungry.

Michael clears his throat and pulls up his pants. Still looking down at his glove, he fixes it on to his hand.

"Yeah.. Joseph." He says

"Alright then go on!" He rushes him.

Michael clenches his jaw as he walked past him, giving Joseph a hateful look but Joseph just kept that grin on his face, because either way he's still getting money from this tour.

Michael sees his brothers from a distance waiting on him to arrive.

Randy looked back and saw michael walking down toward them.

"There he is." He smiles shaking Tito's shoulder. "Hey mike, what took you so long? we're you practicing billie jean in there?" Randy joked

"I was actually." Michael smiled small and began walking ahead of them.

"The fans are going crazy for us." Jermaine said as they began walking.

"I feel like a star again. You remember the good ole days when the girls were just madly in love with us." Tito said. "They couldn't keep their hands off, they were like beasts."

"Just imagine them tonight, they're going to be all over us .." Randy said all excitedly as he referred to the women. "Especially Mr. Thriller man" He joked. His brothers agreeing in laughter.

Michael just shook his head in embarrassment remembering the many groupies he had to witness all through his head. It did not make him feel good about himself. It scared him actually.

"Yeah it's too bad you're all married now." Michael said sarcastically reminding them. Now he's not one to start but he wasn't going to let them disrespect their own wives.

"Oh mikey , we're just joking, have a little fun." Marlon says. "Lighten up will ya?" He tries to get michael to smile but it doesn't work.

"Yeah c'mon now mike, we know you had some women up on you too." Randy teases as they make their way into the second door to the stage.

"You know I don't get down like that Randy. I will not sleep with someone I do not know. It's not right. These kind of women need love and comfort. They are hurting." He says with a lot passionate and meaning in his voice.

His brother just laughed at him and told him he was just exaggerating but Michael meant it and he's tired of this kind of talk.

Randy had nothing else to say to Michael but "Yeah yeah.." in a mumble as they walked out on the stage.

As the concert went on for a few hours, Michael did his own his thing for he didn't bother to rehearse at all. Not even once, because he was focused on his own career. His brothers showed off constantly but that didn't stop Michael from putting out his name to the audience.

The concert was coming to an end as they grew tired from moving around so much. He was so happy to end the tour. He believed this tour was taking too much money from the fans and would put people out of reach with them. He didn't like how this was set up. He stated that his share of the money would go to charity in his favor for not needing or wanting to be in this tour.

Michael then announced his parting with his brothers and that this would be their last tour date together. His brother were completely shocked not knowing any of this for he hadn't discussed this with his brothers or Joseph.

This left his brothers on stage confused and Joseph angry. Michael had the biggest smile on his face when annouced it.

"I've had so much fun with my brothers these past few years but now it's time for some new music." He says as the crowd cheers, blame it on boogie playing in the background and his brothers stood there not believing what had just occurred.

"Thank you! I love you all!" He shouted happily as they trailed off stage in a hurry.

"Michael what was that all about?!" Jermaine questioned. Michael just stared at his brothers for a moment or two.

"I love you all very dearly and all I have to say is ...Well that's all I have to say. Please be well." He then turned around and walked away into his limo.

"Man who does he think he is?! He thinks he's all big shot because of thriller?" Randy protests.

"He's letting that fame get to his head... He's become so full of himself lately." Jermaine said. "It's not gonna last long.." He uttered.

Joseph barges through the door looking around.

"Where is he! Where is Michael?! That boy has lost his damn mind announcing some shit like without saying anything to me about it." He sees his sons standing around each other upset. "Where is your brother?-" Marlon cuts him off.

"He left Joseph." Marlon sighs. "And apparently he just did just that."

"When I see that boy I'm going to bust him upside his head." Joseph says through clenched teeth filled with anger. "He forgot where he came from."

"Okay maybe he's tired of the same old songs, I get it." Marlon says. "We got what we need, let's not make this a big deal."

"Are you kiddin' ..Michael can kiss my socks. That was unfair and wrong man." Jermaine blurted out to them.

Michael drove back to his hotel, feeling relieved that he doesn't have to spend another night thinking about the tour and can try to get some sleep. Was he angry with his brothers?

Somewhat but more so just tired of being around them.

He arrived at his Hotel followed by the screaming fans in front of it.

He began to laugh nervously "Oh no, how did they find out?" He joked. The Limo driver laughed warmly. "You're Michael Jackson."

"Ahh don't say it like that Barry,  I feel embarrassed." He laughs. "Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight."

He waited for bodyguards to come out and escort him out. As he stepped out he was bombarded by fans, Just a lucky few 60 or more.

"I love you Michael." Casually being shouted as he was shoving his way past with the help of the bodyguards.

"I love you more." He blushed, waving at his fans.
As he was walking he spots a female trying to shove her way through the bodyguards holding up a sign that read "I love you Michael." With his picture on it.

"Michael! Michael please notice me, I'm your biggest fan!" She said as she tried to get past the guards.

He waved at her and smiled giving her small acknowledgment. "Oh! Michael please please, I love you so much. Please sign my poster!" She said as he got closer.

He stopped for a moment looking at the woman. She had dark eyes and hair. She was fairly beautiful to his eye.

Michael looks over to his bodyguards who noticed he had stopped. "I listen to you nearly everyday! It would complete me if you would sign my poster!" She pleaded.

Why not Michael thought. He loves his fans and she looked desperate in trying to get his recognition. He wanted to make her night.

"Let her through" He says suddenly. "Yes let her through"

She gasped, She runs past the bodyguards and hugs michael, He took it by surprise and hugs her back.

"I love you so much." She repeated 5 more times before letting go. She hands him the poster.

He began looking through his pocket for a pen, "Hey do you have something I can write with." He laughs nervously to his bodyguard. They shake their head no and ask the next bodyguard.

"You were so handsome in beat it Michael." She says stirring up a conversation. He blushes.

"Thank you so much for being my fan." He says after they had given him a marker. She looks down to see the marker in his hand. In a hurry...

"To Sugar." She says loudly over the screaming people.

"I'm sorry?" He asks , leaning in to hear her better.

"My name is Sugar." She says much louder with a smile.

He grins. "Ohhh, That's a lovely name." He writes his name on the poster. She was a sweet lady he thought after signing it.

Just after he was about to hand it to her she asks.

"Do you want some company later?" She asks with a seductive tone in her voice.

He was taken aback and nervously laughed. How does he get out of this situation without being rude?

"I can give you a real thriller tonight baby." She bites her bottom lip and gets closer to him.

His eyes widened a bit as he smirked embarrassingly. He doesn't say anything at all as he backs up a bit.

"We have to go Mr. Jackson," The hotel manager says as He squeezed Michael's arm gently.

"Oh, I'm sorry. "I gotta go, Stay warm please. It's getting cold." He assured her, remaining kind to her as he was quickly rushed into the hotel.

As Michael got to his hotel room, He immediately took off his shoes and went straight into the bathroom to take a shower. He thought about the woman earlier. How could she say something so bold to him? He was so shy that he couldn't say anything back to her. She was just flirting right? He is a flirt himself but she was talking straight business if you know what I mean. intimacy scared him half to death. Though no one ever knew, that even if it did scare him half to death he had urges like every other man.

He began to wash his hair, though the water made his head pound a bit from his injuries months ago. As the night went on, He took his medicine, watched some cartoons, trying desperately to fall asleep even just for a minute.

Suddenly he hears a knock at his door. It was nearly 12 am in the morning. He wasn't asleep yet. He was wide awake, eating candy.

He raises an eyebrow. He gets up off the bed and makes his way to the door. "Who is it?" He says cautiously.

"It's me." A soft feminine voice says flirtatiously through the door.

"It's really late out, I want you to get home safely, girl?" He says calmly standing by the door.

"I'm so far from home Michael, I came all the way over from Kentucky to see you. And I do not have any more funds to get back home. All I have is 3 nights in a shabby hotel close by. I just want to talk to you yknow? You mean a lot to me." She says softly. "I just want to be close to you. I want to understand and love you."

Michael felt bad for her but also scared because he doesn't know if she was a stalker or not. Not to mention the security being so poor tonight that she was able to get pass them.

"I'm very sorry to hear that Sugar.. that is totally unfortunate and I pray that your circumstances get better for you okay?" Michael's eyebrows furrowed. "I love you yknow? you are very dear to me as a fan and I want to make sure you are safe tonight."

"I love you more Michael, you're such a blessing to this world." She cried out. "Will you let me be by your side Michael?"

He closed his eyes listening to her.

"I love you so so much, and I know you're lonely. I feel for you. You may think I'm crazy but I grew up with you and supported you and I can feel your pain and I want to ease your pain Michael. Can I just talk to you? I know I'm not very fortunate Michael but I swear I just want to get to know you....I want to be friends with you." She says very convincingly.

"You really want to talk to me?" He says folding his arms now waiting for her response fidgeting with his hands.

"Yes Michael..I do , I really do." It was queit as he scratched the back of his neck thinking about it. He was lonely after all and she really did seem genuine at this point. Though it still didn't feel right to him but something in him said otherwise. He wanted to know what normal people talked about. He wanted to know how they interacted.

He starts to nervously laugh. "You're not going to try and kill me are you?" He looks up at the door and then back at his feet.

"I could never hurt you Michael, please." She pleads. "I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. I'm just a super fan chasing her dreams haha." She says with minimal laughter.

"You promise?" He says like a little kid, while looking at the door knob.

"I promise." She whispers playfully.

He bites on his lip and gets himself to open the door slowly peaking his head out.

"Hii..." She waves lovingly. She was actually kind of sweet. He smiles as she slowly stepped in.

He closes the door behind her.

"I've gotta ask...How'd you get pass the security?" He asks curiously as he flicked on the lights.

"Oh my, your hotel room is beautiful." He begins to grin hiding laughter since all the rooms look like this in this hotel.

"Yes it is..." He cleared his throat. He stood there with his hands behind his back.

"Michael I love your pajamas they are so cute." She said coming closer to him and feeling on the satin pjs. He felt just bit uncomfortable but he went along with it.

"Oh , did you go to the concert tonight? (He says concert like "cun cert" If you had not noticed his accent.) He asks trying to converse with her.

"Of course I have, I go to all of your concerts, You mean so much to me."

His eyes broadened. "Really? You do this a lot?"

"Yes I do, I travel often to see my favorite bands and such, but you're absolutely my favorite michael." She says convincingly.

"Thank you, I really appreciate and adore my fans."

"Anything for you." She winks at him making him blush.

"Do you stay in hotels a lot girl?" He chuckles.

"As a matter of fact I do." She smiles. "It keeps me moving where I want to go, She says looking him up and down. She bites her tongue and stares at his lips.

A groupie he thought. He didn't like to think that way but the signs are there. He just couldn't believe it. She was too sweet. How could she be one.

"You're too cute Michael.." She twirls her hair in her hands. She comes closers.

"Thank you.." He says again, blushing much harder now. She was going to turn him into a apple at this point.

"Are you still chasing Diana?" She says suddenly, her hands behind her back as she moved closer and closer. He moved further away and realized he couldn't anymore and was at the end if his bed.

"Uhmm ..Who?" He wasn't thinking at this point as he looked to his side and huffed trying to remain stable. He was embarrassed at this point and wanted her to be more appropriate. He ignored her question about diana for he didn't want to talk about her like that. He was still attached to her even though she is dating someone at the moment. "That's a bit personal. Uhm.. Do you have any family you can stay with around here?"

She just smiled at him, as his cheeks boiled.

He gulped.

She then put her hand on his red hot cheek.

"You're so cute Michael." She snickers. "What are you nervous about darling? love women don't you?"

"I..I do, I love and respect women a lot and they should be treated like.." He stopped himself and removed himself from her body heat. "Like a flower, you see cause women are beautiful just like flowers and delicate." He says. " I want you to know that, that you are better than this."

She is startled for a second pushing her curls out of her face.

"I'm not here because I want anything." She follows me again but walks over much more seductively.

She grabbed for my Pajama blouse and tugged at the first button. He gasped with nervous laughter, quickly & gently grabbing her wrists.

"Please don't have to do this girl.." He begged in a sweet tone.

"Oh Michael.. but I want to.." She says looking deep in his eyes. ".. Mmm..I want all of you.." She continued grabbing at the buttons on his shirt, trying to seduce him.

His heart began to pound hearing this. He couldn't even picture himself having sex with a stranger. Especially these type of women who he felt bad for.

She's out of her mind isn't she. Why me?

She began to unbutton her blouse.

"I know you find me attractive." She continued. "Why not have some adult fun with a woman like me?"

"Sugar you're very beautiful yes but I'm .. not that kind of person and please don't-" He said as he covered his face from her exposed breasts.

She began becoming angry, then that anger turned into sadness.

"Why don't you want me Michael? I won't tell anyone! I promise."

He stood there not knowing what to say. He didn't want to tell her to get out because she might cause a scene. So he just stood there shocked and trying not to make her an angry fan.

"...I love you as a fan and I want

"I can't believe it... you're as pure as a newborn baby." She said as tears weld up in her eyes. "Are you even a man?"

He looks up immediately at her but doesn't say anything.

She began buttoning her shirt back up.

"No one has denied me sex. I don't know what it is about you Jackson..if you're fooling around with Diana or something." She cuts herself sounding jealous as ever. She grabs her bag and heads for the door. He wasn't but at the time he would have if he had the chance.

"Let me know when you want to get laid up." She opens the door and leaves. She said it with so much pride on the outside but felt so much shame internally from being turned down by him respectfully.

"Oh god.." He whimpered covering his face. He sat back down on his bed. Why did she want to sleep with me? Was she really a fan or did she want to just say I slept with Michael Jackson? No one actually wants to sleep with me... I mean look at me. He thought. He was very self conscious at this point in his life.

This was not his first time that a woman like this openly exposed herself to him. He didn't want to get aroused from it, it was totally disrespectful and made him feel disgusting. He didn't know how to feel about it. He's still a virgin but that's alright. Right?

How much longer... Does he want to wait for the right one to marry.. or will his urges get the best of him and fulfills something he totally is against.

To be totally honest.

He doesn't know himself. His heart tells him the right thing to do but another part of him surely wanted to have sex with this random woman but he never believed it. He didn't want to believe it. He was too afraid to go for it. Since he turned his "ex girlfriend" down a few years back.

"Are you even a man she says" He whispered to himself. He couldn't render what that meant. Is that what all men do? Suppose to do? He didn't want to do it but, He felt that he wanted to. He was a man wasn't he? Why not try it once. After all these beautiful women he had encountered. Trying it once wouldn't hurt.

"No.." He mumbled battling with his mind again. He sighs. He locked his door and dialed downstairs.

"Hi...can I speak with Mr. Launy?...yes.. This is Mr Jackson." He told them about the lack of security and not to allow any one on this floor and to check the security cameras very closely. He never told on the lady and if they found out, He wouldn't press charges anyway.

End Of Part 1

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