A New Creation...

Por AlexandraWinchester

69 1 0

A Different Take on Harley Quinn and The Joker... Before they became The Joker and Harley Quinn they were the... Más

10 Years Ago
10 years later
Bitch Please...
Asking Questions that you wont get answers for???
Having fun for a change

Finding out you created a monster...

6 0 0
Por AlexandraWinchester

John's POV

I couldn't believe that it taken me 10 years for me to find my little girl and her boyfriend Jack, I knew that she was good at not being tracked but until she ran away I didn't think that she would have been this good. I sighed as I thought back to the past and shook my head, this wasn't something I was going to dwell on, and they were now found thanks to my youngest son Sam for looking into something that we didn't think off.

I would admit that I was a little worried because of who they were now as I didn't think that they would be able to become these people being that she was a sweet child, I know that most teenagers have falling outs with their parents and this was what I thought it was till I still couldn't find her after a year. So yeah I was worried over what they would do once they had found us in there lives again.

Once Sam had come to me with the paperwork and explained to me that he thought that Harley Quinn and Alexandra were the same people, I looked to him with a confused look. I smiled back to the memory of his face as he sat down with everything that he had on Ally leaving and the letter she left and I had to admit that it was low but it was the same person, so here we were in a city that was huge trying to find them as I knew that we just needed to find them.

I looked over to Jim and noticed that he was worried as well because he was reading the files again and I couldn't help but sigh as this was the 5th time he had read through the same file, "jim that isn't helping you, you are just reading what other people have written about them" I explained and he sighed as he looked to me, "they are the worst type of people John, my son is the Joker and thinks that the world owes him something" Jim explained and sighed, "and as for your daughter she is Harley Quinn and there are stories that have come from our own hunters about her John" he said and I nodded, "I am aware" I said and he looked to me again, "John they have said that she is crazy and insane because of everything that has happened, but don't tell her that because she is known for killing for someone just saying it to her" Jim said to me.

I sighed and nodded, "I know this Jim because I have read these myself and I know that we have a long road ahead but they are our children" I explained and sighed, "I need to tell my daughter that I am sorry and that I want her to forgive me, Jim there has to be a reason to why they are like this" I said.

Jim looked to me and laughed, "because we didn't pick it up when they were growing up, you have an excuse you have another two children, me well jack was an only child" Jim said to me and I looked to him, "no I will not believe that I didn't see this when she was growing up" I said.

Jim nodded and looked to me, "I think that we should just let them be together I mean my son isn't the marrying type so I know that he won't want to get married which will be okay for us" Jim said.

I smiled as horrible as it sounded he was right as I knew the same was for my children, I looked to him as he looked scared of what we was going to do, "yeah my children don't do marriage either" I said to him and smirked, "plus I swear that my boys are gay but are hiding it from me" I said trying to take this conversation elsewhere.

He laughed and nodded as he looked to me, "yeah well it is normally girls that can read it on the boys when they are gay as it sets something off in girls about it and they normally don't shut up about it till they have got it out of them" Jim said and laughed, "or your boys are just really good at hiding it from people" Jim said.

I smiled as I turned the truck into the motel we would be staying at for the night as we agreed we didn't want to be in the city after hearing everything about it and what goes on. When I looked up I noticed that my boys where here with Bobby, Ellen, her daughter Jo and Caleb as well which made me frown as I hadn't seen him in a couple of years since Ally and Jack had been missing, something about wanting to look for them somewhere else.

I got out of the truck and smiled as the boys walked over to me and moaned the minute that I would be able to hear them, "Really this city, you know that this place is horrible and what they say about the people in this city is really disturbing" Dean said to me.

I laughed and turned to the others, "you didn't need to come Dean, I said that I was happy to see if they were here on my own" I explained and Dean just looked to me, "she is also my sister and I need to be here, she needs to know that I didn't mean what I said to her" Dean said to me and I smiled, "I'm sure she knows Dean" I said to him.

Dean smiled and I looked around seeing that the others weren't leaving and I sighed as this wasn't there fight, "I understand that you want to help search for our children, but seeing who they are I don't want any of the people that they kill to be on you guys" I explained and looked to Jim, "they are our children and this makes it mine and Jims issue, not yours" I explained.

Jim nodded and they all laughed, "Johnny they are family and we will help you with them" Ellen said to me and smirked, "plus I think that you might not want to call them mad, crazy or insane. I wouldn't call them anything else either because I don't think that they would think twice over killing you or Jim" Ellen said to me.

I sighed as I thought about what she said and I knew she was right, I knew that my daughter would still be mad at me about what I had said and done back then. I nodded as I looked to her and smiled, "I am aware of that and I promise that I will not be killed by my own daughter" I said.

I watched as Jo walked over to me and smiled, "so I have been able to get some more information on them from the hospital here when you told me who they are here" she said to me and I nodded as she passed me some paperwork, "now I did some digging into them both and well from the reports that I have been able to find and some of the reports that I got aren't good John" she explained making me look down to the papers she has passed me. I sighed as I would admit that these looked worrying, "I think that you might want to read them first before you go in" Jo said to me.

I frowned as I looked down to it to see that someone had leaked some of the records to the press as well and I turned to Jim, "this cannot be right, it says here that he pushed her into a VAT of chemicals because she was annoying him, there is another saying that he pushed her from the top floor of a building and another that says that she was a Doctor working a Arkham before she fell in love with him and ran to the circus" I said looking shocked at the articles.

Jim frowned and shook his head, "I don't think that is right, you saw them as kids and he loved her just as much as she loved him" Jim said and smirked, "he was always following her around and making sure that she has everything that she wanted" Jim explained and I nodded as he was right, I don't think that the papers were telling the whole truth. Jim looked to me and smiled, "I think that some of this might be made up to make headlines in the papers" Jim said to me.

I nodded and looked to Jo to ask if she had found anything else but I noticed that she was putting a coat on and I frowned, "Jo what are you doing, you're not coming with us" I said and she laughed as she looked to me, "she will more than likely come to me as I am more like someone she would try and hurt for no reason" Jo explained and smiled, "and being that she doesn't know me anymore as I am sure that she doesn't remember me from being a teenager, I am the best person to do this" Jo said.

I sighed and looked to the boys, "what in the hell did I do wrong to make her this person" I said looking down to the picture of her, "she was never violent as a teenager or child to what I remember" I said and noticed that the boys turned to me and sighed showing me that I was wrong. As I looked to my boys I could see that Sam wasn't looking at me so I knew that this wasn't new, "Dad this isn't your entire fault" Dean said.

I looked to him and he sighed, "look she was only following her heart and we don't know what made her this way, but the anger has always been there for her dad and it was something that I don't think you ever noticed" Dean said to me.

I nodded and knew that this would be something I would need to sort out with her later on , knowing that I needed to get this done ASAP, I turned to Jo and smiled, "If you're coming with us, you are going to need these" I said passing her a vial and smiled, "I got these from Jefferson and he said that they will knock them out for an hour which will give us enough time to get them back here, but I cannot be certain if this will work" I said.

She nodded and as she looked down to it and smirked, "this is going to hurt" she said and I nodded, "yeah it is" I said and turned to Jim, "why am I worried about this" I asked. Jim smiled and nodded as he walked over to me, "me to Johnny but I need to make sure that my son is okay and is happy because I cannot be happy if he isn't" he said.

We walked out of the room and I turned to the others, "make sure that the people around here and in the other rooms can't see in here, because we could get reported and I need her to speak to me before she tries to kill me as I have a feeling that I am going to be dodging some knifes or a couple of bullets" I said.

They all nodded as we walked out of the motel room and we got into the truck where I turned to Jo and smiled, "are you sure about this because I don't think that she is the nice girl she used to be" I explained and sighed, "from what I have read in her file from the hospital is that she is not a friendly person anymore and I am not being the reason your mother try's to kill me" I explained.

She smiled and put her hand on my arm and smiled, "I remember when she was little and she was always the nice girl and would speak to me" Jo explained and smiled, "so this is why I am doing this because I believe that she is still in there somewhere" she said to me which made me smile.

I turned back to the road and ran my hand over my hair hoping that no one was going to get killed or at least hurt because I had a feeling that she was going to try something, "yeah well all that ended when I told her that I didn't like Jack for a boyfriend, I made her so mad at me that night that she ran from me" I explained.

She nodded and looked to me, "so I have a question" she asked and I nodded, "go on" I said and she laughed, "why did you tell her that you didn't like Jack, I didn't think you and Jim had a problem with each other and wouldn't mind your kids together" she asked.

I sighed and looked to Jim, "I don't have an issue with Jim or Jack at all and as much as I wanted to find what killed their mother I didn't want her in this life for the rest of her life" I explained and looked to her, "I was worried that if she fell in love with a hunter that she wouldn't get out of this life and I couldn't have her being a hunter being that we always end up dead" I explained and sighed, "but I pushed her away instead" I said.

She nodded as she looked to me and I smiled, "don't worry, she should listen to me after she has finished having a tantrum about me finding her again" I said to her.

We got to the town centre and noticed that it wasn't that busy and looked to Jo, "are you sure that you want to do this because if these don't work she will more than likely kill you" I said to her holding out a syringe of sedative for me to be able to push into their necks.

She nodded and Jim and I watched as she walked into the centre and we waited for our kids to get here, I could admit that I was worried over this because of everything that was happening and what I wouldn't be able to control but I knew that I needed to make sure that she would speak to me.

Jim and I were stood behind a wall looking out to see if we could find them if they came in a different way and so we could also see Jo from where we were encase she needed us as her mother really did scare me at times and I knew that she wouldn't forgive me if anything happened to her because of my daughter. I heard a car and knew that it would be them, we watched as they got out of the car and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the file didn't make it real for me as now I could see her, she was really pale and so was Jack which made me frown I turned to see that Jim looked worried and I smiled as I knew that he wouldn't be able to do this to his son. I looked to him and smiled, "I have this" I said to him.

I walked out of the hiding space I had and smiled as I walked up behind Jack and sighed, "Sorry Jack this isn't personal" I said and pushed the needle into his neck and put the sedative in his system to knock him out so we would be able to get them back to the motel for them to speak to us.

Jim ran over to me and quickly checked his son over and sighed as he grabbed hold of him, I walked over to my daughter and noticed that she looked so pale that she looked ill and I picked her up frowning as she didn't weight a lot which I knew I would be doing something about as I couldn't have her ill and underweight. Now that I was looking at her properly I could see that she was really underweight as was Jack.

We walked over to the truck and placed them down in the back of the truck and I turned to Jim smiling, "I will stay in the back just in case one or both of the wakes up, I have extra sedative if needed" I said.

He nodded and he drove us out of the city centre and I was amazed that no one battered an eye about us doing this, normally kidnapping was a bad thing and we would have been arrested, but seeing who it was that we grabbed I could see why they didn't care.

I ran my hand through her hair and smiled as she looked like her mother with all the blonde hair and I looked over to Jack and noticed that he was just as pale as her but he had bright green hair and was covered in tattoos as well. I looked over to my daughter and noticed that she had a new one as well as some that looked old; "John" Jim said making me look to him.

I looked around and noticed that we were at the motel and I grabbed my daughter and carried her in like she was sleeping and Jim pulled his son over his shoulder as we walked into the motel room closing the door behind us so we wouldn't get noticed or caught with Harley Quinn and the Joker.

I walked over to the chairs that I noticed where in the middle of the room and placed my daughter down in one of them and tied her to the chair so she wouldn't be able to get loose and looked to the boys, "thank you for making sure there was somewhere to tie her to" I explained and Sam looked to me and then to his sister, "shit she is white" Sam said to me as he walked over to her.

I watched as he bent down looking at her and sighed as he turned to me, "she really did go all the way bad didn't she" he asked me.

I nodded and sat down on the bed and looked to Ellen who looked really scared and worried at the same time, "Ellen" I asked and she looked to me, "would she had killed Jo" she asked me and I sighed as I looked to her, "she is just as evil and cruel as is he is Ellen and she would have killed Jo if she could have" I explained and held my hand up as she went to moan at me, "I wouldn't get close to her and I wouldn't have let that happen to Jo as you know I would have protected her" I explained.

Ellen nodded and I noticed that she grabbed Jo and pulled her closer to her and smiled at me, "I would like to keep my daughter alive being that yours is happy to kill anyone" she said to me and we went to waiting for them to wake up.

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