Tʜᴇ Pᴇᴀᴄʜ Tʀᴇᴇ

By P3achSoda

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Characters for RP More

~ iຖtr໐~
❧ Gᴇᴍɪɴɪ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs | Nile
❧ Gᴇᴍɪɴɪ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs | Ezra
❧ Fʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴏғ Nᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ | Silas
❧ Fʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴏғ Nᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ | Elliot
❧ Tʜᴇ Bʟᴏᴏᴅ Tʜᴀᴛ Bɪɴᴅs | Adonis
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Neri
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Laika
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Sinnon
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Nile
❧ Tʜᴇ Gʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ | Ingrim
❧ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Rᴏsᴇs | Emerson

❧ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Rᴏsᴇs | Jude

53 4 0
By P3achSoda







#1, Prodigal Child

|Bɪʀᴛʜ Nᴀᴍᴇ|      

Nile Reeves












Far from a small boy, Jude stands above average at 6'2. While he's not overtly bulky, he's for sure lanky with long arms and legs to show for it. His chest isn't super broad but he's got a good set of shoulders on him. With lean muscle spread out amongst the expanse of his body, Jude makes up for not being very filled out by just being big. No one really takes the time to dwell on how dense his mass actually is when he's looming over them and has a wing span than could rival the height of others, as that sight is intimidating all on its own.

Jude's skin is a fair olive-tan complexion, his face dotted with pretty little moles. His ears are notable, endearingly a touch too big as they peek out from his curly dark locks. Jude has a strong facial structure, with sharp cheek bones and a pronounced jaw. Despite how intimidating he may come off as, the truest feature on Jude are his eyes. A dark hazel shade, Jude's eyes are the only remaining assets that provides a glimpse into his once soft soul.

|Tɪᴍᴇ Pᴇʀɪᴏᴅ|      

The 1940s


The middle child of a family that only barely made ends meet, Jude was a small town sweetheart with his head in the clouds. Despite being smart and excelling at his studies Jude was brought up in an economy that was struggling to recover from the Great Depression. This meant that he didn't have much of a shot at a promising future. Poor odds aside, Jude really did have a heart of gold during his time on earth and only aspired to help out with the family business, hoping to lessen the strain on his hard working parents.

It seemed that fate had bigger plans for Jude however, when the Second World War sprang into action and all able bodied young men were drafted to fight. A kid that had essentially never traveled far from his close knit town and a pacifist at heart, he was understandably scared out of his mind when he had his head shaved and was packed onto a truck with dozens of other males. It was strange, suddenly seeing parts of the world that he'd never even imagined journeying to and suddenly learning how to assemble a life ending weapon with his eyes closed. War was loud, and uncomfortable, his nerves always on end as each passing night brought the fear that he'd never see his family again. As time passed and no sign of the war ending was in sight, Jude swallowed down his homesickness and set his mind to doing the best that he could with the situation in front of him.

Plucked from his quaint life and thrust into a world of violence and following orders and strategizing just to survive, Jude was surprisingly good at what he did. He was respectful and carried out his tasks impeccably. This made him a favorite amongst his commanders, and having intelligence as his secret weapon, it didn't take long for him to be moved up the ranks. He gained experience and strengthened relationships with higher ups to make as many connections as possible. War was drilled into Jude's being. Bomb drills and battle tactics became all he knew. It gave him a purpose, but at a cost. Soon it became hard to distinguish his morals and true character beneath memories of trench maps and machine operating. But he'd earned himself a rather coveted position in the ranks and could make his parents proud. The price of selling his soul was shrouded beneath the mantra of serving his country.

While debating bringing a new general into their ranks, Jude was consulted as he was known for being a good judge of character. Seeing the man as having the expertise and necessary credentials, Jude put in a good word for him. Unfortunately, even after all he'd learned in his military training, Jude was still trusting and a bit naive at his core. He believed in this general and what he could do for their cause. He let himself form a relationship of trust with the general and it may have caused him to be blinded towards a few warning signs. After working his way into a position of power, the mysterious general would although prove to be a traitor to the American army and would lead Jude's platoon to their death.


Seeing as the new general had become a close confidant and friend of Jude's, he didn't hesitate to take his advice on a lead he provided about the enemy's position. The general told Jude exactly where to find the opposing troops' camp and proposed a battle strategy. Jude lead his fellow soldiers into the operation and soon found that trusting the general had been a fatal mistake, as the entire plan had been a trap. The enemy had been ready and waiting for them. Jude watched in horror as gunfire and shrapnel rained down on his comrades, wiping out his entire unit.

Deafened and mutilated by an explosion, Jude stared up at the gray sky as he bled out. He died face to face with the general that he'd thought was his friend, the man having come over to finish him off with a smug smile and a gun to the temple.


There was a time when Jude was soft, a sweet and optimistic boy blinded by the safety blanket his small town provided. He was raised by a hardworking family that taught him to leave a kind mark behind on the world, which ingrained into him a heart of gold and, unfortunately, a cloud of naivety.  The world seems to find no qualms with breaking those with big hearts and Jude learned that he hard way. As pure as he was at the core, there was no avoiding the change that came with the horrors of war. Those traumas paired with the unjustness of how he died played a part in the persona he took on as a demon, a twisted rendition of the exuberant male he once was.

On the surface, Jude is still a likable guy. He's got that early 1900s classiness and always conducts himself in a respectable manner. He still maintains a sunny demeanor, and its only when he threatens unspeakable horror with a smile on his face that one gets the full scope of what he's capable of. It's almost as if Jude's psyche could no longer differentiate between his benevolent soul and the monster born of tragedy, producing an odd split that leaves him as a swell guy that will also not hesitate to ruin you should you get on his bad side. Jude is pleasant and fair so long as you stay in his good graces, as his alter ego is an unpredictable and malevolent force laying dormant and sugar coated.

Jude is smart. Arguably a young genius of sorts, he observes everything around him and plays his cards right to produce the desired result. Getting to the place he is isn't easy, and it didn't come without sacrifices. That being said, once he's inspired by a cause he sets his mind to it and is determined to see it through against all odds. Upon being faced with a person or a cause that he believes in, his loyalty is unflinching. The chain of respect is something that Jude values a lot, but he's also aware that being likable is essential to maintaining a good working relationship with the members of his gang. He tries to be approachable despite his intimidating presence and mannerisms, and makes it a point to get to know the members of his family very well.

His death having been the result of betrayal, it's no surprise that Jude is extra cautious when dealing with people. This distrust, however, can easily waver into an almost obsessive paranoid aura and it tends to come off as really eerie. Try as he might to be likable and maintain the respect of the members of the family, it isn't very reassuring to have someone drill you with questions regarding your loyalty and intentions before breaking out into smile once they're satisfied they've found what they're looking for. It's hard to trust someone who seems to have such a complex over it, and its something he's trying to work on.


Jude is a prodigy. Despite being a fairly young demon, he's a jack of all trades and picks things up quickly. This trait, along with him being savvy with knowing what relationships and connections to prioritize gave him the edge to become Nicosia's youngest iminica as well as right hand man. While he may not know it, the skills he picked up working in the military world during his first life is subconsciously part of the reason he's so good at what he does.

Jude is known for being a naturally good judge of character. Aside from his initial intuition to one's true intentions, he's almost notorious for going to extreme lengths to be sure that anyone he comes in contact with business-wise is worthy of the family's valuable information.

Jude is a man of action. He really knows how to commit, and follow through if it means gaining an advantage for Nicosia's place in the war. War is something familiar to him, even if he doesn't realize it yet, and he's damn good at it. Wether it be strategizing how to get the drop on the enemy or fortifying and defending the family, Jude isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and somewhere along the road he began to genuinely enjoy his work.


Distrust aside, Jude really wants to see the best in people. He's a big advocate for the sentiment that everyone contributes to the cause in their own unique ways and he prefers to bring people up, and focus on their positive assets. As hard as he tries to ensure that only trustworthy people make it through the ranks, this attribute may at times blind him to the weaknesses or warning signs exhibited by those he encounters. A big rooter for the underdogs, Jude can certainly be a softy for struggling demons that remind him of his old self. Taking outcasts under his wing is a risky business, and he could definitely stand to be a bit tougher on these favorites of his lest they turn out to be more trouble than they're worth.

While he may be a prodigy and doing fairly well for himself in the underworld, Jude is still young. Very young for an iminica in fact, and that means that he's still got a lot to learn. He's emotional, and still has plenty of room for mistakes before he builds up centuries of experience like the others.


❧ Jude's death mark resides on his right temple, where the gunshot wound dealt the final blow to end his life.

❧ PTSD that followed him into the afterlife, Jude gets twitchy and anxious in the presence of loud noises. Confined spaces also cause him discomfort. With no memory of his former life, Jude isn't aware that the source of the trauma comes from the explosions and trenches of the war he was subjected to.

❧ Fae blood is his favorite and he considers it a special treat when he's able to get his hands on some.

❧Is a cinnamon roll, but will stab you and enjoy it.

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