
By BridgetCPerron

360K 5.3K 734

Colleen lives in a world where you have one main choice, are you a dominant, or a submissive? For a girl fear... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen

17.7K 258 84
By BridgetCPerron

Chapter Thirteen 
Colleen Terry 

"Shush, shush," He purred, taking another bind and tying my hands together at my front, before pressing himself against me to hold me to the wall. "If you just relax and accept it, you may enjoy this as much as I will." 

He wrapped a blindfold around my head, and with it I squeezed my eyes shut tightly beneath the fabric, struggling against him, though I was too weak to budge his heavy body. 

As he pressed his pelvis against me, I could feel how hard he was against my thigh, causing me to squirm, and, while doing that, I almost didn't realize that his hand was slipping up my leg and underneath my towel. 

The feeling of his cold hand against my flesh made a shriek echo from my lips, though it was muffled heavily by my gag and didn't stop him from cupping his hand between my legs, his fingers slipping and roaming in ways that made me feel sick. 

Tears escaped the cloth of the blindfold as I heard, and felt him undoing his belt before unzipping his fly, not even being phased by my pitiful struggling as I was no match against his strength. 


I awoke with a start, the memory playing out in front of my eyes even though they were open. 

Squeezing my eyes shut, I couldn't help the tears that began streaming down my cheeks along with the pitiful sobs that echoed heavily from my lips. 

Drawing my knees up to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them, hugging them close to me as I cried, trying my absolute best to comfort myself, but, that seemed to not work in the slightest as my tears and sobs did not cease. 

"It's alright, sweetheart, don't cry..." 

I jumped slightly at the sudden sound of the soft, distant voice, and my eyes whirled around the room in search of someone who could have spoken, but, I found nothing until my eyes landed on the glass doors leading out onto the balcony. 

The curtains hanging in front of the glass fluttered slightly in the breeze coming from the crack in the door, and, I felt my heart almost stop. 

"...h-hello?" I whispered, forcing myself to push the covers off of me and swing my legs off the edge of the bed, the carpet feeling warn and gentle against the soles of my feet as I stood up, cautiously making my way towards the door. 

I pushed it open enough to slip through, the warmth of the carpet changing to the coolness of the stone balcony as the refreshing breeze fluttered through the baggy clothes that hung loosely off my small frame. 

Scanning the balcony carefully in the darkness, I was unnerved when I found that no one was there, and, deciding I must have imagined the voice, I turned to retreat back inside. 

Slipping through the crack in the door, I sniffled, wiping the tears that were only soon replaced as I shut the door completely, latching it shut and pulling the curtains over it to cover the clear glass, before I turned to go back to the bed. 

I jumped slightly, letting out a startled cry as my eyes landed on the figure standing in the darkness of the door frame leading to the living room. 

"Colleen, calm down, it's just me." David's calm voice soothed from the darkness, and I felt myself relax slightly as I reached up to try once more to wipe away the tears, tired of seeming like a pitiful, weak child in front of him. 

"Sorry, I j-just thought I h-heard something, I d-didn't mean to w-wake y-you..." I stuttered, immediately feeling ashamed at the extent my voice wavered. 

"It's fine," He replied calmly, taking a hesitant step forwards as I crawled back under the covers, peering at him as my eyes adjusted more to the darkness and I could make out his features. "I heard your crying, that's why I woke up... what happened?" 

"Oh, j-just a nightmare. It's n-nothing, I'm fine." I told him meekly, looking down at my hands just in time to see a drop of water land on my skin from my tear filled eyes. 

David was silent for a moment before he approached the bed, sitting down on the side and watching me quietly for a second through the darkness, before he spoke softly. 

"Do you think you will be able to fall back asleep?" 

"I... I don't know..." I replied honestly, avoiding meeting his eyes, until I looked up in surprise as he climbed under the covers at my side. 

"Well then, how about I lay here with you and attempt to comfort you, at least until you fall asleep, then I promise I will leave." He suggested, and, I couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, before nodding my head, which he could somehow see through the darkness. 

"Okay, then, come here." He instructed gently, laying down, getting comfortable before holding his arms out to me. 

I hesitated once more before laying down, allowing him to take me into his arms and pull me against his chest, where I was tense for a minute before slowly and cautiously wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"You have nothing to fear, Colleen," David whispered, adjusting his hold on me and placing a hand against my hair in a comforting motion. "I'm here, and I'm not going to let anything hurt you, alright? I promise." 

I nodded against his chest and closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep. 

After a moment, I realized it was no use, as, despite how tired I was, every time I closed my eyes, my mind was haunted by terrifying images, and I hated that, so, I had to keep them open. 

I think David knew I was still awake, not even attempting to sleep, as, I suppose he could feel my eyelashes brush against his chest every time I blinked. 

He sighed softly, before I heard his low voice begin to sound in a melodic tune. 

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr..." 

I couldn't help but smile as I listened to him sing, and somehow I was able to let my heavy eyelids fall shut, the images seemingly not as bad as they were, now that I was somewhat distracted. 

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr..." 

I was almost asleep when I felt David shifting, attempting to move my arm from his waist so he could return to the couch, obviously thinking I was asleep, but, part of me really didn’t want him to go, so, I wasn’t going to allow it. 

Tightening my grip on his waist, letting out a small murmur of disapproval, I felt David pause, before he let out a soft chuckle and settled back down, replacing his arms around me. 

"Fine, have it your way..." 

His voice was the last thing I heard as I fell into a calm, dreamless sleep. 


It didn't seem like very long until the thin ray of sunlight peeking through the curtains of the balcony doors, awoke me from my light sleep. 

I yawned softly before my eyes slowly fluttered open, and, immediately they landed on David's bare chest merely inches away from my face. 

Blinking, I looked up to find David's eyes closed, though, he wasn't asleep, as his eyes opened when he felt me move, and he greeted me with a smile, clearly having been fully awake for quite some time. 

"Good morning, Colleen," He greeted me, to which I returned with a simple smile. "How did you sleep. After you woke up crying, I mean." 

"Good, I suppose... how about you?" I returned, and he grinned. 

"Rather well. It was really cute, actually, last night when I tried to leave, you clung to me and wouldn't let me leave. Then, this morning, when I tried to leave so you wouldn't be make when you awoke, you clung to me once again." 

"Oh... sorry." I blushed, and David chuckled, tapping me gently on the nose. 

"It's fine, you don't seem to be mad that I'm still here with you, so, it turned out alright. It was cute really cute that you seemed so attached to me in your sleep, I'm honestly quite flattered." He smirked, to which I smacked him gently on the chest. 

"Watch your ego, you butt." I scolded, feeling a bit more like myself, and not as shaken up as I was last night, though, that feeling had not disappeared. 

"Feeling better, I see?" David chuckled, before moving his arms from around me, and pushing himself to sit up, with me following suit. "Well, I think we'd better get dressed, and go get the stuff you left behind, before someone else does. If you're up to it, I mean?" 

Even though the thought of going back to that hotel made my stomach turn, I still nodded my head, climbing out of David's bed and grabbing the clothes off the floor that I had worn here the night previous. 

"Can I change in the bathroom this time?" I questioned David, quirking an eyebrow, as if daring him to tell me that I couldn't. 

"Fine, if you wish." He chuckled, apparently my tone and expression being amusing to him, causing me to huff in annoyance as I made my way into the washroom, closing and locking the door behind me. 

I stripped from the clothes that David had allowed me to borrow as pajamas, before pulling back on my bra, sweater, jeans, socks, and boots from the night previous, making sure I looked alright, patting down my purple hair before I walked back out of the washroom. 

David was standing a few feet away, having quickly got dressed into a dark t-shirt and dark jeans, with his black jacket over top and his boots peeking out from under the hems at the bottom of his jeans. 

He offered me my glasses, which I had left of the night stand, allowing me to take them and replace them on my face, sitting on the bridge of my nose. 

"Ready to go?" He raised an eyebrow questioningly, to which I nodded. 

"Ready as I'll ever be, yes." I replied with a sigh. 

"Well, aren't you enthusiastic." David teased, to which I rolled my eyes, grabbing his sleeve and pushing him out the door. 

"Shut up and let's go." 


"Honestly, Colleen, I think you brought more books with you than you did clothes when you ran away from your house." 

I chuckled as I continued packing away my clothes from my closet, while David busied himself removing the few - few to me - books I had managed to take with me. 

"You're probably right, though, I never had a lot of clothes to begin with, I always spent my money on books, and occasionally chocolate." I explained, and David paused, looking over at me to give me an amused look. 

"I feel like you used to word 'occasionally' as an understatement." He observed, and I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I continued to fold my clothes and tuck them into my bag. 

"You may be correct..." I mumbled, ignoring the smirk on his face. "I will admit, I can be somewhat of a choco-holic."  

"I knew it," He laughed, causing me to roll my eyes as I placed the last of my clothes into the bag and zipped it up, placing it on the bed as I pushed the closet door shut with my foot. "Alright, that's the last of the books. I think that's everything." 

"Yeah, we've got all of it. Just a duffle bag and a back pack." I told him, and he gave me a weird look, placing the back pack on the bed beside the duffle bag. 

"That's really weird..." He mused, causing me to tilt my head to the side curiously. 

"What's weird?" I inquired, and he grinned, letting me know he was going to say something either sarcastic or incredibly sassy. 

"I'm one hundred percent sure that you're of the female gender, yet, you only have one bag of fashion shit? Something must be wrong with you." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes, smirking lightly as I spoke in response. 

"Funny, I was thinking something similar. I mean, I'm one hundred percent sure you're an egotistical Dominant that thinks very highly of himself, though, you don't have a girlfriend. Something must be wrong with you." 

"Ooh, ouch," David cringed in mock offense, though, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he shouldered the back pack and picked up the duffle bag. "Though that may currently be true, I have a feeling it won't last. I mean, not with you around, at least." 

"Oh, in your dreams, David." I shook my head, following him out of the motel and towards his car, watching as he turned to meet my eyes, a unknown look in his as he smirked before speaking four words that made me blush. 

"Of course, every night."

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