Meeting the Devil's son(Under...

By bunchsofoats3

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She was having dreams about him since she could remember; it would usually only happen twice a week. But when... More

Meeting the Devil's son
Chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter eleven

529 11 0
By bunchsofoats3

"You don't understand, Evie! I know you love them and miss them, and I will never forgive myself for taking you away from all of this. But I cannot lose you." Near the end, his voice became quiet and sounded defeated.

"There's no other way Ryker, they need me here." Tears were streaming down her face, she had never felt so strongly.

"I need you. I'm selfish, and again I apologize. But if I go back there without you, I'll be a failure in the eyes of my kingdom, to them it would show that I'm weak and-"

He reached for her but she pulled away. "That's what all of this is about to you?! The only reason you want me to come back with you is because you don't want to look weak in front of your kingdom?!" She laughed in disbelief and began to walk away from Ryker with no more to say, then she turned on her heel suddenly. "If your kingdom is so important to you, go back to them. But don't expect me to go back with you."

"Evie, don't-"

She stomped out of the room with long strides, making sure to slam the door behind her as hard as she could. She didn't like fighting with Ryker and she especially didn't want their conversation to end the way that it did. But she wasn't going to leave her family and friends again, not after she realized how much leaving had affected them.

She wanted to be with Ryker with all of her being, but she couldn't be with Ryker knowing that her family and friends were suffering because of a decision she made.

Ryker started after her and grabbed her hand to keep her from walking away from him. His eyes and voice were pleading and defeated. "Please Evie, I don't want to lose you..."

Slowly, she felt her heart literally ache. "I don't want to leave you Ryker," she remained stern and pushed back her feelings. "But I can't be with you knowing that their suffering. As much as your kingdom means to you, is as much as my family means to me."

His voice became low and to Evie he sounded scared, nervous. "I will not leave you here by yourself."

"I've lived here 17 years without you Ryker, I'm sure I can survive one more." She turned again, but he stepped in front of her.

Placing his hands on her shoulders and staring into her eyes. "It's different now Evie, people know that I've declared you my Sani. There are people that are against me, and if their against me, their against you. It's not safe for you by yourself."

She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. "Why would they be against me? Their your people, not mine."

"Because your associated with me and they know you mean the world to me. Think about it, Evie. If they don't like me, they'll find a reason to make me miserable. Your the only possible thing that could be taken away from me and make me feel broken."

Evie understood now. Though she couldn't understand why his people wouldn't like him, she understood what Ryker was saying. She nodded slowly.

"I will stay with you here for as much time as you need." He sighed.

"No, you have to go back. They need-"

"They have my father and Channing if they need anything, i trust Channing to take my place if need be."

"But you just can't give up your position like this, won't your father be angry?"

"I suppose, but he'll learn to cope with it. Evie, I cannot live without you. Even if that means giving up my position as Prince to live here with you."

"Your father will hate me, Channing will hate me, so will your people. They'll all blame me, and then they'll come after me."

"They won't touch you." He growled back. "They won't even come close."

Tears began to fall down Evie's cheeks, but she did nothing to hide them like she usually would. She wanted Ryker to see how torn she was, how wrong it was of him to leave his kingdom and live here with her, and how much she hated herself for keeping him from it all. She didn't want him to stay here but she didn't want him to go home either.

Ryker understood her frustration clearly, for he had felt the same. But he had made up his mind the moment Evie began to flee from the room. He felt the pain that he might lose her, and just the fear alone was enough to drive him back to her. He never wanted to let her go, never wanted to say goodbye, unless it would be what Evie wished. He hugged her and held her close to his chest, she listened to his rapid heartbeat as it slowed to a more normal pace.

"What do we do now?" She whispered, though she was afraid of the answer she might receive.

"I don't know, Evie. I don't know."


Evie waited impatiently as the phone rang, she paced the floor and counted on her fingers until she reached 52, which was when the receiving end of the line finally picked up.

"Hello?" His voice was raspy and hoarse.

"Robert! It's Evie." She responded quickly and waited a long minute before she heard his shocked response.

"Evie?" His voice brightened and he sounded more awake. "Is this really you? What happened? We've been looking for you..I started to give up."

"I know, I'm sorry. But I'm home now,"

"Your home? Wait..." There were some shuffling noises followed by a crash and a curse word. "Don't go anywhere," he said breathlessly. "I'll be right over."

The line ended and she tossed her phone on her bed. She looked to Ryker and gave him a small smile.

"I will leave you two to talk then."

"You don't have to go Ryker, you could stay here." She sat on the edge of her bed with a sigh and laid down tiredly.

He stood in front of her. "If you don't want me to leave, I won't.

She held out her arms to him, motioning him to come to her. He stepped between her legs and lowered himself down on top of her, making sure to support most of his weight with his arms. He hummed and gently rubbed the tip of his nose against hers, earning a giggle from Evie.

He tilted his head to the right slightly and brought his lips down on Evie's. She welcomed him with hungry lips and they moved in sync with each other. Evie brought her arms around his neck and wound the hair at the nape of his neck around her finger. He probed the edges of her mouth with his tongue until she finally gave into him and allowed him access.

"Hey Evie, I- whoa...sorry." Robert busted through the door and began to laugh.

Ryker reluctantly rolled onto his back with a sigh. He only wanted a minute alone with Evie that didn't involve arguing or the kingdom. But he couldn't even have that. Evie shot Ryker an apologetic smile and greeted Robert in a welcoming hug. Ryker closed his eyes, not wanting to be jealous of seeing his Sani hugging another man, but not being able to help it, even if he knew She love him and no one else. Ryker just didn't like the idea of Evie wrapping her arms around another man. But for the sake of the situation, he pushed it back and kept his mouth shut, he bit down on his tongue with his teeth.

"I can't believe your actually home. We all thought-" Robert began.

"I know, but I'm not. Safe and sound." She smiled as if to prove her point.

He nodded and smiled back. "I see. We should celebrate."

She rolled her eyes with a laugh. "I should have known you of all people would suggest to throw a party."

Ryker felt guilty for taking Evie away from her friends and family. After seeing how happy she was to see her friend again, he couldn't help but to think he took her away too soon and that she wasn't ready to be introduced to his kingdom. But he couldn't change things now, he couldn't undo what he had done, and that's what bothered him the most.

Robert shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his lips. "What can I say? I have a reputation to keep up you know."

Evie shook her head at Robert but expected nothing more from him. For as long as she could remember, Robert had always been a party animal/girl crazed teenager, and she couldn't see him changing anytime in the near future. But the whole party animal thing, fit him, he wore it well.

Evie glanced over at Ryker and realized that she hadn't properly introduced the two yet. "Uh...Robert, this is my..."

"Boyfriend. My name is Ryker." Ryker hopped off the bed, finishing Evie's sentence and sticking out his hand confidently for Robert to shake.

Robert didn't know exactly what to think of this Ryker guy that introduced himself as Evie's boyfriend. He seemed strange but yet Robert couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about Ryker that made him feel awkwardly uncomfortable. "I'm Robert." He shook his hand with a grim expression. "How did two meet?"

Again, Ryker answered for Evie. "At my father's work party. Evie's mom works at my dad's Law firm, anyways, my dad invited Evie and her mom and we met and hit it off. It was fate." Ryker could pull off a good lie, but the sarcasm is what gave him away.

Robert let out a short laugh. "No, really, how did you guys meet?"

"At Nick Jackson's party." Evie answered this time and she didn't feel guilty about saying this, because it was partially true. They has first met in person at Nick Jackson's party. But Evie wasn't going to tell Robert that she had been dreaming about Ryker for years and the only way she could communicate with him was through her dreams, and she slowly fell in love with him and he made her a promise to one day take her away to his kingdom where they would be married and he would show her off to the world. He wasn't going to tell him all of that, because Evie realized how ridiculous it would sound if she said it out loud.

Robert cast a skeptical look. "I don't remember seeing you at the party."

"That's probably because you were too plastered to notice." Evie covered quickly.

Robert laughed in agreement. "Yeah probably. " and he dismissed his suspicions.

Evie silently released the breath she didn't realize she had been holding and looked at Ryker out of the corner of her eye, who kept a neutral expression and remained calm. Seeing Ryker at ease calmed her nerves slightly, but not completely.

"Anyways, about this party." Robert continued, his mind like a record on repeat.

"There won't be a party." Evie sat back down on the edge of her bed and crossed her arms over her chest. She was beginning to feel tired.

"Why not?" Robert all but whined.

"Because," she yawned. "Because I'm too tired to babysit you."

"You are no fun at all Miss Evie Mae Walker. What happened to the infamous Evie? The crazy Evie?" Robert almost looked concerned.

"She grew up

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