The Beauty and The Beast

By calianaking

115K 2.2K 450

After the big battle, Hogwarts students didn't flee like they were expected to, but stood tall fighting for t... More

Chapter 1: New beginnings
Chapter 2: Lifeless heart
Chapter 3: Forced bond
Chapter 4: I'm sorry
Chapter 5: Memory Lane
Chapter 6: New dorm
Chapter 7: Mistakes were made
Chapter 8: Hargrids Heart
Chapter 9: Lake Mistake
Chapter 10: Drunk with Lust
Chapter 11: Remembering
Chapter 12: Wishing
Chapter 13: Eyes
Chapter 14: Tears
Chapter 15: Harry
Chapter 16: Mourning
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Fights
Chapter 19: Special Place
Chapter 20: Bullies
Chapter 21: Leader
Chapter 22; Talk
Chapter 23: Stood up
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: She
Chapter 27: Bruises
Chapter 28: New Love
Chapter 24: The Cheat
Chapter 29: Aria
Chapter 30: Redemption
Chaper 31: Hold me close
Chapter 32: Formal
Chapter 33: Slow dance
Chapter 34: To heal
Chapter 35: Additions
Chapter 36: Lint
Chapter 37: Check up
Chapter 38: Alone
Chapter 39: Rekindled
Chapter 40: Time of our lives
Chapter 41: Tied down
Chapter 43: All Love
Chapter 44: In awe
Chapter 45: Wedding
A/N; 1K Reads!!!!
46: Another one
Chapter 47: Others
Chapter 48: Wrong

Chapter 42: Pansy

1K 27 1
By calianaking

Draco's P.O.V

"Sup bitches!" She screeched and everyone cringed. She was still annoying.

"What do you want, Pansy?" Hermione says and I panick.

"Relax, I just wanted to say, congrats"

Everyone immediately stops what they are doing. What the actual fuck?

"What are you really doing here?" I sigh and she smirkes, the kind demeanour leaving.

"I want the ring" she says and my mouth drops open. She wants me to marry her?

"I'm not marrying you!" I yell and Hermione wraps a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want to marry you motherfucker, I want the ring from your mother. It has special powers. I want it, I need it" she said and I shook my head.

"Not a chance in hell! That belongs to me and my family" I said and she grimaced.

"Family? What family!" She shrieked and I leaned down to kiss Hermione's cheek. My fiancée. We are going to be together. Permanently. Forever.

"My beautiful wife and child. Her parents, my friends, they are my family"


"Really" I nodded and she smirked. Before I knew what was happening, she ran and grabbed Hermione, pulling out a wand and putting it to her stomach.

"I could kill this child, right here right now" she said and my heart froze. She was not serious. This person was my life. My soul. Hermione gasped as tears ran down her face.

"No! Stop, don't do this! Please no!" I cried and she cackled.

"Will you give me what I want!" She said and I was too paralysed with fear. Hermione's eyes were hurt. She got the wrong message.

"Ok have it your way!"

"NO!" I screamed in agony.

"Avada Kavadavera"

My heart stopped beating as Hermione fell to the ground. No. I screamed and fell to the ground, tears running down my face. I was convulsed in pain, yelling as I doubled over. My fucking world. Broke like that.

I sat there screaming for hours, a fire spreading through my body, burning the rest of my soul. Everything was a blur to me. I couldn't hear or see anything. Gone. The love of my life. Because I couldn't move fast enough.


I woke up in a white room, machines hooked up all around me. A girl was sitting next to me.  She was gripping my hands, her eyes tear stained. No way. No fucking way.

"...and I love you so fucking much. I'm three weeks away, wake up babe. Please, please wake up. I can't lose you, you mean the world to me and our almost born child" she sobbed.

Hermione? No I'm hallucinating. She died. Because of me. What is she doing here? Was she even real? I gently squeezed her hand to check and she froze.

"Sweetheart!" I croaked out and she lay there, stunned. I grinned weakly. She was alive, the love of my life.

"Draco?" She whispered and I nodded. She screamed and launched herself at me. I engulfed her and inhaled her scent.

"I missed you, so much" she said and I kissed her cheek.

"Me too, I thought you died. I agony. What happened? Where am I?"

"She almost killed me, but Aria used the...spell to kill her first, god I love her so much. And then you were in pain and have been in a coma for over a month"

I stood up and towered over her. Grabbing her face gently, I pressed my forehead against hers. She smiled softly and entangled our hands, our rings brushing each other. I lifted her hand up and kissed her ring. I tilted her head and captured her lips with a soft kiss. A gentle, sweet kiss. She grinned.

"I love you so much" I whispered and she pecked me.

"I love you too"

We lay there against each others forehead and took long breaths. I kissed her again, more desperately and she responded. We made out until we couldn't breathe.

I crouched on my knees and placed my hand on her giant belly. Tears pricked my eyes. Our baby. My blood. I kissed her shirt and lifted it. Pressing my lips to it, I rested my head against it and felt a soft kick.

I lifted my hand and caressed it. She grinned and i pecked her stomach again.


As soon as we walked in the house, she squealed. When I bought it, I knew she would love it. It was beautiful. Ours.

She laughed and leaned up and kissed me deeply. I grinned.

"You like it, huh?" I asked.

"Like? I love it. I love it so much. Our kid is going to grow up here. In this house" I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

"Soon, love"

She left to go shower a couple minutes later. I boiled water on a pot for spaghetti and left it there. I was about to add the spices when i heard a scream. Turning the stove off, I rushed upstairs. I crashed her door open and she was lying there, blood pooling at her legs.

Oh shit, it was happening.

"It's happening!" She screamed and I dashed over to her, holding her up.

"Okay breathe baby" I whispered and quickly washed her off and dressed her.

Gently laying her in my car, I practically jumped into it and furiously started the engine. Driving carefully, I held her hand as she squeezed it like there was no tomorrow.

"Ouch! Oh fuck!" She screamed.

"I'm so sorry, but think that we will have a baby after this. The pain is temporary, it won't last forever. When you have this child and you are a mother, you won't even be able to remember the pain" she immediately calmed down, sighing.

"I'm sorry, but labour is a bitch"

"It's okay, a little longer"


Eight hours later, the sound of crying filled the room. Relief spread through me. Hermione immediately passed out form exhaustion.

I was bursting with happiness. My baby. A child, our child was finally here.

"It's a girl!" They said and my heart soared.

"We have to keep it here for a week, you can't see her yet, because she is premature" i nodded, my brain completely flipped.

Before I too, collapsed.

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