The Journey of Awkward Millio...

By tvaddict15

547 50 0

Oakley White-Spruce and Mara Simmons have been best friends forever. However, living in a town full of millio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

24 3 0
By tvaddict15

Mara's POV

*September 8 2014*

 “Thank goodness,” I think as I hear the bell ring, it’s finally lunch and I’m starving! As I’m walking out I see Scott standing at his locker. “Hey Scott!” I say to him making my way to his locker. Scott is a good friend of mine and Oakley. We really don’t know much about Scott, just that his family has a lot of drama so he moved out here to Shield so that he can live with his Uncle.

 “Hi Mara! How was your summer?” he asks me when I finally get there. “It was good, how about yours?” I ask him, “It was really nice being able to spend some more time with my brother. Are Oakley and you eating in the courtyard today?” “Yeah I think we are, do you want to join us, then we can all catch up?” I ask my friend. He says sure, then we agree to meet in there.

 After putting my binder into my locker I start heading out to the courtyard. While searching out Scott and Oakley, I see Logan and one his buddies arguing, and on other the other side of the table it seems like a little crowd forming around someone.

When I finally find Scott sitting at a table alone, I sit and ask him what’s going on. “Apparently at that party last night, Charlotte cheated on Landon Sparks, with one of Landon’s friends!” Scott says. “Wait what? But Landon was at that party too! Who did she cheat with?” I ask him, “Marcel Echolls!” he replies. I’m shocked, Landon and Charlotte have been together since sophomore year, they seemed so perfect. I guess you could call them the schools “it” couple. 

 “You know what Landon?!? I’m staying with Marcel. We are done!” we hear Charlotte shout from their table. Scott and I turn to see what is going on. “I broke up with you already Charlotte. Yes everyone, someone actually just broke up with the Charlotte Pemperton!” we hear Landon say back. Scott turns to me and mouths “whoa” and I couldn’t agree with that more. Then we see Marcel approach them and say “Dude, chill.” And they just stand there, and then I heard someone yell “fight!” from the crowd, and apparently Landon heard too, because he shakes his head, passes Marcel and Charlotte, and walk back into the school.

 “Wow now basketball practice is going to be really awkward!” says Scott. “Wait Marcel didn’t join the basketball team did he?” I ask him, “Yeah tryouts were yesterday, he’s on the team.” He replies, “Anyways where’s Oakley?”

“Not sure, she told me she would me meet us here, I’ll give her a call.”

 On the phone with Oakley she seemed like she was crying, but she reassured me that she was okay, and she did say she’s on her way so I’ll ask her about it in person when she gets here.

 Scott and I go to buy our lunches and run into Gwen. She comes back to our table with us and the three of us fall into conversation. Oakley comes, and we fill her in on everything that’s happened with Landon and Charlotte. “So that’s the guy I saw her with at Logan’s party!” Oakley says after we finish. “Wait what?” Gwen says, “At the party when we were looking for you, I walked into a room and saw Charlotte kissing someone, I guess that someone was Marcel.” Oakley explains.

 Right after Oakley says this, Charlotte comes stomping over to our table. “YOU!” she yells at Oakley, “Me?” she replies confused, “It was you wasn’t it? It was you who told Landon about Marcel and I!” Charlotte yells, “Wait Charlotte no…” Oakley starts to say but Charlotte cuts her off “Don’t even deny it, I saw you come into that room at the party, I know you saw us, and I know you told Landon!” she cries. “Charlotte it wasn’t me who told him!” Oakley says, “Stop lying, you were the only one who even knew!” she says back “You know what Oakley? I’ve only tolerated you because you have a killer tumble, but now I’m going to make the rest of this year the worst year for you!” she then storms off.

It’s just silence at our table now until Scott speaks up and says “Well this is going to be a long year.”  

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