Subdued Stallion [21+] - Jung...

By UnbeliebubbleTaeffs

887K 30.5K 3.5K

"YOU ARE something...aren't you..." He squinted his eyes studiously moving towards my lips, a mischievous smi... More

Plagiarism Notice
Episode 1 - An Unexpected Accident
Episode 2 - The Encounters
Episode 3 - The Revelations
Episode 4 - An Unusual Invite
Episode 5 - On my knees (18+)
Episode 6 - Shackled
Episode 7 - The Struggles
Episode 9 - A Happy Accident
Episode 10 - Her Pegasus
Episode 11 - Stay with me...
Episode 12 - He's a Teaser and a Tempter... [18+]
Episode 13 - I'm Sorry...
Episode 14 - I wanna marry a Rich girl...
Episode 15 The troubles... [21+]
Episode 16 - I did it for you...
Episode 17 - Unprepared [21+]
Episode 18 - This is all real...
Episode 19 - Play fights [15+]
Episode 20 - Wild... [21+]
Episode 21 - We are just Friends [15+]
Episode 22 - Elevator Kiss [15+]
Episode 23 - A risky promise
Episode 24 - Forced Marriage
Episode 25 - The Storm...
Episode 26 - Goodbye my Pegasus...
Episode 27 - Wounded and Hunted [15+]
Episode 28 - The Red Lotus...
Episode 29 - Deal with the Devil
Episode 30 - One Last Night [18+]
Episode 31 - Secrets and Strawberry kisses [16+]
Episode 32 - Tell me why?
Episode 33 - Where were you?
Episode 34 - The finale (Part 1)
Episode 35 - The Finale (Part 2) [21+]

Episode 8 - Subdued...

26.6K 1K 194
By UnbeliebubbleTaeffs

Y/n's PoV

Lisa: "So I heard some big news. Is it all true?"
She enquired as we both walked towards our class. I was a bit weary and kept looking around to see if Jungkook was around. Some of the girls standing in the corridor whispered things to each other as soon as they saw me. I looked away from them, avoiding the eye contacts.
Lisa: "Hey! I'm talking to you..."
She bumped her shoulder onto mine to get my attention.
Y/n: "Hm? What?"
I refocused myself.
Lisa: "Everyone's talking about you and him kissing in the library. What happened? Is it all official now?"
She asked with an excited grin.
Y/n: "No...nothing like that. Uhm...It was nothing."
I tried to brush it off.
Lisa: "Oh come on! You KISSED him. How can you say it's nothing? And it's your first kiss. Omg! It's so exciting!!!"
She exclaimed clapping her hands.
Y/n: "HE kissed me, I didn't..."
I tried to deny again.
She rolled her eyes...
Lisa: "Ah! Seriously...just accept it. It doesn't matter who kissed. But you BOTH KISSED."
She thrashed my denial.
Lisa: "So is it official? You going out with him?"
Grabbing my arm, she shook me gently asking for an answer.
Y/n: "No Lisa. Just let go. There's nothing."
I removed her arm in vexation and walked into the classroom.
Lisa: "Oh! what do you mean?"
She whined dragging behind me.
The teacher was already there, so she couldn't annoy me any longer. I sat my desk and she crashed lazily next to me.
Lisa: "Tell me..."
She whispered.
Y/n: "Keep quiet."
I shut her up and pulled out my notebook.

Y/n: "Yes, there're few studies on that website. It should help us with our topic."
I walked out with my classmate Yeonjun, as we chatted about the presentation we were doing for next week.
Lisa: "Hey I gotta go...bye..."
She waved as she ran out of the classroom.
Y/n: "Ok...I see you...well.."
She was out of my sight before I even finished. I shook my head and looked back at Yeonjun.
Yeonjun: "Can you write the website name down for me, I'll have a look tonight."
Y/n: "Yeh, give me your notebook."
I said, taking my pen out of my pocket.
Yeonjun: "Ah...It's in my bag. I can't be bothered to take it out. Just write it on my hand."
He extended his hand with a smile.
Y/n: "Don't wash it off."
I giggled and took his hand to write it on it.
But someone else snatched his hand and pulled him away.
Y/n: "What are you doing?"
I shouted and froze as I saw Jungkook.
Jk: "Don't you dare..."
He growled and welted his fist onto his nose.
Yeonjun: "Argh..."
He dropped to the ground, but he wasn't gonna stop.
Y/n: "No! Stoopp! What are you doing?"
I screamed in fear and pulled on his leather jacket, stopping him from punching him again.

He turned ferociously...
Jk: "What are YOU doing with him?"
He growled gripping my neck and pulling my face closer to him. The heat of his anger was forcing itself out through his breaths.
Y/n: "Why does it matter? Stop being this maniac! What do you gain from hurting others and yourself like this?"
I cried holding the wrist of his hand that was around my neck.
He gripped my throat even tighter and pulling me closer, making me whimper in pain.
Jk: "It matters because you are mine and I hate seeing you with someone else. This is nothing compared to the torture you are putting me through."
He growled on my face.
Y/n: "Since when did I become YOURS?"
I hissed back in anger with teary eyes.
Jk: "The moment you said you love me."
He snarled through his clenched teeth and crashed his lips roughly on mine. Pushing his head forward and angrily relishing my lips, He forced me back into the empty classroom. Stuck in his grip, I stumbled backwards, struggling to breath. He shut the door with his other hand and slammed me against it and continued to kiss with the same roughness.
Y/n: "Mmm..."
I yelped inside his mouth as the stream of tears rolled off my eyes and his teeth dug into the side of my lower lip. I tried to push his shoulders to release myself, it was no use.

But he detached suddenly, and we both gasped for air. He pushed his forehead against mine pressing my head against the door.
His red teary eyes, tears on the brink of falling out, he spoke...
Jk: "Why are you doing this to me y/n ah? You gave a little glimpse of the love you have for me but now you are just locking it all inside. You know how much I want your love, but you're just starving me and leave me begging for it".
He implored closing his eyes.
Jk: "I know I'm not the best, but why can't you just give me a chance? What more do you want me to do?...just tell me...why are you being like this?"
He pleaded cupping my cheeks.

Y/n: "Because I'm scared..."
I wailed removing his hands off my face and pushing him away. Finally I decided to speak out my fears...
Y/n: "I'm scared..."
I wailed again...
Y/n: "I'm scared that I'm not good enough for you...
I'm scared that someone else would steal you from me...
I'm scared that I won't be able to take the pain, if I lose you...
And I'm scared that I wouldn't be able to exist without you...
I never wanted this love...but it just sprung out from nowhere. I tried my best to stop myself, but you just kept appearing making me weaker and weaker..."
I weeped as I slowly slid down against the door. He stood still gazing at me.
Y/n: "You know what's worse...
Having someone's love and then losing it. It's so magical and powerful, you think nothing can bring you down when you are in their arms. And then they suddenly disappear from your life without a trace, and you become a lost child. Everything just turns pitch black. It takes such a long time for you to stumble out of that darkness. I've gone through all that pain already. So, it's just better not to have such love at all. If you gonna do the same thing, please stop. Just stop now. I don't have the strength to go through it all again..."
I sat hugging my knees and whimpering, as I remembered my dad's warm embraces, and the walks I took holding his pinky finger and losing him forever.

Jungkook's PoV

She cried, giving me all the answers. I went closer and sat on my knees in front of her. I could see why she was scared. She was afraid I might leave her or cheat on her or stop loving her. She was scared to trust me. It seemed she's already been through enough pain and didn't want it repeated.
I didn't want to ask anymore about it. I untangled her arms around her knees and pulled her onto me.
Hugging her tightly, I guided her legs to wrap around me. She whimpered burying her face under my neck like a little girl.

Jk: "y/n ahh...Baby, it's ok. I won't ever let you go, and you won't ever lose me. I promise."
I comforted, keeping her in my embrace but she kept weeping
Jk: "Y/n...please trust me..."
I softly requested, caressing her back. I sat still holding her in my embrace.

She stopped crying after a while and slowly pulled away adjusting her hair. I wiped her wet cheeks and smiled at her tilting my head. She smiled softly and looked down.
Y/n: "You haven't put any medicine on your hand?"
She murmured checking the dried cuts on my hand.
Jk: "It's dry now. It'll heal don't worry."
I replied tucking some of her hair behind her ears.
Jk: "Shall we go somewhere?"
She sniffled as she looked up...
Y/n: "I have a lecture tho..."
She pouted adjusting her top and clearing her throat.
Jk: "Let's bunk..."
I whispered with a wink and pecked on her lips.
Y/n: "Oh no!"
She exclaimed
Jk: "Oh yes! Come on. Let's have a little adventure..."

Author's PoV

He turned around facing the other way, and pulled her arms to wrap around his neck. Holding her thighs he lifted her up onto his back and carried her out of the classroom.
Y/n: "Jungkook no...everyone's gonna see us."
She moaned, a little embarrassed.
Jk: "Who cares!"
He answered as he carried her through the corridor as other girls and boys stood dumbfounded.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Who is she?!"
"She's a newbie, first year."
"Oh my god!"
"Jungkook ahh...what is this?"
"Is he gone crazy?!"
"They kissed in the library yesterday."
The envious comments and questions filled the corridor as he carried her out of the building to his car. Although the remarks made her uncomfortable, it all soon disappeared...

Y/n's PoV

I sat uncomfortably, distracting myself by looking at the shops through the window, as he drove through the streets.
"Ugh! I hate this car! This spaceship like thing. The seats were really low, It was almost like I was lying down. Is there a way to adjust the seat? I mean I don't wanna press the wrong buttons and slam against the windscreen. What's wrong with these weird posh sports cars?! They just don't make it practical."
I groused inside my head.
I checked him with corner of my eye. He looked comfortable. Way too comfortable! Just relaxed back and sat stylishly, while holding the steering wheel with one hand and stroking his chin with the other, waiting for the green signal.
"Hm...maybe guys like it.."
I thought as we stopped in front of a glass building. I looked and realized it was one of those fine Michelin star restaurants in town.
"Oh no...!"
I hated these posh restaurants, I've never been to one, and I wasn't dressed to go to one.
I gaped my eyes and gulped looking at two ladies who were entering the place in their Christian Louboutin heels with Prada handbags.
Jk: "Shall we?"
He asked with a smile after stopping the engine.
Y/n: "Hm? What?"
I blabbered nervously, trying to focus.
Jk: "Let's have lunch."
Y/n: " mean there?"
I pointed to the building, looking at him.
Jk: "Yes...It's one of the finest restaurants in town."
He replied.
Y/n: "Uhm...yeh."
I gulped again.
Y/n: "Can we go somewhere else?"
I requested awkwardly.
Jk: "Why? You don't like it?"
He was a little surprised.
Y/n: "Erm...I'm not really dressed to go in there tho. And also, they give you very tiny portions, I've seen it on them tv shows...and it's like you have to follow too many unwritten rules... you can't talk loudly, you can't laugh, and if you drop the cutlery...they will all look at you like you murdered someone..."
I tried my best to convince him.

Jungkook's PoV

I chuckled listening to her reasoning. It was clear she wouldn't be comfortable there and I didn't want to force her.
Jk: "Ah... you are right. Last time I had a 3 course meal and I was still hungry."
Y/n: "Really? See, I told you."
She looked at me with her sparkling eyes.
Jk: "So you decide. Where shall we go?"
I asked leaning forward.
Y/n: "There's a nice noodle bar just few minutes away from here. Shall we go there?"
Jk: "Ok..."
I agreed and started the car again.

After few minutes of driving we stopped opposite a street noodle stall, where an old lady was sat making fresh hot stir fry noodles.
She got off quickly and ran happily towards it, greeting the lady...
Y/n: "Hi Halmeonnie!"
I smiled to myself shutting the door and walked slowly behind her.
Y/n: "What would you like?"
She questioned.
Jk: "I don't choose what's nice."
Y/n: "Mmm...the seafood stir fry is so nice. Shall we get that?"
Jk: "Yeh..."
I shrugged casually.

I pulled out my card from my wallet to pay.
Jk: "Do you do contactless pay?"
I asked holding out the card to pay.
The old lady looked at me, a little confused.
Y/n: "Oh!"
She laughed holding the noodle boxes.
Y/n: "Don't worry, hold these."
She gave me the two boxes and pulled out a small purse from her bag.
Y/n: "She doesn't do card payments. Don't worry..."
She counted the change and paid to the lady and put her empty purse back in the bag.
She took one of the noodle box in her hand...
Y/n: "Come on, Let's sit down."
She gestured, tapping her hand couple of times on the wooden chair after wiping the leaves fallen from the tree next to it.

We sat down and started to eat.
Y/n: "mmm...It's nice isn't it?"
She asked with a big smile, smelling the hot food.
Jk: "Very nice!"
I winked at her, gobbling a mouthful. I didn't have to worry how I looked when I ate and didn't have to follow any unwritten rules like she mentioned. It was just me and her, enjoying our food. A simple happy meal with the one who swept me off my feet.
Jk: "So you never had a boyfriend?"
She looked up at me and shook her head.
Jk: "I was your first kiss..."
I looked at her, stirring the noodles with my chopsticks.
She nodded smiling and blushing.
Jk: "I wish you were my first kiss too. I'm sorry..."
I sighed. She looked at me for a second and looked back down. Maybe she felt a bit awkward or maybe didn't know how to respond.
Y/n: "Oh!"
She flinched slightly and looked down.
Y/n: "Oh hey..."
She smiled and greeted, looking down to the black cat rubbing and gliding against her leg.
Y/n: "Are you hungry too?"
She questioned like she was talking to a baby. She ripped the lid of her paper box and placed a bunch of noodles with a piece of fish on it ...
Y/n: "There you go. That's for you."
She smiled, after placing it gently on the ground for him to eat. I smiled just watching her after finishing all of mine.
She noticed I finished mine already...
Y/n: "Oh..have you finished already?"
She exclaimed.
Jk: "Yeh, It was too good."
I laughed.
Y/n: "Here...have some more."
She tipped some hers into my box, before I even stopped her. She made me smile like an idiot with everything she did.
"Ah y/n ahhh...why didn't you fall in front of my car earlier?!"
I thought and chuckled to myself.
Y/n: "What happened?"
She looked at me in confusion.
Jk: "Nothing.. thanks for the noodles."
I thanked her and started to eat again.

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