Planting a Rose

By AbelardoGuajardoG

681 44 18

This is the story of the beginnings of Rose Quartz, told by herself, Pink Diamond. (Original image "Pink is R... More

Act 2: What's the use of feeling blue?
Act 3: The preparations
Act 4: Once in a Blue Moon
Act 5: Getting prepared
Act 6: First Impressions
Act 7: Meeting the crew
Act 8: Sworn to the Sword
Act 9: Duel of the Quartz Soldiers
Act 10: Argue
Act 11: Roses do not hide from thorns. Diamonds do not hide from pressure
Act 12: The End of the Beginning of Rose Quartz

Act 1: Beginnings

115 5 3
By AbelardoGuajardoG

I don't know exactly the year in which this took place. On Homeworld, the Gems had a different concept of year. I guess that the year that this took place is like 6800 B.C. This started in session of discuss of important subjects of the Gem Empire in a building on Homeworld made to such thing. The Great Diamond authority, my family, my mother White Diamond and my sisters, Yellow and Blue Diamond, alongside with the best philosophical Gems (which name I don't remember to be honest) of their courts, were discussing important military subjects of the Empire. Well, they were discussing that.

I, in the other hand, wasn't interested in that at all. There are times in which I am ashamed of myself. My people, the Gems, needed a leader, but I was less than that at time. I was only interested to pass time with my friends Spinel and Pink Pearl (I will later write more of them) and having a colony to be considered mature by the other Diamonds and all their courts. I only wanted a colony for that, nothing more, nothing else. I thought that with that I will be respected by the other Diamonds. I was so childish, so immature. If I could travel in time, I will give my younger-self a good punch of reality. A good leader knows how to act and make sacrifices for her people, to put her personal interest apart for the best of her people.

I will describe what happened in English, since obviously we didn't used English in that time, principally because it didn't existed. We had an ancient Gem language that stopped to be used as I introduced other languages in order to defeat our enemies, a brilliant idea of mine that ended with endless lives and planets.

-So, Yellow, how is going the war against the Chitauri?- the imposing and terrifying White Diamond asked smiling.

-We had some setbacks. Some of our colonies have fallen into their hands. But, we discovered some important information. Apparently, they, somehow, started to power their vehicles with the object of unlimited power that we called "Cosmic Cube". With the Cosmic Cube, they don't longer need any other kind of energy source as fuel for their machine, so, the Chitauris are no longer exploiting the natural resources of their planets for the fuel, only to get the ammo for their weapons. This Cosmic Cube has, apparently, unlimited power and unknown origin- Yellow Diamond explained.

The Chitauri are commonly referred by the humans as Reptilians. They were, at that time, our greatest enemies, this because they had in their power something that we called "Cosmic Cube" (the Nazis called it "Tesseract"), which, at first, as Yellow told, gave them a source of unlimited energy that centuries later they started to use to create terrible weapons of destruction. I, as Rose Quartz, lead the troops of the Gem Empire and defeated them, but, I couldn't retrieve for us the Cosmic Cube, because I lost my physical form when touched it. However, we defeated the Chitauri and I (as both Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz) personally exterminated them, at that time I didn't cared for the life of the organic beings, now I am terrible regretful. I can't sleep without seeing all the faces, the cries of suffering and mercy of the lives of men, women, children that I took with my mere hands.

I thought that I exterminated the Chitauri until Mew told me that some of them fled to the Earth and hide the Cosmic Cube, which hide the Cosmic Cube, which was found by Hydra at some point of late 1930's and was latter lost in the ocean after final battle of the Captain America against the Red Skull in May of 1945. That is better in the ocean, it only causes death and destruction to everyone that wants it. Well, Let's return to the narration

The smile of White Diamond changed into a serious face, which scared everyone, except of me. And, in that moment, an stupid idea came into my mind.

-Don't worry Yellow, I will send my best troops to kill all the Chitauri and I will retrieve the Cosmic Cube for us!- I said with a high tone.

I didn't had idea of what I have said. I didn't knew in that moment how many Gems were shattered trying to defeat the Chitauri. I didn't had idea of the magnitude of the situation.

-I like your courage Starlight. That's the courage and inspiration that our troops need to succeed in the battlefield- White Diamond said.}

White Diamond always called me "Starlight", is her only way to show me affection, to show me love. Have you ever heard that the eyes are the windows of the soul? Well, that's true. Looking directly to White Diamond's eyes I discovered how she felt. At that moment, she was happy by my response.

-Thanks! And, with killing the Chitauri and obtaining the Cosmic Cube...I will obtain my own Pearl and my own planet?- I asked excited.

I already had a Pearl, but I considered her a friend, an equal, not an object nor a slave. I had the idea of getting another Pearl so she could take care of my colony when I was absent. A Pearl per colony. Now that I think about it, it was a terrible idea, since the other Diamonds wouldn't liked the idea of a Pearl making the job of a Diamond, but they are capable of doing it.

-Of course Starlight! That will make the Gem Empire greater than ever and you will also show your importance to the other Diamonds- White Diamond said.

-No!- Blue Diamond said defiant.

We, surprised, looked at her. It was surprising that someone was defying White Diamond's decision. And more for me because it was my best sister, the one that helped me, the one that supported me and made my punishmenst less terrible, my sister Blue Diamond.

-WHAAAAAAT!?- I said.

-You are not prepared to command your army Pink. You don't know what is really to fight into a war- Blue Diamond said.

-And how do you think that I will learn if you don't let me participate in the war!?- I said angrily, while stomping the ground like a little child.

-You don't know who are your neither generals nor commanders! You don't know by how many Gems your small army is composed! You don't take seriously these reunions! Nor the Kindergartens that we shared to you to make your own Gems! Now tell how we will let you go to the war if you don't act as a the Diamond that you are?- Yellow Diamond said.

I started to cry as a deep sadness and a sensation of betray took over me.

-Yo-you hate me! You are ashamed of me because I'm not like you!- I said furiously, making a huff and then leaving.

I ran without looking back. I ran a lot of inferior levels and stayed there, crying, thinking that Blue and Yellow hated me and didn't wanted to help me. But now, seeing it at the distance, I see that they did that because they loved me. They wanted to protect me from the horrible things that happens in a war, they wanted to protect me from seeing my people, from seeing my comrades, my friends, die in the battlefield. When I went to the battlefield years later, I understood why they didn't wanted me to get involved in that. The death of innocent and the death of innocence. The wars changed me, forever. I have to admit that the Diamond are right in some things, but they have to admit that they are wrong in a lot of things.

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