Open Heart Book 1 - Someone L...

By choices_mrs_ramsey

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Primrose Di Georgio had a hard life and was not destined to be a doctor until she experienced her own bouts o... More

Chaper 1 (a) - A Fresh Start (Primrose Di Georgio)
Chapter 2 (a) - Life Line (Primrose)
Chapter 2 (b) - Lifeline (Ethan)
Chapter 2 (C) - Lifeline (Aurora Emery)
Chapter 3 (a) - No Holding Back (Primrose)
Chapter 3 (b) - No Holding Back (Ethan)
Chapter 3 (c) - No Holding Back (Landry)

Chapter 1 (b) - Lust at First Sight (Ethan Ramsey)

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By choices_mrs_ramsey

Ethan Ramsey's POV:

*Punch*... *kick*

It was 06:00am and Ethan Ramsey had just finished his intense workout session by punching and kicking his punch-bag repeatedly for a full half-an hour whilst the music of Splitnot was playing at full blast in the background. This was his favourite and most effective way of letting off steam before work started. Ethan used to use his Voodoo Doll to cast negative energies on his enemies, but the spirits always came back to haunt him. His Voodoo Doll was stored deeply behind his books in his office for nobody to find. When he stopped using his Voodoo Doll, he purchased a dartboard and would stick the picture of somebody he hated and played bull's-eye. Whilst the bulls'-eye was a more positive way for Ethan to release his hate for others and life, he was still angry. Like the Voodoo Doll, the dart-board was gathering dust after being placed behind a painting he bought in Iceland when he witnessed the beautiful Northern Lights. Ethan discovered that boxing was the perfect way for him to release all his frustrations and negative emotions; physically and emotionally. Whenever he finished his boxing sessions he felt as though he was a newborn; free of sins.

After his workout, Ethan ventured to the nearest staff changing room to have a quick shower. Even though orientation for the new interns was 3 hours away, there was already a handful buzzing around looking full of life and excited for the day ahead. Grr! Here we ago... Ethan got out of their company before anyone could recognise and annoy him. Ethan went to the cafeteria and picked a toasted salmon bagel with cream inside. The only thing I'm probably going to eat for the rest of the day. Ethan returned to his office and started his next session; yoga and meditation.

*Embrace the stillness*

Ethan sat in complete silence on his yoga mat on the floor in his office meditating; whilst listening to the soothing words on his iPhone from his 'Calm' app. This was the way everyone thought and saw as Ethan's way of de-stressing. Whilst Ethan appreciated yoga and meditating; it had help him learn how to control his breathing and he found it very useful to do before a day that was going to be a stressful or a day, which proved to be stressful, it couldn't compete with his boxing. Ethan showed nobody his boxing side, it was his secret and he didn't want anyone to take advantage. Also when he boxed he imagined the people who had done him wrong that day and how he'd like to smash their faces in, all negative thoughts being battered away. He couldn't let anyone know what he truly thought, especially if he didn't like them. Meditation helped keep his battered thoughts at bay.

*Knock, knock*

Ethan's eyes opened wide from the rude interruption. Everyone knew how Ethan's time in the morning was extremely precious to him and needed. Who is stupid enough to interrupt me at this time? Only one person who has the balls to do so...Harper.

"Ethan, open up. It's Harper" I was right.

"Give me a second" Ethan hurried up on his feet and rolled up his yoga mat. He folded up his punching-bag back in its box, before letting Harper in his office.

"You look good" Harper told him. He hated it when people told him he looked good or well. It was a way of telling him that other times he looked like crap.

"What do you want?" he snapped

"Don't be like that Ethan" that's what you deserve for interrupting my time; my precious time, which you know how important it is.

"Today's the day" Harper beamed

"I know" he said irritated. Oh how he knew it was the day; today. He had been dreading it for the past several weeks.

"Are you going to come to orientation?"

"Why bother asking me, you know I never do"

"I thought you might today; it's going to be different"


"It's my first time giving a speech at orientation for the new interns as Chief of Edenbrook"

"Good for you, but you don't need me to hold your hand. Now, get out" Harper kissed her teeth at Ethan and rolled her eyes as she left his office. Ethan took a deep breath-in after his brief conversation with Harper. I was perfectly calm until that bitch came and now I have to de-stress all over again, for fuck sake. Ethan noticed that ever since Harper had become Chief of Edenbrook his stress-levels and negative thoughts had increased to a whole new level. Harper was 6 years his senior and the smartest, strongest, fiercest and most independent woman he knew. Before Harper became Chief, Harper and Ethan were more than work colleagues but a couple. They didn't last long as a couple; often breaking up and getting back together again after several weeks, but as they had nobody else in their lives who they were romantically interested in, they always went back together. It was toxic and Ethan always wanted to end his relationship with Harper fully, but she always found a way to get back into his life, however when she became Chief he had the perfect excuse. I'm dating my boss, which would be like me dating an intern. Disgusting, immoral and unethical. I have standards to upload.

Harper had been Chief for 10 months and already Ethan hated how different she and Edenbrook were. Before she was Chief, Ethan admired her as a neurosurgeon and person, but now he only admired her as a doctor. She never used to care about her appearance, but now she was dressed head to toe in designer, tailored, fitted suits, full face of makeup with even false eyelashes and painted nails and a different hairstyle every month. Harper used to hate the administration but now as Chief she would bend backwards for the managers or as pen-pushers Ethan calls them, rather than keeping her staff happy and most importantly putting patients' first. Harper had not been Chief when the last batch of new interns started, but with this new batch, Ethan dreaded the changes Harper was going to make. He was sure there would be some good changes, but also bad ones. Ethan was more scared of the good changes Harper was going to implement more than anything, as whilst they would be good for the new interns, they wouldn't be that good for him or senior doctors and Ethan couldn't work out if they were genuinely Harper's ideas or the board. Ethan didn't enjoy being in Harper's company at work and he definitely didn't enjoy her company outside of work. He viewed his office as his sanctuary, a place where he could escape, a place where he didn't view as being inside of work and Harper new that. She crossed the boundaries again.


Ethan reclined back in his chair and scratched the bag of his head, as he looked down at his calendar. He had circled the 3rd of September in his calendar in red and scribbled 'death' across the date. The 3rd of September always represented death for someone, not always death as in their life had ended, but their spirit had been destroyed, only for a patient or a new intern, never Ethan. Every year the 3rd of September was a New Year in the medical world, as it was the first day for the new batch of interns as newly qualified doctors. Doctors? More like nursing students. Ethan didn't just hate interns, he despised them. They annoyed and irritated him; even if they did nothing wrong, he couldn't stand them. It's not them, it's you.

Ethan wasn't the only one who feared this day, it was the nurses too, as they always ended up having to save the doctors' back by catching their mistakes before they did, thus resulting in more work for them. No wonder nurses are views as Angels; they very so often save a patient's life and save a doctor's career. Before Ethan became a doctor, he didn't have a high amount of respect for nurses. He viewed them in the typical, demeaning and sexist light; female, he'd find it inappropriately funny if a nurse was male, not smart enough to be a doctor and basically a doctor's slave. It wasn't until he entered Medical School that he realised how valuable nurses are, but he always remained disappointed that nurses' didn't wear the Halloween slutty outfits, even to this day. Edenbrook wouldn't have such a stellar reputation, even Ethan could admit that. Ethan preferred spending his birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving all alone more than working on the 3rd of September, but as an attending, he has no choice.


Ethan was making his way to the ward to start his rounds when he saw a woman in her 40's hold her chest and fall to the ground. Why does this always happen today? I knew it. Death Day. Ethan raced to the woman's side and tried to spot someone else who could help him. There were already enough nurses' helping him out, but he needed a doctor. Surely there would be an intern late on their first day walking around. Not all 60 interns are going to make it on time. Alas, he spotted a young female intern making her way towards him. I knew somebody would be late to orientation. I wonder what her excuse is. As she approached him, Ethan couldn't tear his eyes off her even though there was a woman on the floor next to him. The intern walked towards him like she was Naomi Campbell on the catwalk full of grace and confidence. She didn't even look panic or scared. In-fact she seemed a little bit too confident for Ethan's liking. Why is she walking? She should be running.

"Don't take all day. She needs you" Ethan barked at her. Ethan still couldn't stop looking at her. She looks familiar. Where have I seen her before? Even though he had just shouted at her, she didn't run, she only picked up her pace ever so slightly.

"Ethan, we have no idea who this woman is and what she's doing at Edenbrook. She didn't fill out a form yet, so we have no past medical history and we don't know her allergy status." Danny said. Great, he was going to have to treat this woman blindly.

"Rookie, check her vitals" Ethan still couldn't stop staring at her. He was genuinely intrigued by her. He watched her take her time in checking the woman's vital with such dedication. He was impressed as most staff members, including nurses and admittedly himself would have taken the first blood pressure cuff they saw first, but she took her time in making sure it was the right one. A minute has passed and she's still checking the woman's vitals? Gosh she's slow. Why is she so slow? She has a fob watch? I've never seen a doctor carry a fob-watch before. Wow.

"Sepsis" she said confidently. Ethan was startled when he heard her speak for the first time. She had an English accent. She was one of the two English interns at Edenbrook. The only two foreign doctors selected to work here were from England and they were both female. She must be one of Harper's interns. I wouldn't have been so stupid to select an intern who diagnoses sepsis without a blood test.

"Is that your diagnosis?"

"Yes" wrong, completely wrong. Death for this woman because of this intern.

"You need a blood test to be certain" How could she say it was sepsis so confidently without a blood test?

"I know" she said in a hurt manner. If she's upset by what I've just said to her, then she hasn't seen or heard anything yet. I must have bruised her massive ego. An intern with a big ego. What a joke.

Ethan carried on watching her like a hawk, as she placed two fingers on the lady's carotid arteries. Is she for real? What is she doing that for?

"What on earth are you doing?" he asked angrily. Wow, I've just met her and she's already pissed me off. A new record for this intern and not a good one.

"I'm checking her vitals manually. The machine could be wrong" Is she serious? We don't have time for this. This woman is practically dying and here she is wasting more time. What is wrong with her?

"We don't have time for that. The machines are mostly always right. You work with the information presented in-front of you, make your diagnosis, plan your treatment and tell the nurses what you want to happen."

I have to watch this girl inventively; her mind seems to be elsewhere. I need to stop her from making mistakes and most importantly stop her from killing this woman. She's looking at me and her eyes are telling me that she hates me right now. I bet she's insulting me in classic English slangs and insults. Ethan watched the intern delicately squeeze the woman's hand who begged her to save her life and reassure her that she would do her best. Even this woman who is near death knows that this intern is incompetent even she can see it. 

"Okay...okay...I know what to do...One second..." Come on girl. Ethan could feel his frustration started to rise inside of him. Deep breaths in and out Ethan, remember she's a rookie. "She's hypertensive, so she's going to need fluids to boost her blood pressure. Hello, nurse, if you get everything set up for a cannula please, I shall cannulate her..." Ha! She finally knew what to do, but why is she wanting to cannulate? Can she not cannulate? "You don't need to cannulate her. The nurses are more than competent in cannulation" If doctors have to cannulate in England won't earth do the nurses do? No wonder so many doctors in England complain about being over-worked and burnt out.

Ethan watched her focusing on Danny instead of the woman. Why is she looking at him for? Does she find him attractive or something? Completely inappropriate, especially when we're dealing with a life and death situation at that moment. Ethan tried his best to remain calm, but his eyes told a different story, as when the intern turned around and locked eyes with him again, any shred of confidence she had, had completely drowned away.

"Are you sure you shouldn't be a nurse instead of a doctor?" Ethan scoffed at her. This intern has been acting like a that's too kind... a nursing student more than a doctor. Hell, even nursing students are better than her at the moment.

"No...It's just that he did a perfect job" like he always does.

"Well, you're not doing a perfect job at the moment. Carry on with your examination, doctor!" I actually have to remind this doctor, that she's actually a doctor. Oh my goodness! This time she didn't take her time in doing what Ethan had asked her, she did it straight away.

"Look, doctor"...Ethan felt her gently tapping his shoulder. "The bruise wasn't there before"

"Are you sure it wasn't there before?"She better be sure.

"I am positive" she said. Good, she's got her confidence back up.

Wow, she spotted the bruise before me. She might be slow at certain things, but she does have a sharp eye. Excellent! "She must have landed on her right elbow when she fell and as it's forming quickly; she must be haemophilic. Also, look at her fingertips, they're turning blue..." Ethan was cut off boldly by her.

"because of her low oxygen saturation levels. She hasn't got enough blood circulating around her body." She knows her stuff. Good, good, she's finally proving herself now.

"Well done" Ethan smiled at her. He couldn't resist smiling at her. Even though he had been snappy and rude to her, not as rude as he could have been, she was still smiling and trying her best. Why am I smiling at her? Everyone should know what blue fingertips indicate.

"Take a closer look at her lungs and don't take as long as you did when you were checking her vitals". Ethan had returned back to his snappy self and stopped smiling at her. I can't be too nice to her already, it's only her first day, and she's not up to scratch yet. I need to keep her in her place. Ethan watched her remove her pink stethoscope from around her neck. Pink? Typical and she's got a bear on it? Omg she must want to become a paediatrician. He watched her to the patient's chest, hardly spending anytime listening to her right side, but taking a longer time listening to her left side. He knew she wanted to hear something on her left side by the way she was tilting her head and straining her eyes, however there was not much to hear. Ethan knew she knew the answer by the way she gasped but her scream startled him.

"Oh My God! She's going to suffocate" she screamed, which drew more people to observe. She sure loves an audience.

They both locked eyes and stared deeply at one another. Why does she look so familiar? Is she a famous model turned doctor? She sure could be a model. Ethan drank in her face; whilst she didn't have a perfect face, she had a stunning and unique one with incredible features. A big forehead? She must have lots of brain. Big eyes, a small straight nose, high cheekbones, full lips and an interesting jaw line. Who are you? He could see her turn red like a tomato, whilst he remained unbothered. She really needs to learn how to control her facial expressions. Everyone can see she is scared and nervous. How is she going to make it as a doctor when patients can see, sense and smell fear immediately? Ethan turned to the nurses and announced to them it was a code blue.

Ethan took the bag mask handed to him by one of the nurse's and started to gently pump in air into the woman's lung. He briefly flickered at her who started to cry. "Doctor, what are we going to do now?" her voice was cracking. I haven't got time for this nonsense. She's a doctor, not a baby. I'm going to teach her the hard way. Ethan decided to turn his back to her and not pay her any interest. He could feel her staring at his back but he didn't care. She can stare at me until she's blue in the face; it's not going to make a difference. I'll decide when I'm ready to face her. Ethan looked at the members of the public and saw them giving her strange looks, but he had no idea why. I'm not turning around. She must be doing something weird.

"I... think..." as she started to speak softly, Ethan turned around and saw her looking at the floor trying to say the words he knew she knew. She knows the answer, it's obvious, but she has no confidence. Maybe I was too harsh on her too quickly? Ethan decided to give her more time to think and reveal her diagnosis. I want her to say it loud and proud; full of conviction. There's no point in saying what you think unless you're 100% sure. A moment had passed but she still hadn't mustered the courage to reveal her diagnosis. Ethan grew increasingly annoyed. I can't keep this up any longer. Ethan started to tap his feet and stare at her again. His feet tapping grew louder and louder. She's not going to be able to think, so she might as well say it now. 

Again, they locked eyes. No matter how hard Ethan tried to remain angry at her for taking so long and having no self-belief in herself, he couldn't do it. There was something so deep and kind in her eyes that he just couldn't do it, he felt as though he was looking directly in Bambi's eyes. I've never seen eyes like hers' before. They're so big and round like Bette Davis' or Twiggy. They're so unique; a mixture of green, hazel and amber. Her eyes are green but her iris is brown with a sting of yellow, like a beautiful sunflower. Ethan broke the eye contact first. Stop staring at her eyes. They're just eyes.

"It's a hemothorax!" as soon as she said that Ethan stopped tapping his feet, relieved, the noise was starting to annoy him. Finally, took her long enough.

"Finally...took you long enough" Ethan saw her jaw clench as soon as he said that. Truth hurts and she needs to be told the truth quickly. There's no point in beating around the bush. English people are known not to be straightforward, whereas we Americans are blunt as a hammer. Ethan continued "One of her blood vessels is ruptured and is filling her pleural cavity..." Ethan was cut off by her again "which is blocking her lungs from expanding; stopping her from breathing" she said with a smug look on her face. She's too cocky for her own good. Ethan didn't care that she had beautiful eyes, he made sure his eyes expressed how irritated he was with her just now and she read him exactly, as she quickly resumed to her normal facial expression.

"So, what are YOU going to do about it?" he asked; making sure she understood clearly that it was all on her again and not him.

"Well, the only way to fix her lung is to fix the damage blood vessel, but we can't do that here..." her voice trailed off, as Danny handed her a scalpel and chest tube.

"What? You've never seen a chest tube and scalpel before?" Ethan mocked her, but he asked genuinely concerned. Surely, she must know how to use them?

"I have" Ethan could tell he had hurt her feelings again, "but why do I need them?" Is she serious? Wow

"Why do you think? Because you're going to do an emergency thoractomy" I can't believe I actually have to give her the answers. I don't remember having to practically spoon-feed interns. Ethan looked at her and felt a tiny tinge of sympathy for the intern, a feeling he had never felt for an intern before. A couple of minutes ago she was confident and beaming, but now she was petrified and broken, like a kitten all alone in the jungle full of tigers. Death day for this intern; her spirit is dying...I can change that. I'll have to be nice to her, but only for now.

"I'm right here" Ethan whispered to her.

He saw her calm down and relax a bit; "Okay, if I'm going to this, I'm going to need a local anaesthetic first..." What is wrong with her? She's doing everything apart from the right thing.

"There's no time...Come on, get on with it" he snapped at her again. My niceness didn't last long. She sure does know how to push my buttons.

"I don't want to hurt her" Ethan was shocked by her admission, in a good way, but tried not to show it. Here was an intern who cared so much about her patient that she didn't want to hurt her and wanted to make her as comfortable as possible for the procedure. Ethan wanted to be nice to her again, but he saw the woman slip into full unconsciousness and he knew he had to ramp things up.

"You've got less than a minute to save her life..." Ethan said firmly. He saw her remain emotionless and not realise what was happening to their patient. He pointed down at the woman "time is ticking." Ethan knew that the woman had longer to live, but he wanted her to be as fast as possible, safe, but fast. She took God knows how to long to do her observations, who knows how long she'll take to this. Probably 40 minutes. Ethan saw her look at the clock and gulp... She literally took what I said to heart.

Ethan carried on watching her hold the scalpel and chest tube for life. "Incision at the fifth intercostals the mid auxiliary line..." her voice was breaking away. He followed her eyes; she was looking at the 30 people who were staring down at them. He felt sorry for her; she had a full on audience who would be judging her every move and if she made a mistake, they would crucify her. To make matters worse, they appeared to not like her either and some were filming. Those videos could be used against her at any point in her career. I can't believe I am actually feeling sad for her. Me, Ethan Ramsey feeling sad for an intern? What is going on? I don't have these feelings for consideration for interns, especially on death day.

"Look at me" he whispered again. They danced in each other's eyes "I've got your back". It was obvious to Ethan that she believed him and trusted him by her change of mood. Whilst she still looked like a fish out of water, she appeared to be a big fish and not a little one. She's a dolphin; I need to turn her into a shark. She's still shaking. I wonder if she's ever done this procedure before? I can't ask her, it shall throw her off. Ethan took her hand in his and he felt her immediately settle down and smile. Wow, she has the softest hands I've ever felt. They're as soft as a baby's bum. She must swear by Shea Butter. Together, with his soft, but firm grip, they pushed down on the woman's chest and cut into it. As she made the incision and inserted the chest tube into the patient's chest, Ethan carried on repeating "You've got this"..."Well done"..."Good girl"... even though he didn't mean them. He knew this particular intern lacked self-belief at the moment and the only way she'd save the woman's life was by making her believe she was doing a good job. Fake it, till you make it.

The woman started to breathe properly again and Ethan watched her thank the intern who was beaming again. Hmmm...She really has low self-esteem. She needs to realise and learn quickly as a doctor that you need to believe in yourself and not expect others to tell you you're great. She promised to visit the woman when she was better again, which made him laugh. Don't make promises you can't keep, that poor woman is going to be disappointed. Everyone clapped and cheered for them when the nurses wheeled her to surgery. They looked eyes again; she looked as happy as Larry, whilst Ethan made sure he wasn't showing her how he truly felt.

"Doctor, that was amazing" she beamed, as she clapped and did a little jump. How old is she? 5?

It's time for me to begin my test. The procedure she did was just a practice run. I want to see if she has the self-belief I know deep down she has, here we go. "You're right. It's amazing that you didn't kill her"

"I don't understand. I didn't do anything wrong" well, you just said the wrong answer.

"Are you for real right now? You didn't do anything wrong? Are you serious? You did everything wrong. Don't look at me so shocked. You were extremely slow from start to finish. It took you forever to check her vitals and make the correct diagnosis. Your incision was terrible. If I wasn't there you would have treated her for sepsis and killed her. If I wasn't there you wouldn't have made the incision properly. Without me, she'd be dead. You're a complete amateur" Ethan hadn't meant to sound as harsh as he had done, but he wanted to make sure she remembered his coldness over his warmth. If she remembers that I can be nice when I feel like it, then I'm screwed. I won't be taken advantage of by an intern. Ethan was shocked, as he looked at her face, she didn't even look sad or she remained exactly the same. Maybe I wasn't nasty enough?

"I'm not apologising, but it is only my first day. What do you expect?" What do I expect? What do I expect? What do I expect? Is she fucking serious? What a fucking idiot. Ethan could feel himself burning up and getting angry. What a shit excuse if that? It's my first day. She deserves this humiliation.

"What do I expect? I expect doctors that are up-to-scratch and do their jobs properly. Not wannabes. Also, I'm sure your pitiful excuse would have comforted the woman's family if you had killed her, doctor..." Ethan approached her and ripped her i-d card from her Hello Kitty lanyard. Jesus, Hello Kitty? She must be a complete spoilt brat. When Ethan realised who he was talking to, he took a step back and felt his stomach twist and his heart stop. Di Georgio... Di Georgio...Di Georgio... I selected her. I ranked her number 1 from all the other 30 internal medicine interns. She was number 1 and now she sunk so low.

... "Di Georgio" he said with disgust. Saying her name out loud made him want to puke up the bagel he ate this morning. He threw her i-d card on the floor and walked away. She doesn't deserve me handing her i-d card back to her with respect. She's a disgrace. Ethan walked past the nurses who were staring at him as he walked past; their eyes gazing adoringly at him. Argh! I knew I shouldn't have gone that far with Jackie. Fuck these nurses are annoying. Most of them only became nurses to bag a doctor and a lot did. I just like them to warm by bed at night when I'm in the mood. Ethan was used to the nurses throwing themselves at him, but after a while it was annoying. As he walked away he heard the intern call him an asshole, which made him snigger.


Ethan made his way to the hospital's atrium and searched for her name. He had randomly paired up the 30 interns together without thinking about it, but he wanted to change that. Primrose was initially paired up with a doctor named Landry Olsen, but Ethan scribbled out his name and paired her up with Aurora Emery; Harper's niece. This is for her own good. Di Georgio needs more of a push. This pairing shall either make her or break her, but either way she'll thank me one day.

Ethan entered his office and despite him being full of anger and rage, he didn't feel the need to use his punch-bag or meditate. She made me so angry, unintentionally, but I can't take it out on her. I set my standards too high. I actually believed that a foreigner would be able to meet the cut here. Ethan sent an email to H.R stating he didn't want any international applicants next year to apply. He didn't care if it went against their policies; he didn't want to have to go through that feeling of disappointment again, especially on death day.

Ethan logged onto his computer and pulled up Primrose's file, as he stared in disbelief. Her High School education was at Croydon College; Ethan had never heard of that High School but had heard of Croydon. It was on American news lately that London's knife crime had overtaken New York City's and Croydon was one of the places mentioned in London. When he examined Primrose's application, it wasn't Lily Cheng's letter than secured her, her residency or the fact she completed her elective at Harvard. He studied at Harvard and he didn't understand why doctors always wanted to boast where they studied at, they were all doctors doing the same job no matter where they graduated from, but despite all of that he was impressed that Primrose had graduated from Oxford. Not because Oxford was the 2nd best university in the world, but because she was awarded a scholarship meaning she came from a poor background and must have been so extraordinary to get a scholarship. Ethan admired that but in the moment they spent together, she had completely evaporated any feelings of respect he had for her. She graduated with a Bachelor in Surgery too? What a joke. Oxford has low standards.

Ethan closed his laptop. He didn't want to dive deeper into her application form; he would be swimming in more disappointment and shock. He looked at the time.


Primrose would have been working with Aurora for at least 30 minutes by now together on their first patient Annie. One of them shall figure out what's wrong with Annie quickly. It's an easy diagnosis, but I am sure Aurora will beat Primrose to it.


Ethan exited Barbara's room feeling frustrated. Barbara was a 70-year-old woman who had been at Edenbrook for the past 6 months and she had become one of Ethan's favourite patients. She reminded him so much of his beloved, late grandmother; the only family member he loved and cared for, was gone. Ethan never talked about his family to anybody. As far as he was concerned they were all dead. Barbara was a bowel cancer survivor who had gone through intense chemotherapy to reduce the size of the tumour. Surgery wasn't an option for Barbara due to her age and size, but chemotherapy could only do so much. She still had to take several medications she hated; one that would make her queasy, constipated and cut her appetite, whilst the other one was a sachet where she would have to drink it in 2 litres to make her go to the bathroom. They both worked against and with one another. Barbara was the first patient to ever not follow Ethan's instructions; patients from all over the world did whatever Ethan said. If he said 'jump' they'd respond with 'how high?

I need to find a way to convince her to take her medications, otherwise she's going to be sick all over again and it shall all be my fault. Ethan was making his way towards the vending machine when he spotted Primrose talking to another male intern. He recognised her immediately. Since their earlier encounter he had not been able to push her out of his mind. He was still intrigued with her. Primrose spun around looking like a deer in the headlights when they locked eyes. Ethan noticed that she had brushed her hair into a low bun looking a ballerina and had changed out of her scrubs into her own clothes. Ethan looked Primrose up and down. Stop! Don't do that Ethan she can see you. Ethan's eyes lowered to her blouse. Christ, could her blouse be any tighter. Ethan can see Primrose panicking; it's written all over her face but he wonders what she is saying to the male intern, as he is shaking his head furiously in disbelief. She thinks I'm going to tell her off for calling me an asshole, but am not going to give her the satisfaction. Their eyes remain one another until Ethan steps in-front of the vending machine.

Ethan takes his time looking at every snack in the vending machine, making sure he analysed them all properly to pick the perfect snack for Barbara. Damn, there are so many options. How does anyone know what to pick? I'll go for something sweet, which shall narrow everything down. Wow, I'm just as slow as Primrose this morning. Ethan gently shook his head. Why am I thinking about her again? Ethan could hear the sound of heels walking towards him, when he saw the vending machine's reflection that Primrose was approaching him. Again his eyes fell on her chest, but she didn't notice.

"Um...hi...hello...Doctor Ramsey" Primrose said with a shaky voice. Hmm...She's nervous. Maybe she's already fucked up with Annie and is scared to tell me.

"Rookie"...Ethan glanced at Primrose for a split second and returned to looking at the sweet snacks. Okay, I've stopped staring at her, especially her breasts and now she's staring at me. Ethan and Primrose locked eyes again, both standing there with their mouths slightly open.

"Why are you staring at me?" Ethan had caught her off guard

"I..." Primrose looked down at the floor, clearly embarrassed and unable to answer. She's definitely up to something, but what? Ethan is now fully staring at her through the reflection but she's looking down at the floor. She knows how to get under my skin, my god.

"Tell me what you want quickly or leave me alone and this better be good" he snaps. I am busy and working hard here.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were busy..." Ethan raises his left eyebrow at her comment. I can't be made at her for this; I don't look busy at all to be fair. She continues. "Anyways, I was...I am a big admirer of a good way I know, not in the stalker or weird way...yeah..."

Ethan smiles every slightly at what she says. He can see her blushing. "I thought you were normal until you said all of that" he laughed.

"No, I promise you that I am normal, it's just that I'm trying to say rather inarticulately is that you of my medical heroes. I've listened to all your lecturers, watched all your speeches and all the books, journals and papers you've published, including your papers on systemic amyloidosis, Lesch-Nyphan Syndrome, Spinocerebellar ataxia..." When Ethan hears she read his ataxia paper, he immediately spins around and faces her.

"You've read my ataxia paper? That was my undergraduate thesis. They don't publish that journal anymore and it wasn't available overseas. How did you track that down?" he asks, genuinely impressed. I can't believe she tracked that down. She must be the daughter a detective or something. I could use her skills for... No! Do not involve anybody, especially an intern.

"Stalkers have their way" Primrose winks. Wow, where is this going?

"They sure do" Ethan and Primrose continue to get lost in each other's eyes.

"Do you want my copy? I can make more"

"No keep it"

"I've read more of your papers that are no longer published. Do you want me to continue?"

"I think you've made your point" Ethan turns away from Primrose; he can feel his heart getting a bit tighter. Ouch!

"Don't be boring and pick some chocolate. We're doctors, we need something sweet"

"Are you saying I'm not sweet already?" he smirks

"You could be a bit sweeter" Primrose smiles "I love kit-kat" So, do I.

"That's great, but I'm not shopping for myself, it's for..."

"Barbara, I know"

"How do you know?" She can't know Barbara. Barbara has had no family or friends visit her. Poor woman.

"Right, it's my turn to teach you a thing or two. Lesson number 1, I'm a girl"

"Really? I couldn't tell"

"Ha...You do have a sense of humour. Anyways, my point is that I am a girl. Girls find out everything and we are always right. Men can't undo us; watch me prove it to you. I'll pick something for Barbara that shall make her take her pills and eat her lunch"

"Go on then prove me wrong". Primrose moves to stand beside him. Ethan can smell her; she smells of a mix of candy and roses. He watches her closely as she takes her time scanning all the contents of the vending machine until her eyes fall onto a packet. She's slow at everything.

"What on earth is that?" I've never seen this before.

"To be honest, I'm not sure"

"You chose something for Barbara even though you have no idea what it is?"

"Looks like it" Ethan can't stop shaking his head at her. "Besides, you're American you should tell me what it is" True, I should know.

"I've never heard of Chuckles Gum before"

"Are you sure you're American?" Well played

"Last time I checked I was"

"Well it looks to me like this is bubblegum and there are jokes written on the packaging like the Penguin chocolate bars that have penguin jokes written. Ooh look there's a medical joke. What type of blood did the doctor have?" they both stare at each other again. 

"Type-O" She laughs, but Ethan doesn't. That joke was lame. A Kid or Primrose would find it funny. Typical Primrose.

"I got it. It's just not funny"

"I thought you had banter"

"Banter?" This must be English slang I've never heard of before.

"Look, just give it to her, she'll love it." Ethan holds the packet in his hand, hesitating. "I've got your back" Primrose winked at him, leaving him paralysed where he was. Damn, I should never have used that expression to her. She's not going to let me forget it now. I might as well give these to Barbara, I've got nothing to lose, expect my pride. Ethan enters Barbara's room and hands her the gum. She pops one in her mouth and screams of joy at the joke she just read out. Ethan tries his best to make it look like it was funny. To his shock, she takes her medication and starts eating her lunch. Ethan runs out of her room to face Primrose; now he is standing with his mouth wide open like a fish.

"And that Doctor Ramsey is how it's done" Primrose says to him, before he has had the chance to ask her

"I can't believe that worked. Tell me you're secret" I really need to know.

"I'm a girl"


"I am being serious, me being a girl is how I knew she'd like the jokes"

"Those jokes were awful though"

"You're a guy"

"I know"

They stared at each other again in silence. All Ethan could hear was the clock on the wall in the corridor ticking. She had him where she wanted him. This had never happened to him before. "I think I understood you" he tells her. "Your secret even though it's not a secret is that you're a girl"

"Yes!..." Primrose clapped out loud "You have been listening. Lesson number 2, as I am a girl I am going to keep my secret about how I knew Barbara was going to like the jokes. Girls keep secrets" Girls are so annoying; they want to know everything about you, whilst they keep secrets. Well, there's nothing I can do. She's not going to tell me her secret.

"Enjoy it" Primrose tosses him the Kit-Kat to his surprise. "You need to treat yourself. This job is hard but we can all make it a little sweeter"

"Thanks, I'll bear it in my mind but I don't like kit-kat" I need to lie to her to keep her at bay

"You will like it. Guess how I know?"

"Because you're a girl" Complete bullshit. Primrose starts to walk away and Ethan starts to feel a sadness brewing up in his chest. I am enjoying our chat. I don't want this to end already. Wow, I'm actually enjoying talking to a foreign intern.

"Rookie, wait. Why are you holding my book in your hands?" I wonder why

"Protection?" What the hell? Was she going to bash me around with it or does she mean another type of protection? Yuck. She shakes her head "I just felt like it"

"I thought you wanted my autographs. Isn't that what you ask when you meet someone you admire? Give me your book. Let me give you something too". He scribbles a message inside her book, hiding it from her. Ethan watches her read his message beaming from ear to ear. For my sweet fan- Doctor Ramsey.

"Awe, you think I'm sweet?" Primrose beamed. Of course I do. Who wouldn't?

"Sort of, you appear to be a chocoholic. So what are you going to do with my book now? Place it on your shrine dedicated to me?" I have a sense of humour or banter as she called it.  "Now get back to work, Di Georgio" Ethan watches her stop walking and turn around when he calls her by her surname. Why is she getting her phone out?

"Maybe I'm a stalker too" he winks as he walks away.


Ethan returned to his office to enjoy some peace and quiet. Since talking to Primrose he felt different, he felt calm, soft and happy. He couldn't describe fully how he felt, but he liked this feeling and he embraced these new feelings, even if he had no idea what to do them.

Jessica Alba.

Ethan opens up Google Images on his laptop and types in 'Jessica Alba'. That's who Primrose reminds me off, Jessica Alba. They could be twins. Wow. Even though I think Primrose is much more beautiful. Wow.

He is suddenly drawn away from staring at the Jessica Alba pictures in her bikinis and underwear down to his pager. His pager is alarming like crazy.

Code Blue for Room 212.

Ethan silences his pager and dashes out of his office, running to room 212. Annie...Primrose and Aurora's patient... What the fuck have they done? It's probably Primrose's fuck up yet again. All positive feelings Ethan just felt went running out of his office with him. He felt bad putting down Primrose all the time, but she had already disappointed him and Aurora was Harper's niece; she had an unfair advantage and knew more than Primrose by default.

I'm there.


I hope you guys like this new chapter, sorry if it's long. And I hope nobody shall get upset with the nurses stereotypes I've written.., I'm a nurse 👩‍⚕️ enjoy the next parts and follow me on insta for updates (dr_ethan_ramsey_wife)

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