Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

35.1K 1.1K 127

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime

09 : Proposal

765 25 2
By goldenpup45

The next day, Rhian avoided her father by all means; no talking, not even eye contact. Not that her father cares anyway. Even though its Sunday and having a day off, her father seems to be still busy with something. So it didn't surprise her when her father didn't instantly apologise to her the moment she came out of her room. She knew that her father was not that kind of a guy. Which was fine to her, since she was still pretty mad at him. Plus her day would also be a very busy one.

Her mother was out because she had to attend an important meeting while Sam has basketball practice so it would only be her and her father.

So after taking a bath from having a sweaty exercise, she put on comfortable clothes and looked at her reminder's chart that was hanging just above her desk table. It seems that she has few quizzes she'll be taking and a lot of performance tasks to be submitted, most of them major.

Well, I guess I should start then.

Rhian decided that she'll be working first on the performance tasks, specifically the ones that are due tomorrow Monday. Then, if she could take it, even the ones that are due in the middle of the week. She was never a fan of cramming, because its really stressful and load-bearing. She's not complaining though, because most of the tasks she's handling now are more on arts and essays, which Rhian excels in.

After that, she took a break and check her phone for any messages. True to her assumptions, she had plenty of unread messages, mostly from her friends. She didn't open any of it, because she knows that they'll be asking how it went with his father and she don't want to deal with it just yet. So instead, she went through her social media accounts and see what's new.

After 30 minutes, she went back to her task. This time, to study for the upcoming quizzes. She only skimmed the important things because she always study her subjects after classes, so it wouldn't be that difficult.

A knock was heard just as Rhian was starting to stack up her books on her desk table. She opened it and saw her maid.

"Lunch is served Ms. Rhian. Also, Sir Jason is here."

"What? Why? When did he arrived?"

"Your father invited him, I suppose. I overheard him talking to someone and said to come over. Guess it was Sir Jason. He just arrived a few minutes ago."

Rhian internally groaned and thanked her before the maid went away.

Great, what are they up to now?

She fixed the remaining books and arranged her projects neatly on the table before she went downstairs.

As she was descending down the stairs, she raised her eyebrow when she saw Jason holding a bouquet of flowers while talking to her father. When Jason's eyes met with Rhian, he stood up and greet her. Rhian approach them and asked why he was here.

"Well, your father invited me..." Rhian tried her best not to roll her eyes. "And ask permission if you and I could go on a date today."

"Of course, I said yes." Her father smiled.

"I'm sorry, but what part of "I don't like you" do you not understand?" Rhian asked.

"Rhian..." Mr. Ramos warned. "Don't start."

"Whatever." Rhian went to the dining room and began to eat. She heard Jason saying in a semi-whispered tone, " Its alright, I guess we could just hang out here inside the house."

Rhian scoffed.

Like I'd hang out with him.

The two joined her and began eating as well. The conversation was poor, because Rhian refused to participate in it, only answering about her academics. Despite Jason's constant questions to Rhian, the brown-haired girl just kept ignoring him.

After a few minutes, Mr. Ramos couldn't take her daughter's silence, and decided to speak up.

"Rhian, I didn't raise you to become rude to other people. Do you not see how Jason here is trying his best to reach out for you? The least you could do is respond to his questions."

Rhian glared at him."Oh, and not telling your daughter about her fixed marriage and make her run the family's business at a young age is not? Because in my book, that certainly is very rude."

"I was gonna tell you beforehand-"

"But what? You were busy at work and decided to drop it at me like a bomb?! Like it wasn't a big deal?!"

Mr. Ramos sighed. "You know why I have to do this. I just want what's best for you. And frankly, this business of ours and a future with Jason is the right-"

"No its not! Father, this is my future we're talking about! My life! I don't want this! I don't want to be a part of any of these! Its my choice not yours!"

By now, Rhian's eyes begins to water, and both her and Mr. Ramos were standing, facing each other.

"Rhian, I am your father! I'm the more experienced! So trust me when I say that I know all the right choices for you! You will do as I say!"

She stared at her father in disbelief. "No! I am my own person! And I would not run the business and would certainly not marry that jerk!"

"You do not talk to your future husband that way, young lady!" Mr. Ramos lash out to which Jason smirk at Rhian.

The latter was about to yell at his father again when a ting! was heard, indicating that there's a guest outside of the house.

Mr. Ramos and Jason gaze at the door, want to know who is at the door while Rhian look down and wipe her tears.

"Glaiza, its you." Mr. Ramos said. "What brings you here?"

"Hi sir, me and Rhian are working on a school project ..." Glaiza then notice that they were on the dining table, with... Jason. She tried not to frown. "Oh uhm, am I interrupting something? I could come back if-"

"No that's fine. I'm already finish." Rhian gaze up to meet Glaiza's eyes. She was dressed simple, holding two eco-bags.

"Alright, then we better get started. I'm sure we could finish early, now that we could work on it together." Glaiza said. "Oh, and I brought brownies, dad had some extra from his work."

Rhian paused as she replay Glaiza's words. that we could work on it together.

...we could work on it together. on it together.




On that moment, an idea struck Rhian's mind. A crazy idea. She don't know if it will work.

But, well, desperate times calls for desperate measures.

"That's great!... Babe..." She approach Glaiza and held her both hands. "That's one of the things I like about you. You're always such a sweetheart!"

The two of them are facing each other, and thanks to Rhian's height, Mr. Ramos and Jason couldn't see Glaiza's eyes went wide.

"I know you have questions, and I'll answer it later. For now, just keep your mouth shut and smile at me." Rhian whispered then faced the two man.

"May I be excused? I promise Glai- I mean, my girlfriend, that we'll be watching a movie after we work on the said project." Rhian smiled when she saw that both of them had their foreheads creased.

"Did I hear you correctly? You said, Glaiza's your... girlfriend?" Jason asked to which Rhian merely nodded. "But that's proposterous! You guys aren't even... friends! You, you, you, don't talk to each other! And... and... you're both girls!"

"You don't know what goes on between Glaiza and I, Jason." Rhian remarked.

"Rhian, whatever it is you're trying to play, it won't work on me." Mr. Ramos said calmly.

"I'm not playing anything. I'm telling you the truth." Rhian lied as she intertwined both of their hands and held it infront of them. "We really are together."

Straight face Rhian. Straight face.

"Come on Rhian, its so obvious that you're just doing this to counter your dad's plan for you. You know, to call off the marriage and escape the responsibility of having to run your family's business early... Now tell me, am I right?" Jason smirked.

Rhian would really love to wipe that smirk away and strangle him to death. But for now, she kept her hands to herself and appeared calm.

"Really? If you say that its all fake, then would I do this?"

Rhian turn around to face Glaiza and gave her an apologetic look before grabbing both the sides of her face and lean in.

Rhian's father and Jason stared in surprise. From what they've seen, it looks like the two are really kissing. But what they don't know is that, Rhian's lips only fell on the corner of Glaiza's lips.

Glaiza's hand went to Rhian's in attempt to break free from her grasp, but Rhian held tightly so it only looked like they were kissing passionately.

Before Glaiza could suffer more, Rhian pulled away.

"Does that support what you just said?" Rhian smirked, talking to the two men.

"Rhian, what is going-"

Rhian immediately cut Glaiza off by saying, "You know what, our time had been wasted enough, so we'll get going now."

Rhian grab Glaiza's wrist and went upstairs, ignoring her father's calls and Glaiza's constant struggling to break free. As soon as they entered Rhian's room, she immediately close the door and locked it, knowing that her father will be barging in.

"What... the... actual... fuck... was THAT?!" Glaiza exclaimed.

"Okay, Glaiza, just calm down-"

"Do you have any idea what you just did?! Girlfriend?! You said I'm your girlfriend?! Is this some kind of a joke to you?! If it is, its not FUNNY!" Glaiza shrieked.

Oh boy, I knew she'd react like this. Good thing my room is soundproofed.

"I know, I know, That's why I need you to listen to my explanation. " Rhian said as she led her to bed to sit. "But while I'm at it, I need you to  keep your questions to yourself until I finish."

Glaiza cross her arms. "Fine, now talk."

Rhian obliged and told her about her father's plan for her future. From when Glaiza left yesterday, up to the earlier happenings during their lunch and Rhian's plan to avoid her father's decisions for her.

"Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight... You want me to be your fake girlfriend to prevent your father from pursuing his plan for you to get married to Jason and running your business?" Glaiza asked.

"Yes," Rhian answered. "But only for the time being. You know, until father dismiss his stupid plan."

Glaiza sighed. "Look Rhian, I'm sorry that this has happen to you. I really am. I didn't know Tito would do such a thing. But, being your girlfriend? I have to disagree. Not that it bothers me, but just because I don't want to be a part of this."

"Come on, Glaiza, don't you want to help me? Do you really want me to suffer by marrying that jerk?"

"Of course not! But I'm in no one's side. I don't want to be the cause of the argument between you and your father. Plus, I have Benjamin."

"What about him?"

"He's my boyfriend." Well technically, no. He's still courting her, but it would eventually lead to them being a couple amyway.

"Then don't tell him." Glaiza raised her eyebrow in a 'are you crazy?' look. "Fine, I guess you can inform him about it. But I wouldn't worry about it if I were him. Its not like I would steal you away from him."

"Rhian... I don't know..."

"I'll give you 5,000 pesos a week! I'm sure that'll help cover up your dad's expenses for his medicines."

Glaiza widened her eyes at Rhian. "How did you know about- nevermind, I'm going." She stood up and went for the door.

"Wait! Wait! 10,000 pesos then?" Rhian also stood up and grab Glaiza's arm.

"Are you serious right now?! You don't get to buy your way into me with your money! Do you think you can just easily get what you want because you're rich?! I'm not that kind of a person! I'm not interested in your money Rhian! I don't want it! Especially not from you!" Glaiza shrieked and was about to open the door when Rhian instantly slam it shut, preventing her from going out.

"Rhian let me out!" Glaiza said.

"Alright, alright, okay, maybe the money thing wasn't a good idea-"

"Its not!"

"Okay, okay, well, how about this, I get you to be employed." At that, Glaiza stopped struggling. "My relatives all have successful businesses, I can talk to them about it and help you get a job. Sounds good? All you have to do, is be my fake girlfriend."

Glaiza paused for a moment then said, "It's only for the time being, right?"

Rhian nodded. "Yes, it will be really quick and you got to have a steady job. So what do you say?"

Glaiza bit the insides of her cheek as she contemplated Rhian's words. Well, there really is no harm in agreeing. With her help, maybe Rhian's father would forget about the plan he has for Rhian. As for Glaiza, she'll be discovering more about Rhian and the things she missed when she was away and also help her dad cover up her medical expenses. So technically, it will be a win-win situation.

"Alright, fine, I'm in." Glaiza finally agreed.

Rhian smiled widely and began to ramble on about the things they should and shouldn't do as a couple, but Glaiza didn't really make out the words Rhian is trying to say because of how fast she was talking.

"Okay stop! Lets discuss those things later. For now, lets focus on the project, because in case you forgot, my grades is important to me. So..."

"Right, right, of course." Rhian said and the two of them began to work on the said task.

When Rhian asked her for the needed informations, Glaiza instead fished out cut-out pictures, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. From her eco bag, she also took out some colored and special papers.

As she was doing so, Rhian stared at Glaiza in confusion. "What is all these?"

Noticing the former's expression, the latter explained her newfound plan about their project. Instead of creating a powerpoint(which, according to Glaiza, is quite boring), they should make a scrapbook.

"First of all, powerpoint is not boring, but is in fact, a formal presentation that doesn't require that much work. Besides, we've already agreed on this." Rhian reasoned out.

"Yeah well, clearly I've changed my mind." Glaiza responded sarcastically.

"Glaiza," Rhian warned.

"Come on Rhian, powerpoint presentations are very common. I bet that majority of the class will use that kind of strategy. I suggest that we mix things up a bit. You know, gotta let out some sparks of colors in a dark and moody topic, that is World War 2."

"What are you, 10? Scrapbooks, are for children! We're Seniors, we're suppose to be acting mature, smart, and formal."

"But that doesn't change the fact that it'll make our grades higher. Sir said to choose a creative concept, and making a scrapbook is the one that fits that category."

Rhian sighed and rub her temples."Glaiza...Just agree with me on this, okay?"

Glaiza's shoulders slumped and gave a weak nod, as she started gathering all of the cut-outs she made. As she was doing this, Rhian was watching her. Looking at the things Glaiza made, she suddenly felt bad. It was all cut out from different shapes and colors. She really put on effort in making it. It would just all go to waste if they don't make use of it.

Rhian let out a groan and said, "Fine."

Glaiza look at her in confusion.

"Let's do this project your way." Rhian continued. Glaiza's face brighten up instantly and they started on working on it. Rhian decided that they use her art materials since Glaiza only bought few. Rhian didn't complain much because not only did most of the work was Glaiza's doing, but she also enjoys designing it. Well, she enjoys making art in general. After an hour, their scrapbook was already finished with a pop of colors and designs presented in a neat way.

"Wow, I must say, this idea of yours is... not that bad." Rhian commented as she scan their project, flipping on the pages.

"I know." Glaiza proudly said. "I'm so brilliant."

Rhian shook her head. "Whatever. Anyway, since we're already done, should we talk about my proposal?"

"Wait, you're really marrying that Jason guy?"

"What? No! I'm talking about you being my fake girlfriend!"

"Oh, right! Right." Glaiza said. "So how do we make this work?"

Rhian smiled, thinking of all the possible(and reasonable) things they should do to make her father and Jason cancel that idea of theirs of her fixed marriage.

So for the rest of the afternoon, the two talked about the do's and don'ts as a couple. Surprisingly, throughout the whole afternoon, Rhian's father didn't come banging the door which Rhian had assumed, and frankly, she couldn't care less.

It was already sunset when they finish. When a maid knocked on the door, saying that dinner is ready, that was Glaiza's que to go home. She decline Rhian's(sort of) offer in joining them eat,even though she was feeling hungry herself.

"You sure you don't want to stay for dinner? Manang Felia's cooking is surely one you can't miss. She cooks delicious and very good foods." Rhian said hoping that Glaiza was convinced. Merely because she don't want to join her father and possibly Jason in an awkward dinner.

"As much as I would like to taste her cooking, I really need to get back home and also cook for dad and Chloe." Glaiza said as she arrange her things.

"I understand. I'll get Manong Danny to drive you home." Rhian said as she was about to get up but Glaiza immediately stopped her.

"You don't have to do that."

"Are you kidding? I'm sure that in this time of night, its not easy to get a trycicle. Let my driver drive you to your home."

"No really, you don't have to do that. Benjamin is already on his way to take me home." Glaiza said.

Rhian paused for a moment then gave a nod. It was now starting to make sense to her. That maybe this Benjamin guy is someone very close to her. Even though Glaiza said that he's the boyfriend, Rhian could detect doubt in her eyes. But now, maybe what she's saying is true. Maybe.

She was brought out from her thoughts when a phone rings. She saw Glaiza picked it up from her pocket and answered it. After a few seconds, she hanged up.

"Hey, I'm going now. Benjamin is already outside."

"Oh sure, see you tomorrow?" Glaiza nodded, grabbed her eco bag and went outside.

Rhian proceed to arrange her art materials and throw the remaining strips of paper. Then went downstairs to the dining table, where her father was already seated. Thankfully, her mother and brother were also there. And Jason wasn't in sight, luckily. She eventually joined her family in the dining table and they all began eating. The dinner was lively because of Mrs. Ramos shared how her day was but was mainly about Sam's funny experiences during his basketball practice. To Rhian's relief, she and her father weren't questioned about their day throughout the night.

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