Hazbin Hotel x reader one-sho...

By NefariousLacuna

82.5K 1.1K 677

I'm sorry for making so many stories and not being able to finish them :( I just recently found out about Haz... More

Alastor x Narcoleptic! Fem! reader
Yandere! Alastor x Shy! Female! Angel! reader x Yandere! Angel Dust
Request Page!
Alastor x Male! Powerful! reader
Sir Pentious x reader {Fluff}
Dating Sir Pentious would include...
Dating Lucifer would include....
Angel Dust x Quiet! reader
Sir Pentious x reader
Lucifer x Powerful! Female! reader
Husband! Alastor x Kidnapped! reader

Alastor x Female! Dream demon! reader

8.9K 150 93
By NefariousLacuna

Requested by: Kurowolf707 


   You spread fear throughout Hell, you were rumored to be powerful than Lucifer himself, and even the king feared that you might test it. The pentagram were terrified of sleeping, knowing that you took form in their dreams. 

You were able to make anything happen, it was your world after-all. That's when the sinners decided to call you the 'Dream demon', despite how classically lame it sounded. You weren't that bothered by it.

You had your physical form and your dream form. You get signals when someone is about to sleep and you simply turn into grey gas in order to slip into their mind. You can do this at the same time, it can vary from five to twenty people. 

It's not that hard.

By your reputation about your dream form, you were already feared in your normal state. You could simply be walking down the block and everyone would scatter off like a herd of mice.

You wet your lips and gazed upon the large flashy sign with a smile on your features. Hazbin Hotel. 

The hotel to rehabilitate demons, how pathetic it sounded.

You fixed your hair curtly before knocking on the stained glass, humming silently, you heard soft patters of feet as they reached the door.

"Hell--!--oh?" the princess of hell jolted back in shock in your presence. You chuckled. You then noticed the bags under her eyes, it amused you even more.

"Why hello, sweetheart. Can I come in?" you asked nicely, behind the blonde was a grey demon who disagreed.

Charlie, you recalled, had allowed you in despite her friend pressuring her to not allow you in. You looked around at the clean main room of the hotel, and smelled a wafting scent of jambalaya from the kitchen.

"I believe you know who I am, correct?" you asked and cocked your head at Charlie. She sheepishly nodded.

"I-I'm Charlie, and this is Vaggie," she pointed at the moth demon, "and I can introduce you to the others, if you want. Miss."

You chuckled, "How polite, demons now and days seem to forget common courtesy."

Charlie's nervous look softened a bit before she led you to the bar, you were met with a strong scent of alcohol. It made you scrunch up your nose in disgust, Charlie felt her heart drop.

"Uh, Husk? I want you to meet," Charlie nervously glanced at you, "It's...uh, the dream demon."

"DREAM DEMON?!" Husk choked out and awoke from his drunken state, he stared at you with wide fearful eyes. You smirked at him.

"You know, I really hate the smell of alcohol," you threatened and sent him a toothy smile.

"I-I'll fix that for ya'," he chuckled nervously before relentlessly spraying the room with cans of air freshener. 

Charlie adverted her eyes before ushering you to the kitchen, the scent of jambalaya was amazing.

"I'd never thought I would meet the dream demon," a radio-type voice said in amusement.

You looked up to meet eyes with the famous radio demon. You smiled and chuckled softly, "Vice versa, my name's Y/n. What's yours?"

"Alastor, darling. Would you like some jambalaya?" he lifted up a wooden spoon with a clump of jambalaya on it. 

"I would love too," you said sweetly before he handed you the spoon, you curtly ate the piece and handed it to him. He awaited your response with worry buried deep in his chest, yes, he was a powerful demon as well. But even he knows that there's demons more powerful than himself.

And you were one of them.

"Anything I need to work on?" he asked and stared at you, his worry deepening when you didn't respond.

"Oh, sorry, I heard a signal from someone," you chuckled lowly and wiped your lips, "and the jambalaya was amazing! I must ask where you get your recipe from."

Alastor exhaled in relief, "From my mother! Her jambalaya was so good that it almost killed her! Hahaha!"

You laughed as well, finding his presence very comforting. While you two bonded, Angel dust lounged on the couch with a very tense Vaggie beside him.

"Who's the girl?" he asked and eyed you.

"Wait! You don't know who she is? Do you not keep up with any of the powerful demons?" Vaggie asked in irritation.

"Eh," he shrugged.

Vaggie grunted in annoyance before looking at you, "Y/n, the dream demon. When she first came, it was similar to Alastor. Both were mortal souls, and both were feared on the first day. She slips into people's dreams and brutally kills them, she can control over a hundred people's dreams if she wanted to...if she and Alastor forms an alliance. Hell is done for."

Angel stared at you while you ate another spoon of Alastor's food, "I would definitely tap that if she had a dick."

"Did you even hear what I fucking said?!" 

Angel shrugged before sauntering over to the fridge to grab a Popsicle. You glanced at Charlie before curling your finger at her, she squeaked in fear and quickly walked to your side.

"You look tired darling, get some sleep," you patted her face, "I promise you won't see me in your dreams."

"Really?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"I never break my promises, sweetheart," you rubbed your palms, "It's rude."

"Thank you, so so much!" she exclaimed in excitement before trotting over to the others to tell them about what you said. They glanced at you before they got up to head towards their rooms.

"That was quite nice of you," Alastor complimented before removing his apron, "do you want to talk in my room?"

You stared in his eyes, he felt his heart jump. He couldn't tell if it was in fear or admiration, maybe both? But the feeling was overpowering his actions, he could feel his fingers shake softly. 

For a split second he regretted asking you that question.

"What are your intentions?" you crossed your arms, your eyes glowing a bright hue of red, "because if they are bad I will make sure you sleep forever, with me as your main host."

He didn't know he jumped, but looking at the distance between you two. It seemed he leaped backwards, he awkwardly closed the distance and regained his confidence.

"Only the purest, my dear," his smile grew, "I am simply interested in getting to know a powerful tyrant like yourself."

Your eyes fluttered back to normal, "I'm quite charmed, well then, where's your room?"

"Just follow me, my dear," he walked past you, his hand brushing over yours, before walking over to the elevator. You followed behind with a playful smirk on your face.

"I think I like it here, people are polite and not rash like the ones I'm confronted with," you sighed in relaxation, "it's like a breather."

"I've heard you been busy."

You smiled proudly, "Correct, I'm simply spreading my name around. Or just for fun, it gets boring sometimes."

His eyes lit up, "So, you yearn for entertainment?"

You shrugged, "I guess you can say that."

After that, the walk to his room was silent. The only noises that was heard was the pair of footsteps that belonged to you both.

Moments later you arrived at his room, he politely held the door open for you to walk through. You softly thanked him and entered the room, he followed behind and shut the door. Making sure to lock it silently.

"What a nice room you have," you complimented and skimmed through his room with your eyes. You counted five deer heads in the room and one large creature you haven't saw before, the room held a dark hue of red which was lit up by a lamp on his desk.

"Thank you, my dear," he hummed before taking a seat in his desk's chair. You decided to sit on his bed since there was no more chairs to sit in. 

He turned the chair around and adjusted his posture so that he was sitting straight up, he crossed his legs and laid his staff on top of his thighs.

"What year did you die in?" he asked softly, you caught his eyes glowing softly, you gave him a smirk.

"A couple weeks after you died, I forgot the year," you crossed your legs, "I remember falling into Hell while you were still the rave."

Alastor hummed softly, "What did you do while you were alive?"

You glanced at your black nails and rubbed your palms, "Well, I killed people in their sleep. And ironically I died in my sleep. I think that's probably why I came to be the dream demon that everyone's scared of."

Alastor stared at you, observing your movements and when you rub your palms subconsciously. A warm sheet seemed to embrace his heart when you returned his stare, it was as if you two were speaking without words. 

"I have a question for you," you smiled and rose from your seat on the bed, "do you sleep, perhaps?"

Alastor didn't know if either you said that as a threat or not, it was hard to tell over his heart hammering loudly in his chest. Well, it seemed loud to him, he even feared you might hear the small patters.

"Of course I do," he replied, his toothy smile never faltered from his face.

You strode over to him and kissed the top of his head, his ears instantly flattened at the sudden contact. His eyes turned into dials and his antlers grew a couple inches bigger, but he didn't feel threatened. 

You chuckled, not fearing the form that took hold before you. "I'll see you there, sweetheart."

And with that, you shrunk into a ball of grey gas and wavered over to the vents. You were sucked into them, and you allowed the vent to lead you back to the outside where you can haunt others. 

Of course, you kept your eye out in case Alastor's signal rung in your ears. 

Alastor felt a blush rise on his cheeks, all of these new emotions and the breakage of his facade was a blow to the face. How could he fall so hard upon the first encounter? Was it because you had power? Was it your beauty? Personality? 

All of it? He had no idea why his heart pattered hard for you, for an actual person. For years he had no interest in romantic partners, especially the dirty parts. But once you showed up, he wouldn't waste a second on trying something new.

To love someone.

"Dear me, look at the state I'm in," he muttered to himself and waved his staff into thin air. He stripped a couple layers of his clothes and kicked off his shoes, he stared at the dip on the bed of where you sat moments ago.

He sighed softly before walking over to his side and tucked himself in, using his powers he turned off all the lights in the room. But laid there in silence. 

Slowly, he closed his eyes and rolled over to his side. The only thing he could see from the darkness was your face holding a cheeky smile. 

He smiled as well.

~Time skip a few years~

       Four years is a long time commitment for a relationship, but the powerful duo planned on staying until the end of time. As Vaggie feared, you and Alastor joined forces, except in a more romantic way. It didn't matter to her. 

      But Charlie seemed all for it, after the event of you allowing her to sleep. She grew close to you, as if you were her second mother, even at times she would accidentally call you mom. It saddened you that her mother figure was barely around. 

The staff accepted you and Alastor, but mostly in fear that if they rejected they would be slaughtered. And when years passed, it seemed like you all were family.

You sat in a relaxed position, a book in hand and Niffty in your lap. She sewed torn clothes in a quick pace and took the chore of sewing the slit in your dress while you read. 

You felt an itch on your neck, you quickly scratched at it before continuing reading the book. Alastor suddenly appeared by his shadow and sat next to you. 

"Hows your read going, sweetheart?" he asked and peered at the words in the book. 

You looked up at him and slid a bookmark in between the pages and shut the book, "It was relaxing, you seem tense."

Alastor laughed, "You shouldn't worry about me, my dear. I am perfectly fine!"

You hummed and kissed his forehead, he relaxed in your touch and grasped at your hand. He leaned his head on your shoulder and placed a kiss on your neck, he exhaled softly and melted to your side. 

Niffty neatly folded the sewed clothing before tilting her head back to make eye-contact with you, "Can I sleep here?"

You smiled softly at her, "Of course, sweetheart."

She squeaked in happiness and laid her head on your chest, your free arm wrapped around her while she shifted in order to hold your arm. 

You removed your other arm from Alastor's grip and wrapped it around his shoulder, he chuckled lowly and adjusted. His head was now resting on your collarbone, you could feel his cold breaths hit against your neck. 

He closed his eyes, "I love you, sweetheart."

"Me too!" Niffty added. 

You smiled softly and closed your eyes as well, "I love you all as well."

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