
By Blep_Bloop12

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What if there was a school where the kids of Disney kids went. Not just the heroes, but the villains as well... More

Chapter 1: New School, New Life
Chapter 2: The Deadly Train Ride
Chapter 3: Dorms
Chapter 4: First Day Of School... Yay?
Chapter 6: Blossoming "Friendship"
Chapter 7: An Evil Meeting
Chapter 8: Prime Fluff
Chapter 9: Group Project
Chapter 10: Love Potion
Chapter 11: Animal Communication
Not Chapter But Important

Chapter 5: A Peaceful Walk

295 24 56
By Blep_Bloop12

Reol and Urata make their way to Principal Mikoto's office. Reol knocks on the door and then opens it. Urata and her both enter the room and go up in front of Mikoto's desk.

"Hello principal Mikoto," Reol greets.

"Ah, good afternoon.", Mikoto greeted as well smiling. "What brings the two of you here?", she asked as she looks at the brunette and Reol in wonder.

Reol sighs. "You see, my student, Urata, shot another boy with his bow." Reol gestures to the bow in Urata's hand.

"H-he shot someone with a bow? Is that student alright?", Mikoto asked worried as a frown appeared on her face.

"He will be. Urata shot him in the shoulder," Reol reassures her.

"So the student is injured?! Urata, why did you shoot him? Did he do something wrong?", Mikoto asked now turning towards the short brunette.

"...." Urata stayed silent for a short while to calm his nerves. "....He pissed me off..."

"...Did he offend you by insulting your family or because of who you are?", Mikoto asked trying to find the reason why Urata did this.

"He was making fun of my height so I took out my bow in order to scare him. But then he started being an idiot and getting closer to me and it was making me angrier that he had the nerve to keep looking so happy while I was pointing an arrow at his head. And then he really pissed me off by rubbing his hand on my cheek and calling me an idiot! I mean, I didn't shoot his head in my fit of rage, thankfully. But I had to make sure he knew I wasn't someone he could just mess with!" Urata explains quickly.

"I understand that you might be offended because it was insensitive of him to say that. And I know that you wanted to have your personal space and not be touched by someone you don't really know. Still, you should have dealt with it in another way other than shooting him with an arrow, don't you think?", Mikoto asked after she listened to his explanation.

"Well, yes. I was just angry. And back home this is really normal and while yes I should know better, I'm just used to taking out my anger like this," Urata explains more.

The black-haired woman rubbed her temples as she pushed up her glasses.

"It may be normal at your home but right now you are a student of this school so you have to act according to our rules. I do understand what you want to say but I can't just let you go without any consequences.

Please don't do this again. You will have to stay for one afternoon with Reol for detention to reflect on your actions. And... go to that student and apologize to him.", Mikoto told Urata.

"Yes ma'am..." Urata mumbles out.

Reol sighs and nods at Mikoto. "Have a good day. I promise I'll try keeping him on his best behavior."

With that the two of them leave the office. Now, they head to the clinic, so Urata can say sorry to Sakata. Not that he will actually mean it though.

Once they arrive they see Sakata sitting on one of the bed's with a bandage around his shoulder, where Urata had shot him, and Shima sitting next to them. Shima glared at Urata when he realized that he had entered.

"What do you want?" Shima spat out at Urata.

Urata rolled his eyes. "To apologize." He turns to look at Sakata, without any hint of guilt said, "sorry."

With that, Urata turned back around and started heading towards the door.

Sakata looked at Urata who turned around ready to exit as he only chuckled on amusement. "Wow, I can see that you really mean it. But, yeah, I forgive you~", Sakata chirped.

Urata gave him the middle finger and walked out of the room, so he could get his detention over with. But after this encounter, he really knew there was no way the two of them were ever going to get along.

"Shima-kun, let's go~ I think that this school day was very exciting already.",  the redhead said as he stood up and put his jacket on before taking his bag. "Let's go~", Sakata exclaimed happily.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Shima asks his companion in worry. "Did the nurse say you have to stay here longer? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine, Shima-kun.", Sakata assured chuckling at the worried attitude of his friend. "If it makes you feel better, when I still lived with my father, I got injured a lot because of my recklessness. I'm basically used to this.", Sakata explained.

Shima sighs and nods, standing up from the chair he was sitting in. "I still don't understand why you did it."

Sakata thought about it for a bit. His wound did hurt but he still thought that the amusement he got from watching the brunette's expression was worth it. "I wonder too. I guess he just... intrigues me.", Sakata said as he walked out of the room waiting for Shima to follow him.

Shima does indeed follow him. "But still, please don't do something so stupid again. You seriously pissed him off and I really don't want to think about what would have happened if he shot you in the head."

"Ok, sorry~ I'll make sure to try to be more careful from now on!", Sakata assured him as he only stretched. "Well, let's go now. I don't really want to stay in school anymore!", Sakata exclaimed.

Shima nods and together they leave school and go home.

After about 6 hours of being stuck in class and getting lectured about what he did, he was finally allowed to leave. He sighs and takes his things with him as he begins to walk home.

Luz, who had been waiting at home for the brunette, did the dish washing for the brunette and sat down as he waited for the other male to come back. He just hoped that Urata didn't get a too harsh punishment for what he did.

Urata continues his trek home in pure anger. He was still angry at the red head for what he had said. And that Urata got in trouble. Though, that was really Urata's own fault for shooting him.

At the same time, the redhead decided to head out of the house because he thought that he needed some fresh air and he felt like taking a walk around. After convincing Shima that he'd be fine on his own he walked around, humming happily.

Urata, not paying attention to his surroundings due to being lost in deep thought, walked right past Sakata.

Sakata who noticed the other male exclaimed a surprised sound. "Ah, wouldn't have thought to meet you so soon again, Urata-san~", Sakata exclaimed as he stopped in his tracks.

Urata froze when he heard the other male's voice and slowly turned to him, scowling. "What do you want? Was the arrow in your shoulder not enough for you?"

"I don't know... If you're on bad terms with someone, why not try to at least get along with them? Even if it kinda went bad this morning, it doesn't mean that we have to hate each other for the rest of the year, right? We'll be with each other for the next few years after all.", Sakata answered.

Urata groaned at the fact. He knew it was true, he had just wished to forget about the disappointing reality.

"You know what? Sure. I'll join you. Might as well get information off of you while I have the chance," Urata agrees. He fully turns around and starts walking the direction Sakata was walking in. "Better hurry up before you lose me!"

Sakata widened his eyes at the fact that the brunette actually agreed to join him before his usual expression returned. "Yes~", Sakata chirped as he fastened his pace to catch up to the shorter male.

Urata stayed silent, waiting for the younger to speak first. Urata had a feeling if he started the conversation, it would go south quickly. So he was content to let the other speak first and decide his next course of action from there.

"So, to forget about what happened today, I'll just pretend you've never shot me if you're more comfortable with that. Oh, I never told you about my father before, right? My father is Captain Hook! That's why we were on the sea a lot. What about your parents?", Sakata asked curiously.

"My mother is Merida," Urata replies to the question.

Then, Urata feels his bag open up. He looks towards it and sees Yamadanuki's head pop out. Urata smiles slightly and picks her out of his bag and places her on his shoulder.

"Is that so? You must have loved to go outside as well then.", Sakata assumed and when he saw the tanuki and how Urata smiled at her, he felt a slight jealousy, knowing that such a smile would never be dedicated to him. His dark expression quickly changed back to his smile though.

"Aw, you have a tanuki? She's so cute~ Does she have a name?", Sakata asked as he reached his hand out to pet her.

Urata hums. "Her name is Yamadanuki. And I know she's cute." Urata shockingly, lets his newly sworn enemy pet the tanuki. He figured that if he tried anything he would shoot him and would be justified in doing so.

"Yamadanuki, huh? That's nice! And her fur is so soft...", Sakata exclaimed as he pet her a bit more before he decided to stop and pull his hand away. "You seem to have a soft spot for her, huh?", Sakata asked.

"Tch. I don't have a soft spot," Urata denies, but it has no evidence backing it up when Yamadanuki rubs her head against his cheek and he smiles. "But, I've had her for a long time. We've been together since I was three months old."

"Woah, so long already? That's nice... Having someone staying with you for so long, I mean.", Sakata said as he looked at the tanuki rubbing her head affectionately against the brunette's cheek. "You must love Urata-san a lot, don't you?", Sakata asked Yamadanuki.

Yamadanuki gives a little nod in response. "Don't you have someone like that too? Like your dad or a friend?" Urata asks.

"Hm? No one who's stayed with me for any longer than a few days because we travel a lot. And the people on the ship are all boring. I guess I have Shima-kun now though~", Sakata answered smiling at the thought of finally having a long-term friend.

"Your dad?" Urata asks. "Doesn't he stay by your side?"

Sakata's face turned dark at the mention of his father again. "He does. All he thinks about is stealing treasures and things like that. We can never agree on things.", Sakata explained but he noticed his character was out of place as he put his smile back on.

"He taught me a lot of things I guess~", Sakata answered.

Urata looked at him suspiciously, but didn't say anything. "I see." Then silence befell them.

"Enough about me though~ Tell me more about yourself!", Sakata said urging the brunette to tell him more.

"What do you want to know?" Urata asks. He can't really talk without a topic of conversation.

"What do you usually do when you have free time? What is your favorite food? Where would you want to travel? How old are you?", Sakata asked wanting to know a lot.

"Um... I usually go out practicing archery with my mom or learning how to be a prince by my grandmother. Apparently my mother wasn't so, but she was happy to at least have a grandchild who wasn't barbaric like the rest of my family. And um... I don't really know about travel. I haven't really gone anywhere before this. And I'm sixteen currently," Urata answers all the questions.

"Eh? So you're older than me... We should go travel together someday if you haven't seen the world yet! I've been a lot outside already and know a lot of great places so let's go together if you want~", Sakata offered.

Urata stayed silent and then huffs in amusement. "Sure, why not?" In his mind, Urata could only think how really did misjudge this boy.

"Nice~ I know a lot of nice places so you won't regret it~", Sakata exclaimed, happy that Urata accepted his offer. He would choose the best places to go with the other.

He then noticed that they arrived back at his dorm as he stopped in his tracks. "Well, this is my dorm if you ever want to visit me. Do you want me to accompany you back to your dorm?", Sakata asked.

Urata shakes his head. "I'll be fine." Urata turns and starts walking away. Then he freezes and turns his head to look at Sakata. "I am truly sorry about earlier. Guess you aren't so bad after all." With that Urata leaves to head to his dorm.

Sakata was slightly surprised to hear a genuine apology from the older male but he flashed the other a smile as he cupped his hands to make his voice louder. "See you tomorrow then, Urata-san~", Sakata said before he took his keys to his dorm and opened the door before stepping inside the house.

Urata makes his way to his house and opens the door. "Hey, I'm here!" Urata shouts.

Luz who had been waiting for the brunette, immediately stood up from the couch as he ran towards the older male worried.

"Are you alright? Did they give you such a harsh punishment that you had to stay outside for so long? Are you tired? Do you need to rest? I did the dishes for you already while I was waiting for you.", Luz said after bombarding the brunette with questions.

Urata took a step back and held his hands up defensively. "Don't worry, don't worry. I was just in detention is all. And thanks for doing the dishes, I appreciate it. But I'm fine really."

"Really? You can tell me if I can do something to help you!", Luz offered. "I can make breakfast for tomorrow so you can sleep a bit in!", Luz suggested.

"Seriously, I'm fine." Urata assures the worrying male. "You act as if I was the one shot. But I'm sorry for worrying you. How are you?"

"Ah, I'm fine now that you're here again! I'm just glad that nothing bad happened to you!", Luz exclaimed relieved.

Urata nodded. "I am pretty tired from doing nothing all day and then taking a walk with him, so I'm going to head to sleep. Ok?"

"Of course!", Luz exclaimed before he realized something. "Taking a walk? With whom?", Luz asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"The dude I shot," Urata responds casually before retiring to his room for the night.

"Ah, the person you shot!", Luz nodded understanding before the realization hit him. "Eh?! Wait, what?!", Luz shouted shocked while Urata walked away.

Urata didn't reply. He simply closed his bedroom door behind him and basically collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Luz stood there still shocked as to why Urata wanted to take a walk with the person he shot. He seemed to take a disliking to the redhead so he didn't expect this. In the end, he decided to ask the brunette tomorrow.


Shima had been pacing around the living room for the past half hour. He kept considering to just go out and make sure his friend was ok. He got fucking shot for crying out loud! So here was Shima, pacing and basically hyperventilating in the living room. The place where you should be living in, hence the name.

Sakata stepped in as he took his shoes off before going into the living room. "I'm back, Shima-kun~", Sakata chirped cheerfully before noticing the purple-haired male walking around looking stressed out. "You alright?", Sakata asked.

When Shima heard Sakata's voice, he pounced. He ran over to his red haired friend and hugged him tightly.

"Are you ok? Did something happen? Are you injured?" Shima pesters him in questions.

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine~", Sakata assured as he laughed at how his friend looked right now. "I just took a walk with Urata-san cause I walked into him a while ago and that's why I was so late.", Sakata explained the other male.

"What?" Shima deadpans. "You met up with the man who SHOT you?! On a walk?!"

"Yes~ I had a lot of fun talking to him!", Sakata exclaimed happily. "Did you already know that he has a tanuki?", Sakata mentioned.

Shima was flabbergasted. "You do realize he could have KILLED you, right?" Shima sputters out.

"Hm? Why would he do that? I'm sure he would have regretted it anyway because he would have been discovered way too quickly anyway.", Sakata explained chuckling.

"But we made up with each other and now we get along quite well I think! He even agreed to travel with me somewhere sometime~", Sakata cheered.

Shima sighs in exasperation. "Seriously? What is this, a shoujo manga? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the both of you are getting married!"

"Marrying Urata-san, huh? That'd be nice, wouldn't it? Having him around as my wife would make life so much more interesting! That's a great idea, Shima-kun!", Sakata exclaimed.

Shima facepalms. "He'll definitely kill you if he hears you ever say that."

Shima starts walking away. "I'm heading to sleep. See you in the morning!"

"Ok~ Good Night, Shima-kun~", Sakata said before heading towards his room himself humming happily.

Word Count: 2972 words.

Hope y'all enjoyed! Until next time!

~Crystal Out!

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